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Bungie explains the Gauntlet Incident

I don't know what you're trying to say with your post, but what I meant with my sarcastic post is that some people are writing as if they know more then Bungie, and that the designers are racist, and that there is NO WAY it wasn't an accident, because accidents simply can't happen or something.

Okay I apologize if I didn't make it clear lol, it was a sarcastic post.
Andronicus made it clear today, in the original thread, that he didn't buy that the artist could be innocent and instead Bungie was choosing this route to kill the discussion.

Bungie can say whatever they need to protect the artist and themself. But just asking, creating logo for a game you would be making, would it be one of the first thing in development you need to do or one of the last thing? Just asking. There is no f way im going to beleive the artist did this unintentionally.
And we're done here. No need to respond to this person anymore folks.


I think some of you REALLY overestimate the permeation of these obscure internet memes into the world. this kek shit with the flag is obscure. That doesn't change the meaning of what it is being used for but we seriously need to maintain perspective when it comes to weird shit like this.

It was flown at Charlottesville, a protest covered around the world. It is less well-known, but I think "obscure" is a bit too strong.


We are revising history already?

no, they were racist symbols. They were flagged as such. they were removed from the game immediately with an apology. they were not just elements.

stirring up interest is cited for the quick removal. we should be happy people spoke loudly and quickly about it being a racist symbol, as they were correct and action was taken.

We reading the topic?

How did it happen?

The design in question was initially created as part of gear foundry explorations in June of 2015. Graphic designers routinely reference real world art, iconography, typeface, and other design elements to inform the choices they make. In this case, some of the reference imagery featured the simple mirrored chevron shapes found in the finished piece. Some graphic design that belongs to sports teams provided some inspiration as well, along with some primitive shapes and chevrons that were used to permeate our Guardian class iconography.

How did we miss this content in development?

Although the design wasn’t emulative of the meme in question, the armor piece was eventually flagged by another team responsible for reviewing content for cultural, geographical, and other sensitive issues. Unfortunately, that review was conducted to explore whether or not we were comfortable with the connection to the original, innocuous “kek” internet meme. The more contemporary, vile derivation that has been repurposed by hate groups was not surfaced through this process, and therefore, the armor was approved for ship.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
We are revising history already?

no, they were racist symbols. They were flagged as such. they were removed from the game immediately with an apology. they were not just elements.

stirring up interest is cited for the quick removal. we should be happy people spoke loudly and quickly about it being a racist symbol, as they were correct and action was taken.

Uh, no. That's not what happened. They were Chevrons. They were removed because the design unintentionally resembles a racist symbol

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
I'm sorry but you don't know what you're talking about (see the post above yours, among others). I also love how so many people in here seem to be employing the "guilty until proven innoncent" principle which is just all kinds of backwards.

Yeah, that's how trial by social media tends to be... nobody even knows who this 'designer' is (could well have been multiple). Assuming one though, if he/she/they is revealed to the public next week as gay, hispanic vegan with a passion for yoga, Noam Chomsky and the ACLU, and not some fedora-wearing neckbeard with a basement full of body pillows they imagine them to be, some peeps are gonna look like damn fools.


Bungie can say whatever they need to protect the artist and themself. But just asking, creating logo for a game you would be making, would it be one of the first thing in development you need to do or one of the last thing? Just asking. There is no f way im going to beleive the artist did this unintentionally.

Some people just want to be offended, I guess. People in here have explained quite clearly why it's not all that surprising or unbelievable that different people would independently come up with similar designs such as these. Hell, chances are that whoever designed that weird Kekistan flag may themself not have known about the previously designed Kek Lake logo. Sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence. No need for some convoluted conspiracy theory.


Every word of that was written by a lawyer. I can smell it.

It probably was a timing issue. In 2015, I don't think the true appropriation of pepe and kek had been accomplished by the alt-right.

I actually believe them on this. Even if not, they are taking every appropriate measure to fix this issue. So, its a non-issue. How they handle it internally is up to them.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yeah, that's how trial by social media tends to be... nobody even knows who this 'designer' is (could well have been multiple). Assuming one though, if he/she/they is revealed to the public next week as gay, hispanic vegan with a passion for yoga, Noam Chomsky and the ACLU, and not some fedora-wearing neckbeard with a basement full of body pillows they imagine him to be, some peeps are gonna look like damn fools.

I brought this up in the previous thread and was met with "yeah well liberals can be bad too"

Because of course this mythical asshole super-liberal would also somehow be alt-right?


We are revising history already?

no, they were racist symbols. They were flagged as such. they were removed from the game immediately with an apology. they were not just elements.

stirring up interest is cited for the quick removal. we should be happy people spoke loudly and quickly about it being a racist symbol, as they were correct and action was taken.


I'm talking about when they originally deisnged it back in 2015. Not what it resembles now.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
I brought this up in the previous thread and was met with "yeah well liberals can be bad too"

Because of course this mythical asshole super-liberal would also somehow be alt-right?

Those with a penchant for assumed truth almost invariably tend to be world class contortionists as well.

That's only true if I believe a company has no accountability for its imagery. art does not live outside of context. when we see that, we know what it is. intent may factor into the recourse taken, but it doesn't make it less true that the symbol was in the game and the company is accountable.

im not saying I have an issue with their response. im saying I expect companies to respond since they are (or at least should be) accountable.

No, you know what it is. Not everyone does or did.

And yes, while it's true that art does not live outside of context, that doesn't not mean it should it be forced to exclusively adopt a single just because it gives someone an excuse to feel aggrieved. In its existing context we have a single - obscure - symbol visible in a game that otherwise has no trace of similar sentiments anywhere else in its composition, from a company responsible for having created hundreds - if not thousands - of hours of game content, none of which shares such sentitments either.

There's your wider context; accountability is zero. They saw the unfortunate resemblence, decided it was inappropriate given it's wider connotations and applications and expended their own time and energy removing it. That's good on them, I say. An unfortunate incident nothing more.


We reading the topic?

Uh, no. That's not what happened. They were Chevrons. They were removed because the design unintentionally resembles a racist symbol


I'm talking about when they originally deisnged it back in 2015. Not what it resembles now.

That's only true if I believe a company has no accountability for its imagery. art does not live outside of context. when we see that, we know what it is. intent may factor into the recourse taken, but it doesn't make it less true that the symbol was in the game and the company is accountable.

im not saying I have an issue with their response. im saying I expect companies to respond since they are (or at least should be) accountable.


To some here, I do and i will i rank people opinions as i like.
Fighting fire with another kind of fire is not my thing...
What it leads to is never that "good"

A better attiude would be to push those symbols with better human values (or neutral one) to erase old meanings ...
meaning of symbols are static only if we make them that way.

Throw them away, find all people who used them (intentionnally or not) and blame them if not more...is sure easier.

Are we still peasants with pitchfork ?

Deku Tree

Wow that’s one really huge conincidence given the similarities... bungie should give a huge donation to show how they really feel IMHO.


It's basically cm punk logo.
Anyway I really don't think that everything in a game as huge as destiny 2 went through QA just in the last month before release, probably every asset, design and stuff like that had been checked by QA as soon as submitted more or less (I guess).

I was just being sarcastic. The fist as a symbol for strength in unity is nothing new. It has been used by racists, but also as part of plenty other movements. But out goes to show how quickly symbolic appropriation can lead to controversy, even fake controversy.


That's only true if I believe a company has no accountability for its imagery. art does not live outside of context. when we see that, we know what it is. intent may factor into the recourse taken, but it doesn't make it less true that the symbol was in the game and the company is accountable.

im not saying I have an issue with their response. im saying I expect companies to respond since they are (or at least should be) accountable.

Well I agree, of course they have accountability. Even I think it's better they patch it out and just do something else. It's an emblem, who gives a shit if it changes? It's not impacting gameplay or your money's worth.

What people are hostile to is accountability in 2015 to an unforseen and unfortunate coincidence in 2017. That defies the bounds of logic and brings us to time travel. I do get what you were saying now, but the actual design was never racist because it was never made with racist intent.

Removing it because of a coincidence was the right thing to do because it costs nothing to do that and keep those protesting happy. However, the response of the hunt for a sacking(s) was a bit out of control in the end. I expect many who posted in that other thread not to post again about this, and that's fine, self-reflection matters more than having to own yourself up to a grilling online. No one likes being wrong but remember hateful words can have consequences online. Such as calling a person or people who were innocent pieces of shit, cunts and saying fire the fuckers now. A little bit of reservation or asking for more info when you hardly know anything is not this mystical "both sides" trope people love to refer to. Sometimes it's just being skeptical/reasonable.
Someone catch me up on this thread. Are we banning all horde WOW players or what?

Can we stop. I don't think anyone here is talking about Kek on it's own.

There isn't an issue with people saying kek, although many will assume you are from 4chan, that's it though.

Kekistan, or kek specifically drawn in the manner it's displayed on the Kekistan flag is what was waved around at Charlottesville.


Well I agree, of course they have accountability. Even I think it's better they patch it out and just do something else. It's an emblem, who gives a shit if it changes? It's not impacting gameplay or your money's worth.

What people are hostile to is accountability in 2015 to an unforseen and unfortunate coincidence in 2017. That defies the bounds of logic. I do get what you were saying now, but the actual design was never racist because it was never made with racist intent.

I'm not dismissing what you are saying. what I find so important as to reply to these comments is that the reaction here and other places was called for and had (more or less) the intended response. people reacting has been good.


I'm not dismissing what you are saying. what I find so important as to reply to these comments is that the reaction here and other places was called for and had (more or less) the intended response. people reacting has been good.

Does that include the hyperbolic reaction of people asking for someone to get fired? Because I think that wasn't so helpful.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Well we've all heard the tales about Bannon's skills...

Does that include the hyperbolic reaction of people asking for someone to get fired? Because I think that wasn't so helpful.

Considering there was never an actual name and no one was actually harassed and there still isn't and probably never will be, I don't think it's a problem at all. It's basically hot air thrown into the wind. We've hit the stupid stage of people being ironically outraged over outrage.

Hari Seldon

The only reference I knew about kek was that it was from WoW, so it makes sense that it was in a Bungie game as they had Blizzard people helping them out. I fully accept the explanation that they knew no other reference to it, because I hadn't either.
I'm not dismissing what you are saying. what I find so important as to reply to these comments is that the reaction here and other places was called for and had (more or less) the intended response. people reacting has been good.

Agreeing with this. I'm glad people here reacted strongly to imagery sharing an extreme likeness to a hate symbol, creeping into a AAA game. I'd be much more worried if it was being brushed aside.

I don't understand the massive spite leveled at people who were concerned in the previous thread. Or the inflation of the couple posts who wanted the potential creator removed, likely once Bungie investigated this.


Some people just want to be offended, I guess. People in here have explained quite clearly why it's not all that surprising or unbelievable that different people would independently come up with similar designs such as these. Hell, chances are that whoever designed that weird Kekistan flag may themself not have known about the previously designed Kek Lake logo. Sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence. No need for some convoluted conspiracy theory.

Well , it didnt offend me if its what your asking. Artist might have seen the Kek Lake logo and it inspired him. Might have seen Kekistan flag and inspired him. Might have thinking about something totally original when its not. As you can say it might be a freakin coincidence.

Bungie gave their excuse. I beleive them. I have this doubt about the artist, but still, coincidence are coincidence. Most people here is thinking its just a coincidence,i guess ill go with the flow and be a beleiver too.


I'm not dismissing what you are saying. what I find so important as to reply to these comments is that the reaction here and other places was called for and had (more or less) the intended response. people reacting has been good.

The reaction to asking for it to be removed I'm okay with. The reaction to hunting people down, name and shame, fire without due process and the whole range of cunts, fuckers, scum, piece of shits and more could've been more carefully thought out. Yes, emotions were running high due to what the flag makes people think, but remember from the first Bungie apology they specifically stated it was not intentional but many were saying "100% intentional". Also arguing with others that you've to believe that or you are possibly caring more about this racist white supremacist at Bungie. If people kept whipping themselves into a frenzy I genuinely think it wouldn't have been long before internet detectives off site started doxing names from credits and linkedin. People were that angry at this employee(s) they knew nothing of.

I honestly think the continued anger and calls for a sacking after the first response further prompted Bungie to speak out again. Hopefully I think the vast majority of people on the hunt for an employee will back off now. If you want to keep boycotting Bungie like one poster on GAF has said, that's fine, that's a personal decision. Just don't go targeting people that work at Bungie.

Considering there was never an actual name and no one was actually harassed and there still isn't and probably never will be, I don't think it's a problem at all. It's basically hot air thrown into the wind. We've hit the stupid stage of people being ironically outraged over outrage.

And what about a future instance if there ever is names? A little bit of introspection about playing internet detective, judge and jury all at once doesn't hurt anyone. Sometimes it's okay to ask questions before going from 0 to 100. As I've said a few times the internet often gets things right, but it can get things wrong. People shouldn't be so quick to just say because I'm angry it doesn't matter if I get things wrong. People who are angry, even if rightly so, can sometimes make bad decisions.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I don't understand the massive spite leveled at people who were concerned in the previous thread. Or the inflation of the couple posts who wanted the potential creator removed, likely once Bungie investigated this.

There is almost no spite being leveled at people who were concerned in the previous thread. Almost everyone agreed that the design was similar enough to warrant its removal. The issue some folks have is people who automatically jumped to the strongest possible conclusion with little actual information; there were multiple posts in that thread that implied or outright stated that not only is it impossible for the similarities to be unintentional, but that anyone who even presented the possibility that it was unintentional had a sinister ulterior motive.
Agreeing with this. I'm glad people here reacted strongly to imagery sharing an extreme likeness to a hate symbol, creeping into a AAA game. I'd be much more worried if it was being brushed aside.

I don't understand the massive spite leveled at people who were concerned in the previous thread. Or the inflation of the couple posts who wanted the potential creator removed, likely once Bungie investigated this.

I don't think the spite is leveled at people who were concerned, but at the people who immediately jump to the worst possible conclusions and assume absolute malice. People who assume Bungie secretly knew this was in the game all along and approved and only removed it once being called out. People that assumed the creator clearly had bad intentions and meant to sneak this type of imagery into the game.

If is good to point these things out and have them taken care of, even if they are coincidences. But I don't think people should be so quick to assume it is a big conspiracy to sneak white supremacist imagery into a game. The way some people were reacting, it appears that some did think that way.

I think GAF needs to not always assume the absolute worst in people. People tend to take extreme positions either way. They are either 100% convinced that the creator did it on purpose, or 100% convinced they did it on accident. There is no way anyone here could possibly know something 100% unless they were themselves the creator. We need to tone down the rhetoric a bit and use reason before jumping to conclusions all the time.


Well , it didnt offend me if its what your asking. Artist might have seen the Kek Lake logo and it inspired him. Might have seen Kekistan flag and inspired him. Might have thinking about something totally original when its not. As you can say it might be a freakin coincidence.

Bungie gave their excuse. I beleive them. I have this doubt about the artist, but still, coincidence are coincidence. Most people here is thinking its just a coincidence,i guess ill go with the flow and be a beleiver too.

You don't have to believe anything, you should simply be open to the possibility and not assume something to be true or untrue without having any proof to support that assumption. If you think that the resemblance may have been intentional on the part of the artist, fair enough. Just don't go around saying that there's no way it couldn't have been intentional when that's simply not true.


I think GAF needs to not always assume the absolute worst in people. People tend to take extreme positions either way. They are either 100% convinced that the creator did it on purpose, or 100% convinced they did it on accident. There is no way anyone here could possibly know something 100% unless they were themselves the creator. We need to tone down the rhetoric a bit and use reason before jumping to conclusions all the time.

At this point, we are talking about matters of degree. But when it comes to racism and bigotry, I would argue that people are too quick to assume the best, not the worst. The various PDP threads are fine exemplars of many people looking for ways to excuse or downplay his actions.
The reaction to asking for it to be removed I'm okay with. The reaction to hunting people down, name and shame, fire without due process and the whole range of cunts, fuckers, scum, piece of shits and more could've been more carefully thought out. Yes, emotions were running high due to what the flag makes people think, but remember from the first Bungie apology they specifically stated it was not intentional but many were saying "100% intentional". Also arguing with others that you've to believe that or you are possibly caring more about this racist white supremacist at Bungie. If people kept whipping themselves into a frenzy I genuinely think it wouldn't have been long before internet detectives off site started doxing names from credits and linkedin. People were that angry at this employee(s) they knew nothing of.

I honestly think the continued anger and calls for a sacking after the first response further prompted Bungie to speak out again. Hopefully I think the vast majority of people on the hunt for an employee will back off now. If you want to keep boycotting Bungie like one poster on GAF has said, that's fine, that's a personal decision. Just don't go targeting people that work at Bungie.

And what about a future instance if there ever is names? A little bit of introspection about playing internet detective, judge and jury all at once doesn't hurt anyone. Sometimes it's okay to ask questions before going from 0 to 100. As I've said a few times the internet often gets things right, but it can get things wrong. People shouldn't be so quick to just say because I'm angry it doesn't matter if I get things wrong. People who are angry, even if rightly so, can sometimes make bad decisions.

Come back to me when gaf is actually coordinating an actual campaign of harassment against someone, guilty or not, and I'll take your claims more seriously. This is slippery slope, strawman, what-if bullshit. I find it very hard to believe the mods here would allow a gaf run manhunt to even exist though some with a seeming chip on their shoulder want to try and label what happened here as that. Saying, "I hope someone is fired for this" does not equal crucifying an actual person without evidence. These arguments come across like a bunch of people who want to tut-tut others just to try and prove some sort of moral victory.
At this point, we are talking about matters of degree. But when it comes to racism and bigotry, I would argue that people are too quick to assume the best, not the worst. The various PDP threads are fine exemplars of many people looking for ways to excuse or downplay his actions.

Yes the defense force that came out for him was frustrating to say the least, but when you go to extremes, it encourages people to react in the opposite extreme. I feel like less trolls would come out of the woodwork, if they weren't "triggered" by the some of the reactions.

The other issue is if someone takes a very strong position such as "PDP is just as bad as the Charlottesville marchers" and someone takes issue with that statement, it is assumed the person taking issue with that statement is a white supremacist. Now it is possible they are a troll account, but it is also possible they are not and just think the rhetoric is a bit too strong. This makes it very difficult to have real conversations regarding these issues. Anyone who wants to step back from the most extreme condemnation is assumed to be 100% on the other side. Everything has to be black and white with many people.


Well , it didnt offend me if its what your asking. Artist might have seen the Kek Lake logo and it inspired him. Might have seen Kekistan flag and inspired him. Might have thinking about something totally original when its not. As you can say it might be a freakin coincidence.

Bungie gave their excuse. I beleive them. I have this doubt about the artist, but still, coincidence are coincidence. Most people here is thinking its just a coincidence,i guess ill go with the flow and be a beleiver too.

You definitely did not need to see the flag to need 'inspiration' to come up with [backwards K] [no vertical bar symmetrical E] [forwards K]. It's a zero inspiration design, just the basic things you'd do. That's what is so mind boggling for me in this thread... people acting like the most basic design is 'an amazing coincidence'. No, it's really not. The green background is a minor coincidence since they could have picked red or blue or yellow, etc... but the design itself is bog standard logo.

Google 'kak logo', and you get:


google 'kik' logo and you get:



google 'kok logo' and you get:


google 'aea' [for the E] and you get...

oh wow, exactly what i'm talking about... sample logos:


Taking the bar off an E for symmetry is common. Reversing the first letter if a three letter anagram is common.


Mistakes happen a lot more on corporate American than you would think. Most of it unintentional. This is for sure unintentional if I was a betting man. Good on bungie for apologizing and removing. I can't fathom how people are mad at them right now. Whatever.

EDIT: post above does a great job explaining stuff. I'm sure someone could write an essay and have tons of examples of misused corporate marketing similarities.


Come back to me when gaf is actually coordinating an actual campaign of harassment against someone, guilty or not, and I'll take your claims more seriously. This is slippery slope, strawman, what-if bullshit. I find it very hard to believe the mods here would allow a gaf run manhunt to even exist though some with a seeming chip on their shoulder want to try and label what happened here as that. Saying, "I hope someone is fired for this" does not equal crucifying an actual person without evidence. These arguments come across like a bunch of people who want to tut-tut others just to try and prove some sort of moral victory.

GAF itself isn't coordinating anything, people on GAF were responding in ways others were calling out as potentially being heavy-handed here. That happens often on a message board. You've maybe got more faith in the internet than I do about the potential for people to play detective when they are sufficiently angry.

Feel free to go and re-read this topic from page 1 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1432085 There was a lot of angry people across the internet that wanted a punishment to be carried out because their minds were made up this was legitimately 100% intentional. I was told in that topic in America anyone can be fired for anything (debate about lateness went on), resulting in being asked why do you care more about the feelings/employment of this unknown "racist white supremacist" person? 99.9% chance most people on the net are hyperbolic with anger. Sure. I know that and get it most of the time. This should still be a reminder though it's valid to question things sometimes without going straight to 100% certainty. Call it tut-tuting if you want, but that just comes across like you'd rather people can be as angry and visceral as they want as long as they feel their anger is justified. That is how the internet ends up making mistakes. The ends justify the means because "I'm one of the good guys getting angry". Even if you're one of the good guys, you still need to use your critical thinking processes and ask questions/wait for info from time to time.


Feel free to go and re-read this topic from page 1 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1432085 There was a lot of angry people across the internet that wanted a punishment to be carried out because their minds were made up this was legitimately 100% intentional. I was told in that topic in America anyone can be fired for anything (debate about lateness went on), resulting in being asked why do you care more about the feelings/employment of this unknown "racist white supremacist" person? 99.9% chance most people on the net are hyperbolic with anger.

I don't think you're being entirely fair with your summary here.

First, I was the one who told you about how grounds for being fired works in the US. I wanted to provide perspective, and to note that you can be fired for both intending to hurt your company and accidentally hurting your company.

Second, you applied the highest standard of proof available in America: "innocent until proven guilty". This is a standard reserved for criminal law. It is not used in civil courts, and it certainly does not apply to "at will" employment. Outside the most serious criminal matters, people often apply a "preponderance of evidence" or a "better than 50%" likelihood.

Third, you devoted many pages of text to passionately arguing about the mere prospect of a single artist being temporarily unemployed. You devoted far less to the prospect of emboldening white supremacists around the world. That certainly doesn't mean you don't care about such an issue, but it didn't seem to be your primary concern.


Third, you devoted many pages of text to passionately arguing about the mere prospect of a single artist being temporarily unemployed. You devoted far less to the prospect of embolding white supremacists around the world. That certainly doesn't mean you don't care about such an issue, but it didn't seem to be your primary concern.

In that topic the primary concern was getting to the bottom of a graphical emblem/logo in Destiny 2, Bungie's response and the likelihood of coincidence vs intent (after Bungie had said not intentional). People had decided it was 100% a white supremacist so anyone arguing about what mattered which was discovering how the emblem/logo was created/who even did it/could it be coincidental/should someone be fired without proof was brushed aside as "white supremacy isn't your main concern". Look how that worked out. It was nothing to do with white supremacy.

You can be critical and question something without blowing it up and running a million miles ahead to white supremacists caused Charlottesville, therefore, Bungie is 100% harbouring someone who wants to kill/exterminate/oppress. Asking questions about something doesn't mean you don't care, it means you think there could be probable cause for another answer to be possible. Before anyone asks would you "just ask questions" about a car ramming people? No, that's a violent act of terrorism. Cmon. This was always a graphical emblem/logo in a bog-standard FPS video game that wasn't even 100% the same no matter how many people tried to say it is 100% the same. Big difference between those two situations to ask some questions first before going to I 100% know intent here, and someone has to be fired.

You could have been right, but the fact so many didn't even want to entertain Bungie's answer or have a few questions asked was part of this whole mess escalating to what it did. There are still some people due to how all of this blew up convinced white supremacy is behind this and Bungie are either lying or still somehow complicit.
innocent or ignorant?

After how many similar elements in a piece does something stop being a coincidence?

So it was flagged, but for something else & bungie says its was a coincidence it closely resembled a hate sign...ok. Obviously bungie will try to cover their ass but at the same time this isn't some bungie hail hydra shit.
All it really takes is someone to say "oh wait i didn't mean it like that" ( eg. pewdiepie) to rile people up on both sides even worse. I don't buy that it was innocent but this is the route they are going with the story to kill the attention and end the conversation.

As for the whole "digital lynch mob" & "kill this persons career now!" shit some of you are insinuating that was happening in here (as far as i cant tell which wasn't), do you not believe in consequences for actions? or have you just never had to face any?

This is what I was referring to.
This is what I was referring to.

all it takes is a "I didn't know" or a "i didn't mean it like that" as a good enough excuse for it to be brushed off by some people is what i was referring to, even when its bullshit. we've seen it over and over.

"its over guys innocent mistake you can all go home now. case closed." *backs away slowly*
I'm happy to believe the original artist did not intend to make a connection and did not know about the Kekistan flag. I'm a little more concerned about the review process that missed the connection. That could just be an artifact of when that review process happened versus when the flag design first rose to prominence, but if the flag was already in use by that point, I'd want to know why the process missed this resemblance and what can be done in the future to avoid this scenario.

In general, I want to know how the content flagging and review process works at Bungie just because it's an interesting problem and a relatively new one to video games.


Pretty much.

"Oooouuu they wrote a blog post, therefore everything in the blog must be true"

Not saying they are lying. Just saying the idea that the source of the error who have nothing to gain by saying "naw we hired a white supremacist" is feeding you the info should draw more skepticism than people are showing here.

They admit as much in the last paragraph which is why I find some of these responses funny.

Whatever the response is, you will never know the truth yourself and you're just assuming.
Of couse, you decide to take it negatively without being in a position to know better.

Part of me wants you to end up with your foot in your mouth just so you can understand that no matter what you say to correct yourself (innocent or not), nobody will believe you.


I'm happy to believe the original artist did not intend to make a connection and did not know about the Kekistan flag. I'm a little more concerned about the review process that missed the connection. That could just be an artifact of when that review process happened versus when the flag design first rose to prominence, but if the flag was already in use by that point, I'd want to know why the process missed this resemblance and what can be done in the future to avoid this scenario.

In general, I want to know how the content flagging and review process works at Bungie just because it's an interesting problem and a relatively new one to video games.

The kekistan flag was conceived early this year.
The kekistan flag was conceived early this year.

Ah, okay, then it's bad timing all around. I do wonder if it would be worth a final content review pass near the end of development to catch stuff like this; obviously the end of development is a real hectic time to say the least, so maybe it's not realistic in the current development climate, especially if it only seems to happen once in a blue moon. Still, something worth considering.
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