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Breaking: Microsoft to acquire Activision-Blizzard in near 70$ billion deal


Gold Member
Contracts can be voided. It's not the first time. if you can void your contract with a cell phone provider, a billion dollar company with an army of lawyers can figure it out too.

Besides, if the contracts MUST be honored then Phil wouldnt have had to call Sony to assure them they will be honored. It was Phil's decision to honor them and Sony was at his mercy until he called them up.
Genuinely curious has this ever happened before in the game industry? Not that im aware of, or any other?

Also think its a bit different than a phone contract lol, it would have wide reaching ramifications. MS would find it very hard to sign other deals if they are prepared to rip contracts up on a whim.

trust is a thing.


Contracts can be voided. It's not the first time. if you can void your contract with a cell phone provider, a billion dollar company with an army of lawyers can figure it out too.

Besides, if the contracts MUST be honored then Phil wouldnt have had to call Sony to assure them they will be honored. It was Phil's decision to honor them and Sony was at his mercy until he called them up.
nah, sorry.
Unless there are buyout clauses or similar then a contract is a contract is a contract.
And for B2B contracts there are pretty much always penalty clauses, too.

Trying to get out of a watertight contract is eiher very expensive or it gets ugly, or both.
Some CEO benevolently declaring to want to honor a contract is just the PR-friendly declaration of not wanting to engage in a legal ball kicking contest....especially when a lot of people are watching.
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They bought Bethesda in 2021 but they didn't own those IPs back then when they made those deals. Same with COD, GTA, Mass Effect and Bioshock. They just wanted to block Sony. Exact same thing.

Now they buy the whole thing instead to keep it off Playstation. All the Final Fantasies are on Xbox minus the Remake. They were even free on Gamepass. So much suffering poor Xbox 🙄
Correct me if I'm wrong but COD, GTA, Mass Effect AND Bioshock ALL ended up on PlayStation. Toss in Tomb Raider too since so many still complain about that. When did FF7R, or Street Fighter 5 hit Xbox? All are 3rd party games only the Sony money hatted titles failed to leave PlayStation. COD will continue to be on PlayStation even after acquisition of Activision.

Can you name a 3rd party title that had been on PlayStation previously and where MS does not own the IP that was permanently removed from PlayStation due to a MS money hat? In fact MS has allowed several titles of IP they own on the PlayStation I can't think of any PlayStation IP on Xbox at all.

This just looks like typical bias where it's OK when Sony denies Xbox a 3rd party game but MS is not allowed to potentially keep 1st party IP to themselves. Your sarcasm is well taken though. One thing Xbox is not is poor and there are now plenty of 1st party studios and IP to support the brand for a long time to come. 🙂


This just looks like typical bias where it's OK when Sony denies Xbox a 3rd party game but MS is not allowed to potentially keep 1st party IP to themselves. Your sarcasm is well taken though. One thing Xbox is not is poor and there are now plenty of 1st party studios and IP to support the brand for a long time to come. 🙂
Support the brand by buying IPs they were going to get anyway. All the CODs are on Xbox, Diablo 4 was already announced, Overwatch 2 too. Crash 4 flopped and it's not in development. What did you get exactly? Maybe an exclusive COD in 2025? It was coming on Xbox too. Basically you got nothing new with this acquisition 🤣
Support the brand by buying IPs they were going to get anyway. All the CODs are on Xbox, Diablo 4 was already announced, Overwatch 2 too. Crash 4 flopped and it's not in development. What did you get exactly? Maybe an exclusive COD in 2025? It was coming on Xbox too. Basically you got nothing new with this acquisition 🤣
They are Microsoft first party studios now. That's not insignificant at all.


This news has made Series X my primary console now.

Was originally PS5 but got damn. Almost all my favourite/most hours played games are or will be Xbox exclusive. PS5 feels like it has no games(ironically) after this announcement.

I’m also fed up with paying £70 for games. Sure, I had fun with GoT and Ratchet+Clank but they were nowhere near worth the price, sackboy wasn’t worth £60, either. It’s also looking at needing to pay £10 to upgrade games from PS4>PS5 when Xbox have Series games updates 100% free like Gears 5 even with free DLC etc too.

I hate this. I grew up with PlayStation and it feels like they are just taken advantage of market share. Not sure if I’m getting Horizon FD yet or waiting for them to hopefully do a Gamepass.


Support the brand by buying IPs they were going to get anyway. All the CODs are on Xbox, Diablo 4 was already announced, Overwatch 2 too. Crash 4 flopped and it's not in development. What did you get exactly? Maybe an exclusive COD in 2025? It was coming on Xbox too. Basically you got nothing new with this acquisition 🤣

Ronald Mcdonald Crying GIF

^ Somebody needs to tell this guy that our GP subscriptions just got that much more packed come mid 2023. LOL


Gold Member
Support the brand by buying IPs they were going to get anyway. All the CODs are on Xbox, Diablo 4 was already announced, Overwatch 2 too. Crash 4 flopped and it's not in development. What did you get exactly? Maybe an exclusive COD in 2025? It was coming on Xbox too. Basically you got nothing new with this acquisition 🤣
It's not just about what Xbox gets, but what PS loses.

Also, with Game Pass, Xbox gamers getting them all without paying $70 US (or $90 cdn).

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
I haven't said it's their fault for not outbidding Sony, my point was that they could if they wanted, they had that option.

And MS did those timed exclusivity deals that you guys hate so much just recently with Medium and Stalker 2. Buying whole publishers is completely different.

Also let's not compare Doom, Call of Duty, Elder Scrolls and so on to Final Fantasy.
There is no difference buying whole publishers. No. Only difference is one company can afford to do it, the other can't and uses what they've always done. That's literally it! The rest is just butthurt fanboy noise.

It's hilarious how Sony fans bitch until the cows come home about publishers being bought ( of their own volution no less) and Microsoft buys them, when Sony has been trying to push Xbox out of the frame since the beginning. They went super hard last gen. Their doing it again this gen. What the hell did Sony think was going to happen going against a company ten times their size? Of course Sony is going to get their lunch handed to them. They will never outbid Microsoft

Fucking Lol...
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Support the brand by buying IPs they were going to get anyway. All the CODs are on Xbox, Diablo 4 was already announced, Overwatch 2 too. Crash 4 flopped and it's not in development. What did you get exactly? Maybe an exclusive COD in 2025? It was coming on Xbox too. Basically you got nothing new with this acquisition 🤣
Well not really seeing how Street Fighter 4 WAS on Xbox and yet somehow part 5 didn't make the trip to Xbox thanks to Sony's money hat. So it's clear no title is guaranteed to go anywhere. MS' action ensures their customers will get content Sony can't take from them. That adds value for their customers.

The one thing that is clear that MS has been FAR more considerate of Sony fans than Sony has been of Xbox fans. I saw you didn't name ONE 3rd party IP game MS money hatted away PlayStation but I could name a few where the reverse was true. Were you just as outraged? I doubt that.

They are Microsoft first party studios now. That's not insignificant at all.
In addition IP that has dormant could now see the potential to be released and studios that have been COD support can now make other games and really flex their creativity. Also MS has an opportunity to improve the culture at Activision in ways few other companies could. Plenty of positives for this acquisition.
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Well not really seeing how Street Fighter 4 WAS on Xbox and yet somehow part 5 didn't make the trip to Xbox thanks to Sony's money hat. So it's clear no title is guaranteed to go anywhere. MS' action ensures their customers will get content Sony can't take from them. That adds value for their customers.

The one thing that is clear that MS has been FAR more considerate of Sony fans than Sony has been of Xbox fans. I saw you didn't name ONE 3rd party IP game MS money hatted away PlayStation but I could name a few where the reverse was true. Were you just as outraged? I doubt that.
I already mentioned the Dead Rising series from Capcom. Dead Rising 3 specifically never came to PlayStation but Dead Rising 2 did. Mass Effect 1 was finally released in 2012 (came out in 2007, EA owns the IP).

What about Ninja Gaiden 2? Only the Sigma version was able to release. Are you outraged yet? MS did it too.

According to your logic, Sony needs to buy Capcom and EA to protect their customers from evil MS and that would be totally fine.

It's too early for FFVII remake, it might come on GP out of nowhere like the rest. Who knows.
I already mentioned the Dead Rising series from Capcom. Dead Rising 3 specifically never came to PlayStation but Dead Rising 2 did. Mass Effect 1 was finally released in 2012 (came out in 2007, EA owns the IP).

What about Ninja Gaiden 2? Only the Sigma version was able to release. Are you outraged yet? MS did it too.

According to your logic, Sony needs to buy Capcom and EA to protect their customers from evil MS and that would be totally fine.

It's too early for FFVII remake, it might come on GP out of nowhere like the rest. Who knows.
Excellent point! I had no idea about Dead Rising 3. I suppose it's all good then. I mean we can all see that Dead Rising is just as popular as Street Fighter and Final Fantasy. You again acknowledge both Mass Effect and Ninja Gaiden 2 hit PlayStation. Final Fantasy 16 is a current gen title but if you want to call out games from last generation Xbox has Dead Rising 3!

I have no need for outrage seeing how I have both an Xbox and PlayStation. I suppose others can do the same. You know damn well that if Sony could play in this arena they would ABSOLUTELY deny content to Xbox. They already do it with the current generation 3rd party games now. It just sounds like sour grapes because Sony isn't doing the same thing MS is doing.

At least MS considers Sony fans unlike Sony considering Xbox fans. Again no PlayStation IP is on Xbox and there are several examples of IP MS owns that are on PlayStation. Now thanks to this acquisition Xbox will at least be able to count on COD hitting Xbox no matter what Sony does. It would be better for Sony to use their money to support studios and IP they actually own.


At least MS considers Sony fans unlike Sony considering Xbox fans. Again no PlayStation IP is on Xbox and there are several examples of IP MS owns that are on PlayStation. Now thanks to this acquisition Xbox will at least be able to count on COD hitting Xbox no matter what Sony does. It would be better for Sony to use their money to support studios and IP they actually own.
What kind of spin is this? Sony don't buy long-standing multiplatforms IPs like MS does all the time (Spider-Man was fully developed and published by Sony before you mention that, they don't own the ip)

The games are already out or deep in development when MS snatches them. They have no choice but to be considerate with the developers, their work and the contracts since they didn't create any of the IPs. It's laughable really how they create nothing with all that money actually.

You have no reason to believe that COD was going away on Xbox anyway. Do you even play it?
I have no need for outrage seeing how I have both an Xbox and PlayStation
Big year for PS5. Are we finally going to see you hype for a PS5 exclusive or that's not allowed in your contract? I never see you in any PS thread 🤭


Once this deal goes through, we can stop saying Activision blizzard and just Say blizzard again. No need to keep the two married.
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What kind of spin is this? Sony don't buy long-standing multiplatforms IPs like MS does all the time (Spider-Man was fully developed and published by Sony before you mention that, they don't own the ip)

Well, no, they don't buy them. They just moneyhat them one at a time for the exact same end result (FF, SFV, KOTOR, etc.). LOL

It's a competitive business, quit trying to find a hero in Sony or MS, they have often made similar moves powered by similar motives. Simple as that.
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Spencer needs to diversify a bit, Destiny is more meh than great. Certainly a big pickup by Sony though, probably instantly becomes their strongest IP in total earned $$.
What kind of spin is this? Sony don't buy long-standing multiplatforms IPs like MS does all the time (Spider-Man was fully developed and published by Sony before you mention that, they don't own the ip)

The games are already out or deep in development when MS snatches them. They have no choice but to be considerate with the developers, their work and the contracts since they didn't create any of the IPs. It's laughable really how they create nothing with all that money actually.
Wow this aged horribly.

Big year for PS5. Are we finally going to see you hype for a PS5 exclusive or that's not allowed in your contract? I never see you in any PS thread 🤭
You talk about contracts yet you are in an Xbox thread trash talking. Is that in YOUR contract?

I tend to avoid PlayStation threads here because some of the fans I find pretty grating. It's bad enough hearing from them in Xbox threads. Looking forward to seeing how God of War 2 turns out.

That aged like fine milk
Pure gold.

They were forced to 🤣 MS changed the game. No more organic growth. Destiny is a recent IP with not much history anyway and it's staying multiplatform.

Buy Witch Queen on Feb 25th. It is Phil's favorite game 😁

Sony wasn't forced to do anything. They could have stuck to their usual script especially when they are the market leader. At least it puts the rest the ridiculous notion of organic growth. All companies buy studios and do what they can to gain a competitive advantage. Sony is no different.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Dude Starcraft. What if they made a Starcraft MMO or WoW remake?
I don't usually like RTS games. I'd try it if its on Gamepass, but this whole acquisition is not going to affect me all that much on a personal level. I know it's huge and exciting for other people. Maybe having the games on GP would attract a new audience, but they'd have to work on controller, which isn't easy either.

MMOs are off limits for me as well. I lost 5 years of my life to FFXI and will never play an MMO again. Just not enough free time for it these days lol.

Diablo 4 is interesting, but that's about it for me. I'd like some of the Call of Duty teams to branch out also.
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Activision trades at 17% discount to Microsoft's purchase offer.

Microsoft's deal to acquire Activision Blizzard will face a difficult review process.

Regardless of the final outcome, antitrust scrutiny will slow Microsoft M&A activity.

And now Sony has realized that PlayStation exists.

FY (2018 - 20) Strategic Investments

Sony 1.4 trillion yen (PlayStation 5%)

FY 2021 Strategic Investments

Sony 850 billion yen (PlayStation 40%)

The law of unintended consequences: Microsoft has made PlayStation relevant to Sony.


8.8bn in revenues last year, 70bn seems like a bargain now
They also have wow, which is a cash cow printing money, plus their mobile division which also brings alot of money.

Essentially, Activision will pay itself in 20 years, without gamepass revenue.



Initial conversation started on November 19th, 3 days after the WSJ article and 1 day before Spencer's email to xbox staff. There was 4 companies (one couldn't buy the whole thing) and one individual that ABK reached out to.

I wonder if this could be turned somehow in Microsoft favour. If Activision was selling to another gaming company it kind of reinforces the argument about buying them defensively


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
They were forced to 🤣 MS changed the game. No more organic growth. Destiny is a recent IP with not much history anyway and it's staying multiplatform.

Buy Witch Queen on Feb 25th. It is Phil's favorite game 😁

Spoken like a true warrior



Buying the franchises would be way better than buying the company.
No, you'd lose the people who having been working on those franchises which means less people to work on your franchises.
Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft all have more franchises that they can handle, buying only the franchises means other franchises wouldn't be worked on.

Do you prefer Sony buying MGS, SH and Castlevania and stop doing Horizon, Uncharted and Spiderman or to buy Konami as whole and do those games in addition to the new ones?



Buying the franchises would be way better than buying the company.
There is a reason why Sony spent $1b on bungie employees.
Buying IPs is that useless, since they have no experience with it. Buying the company makes sense, because you are getting the experience.

MS bought gears of war, and got Coalition in the process.
There is a reason why Sony spent $1b on bungie employees.
Buying IPs is that useless, since they have no experience with it. Buying the company makes sense, because you are getting the experience.

MS bought gears of war, and got Coalition in the process.
Sony should at least just buy Metal Gear so they have the reigns to that franchise.


No, you'd lose the people who having been working on those franchises which means less people to work on your franchises.
Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft all have more franchises that they can handle, buying only the franchises means other franchises wouldn't be worked on.

Do you prefer Sony buying MGS, SH and Castlevania and stop doing Horizon, Uncharted and Spiderman or to buy Konami as whole and do those games in addition to the new ones?
But it makes you think, are the developers who worked on these games still there?
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