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Bush: ‘We’ve Never Been Stay The Course’

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Well... Bush certainly isn't worse than Calvin Coolidge is he? The President that slept 14 hours a day during his term.


WalkMan said:
Well... Bush certainly isn't worse than Calvin Coolidge is he? The President that slept 14 hours a day during his term.

I'd rather have that than a President who dedicates every waking moment to being evil and justifying it in ways that insult our intelligence.
Simply amazing. If this guy gets a pass on this one I will freely admit that he is the greatest president we have ever had.

To do a total 180 and no one challenge him is a sign of true power.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Simply amazing. If this guy gets a pass on this one I will freely admit that he is the greatest president we have ever had.

To do a total 180 and no one challenge him is a sign of true power.

Lets be more accurate here.

He'll simply be known as the man to have presided over the most inconsistent, most blindly and dangerously patriotic and jingoistic half of americans.

And the woe is he'll be out of office when the bombs start landing.

Hopefully, he'll be the first and only person they land on though.


Do people ever read anything other than the bolded part? Its obvious that previously he was talking about not giving up the war and that the new statement is that they're tactics are constantly changing
I can neer get over how ridiculously stupid bush seems...the last shall be first and the first shall be last I suppose....that where governments seemd to be going intellectually at this point



Hang out with Steve.
Pimpwerx said:
You liberals try exercising revisionist history at every turn. We never accused Saddam of having WMDs, we never said we were gonna catch Bin Laden, and we never said we were gonna stay the course. Those previous quotes were all taken out of context...as is the video and audio footage. I claim the R. Kelly defense on that one. The vast left-wing conspiracy photoshopped Bush onto that aircraft carrier and into those press conferences. ;) PEACE.

That must be it :)


Pikelet said:
Do people ever read anything other than the bolded part? Its obvious that previously he was talking about not giving up the war and that the new statement is that they're tactics are constantly changing?

Of course if you want to play it that way, it's fair to say, what he's trying to do is trying to surreptitiously absolve himself of previous 'stay the course' comments, while commenting inside the context of this 'tactics' question.

In either case (purposefully or just stupidly), it high lights him once again as an incompetent president, stateman and politician that would have NEVER, not in a thousand million years, been made president HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR the fact he shares the same name as his father, an ex president of the united states.
Pimpwerx said:
You liberals try exercising revisionist history at every turn. We never accused Saddam of having WMDs, we never said we were gonna catch Bin Laden, and we never said we were gonna stay the course. Those previous quotes were all taken out of context...as is the video and audio footage. I claim the R. Kelly defense on that one. The vast left-wing conspiracy photoshopped Bush onto that aircraft carrier and into those press conferences. ;) PEACE.

hahaha, thats sound like sarcasm....nice if true.......gah, almost got me, and Im very used to that stuff


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Boogie said:
I'm really tired of arguing with people who talk out their ****ing ass.

My point at this point is that you say stupid shit.


And you're showing just how ****ing retarded you are. I said:


Do you see the goddamned word "everyone" in there, you ****ing moron? No, didn't think so.

So I think you're the one who should shut the **** up.

Dumbass. I'd tell you to "stick to x", but I don't think we've found a topic yet that you can talk about without looking like a tool.

you must be liked by a mod, I see others banned for 'debating' in this fashion.


nelsonroyale said:
oh hell, reagan? slim pickings recently I suppose....;but what about jefferson, Jackson and LIncoln......


Remember, these are americans you're dealing with. The same uninformed noise that voted in some guy that has a JUNIOR attached to his name.


it's weird - whilst the british always have people you could describe as "cockrags" as our leaders, it's very VERY rare we have someone who is an out and out f*cking idiot behind the wheel.

They wouldn't last 5 minutes, the press would kill them, and they'd get destroyed at 'question time' and christ, people like Paxman wouldn't just rip them a new anus, they'd be providing meters of new intestine as well...
Pimpwerx said:
You liberals try exercising revisionist history at every turn. We never accused Saddam of having WMDs, we never said we were gonna catch Bin Laden, and we never said we were gonna stay the course. Those previous quotes were all taken out of context...as is the video and audio footage. I claim the R. Kelly defense on that one. The vast left-wing conspiracy photoshopped Bush onto that aircraft carrier and into those press conferences. ;) PEACE.
"If G.W. Bush invaded your country would you A) stand and fight knowing you'd lose or B) move the hell out the way?"


I don't know shit about shit
nelsonroyale said:
oh hell, reagan? slim pickings recently I suppose....;but what about jefferson, Jackson and LIncoln......

I don't think the last 2 or 3 generations paid much attention in history class...


"Stay the course" is a completely brain-dead expression in the first place, voicing the exact opposite of a strategy; I'm not sure why any of his speechwriters allowed him to say it, especially when it ties so closely to his father's rhetoric (so popularly mocked by Dana Carvey on SNL back in the day). Still, there's hardly anything wrong with saying that phrase, nor is there any real conflict between what he's saying here and what has consistently been behind his general talk about the war for a while now (as other people in this thread have suggested). Sure it's a "gotcha," but a meaningless one, IMO.
Pikelet said:
Do people ever read anything other than the bolded part? Its obvious that previously he was talking about not giving up the war and that the new statement is that they're tactics are constantly changing

Well, I just suggest you stay the course, Heh, heh, heh.....heh, heh! Thanks for spinning the lies for me son, Heh heh........heh, heh.
APF said:
"Stay the course" is a completely brain-dead expression in the first place, voicing the exact opposite of a strategy; I'm not sure why any of his speechwriters allowed him to say it, especially when it ties so closely to his father's rhetoric (so popularly mocked by Dana Carvey on SNL back in the day). Still, there's hardly anything wrong with saying that phrase, nor is there any real conflict between what he's saying here and what has consistently been behind his general talk about the war for a while now (as other people in this thread have suggested). Sure it's a "gotcha," but a meaningless one, IMO.

Heh, heh....... thats right, you scratch my back..........and I.... uh, uh...if it itches.


G***n S**n*bi
I'm sorry to be off topic but where the hell is this from?


OG_Original Gamer said:
Heh, heh....... thats right, you scratch my back..........and I.... uh, uh...if it itches.
Gollum? Are you trying to provide a commentary on how Bush Administration opponents have become so obsessed with the President that their single-minded obsession has manifested itself physically on thier person? But the Washington Post literally swoons at the physical beauty of the Democrats' offerings this election...


If only religious americans didn't vote based on a select few issues. war? who cares. terorrism? who cares? economy? who cares. gay marriage? DEMS FIGHTIN WURDS!
APF said:
Gollum? Are you trying to provide a commentary on how Bush Administration opponents have become so obsessed with the President that their single-minded obsession has manifested itself physically on thier person? But the Washington Post literally swoons at the physical beauty of the Democrats' offerings this election...

Gollum....Huh. Who is that......did he cut and run, couldn't handle the ring of power.....Heh...only the republicans can.


SteveMeister said:
Fear. A weak Democratic opponent. Ignorance. Apathy.

See... the thing is... I think the republican propoganda/partisanship machine has manufacturered a situation in which their opponents have been ground to dust...

if you read that rolling stone article on the senate; it's evident that the democrats in government have faced a beating (not pollwise... but power and effectuality wise... the things that they need to do anything as politicians) unlike any they've ever faced before... unlike any that any group in government has faced before... and it's far from entirely their fault... when the straight red government plays fiercely into partisanship... essentially hijacking the process of government; the willingness for fair play, and bipartisanship that HAD existed for decades until the Bushies came into power... in favour of greed, corruption, partisanship and laziness... it becomes extremely difficult when so effectively neutered, to keep any semblance of morale up.

And the neocons want it that way. And they want people to think that the democrats are weak... even though it's not emphasized that, they've essentially been bullied into such a position (who would emphasize it? It doesn't even sound like a good defense. But it is the truth). Because all of that... it plays into their agenda of fear.

It doesn't matter how they perform... they don't need to perform, as long as they can keep Americans under a pall of fear and ignorance... they can keep repeating their party line: Stay the course.

Now that things have changed fundamentally against their favour... they're trying to spin... spin, lie, flip flop. Disassociate themselves from the last 6 years of utter failure. As long as they can keep Americans asleep... unaware... redirect their attention and hope for short short memories... they still have a chance.

The neo-con propaganda machine has been far too effective... but the results of their rule have also become far too obvious. Wake up Americans. Wake up and smell the shit. And realise for a moment, it's not the kind that's going to grow roses.
I think the latest spin will last as about as long as the ill-fated, "Islamic Fascist".

But it is funny seeing the White House in full panic mode trying to show they have some kind of strategy and feign flexibility when they've been as flexible as a geriatric 85 year-old. It's so funny how they're now basically proposing timetables, but they call it "milestones". Pretty soon they'll suggest "redeployment", but they call it "Protecting Freedom from the perimeter".

With that said, the question is whether a good size of the electorate will fall for their spin hook line and sinker once again. Maybe, but mindless Republicans candidates like George Allen who have basically regurgitated the White House's talking points of "Stay the Course" in numerous speeches and debates are basically stuck twisting in the wind the final few weeks. It's too late for them to try to redefine "Stay the Course", it will just give their opponents more fodder for attack ads.


Ninja Scooter said:
Bush has been caught in lies for years, it'll never matter as long as he continues to hate the gays his voters willl love him.
As long as god keeps sending him on missions as well.


Boogie said:
Really? I'm not American, but I took it for granted that most Americans believe Reagan "won the Cold War"

I don't believe he won the Cold War, but I certainly don't believe he was the deil as many other people apparently believe.


Zenith said:
don't suppose the Daily Show or Colbert Report covered this one did they? comedy gold for the taking.

They are probably still laughing about it so we may not hear anything about it tonight :)


The Chosen One said:
Pretty soon they'll suggest "redeployment", but they call it "Protecting Freedom from the perimeter".

:lol "We're moving the fight a little bit over there so they won't fight us over here."


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I don't believe Bush policy has ever said they refuse to consider other opinions and/or strategies. And I feel like they've been pretty consistent about defining the "course" in "stay the course" as the goal of an democratic Iraq that can manage it's security independently.


140.85 said:
I don't believe Bush policy has ever said they refuse to consider other opinions and/or strategies. And I feel like they've been pretty consistent about defining the "course" in "stay the course" as the goal of an democratic Iraq that can manage it's security independently.
Look, don't try to bring Facts into this Bush-basing fest, sheesh... what are you, some sort of "reality-based community" member or something?? You'll blindly attack like you're told, and you'll like it! Get that knee jerking, Jr.!
Zaptruder said:
Of course if you want to play it that way, it's fair to say, what he's trying to do is trying to surreptitiously absolve himself of previous 'stay the course' comments, while commenting inside the context of this 'tactics' question.

In either case (purposefully or just stupidly), it high lights him once again as an incompetent president, stateman and politician that would have NEVER, not in a thousand million years, been made president HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR the fact he shares the same name as his father, an ex president of the united states.

Amen brother. That's what I've been saying ever since the Republican primary in 1999 and 2000 when he was facing off against McCain. Argue all you want about whether you personally like McCain or not, but he would have been an infinitely better president than daddy's boy junior has been.


140.85 said:
I don't believe Bush policy has ever said they refuse to consider other opinions and/or strategies. And I feel like they've been pretty consistent about defining the "course" in "stay the course" as the goal of an democratic Iraq that can manage it's security independently.

Bush has a policy? And he can actually define something??


APF said:
Look, don't try to bring Facts into this Bush-basing fest, sheesh... what are you, some sort of "reality-based community" member or something?? You'll blindly attack like you're told, and you'll like it! Get that knee jerking, Jr.!

Yup. Pretty much. That's the point we are at now. I make no apologies for any of it. It's much too late for that. The man is a joke, he's full of shit all the time, and he should basically just shut the fukk up, really.


Hang out with Steve.
140.85 said:
I don't believe Bush policy has ever said they refuse to consider other opinions and/or strategies. And I feel like they've been pretty consistent about defining the "course" in "stay the course" as the goal of an democratic Iraq that can manage it's security independently.

So what you're saying is, every time Bush said that we need to "stay the course," he really meant we should "stay the course," not "stay the course." I think I understand now.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
APF said:
Look, don't try to bring Facts into this Bush-basing fest, sheesh... what are you, some sort of "reality-based community" member or something?? You'll blindly attack like you're told, and you'll like it! Get that knee jerking, Jr.!

Y-yes sir. :\


SteveMeister said:
So what you're saying is, every time Bush said that we need to "stay the course," he really meant we should "stay the course," not "stay the course." I think I understand now.
Depends on what your definition of IS is.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
SteveMeister said:
So what you're saying is, every time Bush said that we need to "stay the course," he really meant we should "stay the course," not "stay the course." I think I understand now.

Not really, no. I'm just saying that my understanding has been that the Bush administration has always used the "stay the course" sound-bite to refer to a specific goal, not the strategies employed to get there.
140.85 said:
I don't believe Bush policy has ever said they refuse to consider other opinions and/or strategies. And I feel like they've been pretty consistent about defining the "course" in "stay the course" as the goal of an democratic Iraq that can manage it's security independently.

APF said:
Look, don't try to bring Facts into this Bush-basing fest, sheesh... what are you, some sort of "reality-based community" member or something?? You'll blindly attack like you're told, and you'll like it! Get that knee jerking, Jr.!

Wow, I thought I had found the un-spinable. APF even ups the ante by claiming that facts are on his side! Hats off to you good sir!
140.85 said:
Not really, no. I'm just saying that my understanding has been that the Bush administration has always used the "stay the course" sound-bite to refer to a specific goal, not the strategies employed to get there.

That's not the argument Bush made. He hammered "stay the course" into our heads until it's a phrase that will always be associated with his Iraq policy (or lack thereof). He didn't try to spin to try and make us believe he really meant something different at the time. He argument was that of a 5-year old "No I didn't....I DIDN'T....I"M TELLING CHENEY!!!"

Are you implying that the administration has always been open to constructive contriticism and unafraid to change policy? That they would rather admit mistakes and improve the situation rather than let things continue on a downward spiral
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