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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - New screenshots (+gameplay vid p5)


Doom_Bringer said:

when? I rarely tked in BF2

Dunno, maybe like around when the game first came out. Opposite team.

These CoD4 screens... i'll believe it when i see it. Because some of it looks better than Crysis to me. Art-wise mainly


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Treo360 said:
Because trench warfare is a boring mess.

What, dodging mustard gas clouds? Falling back on railheads? Shooting down zeppelins? Impaling the Hun on his own goofy pointed helmet? If that's a boring mess, then sign me up!

Edit: I thought of something else. A developer would have a built-in excuse for AI just marching into machine gun fire.


thanks for the laugh
Guileless said:
What, dodging mustard gas clouds? Falling back on railheads? Shooting down zeppelins? Impaling the Hun on his own goofy pointed helmet? If that's a boring mess, then sign me up!

Edit: I thought of something else. A developer would have a built-in excuse for AI just marching into machine gun fire.

My dream is for some awesome, fully realised Steampunk FPS.
Game looks fantastic. I'm glad to see them finally moving away from WWII. I hope they have an easy way to play with friends online this time around... Something like Battlefield 2's squads or Enemy Territory's fireteams..
Mojovonio said:
and it runs at a solid 60fps

me getting dis.

I hadn't had a chance to watch this before because my PC just plain isn't up to the task of pushing 720p trailers at 60fps, but I finally transfered the 60fps version of the trailer to my PS3 for some proper viewing, and god damn... I thought it looked decent enough before, but seeing it run at 60fps was something else.


Wow, I'm impressed. But I really hope those aren't bullshots.

Also, I think they should drop the "4" since this is the first non-WWII Call of Duty game.


This is the first CoD game I've really been interested in. So sick of the WWII genre in general.

Can't wait till this gets released.


AltogetherAndrews said:
I hadn't had a chance to watch this before because my PC just plain isn't up to the task of pushing 720p trailers at 60fps, but I finally transfered the 60fps version of the trailer to my PS3 for some proper viewing, and god damn... I thought it looked decent enough before, but seeing it run at 60fps was something else.
Can you link me to this 720p 60fps trailer? I'd like to see it.


for them to get the game looking that good and running at 60fps, thats probably the most impressive thing I've seen this gen.



Another shooter game that I will buy and suck large at....:)
I think my gamertag needs to be changed to BulletReceptacle.

These games that have come out (or are coming soon) have all but made me forget the old Killzone 2 trailer. Between GRAW2 and CoD4 (and assuming SOCOM on PS3 brings the heat to its graphics), I no longer even care that Killzone never made it out yet...

I may be in a distinct minority, but I used to love BF2 on the 360 when people would actually play something other than Backstab or Bridge Too Far every single time - and I actually like the MP on CoD3 (SP is fecial matter though).
I really hope they leave it relatively "pure" despite moving into modern combat. Games like Ghost Recon have come to focus far too much on using technology as a main offensive and defensive measure to a point where it seems like the biggest challenge is coordinating all your intel and means of attack, so here's to hoping that COD4 sticks closer to the basics, and focuses on the intense and personal combat that has made the COD games so awesome to begin with.


glad to heard people isn't stupid anymore
WOW, at last not based on the ****ing boring WWII. Did we know something about the Wii version? How was CoD3 on the Wii?

Now I'm interested.


You like me, you really really like me!
I really hope they tone down the freakin auto-aim in CoD4.

My enjoyment of CoD3 multiplayer was killed because of this.
BF2 sucks because of all the dolphine diving(even though they reduced it), buggy ass claymores that kill from a far distance and crappy weapon damage rates but its still better than most fps with vehicles.
The one thing that doesn't quite add up in the GI article is that the writer claims to not have seen any of the SAS missions. Then what the hell is this?



MrPing1000 said:
yay British SAS

I second this emotion.

AltogetherAndrews said:
Oh yes. I'm pretty psyched about the whole SAS component, to be honest.

Agreed. I just hope that they totally knock the whole package out of the park with the online multiplayer.

I just hope that they get actual British actors/people to voice the SAS characters. Any f*cking Mary Poppins, Dick Van Dyke Engrish and I will promptly march down to those development studios and show them what pain is.

PS - Altogether Andrews, I'm loving the return of the classic 'AA' avatar in Lord Flasheart. Just saying, mixing it up and keeping them guessing does a man good. :D


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I watch this trailer and there are things I see that I just can't believe. The way the sniper moves crouched down in his ghillie suit is freakin' sweet!

I'm not saying the stuff isn't real, just that I'm really floored by how amazing it is. It's almost too good to be real... it all moves more like a CG intro movie than a real game. I'm sure the lion's share of the footage is cut scene stuff, but it's pretty damn incredible nonetheless.
The craziest thing about the trailer is that as amazing as the action looks, the actual cuts all seem to focus on rather pedestrian scenarios (by COD standards), and they often cut off right before a more explosive event, "spoiling" very little of the game. Best example of this is the clip that shows the helicopter going down. It cuts right before it hits the ground, which makes it little more than a snapshot, but a damn effective one. Even their deliberately limited stuff is set well above the bar.

Busty said:
I just hope that they get actual British actors/people to voice the SAS characters. Any f*cking Mary Poppins, Dick Van Dyke Engrish and I will promptly march down to those development studios and show them what pain is.

PS - Altogether Andrews, I'm loving the return of the classic 'AA' avatar in Lord Flasheart. Just saying, mixing it up and keeping them guessing does a man good. :D

Now I'm tempted to fire up COD2 again to check on the English accents. Obviously a certain level of exaggerated accent will be in the there given the time period and the classic setting, but I'm still curious.

Flashheart is hard to beat, this is true. I had to pay some homage to the awesome Promise Hand soldier during HazeDays there though.
Is it public knowledge that there are video interviews available in the Unlimited section of gaminformer.com? There are some fresh snippets of in-game video there as well. Brief and spliced in with the trailer footage, but very cool nonetheless.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
AltogetherAndrews said:
Is it public knowledge that there are video interviews available in the Unlimited section of gaminformer.com? There are some fresh snippets of in-game video there as well. Brief and spliced in with the trailer footage, but very cool nonetheless.

Man... I think you have to pay. :/


I'll keep my expectations low. The screens look great, but CoD3 SP was such a let down. Seemed like one of the spin off games rather than a main installment. It wasn't a horrible game, but it wasn't great either. The original is still my fav.
Rorschach said:
I'll keep my expectations low. The screens look great, but CoD3 SP was such a let down. Seemed like one of the spin off games rather than a main installment. It wasn't a horrible game, but it wasn't great either. The original is still my fav.

Eh, considering that the game was developed by Treyarch as opposed to Infinity Ward, I'd say it pretty much was a "spin-off". This is the real deal.

Oh hells yes

IGN preview

Imagine Ubi's Rainbow Six with incredible graphics mixed with the intensity of Criterion's Black and you'll have some idea of the thunderous experience of Modern Warfare. Yeah, it's going to be one hell of a fall for shooters.

If you are expecting to see Call of Duty 2 with some new "modern" skins, you're in for a pleasant surprise. Infinity Ward has spent the past two years improving its technology to create a far prettier game. There's an astounding level of detail in both the environments and the characters.

At one point you may step into a barn, look up and see beams of sunlight breaking in through the cracks. You'll see dust particles in the air, though that's not nearly as impressive as the smoke trail from a rocket launcher. The sun can rise or set during a level with realistic lighting effects so that the transition from dusk to dawn appears natural. There's impressive damage modeling on derelict cars; you can waste some bullets shooting out tires or toss a grenade and blow the doors off. Walk past a hill of burning trash and you'll see not only smoke, but debris floating in the air. The stunning backgrounds are actually matte paintings, just as would be used in a movie.

As for the characters, each has full self-shadowing and a level of detail never-before-seen in Call of Duty. Get close to a soldier and you can actually read the time on his watch. Once you know it's not time for bacon and eggs, you can cast your eyes on the uniform and its rich level of detail. Breathe down the neck of a U.S. Marine and you will see realistic-looking flesh. You might even see them sweat.

More impressive is that all of this works in a frantic environment. The chaos of modern warfare has AI Marines screaming ooh-rah as gunfire echoes through the ruins of a Middle Eastern city. There are explosions left and right, enemies around every corner, helicopters spinning out of control and crashing in a fiery wreck. And all of it happens at 60 frames per second. It's fair to say that what we saw of Call of Duty 4 was a greater graphical feat than Epic's Gears of War. The trailer released in April was in-game footage and not some CG magic. The screenshots posted are, in fact, exactly what the game looks like. It's not a trick; Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare really looks that good.

I don't think there's a release date, other than Fall 2007.

Another great part of the article:

Infinity Ward admits that Call of Duty 2 was set at pretty much one speed -- balls to the walls. It was constant, unrelenting action. In contrast, the first COD had a more realistic ebb and flow, where raucous combat was followed by quiet moments. It's only with some variations in tempo that gamers can truly feel the drama of the more intense moments. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare returns the franchise to its original standard, with a promise of greater peaks and valleys in action.
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