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Can we get a "Tales of Hyrule" next? It just makes sense.

Oh ok, just Japan's numbers though. With the popularity of Zelda in NA and Tales in JP, that could actually be a winner though, in terms of sales anyway.

But yes, you've raised a valid point. Tales' strongest feature is that it's character driven. However, to be fair, Xillia 2 has a silent protagonist. If the story were somewhat outside the realm of the usual Zelda fair (I'm sorry, but Zelda stories are not the strongest), pad it with some new interesting characters, it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility.

And they're already working with the Symphonia team for SSB4. So...

Xillia 2 silent protagonist was silent BUT it was active in the overall discussion regardless ..and the game as a whole was VERY character driven with plenty of chapters dedicated especially to devellop their stories.

It's not even a question of "being fair", even with that they really didn't change their goal.

For it to work within the zelda universe they would need to design characters to put un a zelda game that aren't just mindless townpeople or quest finishers
A Hyrule RPG definitely makes sense. Not sure if Tales of Hyrule would work, but if Nintendo was going to try to get a fan base for Tales games on the Wii U that would be a good way to go about it, IMO.


However, to be fair, Xillia 2 has a silent protagonist

Which was a feature fans didn't like at all (and was poorly implemented) and Namco had to make him fully voiced has an option starting the second playthrough.

And they're already working with the Symphonia team for SSB4. So...

No, Yoshito Higuchi is just a developer from Bamco who was working with Tales studio for several titles (Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia) Bamco just dispatched him on Smash Bros and he took a few grunt staff with him, saying that the Symphonia's team is working on Smash Bros is kinda stretching it, Higuchi was working on the Soul Calibur series to begin with.


Not as successful as the PS2 version ... This is pretty much the case with every tales version. First version sells okay (Symphonia, Vesperia, Graces, Hearts, Innocence) then the rerelease on a Sony system sells better. I also believe Symphonia required heavy marketing from Nintendo.
Symphonia was the one that sold pretty darn well overseas.
Yeah, I was wrong. It turns out ToS on the GameCube is the 3rd highest selling game in the series, but most of the sales were overseas.
Oh man Zelda Souls.......I'd lose my shit.

Especially if it looked like this

Backstory-filling is overrated. Go for gameplay opportunities when investigating spinoffs not plot ones.

A more combat-focused zelda is a good idea but hyrule warriors is throwing out the exploration elements.

Zelda souls would be 1000 times better.


It wouldn't be very good since the Tales of series are very character driven.

If they give the characters personalities, Nintendo fans will rage. We all know what happened with Metroid other M lol.


It wouldn't be very good since the Tales of series are very character driven.

If they give the characters personalities, Nintendo fans will rage. We all know what happened with Metroid other M lol.

As seen in Xillia 2, it could be done.

Fans didn't like the implementation of it there, but I'd imagine it'd work better with a Zelda Tales.


Maybe Nintendo could keep it inhouse and give EAD Tokyo a crack at it. It could be Super Link Bros. Bowser, tired of being thwarted in the Mushroom Kingdom, heads to Hyrule and grabs Zelda.

Then, in a fair trade off, Aonuma could take a crack at Mario and have Ganon invade the Mushroom Kingdom and kidnap Peach, the game would be called Legend of Peach.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'd love an RPG take on Smash (i.e. a whole ton of Nintendo characters all coming together in one game), would be good if it took on a Suikoden setup, with a large roster of characters. Hell a Tales style battle system would work great for it too, since Smash and Tales both have the directional + attack style moves.


All this Zelda Souls talk around, but I would rather NIntendo to have a new IP in a fantasy medieval world for this that is not Zelda. Though I wouldn't really complain if they used Zelda for it, though.
Heres my point about grand statements. They dont last. Theyre said so signify/validate whatever is happening at the company right this second, but they usually have nothing to do with reality.

If this project is something Nintendo really wanted to do, it would happen. Simple as that.

He clearly made the statement about the future even as much as talking about specific platforms. I cannot believe you are ignoring what the series producer says lol. Oh and your last statement is simply wrong.
I don't know why it sounds like a somewhat fun crossover idea, but it does.

It's probably the fact that I both really love Tales and Legend of Zelda games.
A part of me it sounds like a dream come true for, while another part of me feeling like it would be very difficult to do right.

I worry that it wouldn't accomplish either the charm of a Zelda or a Tales game. If it could, though, it'd be a great idea.
Tales is grade A fanservicey otaku bullshit and I don't want it anywhere near Zelda. It is to RPGs what the New Kids on the Block are to music: manufactured for the lowest common denominator.


Sounds like a wonderful idea, but I'm afraid Baba will just try and assassinate anyone that suggests a Tales of game on anything but Sony platforms.... wait a minute... NINTENDO GOING 3RD PARTY CONFIRMED.


Yup, I'd love to play such a game, though I would settle for a standard Tales of game.


No. Keep Tales way from Zelda. The last thing we need is another Metroid: Other M. Seriously, Tales is just super cheesy. Not saying I haven't enjoyed any Tales games, but Zelda is just too good for it. It's a pairing that should never happen, ever.


Metroid is in even greater need of background filling.


(baby baby baby baby Adam Adam Adam baby thumbs down thumbs down thumbs down baby thumbs up Adam baby)

Edit: On topic, Zelda doesn't need an rpg, it needs an amazing main series installment. Zelda Souls would at least be way closer to a Zelda game than a jrpg.
I'd really love if a Pokemon game could be blessed with a Tales battle system. Tales Studio can't possibly ruin a Pokemon game's total non-story or bland characters either. It's the perfect fit, and that's why sadly enough it's not happening. Tales of Hyrule is not nearly enough of a stupid name either. We'd more likely end up with a Tales of Wario-Waria instead knowing my luck.
-The Tales OF team real time combat chops apply well to a Zelda game
Just gotta say that this is a BS reason ...

Their combat system goes well with ANYTHING remotely RPGish and combat based.

That's the wonderful thing about their combat ... it's so damn fluid for IPs taht are actiony but not "grimy".

I would fight my way up a damn mountain for a "Tales of Pokemon" (where you only have like 10 playable Pokemon at most that can be in the main party). Hell, I'd do it so a "Tales of FE" or even a "Tales of Advanced War".

Tales of Series is strange ... it seems like it's successful and that it should be FAR MORE successful than it is but it's not nearly as popular as it could be. Strange handling of the IP I guess ...

Anyway, I DO like the idle of a colab if only so that it locks down a Nintendo Tales of exclusive to remind them that Nintendo fans like the series to ...
Every day I come over to NeoGAF it seems like someone is going off against anime, moe, otaku, or so forth.

It's not a lot of fun.

There is occasional "fanservice" in Tales, but it is very, very occasional. Mostly things like bonus costumes and so forth, maybe an occasional joke. Depending on what one means by "fanservice". If by fanservice, one means sexualized, then I would say that Tales games aren't any more sexualized than Final Fantasy or any other Japanese RPG franchise.

Tales is one of the earliest Japanese RPG franchises and I think one of the highest quality ever presented. Tales of Phantasia is a great game, made by many of the same people who work on Star Ocean which is a heavily respected game. Tales of Phantasia was one of the best 16-Bit RPGs. Which is a game among a lot of other great 16-Bit RPGs. I feel that it holds its own against Square's best. Which are considered by many to be some of the best RPGs of all time. And Tales of Phantasia isn't any more otaku than Square's games. Seiken Densetsu 3 arguably has more otaku influences than Tales of Phantasia.

Tales of Phantasia was an innovative, impressive Japanese RPG for its time and I still look back on it as a masterpiece. As do many others.

Tales of Destiny and Tales of Eternia are also some of the most overlooked Japanese RPGs for their time. Also far less sexualized than Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy VII was filled with a lot of camera shots of Tifa's breasts. It's sad that such great games were unnoticed among games like Final Fantasy, Wild Arms, and Grandia.

And Tales games are easily some of the best RPGs for the PlayStation 2. I would rate Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss far, far more highly than any Final Fantasy game from that era.

If Tales games are "otaku", then there's definitely nothing wrong with otaku. Because Tales games have interesting stories and characters and that is their focus. And I'd argue that they've been better than Final Fantasy games and many other Japanese RPGs for years. They're definitely not hypersexualized or shallow, if that is what one means by "otaku".

Also, as someone has cited earlier in the thread, they sell better in Japan than Legend of Zelda games. They also sell better now than Final Fantasy games. They certainly aren't niche.

It's also true as others have mentioned, that there is a larger fujoshi audience for Tales games than otaku. While it's true that there is an otaku audience for the games, Tales has a heavy female demographic. If one is to look for Japanese fansites for the games, many of them are made by women, and a lot of the fanart made for the series is bishounen art of the characters.

Tales certainly appeals to many fujoshi and otaku. But that's not its focus. The focus of Tales games is balance, rather than finding any very selective niche. They focus, again, on stories and characters and I think have done a better job of that than most other developers. I don't like and don't agree with the criticism that Tales games are "generic" or "cliche" either. Tales games have no more cliches than Final Fantasy. And I feel that the characters and character development in Tales games today is far, far ahead of Final Fantasy.

By the logic that Tales is "otaku", and "fanservice-y", Persona games would be just as otaku. Otaku or not, Tales of Symphonia and Persona 4 are successful games and some of the most well respected Japanese RPGs of their era.

Of course, none of these things ought to be negative terms to deride games to begin with. And I especially don't appreciate fans of Tales games being called a "lowest common denominator".
Very occasional "fanservice" isn't much if it doesn't detract from the game.

If one is worried about "fanservice" because of gender representation, I'd argue that the Legend of Zelda is far more backwards in its gender representation than Tales. Female characters in Tales games are typically well characterized and have reasonable amounts of character development. And are important and capable.

While, as Anita Sarkeesian has pointed out, The Legend of Zelda has relied heavily on the Damsel in Distress trope. And, though with a few exceptions, generally portrays female characters as weaker than male characters.

Neither Tales or The Legend of Zelda are perfect. And the Zelda franchise has female characters who are characterized as very capable, such as Shiek, though only temporarily before becoming a Damsel in Distress. Tetra, before also becoming a Damsel in Distress. Ashei, and perhaps a few other characters. But overall, I'd say that the portrayal of female characters in the Tales franchise is better than The Legend of Zelda.

If one means fanservice as a nod that distracts from the overall quality of the game. Then Tales doesn't really have that. The occasional nods and jokes are to lighten the mood. And not a particularly large amount of resources are spent on them, unless they're a side quest. But I'd say that optional content like side quests help Japanese RPGs. As they feel a bit too linear and lacking content without them.
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