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Boss |OT| Kelsey Grammer being a badass

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LTTP on this show only started to watch recently!

Why is this show not popular?

The shows title actually delivers. Tom Kane is out bossing everybody on TV imo.

As for the most recent episode, damn Tom and his wife are brutal, everybody and anybody is expendable, they are just 2-3 steps ahead of everybody. Hope Emma wild card move actually does something it would be hilarious if Gramps come out and regulate shit.


Hunky Nostradamus
Hope Emma wild card move actually does something it would be hilarious if Gramps come out and regulate shit.

Yeah, it seems like Mayor Rutledge is going to snap out of his drug induced state, as evidenced by the fact that he, you know, moved and made noises at the end! It's going to be very interesting when he fully recovers.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm surprised that Zajac was able to make a comeback. I thought his career would be over for sure when Kitty dropped the affair bomb a few episodes ago. It's nice to see him fighting for something that he believes in, but I still hope that he crashes and burns.

Ian + Emma...lol I thought it was hilarious that Darius (rhyme, ha) was creepily staring at them through the window when they were having sex. That sex scene was so over the top, too. It felt very porn-y.


Ian + Emma...lol I thought it was hilarious that Darius (rhyme, ha) was creepily staring at them through the window when they were having sex.
I was waiting the entire time for when they'd show him watching.

Was the lingering shot of the statue head just for artistic reasons or were they implying that Tom has cameras hidden it?


Hunky Nostradamus
Was the lingering shot of the statue head just for artistic reasons or were they implying that Tom has cameras hidden it?

I can never tell with this show. There are so many lingering shots/closeups of faces, that I can't tell when it's supposed to signify something important or when the director is just trying to be artistic.


So has there been any word on a 3rd season? This season has been awesome and the finale looks like it's going to be insane. I really wish this show was more popular.


Hunky Nostradamus
That was a great episode.

I knew that Walsh's lesbian romance angle would come to bite her in the ass, but I never imagined that Kane would have her lover killed in an attempt to out her and end her career. A masterfully vicious move on Kane's part. And poor Mona. Kane not only savaged her career, but also made sure that everyone who was displaced by the Lennox Gardens farce will hate her forever.

I'm really looking forward to the finale. Meredith is pissed that she didn't get any credit for all her hard work, the people of Lennox Gardens are pissed that they were (again) lied to and permanently displaced from their homes, Ian knows about Kane, Emma is up to something, Sam knows that Kane had Ezra killed, Kitty was kidnapped (?) by the SA, etc. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

So has there been any word on a 3rd season?

Nope, no word yet. I saw some people are speculating that the show might've been conceived as a two act series from the very beginning, which would make next week the series finale. That would, of course, mean that every remaining storyline would have to be resolved, but that's something that I just can't see happening. There are too many balls in the air right now, so I'm assuming that the above isn't the case, and that writers do want a third season after all.

Ratings have been consistent but not very good, and the critical buzz has been lukewarm at best, so I'm not sure if Starz would be willing to renew it for a third season. If things aren't tied up completely by next week, I would very much like a third season; preferably written as the final act. Three seasons sounds just right for this series.


They got a second season before the show even premiered.

I have no idea what kind of ratings Starz is looking for from a Friday night show like this though.

I also have no idea how they could hope to wrap up even half the plots.

One reason there has to be a third season is because we'll have the mayoral election for Kane to attempt to pick his successor or try to hold onto his power. With his new best friend Governor Zajac to work happily with.


Hunky Nostradamus
They got a second season before the show even premiered.

Which is one of the many reasons people theorize the show was only planned for two seasons to begin with.

I have no idea what kind of ratings Starz is looking for from a Friday night show like this though.

I don't really know either. It's their lowest rated series though.

One reason there has to be a third season is because we'll have the mayoral election for Kane to attempt to pick his successor or try to hold onto his power. With his new best friend Governor Zajac to work happily with.

Wasn't the mayoral election covered in season 1?


Chicago mayoral elections come the Feb after the Gubernatorial elections.

Season One had the Democratic primaries for Governor between Cullen and Zajac.
From their Facebook.



I'm amazed more people haven't been talking about this show. I was a little unsure about the first season as I couldn't fine any character to root for. The second season's been amazing though.

I think they would have tied up loose ends if this wasn't going to come back for a third season. The first season's figures weren't amazing, and the second season's done even worse on that front. I really, really want a decent conclusion though even if the third season is the last and ends up being much shorter.


Hunky Nostradamus
I liked the finale, but I thought that it was pretty overstuffed. They obviously set up some things for a third season, such as Kane vs. Doyle, Ian + Emma, Kitty vs. Ian, etc. but I was surprised that they tried to wrap up so many of the storylines last night. I wish they wouldn't have tried to cram it all into one episode.

The conclusion to Mona's arc particularly felt like an afterthought. In three short scenes we get: the discovery of the spy cameras, her reaction to it, and her decision to move away. It made sense, but I guess that I expected Mona to get a more substantial farewell. Oh well. Poor Mona - Kane just got away with everything.

I'm wondering if the writers even know what to do with Darius at this point? I hope he isn't a full blown heroin addict by the time/if season 3 rolls around.

I'm also curious to see where they'll take Sam. His career was crushed by Kane and it doesn't seem like he has anywhere to go from here.

That final scene was crazy. I actually thought he was going to kill Meredith. "Mortality is inevitable but yours will forever be tied to mine." :O


My guess is Sam will go underground, start up a blog or something, use a pseudonym, and spell out in painstaking detail the dirt he has on Kane.

The talk between Kane and Ian at the end: it seems like to me Kane knows Ian is his son. The stuff he was telling him sounded like tough, hard-love advice a father would give to his boy.


Hunky Nostradamus
My guess is Sam will go underground, start up a blog or something, use a pseudonym, and spell out in painstaking detail the dirt he has on Kane.

Maybe, but what good would it do? It seems like no matter what anyone does to try to take Kane down, he always manages to not only evade their attacks, but also ruin the attacker in the process. Now, Sam has already been ruined, but if he persists, he could wind up dead.

The talk between Kane and Ian at the end: it seems like to me Kane knows Ian is his son. The stuff he was telling him sounded like tough, hard-love advice a father would give to his boy.

Interesting. I didn't interpret the scene that way, but you might be onto something!


My guess is Sam will go underground, start up a blog or something, use a pseudonym, and spell out in painstaking detail the dirt he has on Kane.

The talk between Kane and Ian at the end: it seems like to me Kane knows Ian is his son. The stuff he was telling him sounded like tough, hard-love advice a father would give to his boy.

I definitely think that Kane knows who Ian is. I mean, Kane goes to great lengths to find out everything he can about everyone that he surrounds himself with. The idea that his bastard son could just fall through the cracks and end up as his right hand man without him knowing seems a little far fetched to me. The scene where he says to him, "your ambition has no bounds" or something like that, really sticks out to me (can't remember if that was last episode or the one before it). It seemed too much like he was proud of Ian. That last little bit in the Finale about Ian not getting special privileges also seemed to give a hint that Kane knows. Hell, even the scene with Ian and Emma, where Ian says it doesn't matter that Emma knows who he is makes me think that even Ian knows that Kane knows he's his son. Why else would Ian not give a shit about Emma finding out that he was her brother?

On another note, I REALLY hope there is a third season. Way too much is still on the table for the show to end like this. Who knows what Starz will do, seeing as how the ratings haven't been all that great, but as someone who really loves this show... I just hope that we get to see the conclusion of all this.


what a show, just stormed through both seasons, just superb. no idea why its not more popular, couldn't even find the thread on gaf without adding in kelsey. speaking of whom, he carries the show like a boss. should have started watching this back when i saw him take the golden globe.
So based on a friend's recommendation I just checked out the first episode, and I gotta say... I was ready to absolutely love the show but then they utterly and completely lost me.
Pulling the guy's ears? Drugging his doctor so she'd be reminded to keep her mouth shut? Being presented with another guys ears at the end?
No, just no...

Is this how it always is? ie: should I keep going or is this the kind of unrealistic bullshit I'm gonna have to be dealing with every episode?

For fuck's sake... it's no wonder the show doesn't get good ratings. It's too cerebral to appeal to the masses, but too unrealistic to appeal to the high brow crowd...


For fuck's sake... it's no wonder the show doesn't get good ratings. It's too cerebral to appeal to the masses, but too unrealistic to appeal to the high brow crowd...
No suspension of disbelief from the guy with the Boardwalk Empire avatar?

Boardwalk Empire spoiler:
Let's hiding out with a kid in a cellar all night and warm up to his character so Nucky can shoot him in the head.

Yes, it gets better.
No suspension of disbelief from the guy with the Boardwalk Empire avatar?

Boardwalk Empire spoiler:
Let's hiding out with a kid in a cellar all night and warm up to his character so Nucky can shoot him in the head.

Yes, it gets better.

Do you realize how dumb that comparison was? oO

Anyway, I'm not asking if it gets better or not... I liked 90% of it, what I profoundly hated were those out of place scenes I mentioned. Do those type of scenes persist throughout the show? Because if they do, that's a deal breaker, personally.


Hunky Nostradamus
I was also pretty turned off by the bizarrely extreme violence (cutting the guy's ear off, etc), but the show improves a lot in that regard. They do tone it down, but there is still some violence here and there.


Hunky Nostradamus
Boss cancelled by Starz

There won’t be a third season of Starz‘s drama Boss starring Kelsey Grammer and created by Farhad Safinia. However, I’ve learned exclusively that there are discussions between the pay cable network and Boss producer Lionsgate TV about possibly doing a two-hour movie that would wrap up the story of Chicago Mayor Tom Kane, played by Grammer. “After much deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to not proceed with (a third season of) Boss,” said Starz in a statement Tuesday. “We remain proud of this award-winning show, its exceptional cast and writers, and are grateful to Kelsey Grammer, Farhad Safinia and our partners at Lionsgate TV.”


That's a shame. Although I wasn't really that into the show and it felt like a chore to watch sometimes, I still enjoyed the payoff it delivered. That and the story's unabashed raunchiness and political deceit.


Damn, I wanted one more season. :(

Was Boss getting much lower ratings than Magic City?

I also doubt the movie will ever get made too. I'm still waiting for the Veronica Mars movie and the 24 movie too.


It might get an ending after all, though I'm dubious as pretty much everyone says "We're in discussions to make a movie" after literally EVERY show ends. And 99% of them never ever happen.

Yup. I'm not holding my breath at all because if I was I'd probably be long dead.


Hunky Nostradamus
I wanted one more season too, though I'd be satisfied with a two hour movie.

Was Boss getting much lower ratings than Magic City?

Season 2 of Boss was averaging around 300-400,000 viewers per episode, while Magic City averaged 400-500,000 viewers per episode. (not factoring in repeats and on demand)
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