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Borderlands 2 | The Wishlist of Infinite Wishing


I don't care about story in my loot games since the point is to grind for loot in new game plus. That said an improved story would be a nice bonus.

Borderlands 2 needs:

More loot variety (more gear besides guns)
More enemy variety
More levels (even if you only get a skill point every other level to stretch it out more)
More environment variety
Gambling system to act as money sink
More new game plus (let you go infinitely like Demon's Souls)
Access fast travel network sooner


THE Caffeinated said:

What, you don't like wandering around for fifteen minutes trying to find the lunchboxes and gun parts!?


Oh and no fucking Gamespy.

Lord please no gamespy. I'd rather run 30 miles of ethernet to my buddies computer.


Zzoram said:
I don't care about story in my loot games since the point is to grind for loot in new game plus. That said an improved story would be a nice bonus.

Borderlands 2 needs:

More loot variety (more gear besides guns)
More enemy variety
More levels (even if you only get a skill point every other level to stretch it out more)
More environment variety
Gambling system to act as money sink
More new game plus (let you go infinitely like Demon's Souls)
Access fast travel network sooner
I don't agree with the "skill point every other level," and I would add easier, more frequent access to fast travel networks.

My biggest issue with Borderlands is how samey everything feels after a while. The DLC does a lot to add variety, but fast travel is limited in DLC worlds and it becomes tedious traveling the same stretches over and over again (Knoxx is worst for this).

I like the 4-player co-op system, but I wonder if something like Fable's orb solution for seeing and communicating with players might not help create a world more alive.


I'd just like splitscreen online. That alone would have increased my time with the game tenfold, as I have been playing the game on the couch with my GF a lot while 2 friends of ours were on Live. All four of us would have liked the opporunity to play the game more together.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Fix the vehicles or remove them.

Edit: Beaten, it seems.

Worst vehicle handling ever.

Oh, and a better UI.


Unconfirmed Member
As other have said, more customization (armor, accessories) and more classes would be fantastic. A few randomly generated areas would be nice too.
Scrow said:
just make it a full-blown MMO
Please don't.

4 players is perfect. If they want to add MMO elements, make the cities more purposeful (for crafting, haggling, customizations, and add stuff like playerbase wide auction houses and services.

But there's nothing to gain from a bunch of other players running around in the background of my game, clearing out areas I want to fight in, competing for resources, and reducing performance overall.
Story. A really good, well-thought-out narrative that can sustain both single and multi-player action. Doesn't have to have cut-scenes or anything; just a proper sense of purpose that what you're doing in the game has an impact and a reason.
Better ending.. I got to the end and didn't even realize it was the end.

Customizations for characters/armor etc

More vehicles

Better way to manage inventory and have a universal storage box that can follow you to each town.


Echoing the mini-map sentiment. Or at the very least a transparent map overlay with adjustable opacity.
Better weapon randomization.

The sort of weapon shenanigans they promised. They promised all sorts of crazy weapons. Outside of a few non-randomized weapons that you got from bosses there wasn't anything like they promised.

Actual functional online lobby system. How hard it is to make a system where you name your game, choose the player limit, their level limits, and if it is to be a passworded game or a public game.

Some sort of endgame content. Farmable bosses at lease.


Crafting system (Not just crafting randomized weapons. They need to have a long list of items that they created).

Storage system (this was in DLC 2 I think, but it's embarrassing that it wasn't in the main game).

Better skill trees.

A more functioning hub town.

More varied environments and enemies.


The mini-map issue is my friend's number one complaint. He plays D2 with the map up constantly. I wouldn't want that, but something World of Warcraft-ish would be nice.


1) A real New Game+ that resets everything each time you start it.

2) Being able to have 2 Talent Specs to choose from. It was annoying having to respec from Co-op Medic to my Solo spec.

3) New classes but give people the option to customise the look of their character.

4) Hub towns that work like PSO. People meet, shops to buy and repair and then sort out teams to head into the game.

5) Adding the same gun-making tech to other armour parts. Then have set bonuses for having Hyperion sets etc. Also, make them visible on players.

6) Better map. Really sucked having to swap out to a massive map just to find things. Also make it custom so we can add notes etc.

7) While I would love a crafting system, it would ruin the drop experience. Maybe give people the option to upgrade weapons or at least augment them in some way.


-Less tedious filler quests: This. THIS is what killed the game for me. I thought the game was going to be great after my first real mission. Bounty-hunting a small time bandit called Nine-Toes. Assault your way across a skag infested wasteland through Nine-Toe's hideout and gang to be greeted by an awesome splashscreen of a laughing maniac and his murderous pets.

That's fun. I like that. It reminded me of Stranger's Wrath. If you hadn't played that yet, the game is doing nothing but going town to town accepting bounties on terrible pun-named brutes and taking them in, peacefully or not.

Anyways, Nine-Toes bagged I couldn't wait for my next bounty. But no, filler. Go collect these random diaries. Go turn on these windmills. Go kill 11 skags. Go find pieces to a weapon you aren't going to use. Go shoot some birdpoop off of windmills. Go collect 50 shock crystals. Go kill 20 birds. Go collect these random skulls. Sure there were some bounties but on a much smaller scale few and far between. Plus, if you were like me and wanted to do everything, you soon found the game was never challenging. Difficulty of missions is determined by your level. So if you try to get all the trivial missions out of the way before moving on to standards, by the time you get to them you've leveled up and they're trivial now too. All trivial, all the time. Boring.

Less bulletin board timesink missions. Get some locals cooking up tales of the next big creature or badass bandit that needs bringing in. If you have to, make the game scale to your level so missions don't get dull. But please, games have gotten so big now collectathons just aren't fun. A shorter better thought out experience would be loads better than the long meandering do-nothing game I ended up playing.
* Include a straight up DPS stat for weapons.
* Tailor certain areas to certain weapon types or manufacturers so we can actually decide to hunt down a better Assault Rifle or Shotgun, and rely less upon random luck.
* Visible armor and shielding.
* Crafting/Deconstruction of weaponry.
* It doesn't need a great story, but that story should at least make sense and end decently. Use Left 4 Dead as inspiration here - that's about as bare bones you can get and yet its 100% more satisfying than whatever the hell it was that Borderlands ended with.


Go even more apeshit with the weapon system. I want a shotgun with a flamethrower attached that shoots corrosive goo.

The weapons were awesome but some much more can be done with that system.

That character customisation would indeed be pretty awesome.
THE Caffeinated said:
Yes. Aside from any functionality fixes, I think having a viable 3rd person mode with gear that changes the look of your character is a requirement of any loot based game.


Neo Member
The one thing that I want so much: Crafting/Combining weapons. Combine a rocket launcher and an smg and you get an smg that shoots little rockets. I realize that it would be difficult to balance, but I think it is the next logical step for BL.
JWong said:
Remove die-roll RPG shooting.

This is the only thing in this thread I really disagree with, although I'm partial to the suggestions that would make this game a more fully featured loot game. There are more than enough proper shooters out there, wouldn't be nice to destroy the only RPG type one :-(
More story. The characters and narrative we got was great, but there was too little of it.
Less bugs/glitches. Nothing game breaking, but a few bits felt unpolished.
The ability to customise guns. Let me collect loot that I can use to craft my own weapons!

Andd... that's about it. Borderlands was near perfect, really.
i poo'd my pants when i saw the words Borderlands and 2 in the title.

But yeah

Extreme weapon customization
Bigger Bag
Armour loot etc
Better Way points
No More Collectathons
Hardcore Mode
More interesting / lively towns
Better cars

and most importantly

More bat shit insane npcs


Bigger enviroments
less loading
seemless transitions
more diversity among enviroments ( jungle, city, snow, steampunk section.. )
Level up to at least lvl 60
hoverboards or motorbikes


MMaRsu said:
Level up to at least lvl 60

Really, I wish there was a much larger than even 100 level. Anyone play the original Dungeon Siege? The cap was around 255 or something insane like that. Reason I'm for that? Experience OCD.

But I'd be satisfied with 100, making 100 several hundred hours to reach. That would give me more and more reason to replay the game over and over again, outside of loot.
I'd love a system that allows players of various levels to play with each other a little easier and more enjoyable. As it stands even a difference of even two or three levels can make the game a crappy experience for any lowbies in the group.


Crown Prince of Custom Firmware
Better story and arc depending on your character chosen at beginning of game.

Better car controls for people playing solo. Trying to drive and shoot was impossible unless you stop and aim your vehicle like a cannon.

Much more enemy variety and environments.


- More chest types that matter, nothing worse than opening up the coveted red chest and getting 4 white pistols.

-Enhanced Character Sheet with armor slots. Armor shows up on characters.

- More alien weapons, they were kinda cool but far too far and few between.

-More 4 players vehicles.

- “this is my town” have a selection of towns that you can actually mentor. You become the towns guardian and by running missions and spending money so you can set up defenses and enhance the shops. Different towns have different factions. Depending on how much effort you put into your town affects how well it defends itself against raider attacks. If you ignore it, it just goes back to it base level. Choosing to adopt a town should only have perks and not be a whiny, you should not be harassed into helping it with endless pleas for help.

- Build a class. If you get a class to max level you can start a character with skills from that tree. Say you have Brink and Lilith maxed. You can now create a custom class and draw upon the skill trees from each. Simi-complicated yes, possibibly super powerful chars yes, but who cares when you have max chars what else are you doing?
oktarb said:
- Build a class. If you get a class to max level you can start a character with skills from that tree. Say you have Brink and Lilith maxed. You can now create a custom class and draw upon the skill trees from each. Simi-complicated yes, possibibly super powerful chars yes, but who cares when you have max chars what else are you doing?
Hah. I like this :) Might make you too OP for future DLC though. Would be fun as hell though.


NullPointer said:
Hah. I like this :) Might make you too OP for future DLC though. Would be fun as hell though.

I expect people smarter than me to solve those problems. That's why I have no problem paying for DLC ;)


Gold Member
cutebabyelephant said:
Crafting system (Not just crafting randomized weapons. They need to have a long list of items that they created).
I really want this and the ability to break down weapons/shields/mods (instead of sell) into base parts that can be combined into new weapons/shields/mods.


A quick-use button for Medikits. But as I see it not mentioned here, I may have simply overlooked it in the game. I'm not too far along, but I didn't find the key and going into the menu to heal is just ridiculous.

Oh and a better PC interface... It works after some editing in the config but it could easily be a lot better.


erotic butter maelstrom
It felt so empty and lifeless. Yes, I realize it's a post-apocalyptic world but that doesn't matter. I'd like to see random events like heavily armed enemy convoys that pop up and more variety in wild life, shit could be different depending on the time of day. It felt like there was nothing to do outside of the simplistic missions and something like that would add a lot to the game.

Oh yeah, and the comments saying "better story" are baffling. Story has as much place in Borderlands as it does in Left 4 Dead. I wan't no story, no cutscenes or anything else that gets in the way of re playability and pacing.


Reading the thread most of my wishlist has already come up but I will post for emphasis:
-Bigger bag/shared item stash : The game gives loot lust really well, I just need a place to store my crap. Adding all the banks and extra slots in DLC was a step, but there really needs to be a ton of room from the beginning. Maybe you can earn a bigger backpack as you go along and start pretty small, but there needs to be a stash.

-Hardcore mode : I'd love to see a hardcore mode that gave certain "unique" items or things to modify/enchant items based on how much progress you made and let you export them to a normal character. Nothing super powerful but more of a showboat piece to show off how you hit the level cap and beat the game on Hardcore mode. This ties in to -

-Cosmetic Items/Armor : It would be neat if my dude wasn't a reskin of everyone else's. I'm sure this is the top of the request list so I'm not gonna harp on it but yeah more types of loot is always better.

-Crafting/Modifying System : My old gun is shit now but I don't want to sell it, let us break down guns for parts to "enchant" other guns or craft new ones. Money became absolutely pointless in the first game, having something to do with weapons will be appreciated. If I can scrap guns for parts and rarer guns give rarer parts, I would stay interested a lot longer. Which also ties in with:

-A Better Endgame : Crawmerax had the right idea but tough "raid"-style bosses and more, better laid-out dungeons that scale to the max level would be great. If the final playthrough had scaling enemies that would keep pace with any DLC then the entire game becomes open for cap-level runs, and if there are enough difficult dungeons throughout that give meaningful loot, interest levels should be higher longer.

I like the challenge system from the first so I'd like to see that make a return as well.


I'm gonna have to also recommend armor drops. I see it as a must for the sequel.

Custom vehicles and somewhere to put them would be great too.

More environments too. But no water temple.


All I want is a modular weapon system, where you find parts (perhaps in addition to full new guns) to slap on guns. Stock, barrel, trigger, magazine, and scope. When I originally heard Borderland's premise, there was a quote (from Randy Pitchford if I remember correctly) where he was talking about the number of weapons letting you use weapons that feel right for you, that if you wanted a shotgun that felt like a Halo shotgun then you could make that happen, or one that felt completely different. I (foolishly) thought he meant we'd be dictating the properties of our guns, and it was a little disappointing that it never happened. It didn't stop me from loving the shit out of Borderlands, but I'd like to see it happen still.


Make the button that swaps your equipped gear different from the one you pick up items with!

On Saturday I lost my super duper Omega Rose shield when I wanted to pick up ammo during a battle. I clicked Square long enough to suck up all ammo of a certain type but I highlighted the wrong item, swapped my shield with the one I targeted and dropped my existing one on the ground because my inventory was full.
I only noticed when I (and the dropped item) was long gone. :-(

Sure, it's user error and stupidity on my part, but that could have been avoided if the interface had been a little bit better.

And make the DLC a little more single player friendly. Dr. Ned and Claptrap were great, but I couldn't really enjoy Mad Moxxi or General Knox with my exisiting level 50 character. I like to check out the dlc alone at first because I don't have a fixed play group and want to experience the story at my own pace.


- No Gamespy
- Less aimless driving ala Knoxx. Ugh.
- Better PC interface (ie. no usage of Page Up/Down to scroll....sigh)
- An actual ending.


El-Suave said:
Make the button that swaps your equipped gear different from the one you pick up items with!

On Saturday I lost my super duper Omega Rose shield when I wanted to pick up ammo during a battle. I clicked Square long enough to suck up all ammo of a certain type but I highlighted the wrong item, swapped my shield with the one I targeted and dropped my existing one on the ground because my inventory was full.
I only noticed when I (and the dropped item) was long gone. :-(

Sure, it's user error and stupidity on my part, but that could have been avoided if the interface had been a little bit better.

OMG yes. This is a very annoying thing. No one ever needs to hot grab a weapon that drops because we have no idea it its good or not and really don't care. Attack, kill, loot, examine, swap.
- Much more environmental and npc diversity.


- Ditch the rigid character class system, let us make the character then pick the class.

- Overhaul the skill tree system, lots of useless shit in there.

- Melee, add it.


- More quests/instances

- Vehicles that don't handle like you're using your feet to steer an RC car.

- Ignore the requests of anyone asking for "more/better story" shit.
GBX_AdamF said:
Awesome. <3 GAF

Thanks for making a nice thread for this guys. Feedback is something we always read over.

Borderlands 2 confirmed!!

But seriously, make sure if you do make a sequel, to keep the humor and art style, it really helps this game so much even though it would still be a good game without it. :D
MMaRsu said:
Bigger enviroments
I actually thought the environments were a pretty good size. There were some uncommonly wide-open areas in the vanilla game that you don't see a lot of this gen. They could have been populated better though-making them denser rather than larger would have improved the feel quite a bit.
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