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Borderlands 2 | The Wishlist of Infinite Wishing


Most of the good shit has been mentioned, like better vehicle handling and more in deoth customization, so I'll add - Air Combat!

The jetpack enemies in Knoxx DLC seem like their having waaaay too much fun :lol
Maybe a character(s) with some sort of flyig ability, the afore-mentioned jetpacks, flying vehicles
mountable Mothrakk

-edit- Also, able to upgrade vehicles, similar to the way you uprade your character.
Srsly this time.

Smooth out the difficulty curve a little. If I'm running a game at level 30, and want to pull in my brother at level 20, he should be able to do some damage to something. Alternately, if I'm at level 30 and pulled into my brothers level 20 game, I shouldn't be brutally murdering everything in sight.
Sill4 said:
Most of the good shit has been mentioned, like better vehicle handling and more in deoth customization, so I'll add - Air Combat!

The jetpack enemies in Knoxx DLC seem like their having waaaay too much fun :lol
Maybe a character(s) with some sort of flyig ability, the afore-mentioned jetpacks, flying vehicles
mountable Mothrakk
This truly is the age of jetpacks. Isn't it great?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
GBX_AdamF said:
Awesome. <3 GAF

Thanks for making a nice thread for this guys. Feedback is something we always read over.

Now I feel bad for being mean... :lol


GBX_AdamF said:
Awesome. <3 GAF

Thanks for making a nice thread for this guys. Feedback is something we always read over.

Well don't just read it over, make some of it happen my man ^^.


Still Tagged Accordingly
GBX_AdamF said:
Awesome. <3 GAF

Thanks for making a nice thread for this guys. Feedback is something we always read over.
get rid of that awful gamespy rubbish. we had so many issues getting games started, it ruined the experience for me and my friends to the point where we all just gave up playing and moved onto other games.


-Axe Gamespy: For the love of God, axe Gamespy. It's barely functional in the best case and not at all in the worst case. UE3 has Steamworks support now, so save everyone involved a lot of trouble and go with that.

-Shared stash: Since my ongoing griping didn't get it through for DLC4, I'll say it again. Transferring gear between your characters is a pain in the ass, and it really shouldn't be.

-Better bosses: Craw's level of complexity was great: specific weak points to target, multiple attacks, adds, and important environmental assets. Not everything needs to be so fantastically difficult or spawn such an immense amount of loot, but the basic model of a boss being wildly different from normal enemies and exploding in a pile of goodies is great; there's a sense of accomplishment for taking it down and a tangible reward for doing so. It's just plain more fun to kill a boss for loot than it is to open a chest and get lucky.

-Better UI: You've heard this one from day one, especially from the PC side. It isn't as useful as it should be and navigating it is a pain.

-Fix rockets: Weapon and character balance in general is squirrely, but rockets just aren't what they should be. Collision detection is still weird, hitting an environmental object and getting zero splash damage still sucks, and anything that isn't a grunt is still too hard to take down. I don't usually ever suggest that a game should be more like Halo, but in this case I'll make an exception: Make them highly situational, hard to get ammo for, and then make it an event you can't possibly miss when one gets fired.

-More dialogue: See also: Multiplayer Valve games. If the player characters and enemies are going to talk all the time, throw in as much randomization as you possibly can. Hearing the same handful of voice clips for a given event over and over again gets old incredibly fast.

I'll be back with more.


Director of Community, The Coalition
recklessmind said:
Now I feel bad for being mean... :lol
Never feel bad for being critical. We are thick skinned - We see it all the time ;)

But at the same time it can sometimes be what helps us the most. To hear people passionate about a specific feature can influence a lot.

We make games to entertain people and because we have fun doing it - If we think it will make the game more fun and people can come together with helpful suggestions, we will always listen :)

MMaRsu said:
Well don't just read it over, make some of it happen my man ^^.

Hah :p We do more than read over these.. trust me :)
Snow levels. Forests. Rivers, lakes, oceans. In other words more varied locales.

Other than that keep it how it is. I liked the story, very bare bones and didn't get in the way. As far as characters go, Scooter was funny but don't go too over the top like General Knoxx.

Oh more vehicles too. Motorcycles with sidecars would be cool.
Splitscreen online. Virtuallly all of my playtime has been in splitscreen, and so I never get the full 4 player experience.

More action skills. One per class that you get an hour or so in and use for the rest of the game is ridiculous.

Matchmaking/online options. Find me a game that's about my level and at or slightly behind my story mission. Let the host set level limits on people joining, such as be within 2 levels of the host, or must be a different class.

Driving control options. I want gas/brake up top, steer with left stick, aim turret with right.

Loot distribution options. Give the host better control over who gets first choice of what.

Minimap. A compass tick is not enough sometimes.


GBX_AdamF said:
Hah :p We do more than read over these.. trust me :)
:D That's excellent news! I've been a fan of your guy's stuff for ages. I'm more than happy you guys got Duke, and now I'm excited you guys actually read our wants. Thanks!


Would love to have more character customization. Having 4 characters that look all the same online was kinda annoying.


Needs more end game content.

A good 5-10 super hard crawmerax esque boss battles with corresponding achievments/trophies and in game rewards for completing them.

Make it so you really have to coordinate with you co op partners your skills and class mod abilities to beat these battles.

More enemies / creatures that attack with melee attacks but make them more agressive.
The most fun in the game is fighting these type of enemies like the zombies, spider ants, skags, rakk etc.
Better mission variety
Melee combat with swords and hammers and stuff
Customizable characters
Better driving, but keep the Halo controls
More variety in the levels
Colkate said:
Automatically picking up ammo when you walk over it, and money.

#1 thing to consider for the sequel, why on earth would they force you to pick up every ammo and dollar? Obviously that's something that should be automatic.
Better story. More classes and customization.

More varied environments.

And LOTS OF different enemy designs, not just stronger versions of the same type.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Square Triangle said:
#1 thing to consider for the sequel, why on earth would they force you to pick up every ammo and dollar? Obviously that's something that should be automatic.
automatically picking up the money i agree with, but not for the ammo.
You should only automatically pick up ammo if it's for the gun you are holding. Because if you are playing co-op and your friend has a sniper and you have a machine gun you don't want to accidentally pick up ammo he needs and then have to stop and drop it for him to pick it up.


Yeah you should be able to set one specific type of ammo to be auto-looted while playing co-op (auto loot all ammo when solo). That would solve it.


These are mostly repeats, but maybe it will help show what more people want to see in the next game:

Varied Environments - I actually loved Borderlands, one of my favorite games of all time, but by the end of Knoxx I didn't play anymore because I actually got sick of the repetitive environments. I would even be happy with something completely different for the sequel. Something that wasn't based in the same post-apocalyptic world, or maybe at least a pre-apocalypse Pandora.

Rare Spawns - I think the idea of having random rare spawns that drop better loot is also an awesome idea. That would go a long way toward increasing the end game fun.

End Game - I would love to see more traditional dungeon crawling in the end game, even kind of a "floor" based system where you kept trying to get further and further along in a really deep dungeon. Sometime to add a sense of accomplishment to exploring.

More Armor Slots / Different looks to armor - Definitely need to be able to change the way your character looks, and having multiple slots of armor to deck your character out would make this game even better.

More Class Customization / Variation - I think having classes that went beyond the very basic archetypes in Borderlands would be cool. So going along with what other people have said, classes that use melee weapons, bows and arrows, or even lightning bolts / magic missiles / fireballs in addition to classes with more beneficial support roles, so a class that is really like a dedicated healer or crowd control or tank.

Weapon Customization - I hate it when I find a gun that's almost perfect, but it has a horrible scope or uses the same type of elemental attack as another weapon. I'd like to see some kind of system for making slight changes to existing weapons, if not even find a way to custom craft weapons from scratch (if it could be balanced properly).

Competitive Multiplayer - No real shocker here, but I'd like to see something that allowed for me to try my character out on some real people besides just dueling. I think it'd be awesome to have something akin to WoW's battlegrounds where there were objective based games that you could play as a team (balancing would be a nightmare obviously).

I loved the original Borderlands and I'm looking forward to the second one.
AwesomeSyrup said:
You should only automatically pick up ammo if it's for the gun you are holding. Because if you are playing co-op and your friend has a sniper and you have a machine gun you don't want to accidentally pick up ammo he needs and then have to stop and drop it for him to pick it up.

Also, drop the health packs or make them accessible through a shortcut. Having to go into the inventory in a game that doesn't pause to use a health pack is never a good idea (and if you're in need of a quick heal it probably means you're in the middle of a fight). After the first few experience levels pretty much every character has a way to auto-heal so health packs are not really that useful either.

Please, PLEASE do not drop the cell-shaded style.


Deeper skill tree and more loot options (armor stuff!) are number one priority. These were my two biggest complaints about the first one.

After those: I wouldn't mind character creation to make everyone look unique. More varied dungeons as well and less of the crappy side quests (meaning the fetch ones). Something really cool in the end game perhaps? Like uber hard dungeon.
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