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Boss |OT| Kelsey Grammer being a badass

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Hunky Nostradamus
Damn, I was wrong. They had sex in an office with gigantic cracks in the blinds, surrounded by people, and not in a car. Maybe next episode.

It was interesting that Ms. Secretary refused to see the governor to be. She didn't seem to like when he asked her out right in front of his kids, although last week she didn't mind fucking him almost in pain view of them. Maybe she's growing tired of his sleazyness? Although, reaching into a random guy's pants in a bar to check if his dick is big enough to fuck is pretty sleazy too.

The stay at home nurse to Kane's father in law, or whoever she is, taking her clothes off towards the end was groan inducing. Hot, but just so unnecessary. We get it. It's a Starz show.


Sorry to make a post so horribly irrelevant, but did anyone else think this?



I'm going to have a start a drinking game for this involving just unnecessary nudity. We get it, you're on pay cable.

Show is so fantastic and amazing otherwise, the sex and nudity is just so jarringly done. For no real gain either.

Like that scene with the nurse, I get what they were doing compared to the girls in his place, but it just made that entire narrative of him talking to himself through the invalid mayor creepy and weird. Plus they just leave the guy there.
RatskyWatsky said:
It was interesting that Ms. Secretary refused to see the governor to be. She didn't seem to like when he asked her out right in front of his kids, although last week she didn't mind fucking him almost in pain view of them. Maybe she's growing tired of his sleazyness?
The way I interpreted it was that:
1. She thought it was something that could potentially threaten his run for the governorship. They turned a guy fixing the current governors collar into a gay sex scandal, she recognizes something is wrong with Kane as well.
2. If he's willing to be this continually brazen with her in these situations, what else is he doing? What else could he attempt or is hiding? Etc.

Those combined I wouldn't be surprised if the race changes over the next two weeks as he continues to be far less perfect as he appears to be in public. Show seems to be setup as us seeing the collapse of Kane's ultimate power.

My interpretation of course.

Random side note mildly related to SpeedingUptoStop's post, on a coincidence before I watched this weeks episode the local channel I had on started showing Scary Movie 2 which Kitty ("Ms. Secretary") is in with longer red hair, crappy quality video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE_fuwynvxE
benjipwns said:
I'm going to have a start a drinking game for this involving just unnecessary nudity. We get it, you're on pay cable.

You'd be drunk in no time.

I'm enjoying the show, gratuitous nudity and all.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The gratuitous nudity is totally intentional now. That's just how this dude gets his fucking rocks off. No doubt the show will make a plot point of this.


Hunky Nostradamus
Wow, I think last night's episode was the best one yet. Everything is falling into place, and the payoff looks to be delicious.

Ms. Secretary's name is Kitty? Fucking L.O.L. At least this time they had sex in a secluded location.

The scene with Kitty and Kane's wife in the museum was really good. She's totally onto them.

The daughter story line still seems kinda aimless though, so hopefully they actually go somewhere with it.


RatskyWatsky said:
The daughter story line still seems kinda aimless though, so hopefully they actually go somewhere with it.
I assume they will, I mean she was an addict, and nearly lapsed back into it before this drug dealer saved her, and now she's using him to get drugs for her estranged father who is basically dying, and also her mom, who it appears wanted to cut her off even more than Tom did, is showing up and asking about Dad.

I actually love the stuff with the former mayor other than the weird disrobing scene last week especially if they're going to bring the wife (his daughter) in as another confessor to him as they all spiral downward.

Another aspect I liked of this episode is that it built on the last few with the wife in terms of that she's Tom's equal or better. Saving him at the press conference, handling the children's reading, identified the reporter as an issue, now she's investigating, figuring out all the affairs, etc.

Personally, I could do with less Kitty, even though she's one unnecessary nudity I don't mind, and more of the other adviser. But I know we need her for her relationship with the gubernatorial candidate and also that body.

Admin failure, Java select?


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
That final scene had so much god damn weight to it. All of those guys in the same room together had some incredible presence to it.


Hunky Nostradamus
That final scene had so much god damn weight to it. All of those guys in the same room together had some incredible presence to it.

It actually reminded me of last week's episode of Boardwalk Empire. In more ways than one. Young up and comer wants to take over, has the backing of the Mayor's former associates, everyone is plotting against Kane/Nucky, etc.


Hunky Nostradamus
Thought it was good. Things are getting really interesting. The scene where they bury that guy alive was pretty over the top though. (like the ear cutting from the pilot) I had hoped that the writers would decide to get away from stuff like that as it just doesn't fit in with the rest of the series.

Kane's wife is now working against him, and it looks like Kitty is going to help Zajac as well. I can't say that I'm surprised, but I liked the way it all played out. He's not going down without a fight.


Guy was paying him back for the ear cutting and subsequent humiliation.

Show has actually got me into revisiting some Chicago political machine history, and none of it is really all that far fetched. If anything, the people are too nice and too honest on the show. The lecture on the roof in the first episode was actually more or less historically accurate.
Wow. Amazing performance by Grammer (especially the phone scene with his daughter) but what a complete and utter bastard.

The show walks a very fine line every episode between pushing the audience to care about Kane and then completely destroying any sympathy you ever had for him.
The reaction by Zajac's wife was epic. Love how the show built her up and then totally changed your perception in a single scene. It was a fantastic episode.


Hunky Nostradamus
She's pregnant? You've gotta be kidding.

HOLY SHIT at Kane using his daughter and crushing Zajac along with everyone else.

Best episode yet, and next week is the season finale.


The reaction by Zajac's wife was epic. Love how the show built her up and then totally changed your perception in a single scene.

Actually not in a single scene. She gave a pretty good sign in the last episode that she was the one wearing the pants. It is around 32 minutes into episode six where he comes home to "take a break" and she goes off on him about how it is no time to take a break 4 days from the primary. Pretty clear at that point that the happy loving wife of previous episodes is her for-public-consumption persona.

This episode was pretty good, one shock after another. Awesome switch up with the emotional phone call. Did not see that one coming, be surprised if anybody did.

Guess: Meredith was working with Tom on this one, setting everybody up for the fall. He only looked crushed when Kitty told him to keep up the facade. Last scene he is going home to Meredith and she doesn't appear to be concerned at all.
Not caught up with latest episode, but I am fucking loving the journalist+editor storyline in all this. Journalism is a profession which lends itself really well to film and television, and I wish it would get as many shows made about it as stuff police+hospital+lawyer procedurals do. Movies like The Insider, Zodiac, and State of Play (the mini-series) are always so gripping.

I think Sorkin's More As The Story Develops is going to scratch my journalism-drama itch like nothing before. But yeah, the scene where the journalist taunts Kelsey in the press room was badass. Interesting to see whether the comic book security dude attacks the journo...

Oh and this has some of the most random sex scenes I've seen in a serious show before.

Any word on renewal for this show?


I'm pretty sure it's been renewed for at least one more season.

With his daughter in jail, I'm assuming his drug connection is over. Maybe he has a plan to bail her out. That was a pretty cold-blooded move. However, I'm not sure based on the editing if he made sure her place and boyfriend were targeted or if they were being so obvious it was inevitable that they were going to be caught in the loop.

No lie, the political angles lose me sometimes and plus the show makes sure we never completely know what's going on with Kane - especially since he's loopy.


Not sure if arresting the daughter was the smart play. What's going to stop her from telling everyone that her dad has an incurable illness? Unless he plans on getting her out asap and buying her silence, or silencing her through other nefarious means, I'm not sure if Kane thought this through.


Not sure if arresting the daughter was the smart play. What's going to stop her from telling everyone that her dad has an incurable illness? Unless he plans on getting her out asap and buying her silence, or silencing her through other nefarious means, I'm not sure if Kane thought this through.

She's a disgruntled drug addict, who is going to believe her over Kane, especially after he just went out of his way to put her ass in jail?

Somebody like that has zero credibility, she'd have to have proof.
Been checking this out and the latest episode was :O

spoiler tags just in case

Kane just fucked up everyone in one swoop.

Honestly given Zajac's "escapades" and how he looks at some of these women i knew that was gonna bite him in the ass eventually.

Zajac's wife fully showing that she's the one wearing the fucking pants in the relationship.

Kane sending his daughter to the dogs was just cold blooded.

Season finale should be very interesting.


Damn....Kane selling out his daughter was brutal, I had some sympathy for him before that. Zajac is going to be in his pocket now though but it will be interesting to see how things play out with his wife....


She's a disgruntled drug addict, who is going to believe her over Kane, especially after he just went out of his way to put her ass in jail?

Somebody like that has zero credibility, she'd have to have proof.

True, but her accusations might be enough to grease a few people's curiosity, like the reporter, who might dig deeper into her claims.


Show got ruthless in the last two episodes.

Cullen's concession speech was well done, even though they've given little reason to like the guy until then.

Also, perfect spotting of the one lone scene, hell shot, for Darius.

Ross was incredible despite having almost no lines at all.

I really liked Ezra. :(

I really don't like that cleaner, I'm going to become paranoid about old mildly overweight white guys with glasses wearing light jackets.


Hunky Nostradamus
A little melodramatic with Ezra's shooting, but other than that, it was pretty good.

I wonder why the doctor woman is calling Sam? She was threatened and relocated by the "cleaner" dude, and he knows where she is, so why is she throwing her life (and probably her son's too) away to out Kane?

I also wonder what will happen to Kitty? I'm assuming she's out of Zajac's life for good, and she quit Kane too. She probably won't be back next season.

Overall I thought the season was decent. There wasn't necessarily anything terrible about it, but it didn't wow me like I hoped it would.


I think Tom hallucinated Stoney's confession. We see the two of them talking, and when Stoney says his "goodbye," we see Kane sitting by himself. Then, in the next scene we see him in, his body is being racked by the Lewy Body disease, in a way we haven't seen before. That tells me that the Lewy Body's impact is becoming more profound, and may have influenced him to believe Stoney made this confession to him.

What about Stoney skipping town? I think there might be two possibilties: 1.) Kane also hallucinated that, or 2.) Stoney knew he was outed when Tom walked in and gave him this death stare, and realized he had to bail out of town.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think Tom hallucinated Stoney's confession. We see the two of them talking, and when Stoney says his "goodbye," we see Kane sitting by himself. Then, in the next scene we see him in, his body is being racked by the Lewy Body disease, in a way we haven't seen before. That tells me that the Lewy Body's impact is becoming more profound, and may have influenced him to believe Stoney made this confession to him.

Yeah the editing was really strange there, and it wasn't clear what was a hallucination and what wasn't.

2.) Stoney knew he was outed when Tom walked in and gave him this death stare, and realized he had to bail out of town.

This is what I assumed.


About Stoney:

Kane knew it was Stoney the moment he heard that the nurse's aid was near beat to death in the hotel room. Kane wanted to talk to her to find out about the leaked papers which is why the fixer was tracking her down. Since that order went through Stoney it had to be Stoney that changed it up and the only reason for him to do that was to protect himself.

So Tom knew and Stoney was pretty sure Tom knew after the stare down while he was on the phone so it was time to get the fuck out of Chicago.

The confession hallucination was just to show Tom slipping deeper into his disease.
About Stoney:

Kane knew it was Stoney the moment he heard that the nurse's aid was near beat to death in the hotel room. Kane wanted to talk to her to find out about the leaked papers which is why the fixer was tracking her down. Since that order went through Stoney it had to be Stoney that changed it up and the only reason for him to do that was to protect himself.

So Tom knew and Stoney was pretty sure Tom knew after the stare down while he was on the phone so it was time to get the fuck out of Chicago.

The confession hallucination was just to show Tom slipping deeper into his disease.

Yea i thought
Stone was actually there until i saw him leaving, then the reveal :O

Ross went off the deep end lol

Plus damn the disease is starting to kick in now, gonna make season 2 really interesting.
Stone decided after 30 years that Tom Kane was an ass and that he should not only leave but risk his life to take him down? Stupid.

I swear every character on this show is either evil or a moron except the journalist dude, who gets like 90 seconds of airtime per episode. Makes it a tough show to watch.

Amazing music, direction, editing, casting and acting in this bitch, though.
Just finished the series with my fiancée. Holy shit what a great show. The finale was amazing. The show builds like a hurricane. Can't wait for season 2.


Wow, what a great show ! This is a very good (and short :/ ) first season, can't wait to see what's next...

And it reminds me of my trip to Chicago, I love this town :D

Gomu Gomu

Just finished watching it. It was a good show, generally. The last 15-20 minutes of the finale were superb. The editing, combined with Moon light sonata and great dialogue made a fantastic ending. Though, I think it could have been a lot better, I was left satisfied with the first season, and wanting to see the second one.


Hunky Nostradamus
Starz Original Series 'Boss' to Launch Second Season Friday, August 17th at 10PM

In season two of “Boss,” Kane ferociously beats back the physical symptoms of his illness with high doses of medication. But this comes at a cost -- experiencing heightened psychological manifestations of the disease. Without his longtime advisors Stone and Kitty, Kane is also forced to reconfigure his inner circle. Surrounded by strangers and without much time left, he acts quickly to protect and repair his legacy by cutting out the cancers within the political machine. But as corrupt heads roll and his list of enemies grows, Kane's virtuous actions begin to erode the very foundation of power he's worked a lifetime to build. In order to maintain it, Kane must govern as he always has—ruthlessly.
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