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Call of Duty: Ghosts online multiplayer discussion thread

surprised to hear that the maps being too large is a negative, as I feel the smaller, tight knit maps of BLOPS2 created a game that was far too SMG and run and gun heavy.

I would think a return to longer sight lines would add more variety and aiming skill to the game?
Yes but the spawns are so bad its hurting the designs atm.(you get setup for a range attack on the largest map, "hello there I just spawned 2 feet behind you, don't mind me popping you in the head")
Even If they removed dynamic spawns it would be 100% better.

Has IW said anything yet?
BLOPS 2 was probably the most fun I've had with CoD since MW. It's a shame this dropped the ball so badly it looks like. I don't see very many posts of people just having fun with it.
So there is a perk that allows total invulnerability to radar again, like MW3?

surprised to hear that the maps being too large is a negative, as I feel the smaller, tight knit maps of BLOPS2 created a game that was far too SMG and run and gun heavy.

I would think a return to longer sight lines would add more variety and aiming skill to the game?

there is a happy middle ground. Some of the maps in Ghosts are massive.
Man I just so don't agree with you guys.
I hated every single MW3 map besides maybe Seatown, and Carrier was the only map I liked in BO2.

I enjoy every map here so far besides Tremor & destroyed Strikezone..
The problem for me here is that even on edges of the map I can't be sure that no one will jump on me anymore. Lots of times I ran through alley (which looked empty and safe) and get shot from behind. There was no one there a second ago! Has he came from those breaches in the wall? Has he jumped from the roof? Has he just spawned there? I don't know.


surprised to hear that the maps being too large is a negative, as I feel the smaller, tight knit maps of BLOPS2 created a game that was far too SMG and run and gun heavy.

I would think a return to longer sight lines would add more variety and aiming skill to the game?

It's not just that they tend to be huge, but there are a bunch of pathways, openings, caverns, windows, tunnels, levels, stairways, and headglitch spots that make them all feel 3 times as large at times.


the size of the maps in itself isn't a bad thing, rather combine that with shitty spawns, poor/confusing design and especially the ridiculously short kill times and you have a multiplayer experience that isn't very enjoyable. pretty much forces you to camp. even on small maps they manage to be vertically large so again, camping is promoted and if you do otherwise , you're not going to do very well playing against half decent players. I'm getting shot from above and behind more than ever


So, is there a concensus on how the Sat Com works exactly? This was my understanding:

1 Sat Com = "Eyes on only" Meaning enemies only show up on the mini-map if your/your team mates have them in their line of sight. The mini map shows them as hollow orange blips.
2 Sat Coms = "UAV" Ping sweep like the UAV of previous CODs
3 Sat Coms = "Fast UAV" Faster Ping sweep UAV
4 Sat Coms = "Advanced UAV" Ping sweep that shows directional indicators for enemies

Is that correct?


yes the spawns are the issue even if u shoot someone across the map they will spawn near u somewhere. the maps would not be an issue if they fixed the spawns I feel.

Is that correct?

this is exactly how they work.


surprised to hear that the maps being too large is a negative, as I feel the smaller, tight knit maps of BLOPS2 created a game that was far too SMG and run and gun heavy.

I would think a return to longer sight lines would add more variety and aiming skill to the game?

Spawn system is terrible. Dudes blend into the environment way too easy imo. COD is more about close quarters fighting anyway rather than long distance shootouts that you often get in BF IMO
Spawn system is terrible. Dudes blend into the environment way too easy imo. COD is more about close quarters fighting anyway rather than long distance shootouts that you often get in BF IMO
I find that the thermal scope is a necessity with the blurriness of the PS3 version.


Some quick MP impressions from someone who played CoD2 the most and hasn't touch much of this gen's CoD games:

1) I feel like you die so incredibly fast. It almost feels like it doesn't matter where you hit them: two shots to the body, maybe three to the leg, one to the head... if you have a jump on someone, the chance that individual has to possibly get a shot in is practically nil.

2) Domination 6v6 just doesn't work very well. Needs more players (not sure if the limitation was engine-based OR they just wanted to entice people for next-gen).

3) Spawns are so incredibly random. However, I've heard this complaint for many releases now. But as someone who has finally experienced it, I totally agree.

Just my $0.02.

TRios Zen

Some interesting things happened last night while playing MP:

- all of my automatic guns displayed a start/stop/start rhythm - ie, see opponent, raise gun, pull trigger, one bullet, pause, then auto-fire. What's strange is that pause sometimes is long enough where I re-pull trigger to ensure it actually "caught".

- kill cam disparity readily apparent: guy creeps around corner, before he raises gun I've peppered him with bullets, then he kills me. Watch kill cam and he came around corner, turns, shoots me, all before he takes any damage.

My K/D, went from a 1.4, to sub 1.0 as I was unable to string any amount of kills together given those factors above. Fairly frustrating.
the size of the maps in itself isn't a bad thing, rather combine that with shitty spawns, poor/confusing design and especially the ridiculously short kill times and you have a multiplayer experience that isn't very enjoyable. pretty much forces you to camp. even on small maps they manage to be vertically large so again, camping is promoted and if you do otherwise , you're not going to do very well playing against half decent players. I'm getting shot from above and behind more than ever

This is the thing, for me ever since Blops 1 my KD has been positive, now before that it was always negative and one thing became clear, I enjoyed the COD's I was negative on over the past few years where I've been 'better.'

Now fast forward to Ghosts and I'm negative and I don't like it, that's not because I suck it's because I'm not having fun. I could could go negative on MW2 because some twat with a noob toob would be killing me, then I strap on my running shoes and draw for the spas.

That was fun.

I kill someone on Ghosts it feels cheap, I get killed it feels cheap, I don't seem to have many 1 on 1 battles or 1 on 3 for that matter I just get smashed from distantance.

I'm trying to change my play style and use an AR and be more reserved but with these map layouts it's hard.

Not to mention I think I keep pulling host, entering game and waiting for 28 seconds the fuck!


yep the spawning needs to get fixed. last night i spawned right by the enemy several times. i also get a few free kills when someone spawned near me as well.


Some interesting things happened last night while playing MP:

- all of my automatic guns displayed a start/stop/start rhythm - ie, see opponent, raise gun, pull trigger, one bullet, pause, then auto-fire. What's strange is that pause sometimes is long enough where I re-pull trigger to ensure it actually "caught".

- kill cam disparity readily apparent: guy creeps around corner, before he raises gun I've peppered him with bullets, then he kills me. Watch kill cam and he came around corner, turns, shoots me, all before he takes any damage.

My K/D, went from a 1.4, to sub 1.0 as I was unable to string any amount of kills together given those factors above. Fairly frustrating.

Sounds like lag on both those parts.


I wonder how long it will take them to fix the spawning issue, if they do at all.

Blops addressed it, but that wasn't IW.

Perhaps on the next gen consoles it won't be as bad...massive conspiracy ploy
I wonder how long it will take them to fix the spawning issue, if they do at all.

Blops addressed it, but that wasn't IW.

Perhaps on the next gen consoles it won't be as bad...massive conspiracy ploy

IW had the most major spawn update to date during MW3 in the demolition playlist. To do this day, you still will NEVER spawn in an enemies line of sight or right behind an enemy. Those are the most flawless spawns have ever been, which is why I'm disappointed demolition was taken out.

So there still is hope if they have another spawn patch like they did in their last game.


One thing is that if they're not completely insane, they're tracking kills in each mode on every map, which means that in a few weeks, they can take a look at the spawns in every game mode and tinker with it from there.

Honestly I haven't had much trouble with them, but I usually play with a group of friends, so if we're trying to be coordinated, we simply avoid pushing past a certain point on the map (or move as a group). If you run off on your own in Cranked or KC, you can expect to get spawned on pretty quickly.

The worst I've seen it by far has been Dom on Octane though - if everyone runs around willy nilly, it keeps trying to flip spawns from A to C, but if there are players there, they just keep popping up all over the map, which makes for an utterly chaotic match. Fixable if your team is disciplined enough to stay on A or C side and cover B, but not much you can do about that in a pub game with no friends.
So, is there a concensus on how the Sat Com works exactly? This was my understanding:

1 Sat Com = "Eyes on only" Meaning enemies only show up on the mini-map if your/your team mates have them in their line of sight. The mini map shows them as hollow orange blips.
2 Sat Coms = "UAV" Ping sweep like the UAV of previous CODs
3 Sat Coms = "Fast UAV" Faster Ping sweep UAV
4 Sat Coms = "Advanced UAV" Ping sweep that shows directional indicators for enemies

Is that correct?

Yes, also if you use the wiretap perk it allows you to count enemy sat coms.


not characteristic of ants at all
I wish there was an easier way to figure out what you unlocked rather than searching through everything


I hope that the launch issues get wriggled out for the next-gen versions when I jump in. First CoD since MW2 I technically haven't bought at launch hehe.


I have never enjoyed randomly spawning on a map. Much prefer games with spawn zones for each side. I like having a direction to a battle. In these games you aren't "flanked", people just spawn behind you..
So, is there a concensus on how the Sat Com works exactly? This was my understanding:

1 Sat Com = "Eyes on only" Meaning enemies only show up on the mini-map if your/your team mates have them in their line of sight. The mini map shows them as hollow orange blips.
2 Sat Coms = "UAV" Ping sweep like the UAV of previous CODs
3 Sat Coms = "Fast UAV" Faster Ping sweep UAV
4 Sat Coms = "Advanced UAV" Ping sweep that shows directional indicators for enemies

Is that correct?

I would like to have to old uav back. Shooting them down was fun.


I disagree with people saying the lean is worthless. On really tight maps like Strikezone it is actually quite helpful, as long as you know where people are/what direction they are coming from.

I feel this game is a bit like Ghost Recon (just wait and let me explain) in that there's a lot of focus on uncovering enemies who aren't easily visible. Without UAVs to rely on you have to use all the other tools the game gives you. For example, the Recon perk that highlights enemies on-screen who have taken explosive damage. This includes tactical grenades, so you can charge up a 9 banger, throw it into a room and it lights everybody up orange for a couple seconds. If you use the lean from cover you're slightly less susceptible to their stunned blindfire.

Was getting a lot of use out of this playing Domination, with people all rushing around in groups. Maybe I could have just crouched and edged around the corner, but the lean felt like it was working for me.
Wait, can you explain how the Recon perk works in more detail, and does it highlight for your teammates too?
And what's a 9 banger?

Man I just so don't agree with you guys.
I hated every single MW3 map besides maybe Seatown, and Carrier was the only map I liked in BO2.
Agree about Carrier but Seamentown? What about Interchange or Village?
I'm playing on the Xbox 360, and I get massive frame rate drops at random times, usually due to the dual rendering they do on scoping in. I don't get why they even went with dual render, as it doesn't make sense to have vision when you are looking down a sniper scope. Also, on the map with the castle, my 360 starts chugging whenever I gain vision of almost all the map. Usually when I am standing on the hill next to the building with the partly destroyed roof that snipers like to perch in. I also get frame rate drops at random times but only on the maps with large sight lines.

Additionally, I found that quick scoping is still possible and is still more viable than hard scoping. Assault rifles in this game are way out of balance. Way too much damage over a long distance and way to accurate, especially for how low the health is in this game. I rather have the chance to turn on someone and have someone turn on me than just instantly dying from behind every second. There is never enough cover when going around corners, whereas in BLOPS 2 there was almost always a piece of cover. Corner Camping in this game is really messed up because of the lean feature. Only their head and arm are available to hit and again, the kill times and lack of cover make killing them almost impossible.

Also, the spawn system on this game makes it really hard to maintain control on some maps, and way to easy on other. I've spawned starring at the person who just killed me multiple times and had people randomly spawn behind me when my team isn't even pushed far into the map.


Wait, can you explain how the Recon perk works in more detail, and does it highlight for your teammates too?
And what's a 9 banger?
Yes and a "9 bang" is the "cool" new term for flashbang.

Agree about Carrier but Seamentown? What about Interchange or Village?
You guys have the worst taste in maps I've ever seen! Carrier? Interchange?! Those maps have almost zero thought behind the traffic-channeling and strategy. They're just flat, empty killzones with some random-ass objects thrown in with literally zero thought behind them. They're decorated, not designed for strategy.

And that's exactly how I'd describe 90% of the Ghosts maps. Decorated, not designed.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
is this true

"They have hybrid servers. If you a close enough to a area that supports dedicated servers then you get dedicated servers. If you do not live in the right area then you get the old system."


I've played a decent amount of squad assault and I like the idea behind it. I wish operations and weapon challenges were available for it and there was a higher xp cap than 2000.
I have never enjoyed randomly spawning on a map. Much prefer games with spawn zones for each side. I like having a direction to a battle. In these games you aren't "flanked", people just spawn behind you..

This so much. The insane back-and-forth spawning ruins the maps.

Some opinions on maps, after having slightly better games today and actually getting to 1st place on a few matches (mostly in Kill Confirmed):

Warhawk: Good map, more in the style of earlier games. Not too messy and nice to navigate.
Tremor: Also a decent map. A lot of windows to get sniped from, though. Don't like the earthquakes.
Strikezone: The Dome/Hijacked of Ghosts.
Overlord: Eh... not my favorite, but not too bad either. The center and back yards are major killzones, but the two distinct sides keep the action manageable.
Octane: ^ ditto. A nice amount of debris to shield my aching behind with.
Stonehaven: I kind of like it despite the size. Looks nice and feels pretty unique.
Prison Break: Ok-ish, I guess... looks deceptively simple but has a lot of dangerous camping spots.
Sovereign: Fuck this map.
Siege: Fuck this too.


Holy shit! Suddenly the best modern Cod game ever.

Maps are larger and more open ( there are smaller ones too), netcode is so much better than before and killstreaks are nerfed. Mw3 and bo2 were just full of chaos / run' gun shit and made for adhd kids, but this feels more like those original cod games. You are forced to move more carefully or you can't win.

I'm so happy now. What a suprise.


So, dedicated servers - yes or no? Has Activision given any statement about this at all yet? I know I haven't seen anything, but others may have more info. Someone yesterday said that they thought they wouldn't go live until PS4/XBO goes live, but I'm not sure whether that's true or not because they didn't really provide a source.

Any ideas?

Hip Hop

Good COD so far. Enjoying the maps. I don't play team modes, only FFA so we get the smaller maps on there.

My K/D has translated well to about 2.25 so I'm not having a hard time adjusting.

My big problem is that the performance is horrid on PC, that sometimes I have to play with the Xbox controller just to remedy the problem. V sync fixes it but V sync is always unplayable with a mouse.

Hope they patch the game soon to fix performance.

Even the mouse has some kind of acceleration on.


So, dedicated servers - yes or no? Has Activision given any statement about this at all yet? I know I haven't seen anything, but others may have more info. Someone yesterday said that they thought they wouldn't go live until PS4/XBO goes live, but I'm not sure whether that's true or not because they didn't really provide a source.

Any ideas?

Apparently they are already up - https://twitter.com/ATVIAssist/status/398370502173261825


Imo COD games would be so much better with fixed spawn instead of dynamic.

Or a spawn system which is partially fixed as in if a team gets spawn camped then they could simply swap the spawn points. Maybe by having a third neutral spawn area which gets activated whenever a team gets spawn killed. Or they could implement something like Killzone or battlefield where the spawns are protected or do a Gears of War where you have spawn protection.


I have never enjoyed randomly spawning on a map. Much prefer games with spawn zones for each side. I like having a direction to a battle. In these games you aren't "flanked", people just spawn behind you..

This is why I have never been able to get into CoD MP. Drives me crazy. I just rent it for the SP now.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

A 9-bang needs to be cooked. If you throw it after it's fully primed, it flashes the person six times.
Shrug, I've never used them. I unequip tacticals for more perks.

But considering it's a flashbang that works slightly differently, I'd say I had some idea of what I was talking about.

Imo COD games would be so much better with fixed spawn instead of dynamic.
That's why Demolition has been the only way for me to play CoD since it was introduced in MW2, and it's definitely a factor in why I'm not loving Ghosts.

The fixed spawns could get stupid on certain maps, it was glorious on most. People didn't suddenly spawn in your face for no reason and you could predict traffic without it becoming the boring, too-easy kind of predictable. It really only faltered on certain maps, like Havana and Nuketown are damn near unplayable with fixed spawns, but overall it was a godsend. But IW hates things that make sense and they started by making the Demolition spawns as utterly random and stupid as every other mode in MW3, and now they've just completely taken it out. They seem to just honestly believe that people spawning wherever, whenever is a superior format.

(To be fair, it was the right choice in MW3, due to that jackass on youtube that made spawn-trapping super popular. There was an epidemic for a while there.)
anyone know how many clan wins it takes to get the Body Count uniform?

Wait, can you explain how the Recon perk works in more detail, and does it highlight for your teammates too?
And what's a 9 banger?

Agree about Carrier but Seamentown? What about Interchange or Village?

Hated Village and Interchange was one of the most boring maps of the series imo.
Not only was it a boring layout, it had zero theme.
Imo COD games would be so much better with fixed spawn instead of dynamic.

Or a spawn system which is partially fixed as in if a team gets spawn camped then they could simply swap the spawn points. Maybe by having a third neutral spawn area which gets activated whenever a team gets spawn killed. Or they could implement something like Killzone or battlefield where the spawns are protected or do a Gears of War where you have spawn protection.
COD4 was the best at this, it basically had semi spawn zones.
if more than half of the team went on their half of the map, it would swap sides.
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