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Capcom is looking to revive more dormant IPs, MvC series has shipped 7M units


You know what to do capcpom



Look Capcom, I'll settle for a Mega Man X collection. You can keep 7 and 8 out, I don't care, just give me a platinum trophy and some challenges and I'm happy.
I want more Mega Man Battle Network... and a sidescrolling Mega Man (not X) for the switch with the assets from Smash Bros.



Ghouls'n Ghosts !
Rival Schools !
Darkstalkers !

There are so many great Capcom games, I hope that they will try to revive some of them.


Linn Kurosawa will return.

If only.

Even just an emulated port of Alien Vs. Predator would sell quite a bit, I would think. One of the greatest beat-em-ups ever made.

Ghouls'n Ghosts !

This is a legitimately fantastic idea. A re-imagining of this series could turn out to be the next Dark Souls. After all, the original games were known for their punishingly hard difficulty...


Neo Member
Capcom used to make my favorite games ten years ago. Come on Capcom, give us Mega Man Legends 3, Devil May Cry 5, Okami 2 (by platinum games), and a new Power Stone, pleaaaaaseeeee!


Sengoku Basara is criminally 'dormant' in the West though.

But not in Japan which is the primary market for the series. I don't expect the series to return to the West anytime soon, though maybe they'll try again with SB5 since it would be the first new mainline release on PS4.
But not in Japan which is the primary market for the series. I don't expect the series to return to the West anytime soon, though maybe they'll try again with SB5 since it would be the first new mainline release on PS4.

And I personally don't mind that situation, as I just import them, but it's sad that this series remains underappreciated on GAF because of it.

Pull the trigger! (HD release, please)

Also, new Dino Crisis done in the style of RE4/RE5 would please me greatly. Or make it on the same engine that RE2 Remake will use. Fine with either.

A new Clock Tower/Haunting Ground game would be excellent too. Oh and Power Stone is one of their most underrated series out there, probably my favourite fighter series they ever made. Let's get cracking, Capcom.

It's funny how "dormant Capcom IPs" can mean almost every single one of their games except RE, Street Fighter, and Monster Hunter.

And Ace Attorney & Dead Rising, but yeah...They really did turn into Konami (circa 2010-2015) in the past few years. They really need to step up their game.
Finally, I've been waiting for them to revive Deep Down

Seriously though, a new Resident Evil Outbreak would be amazing if RE2make ends up good.
I'll take Trojan, Asura's Wrath, Dragon's Dogma and Darkstalkers please.

Whatever happened to DDO? I know it came out in Japan. Did it tank?
Gimmie Final Fight! I would say give me a new Capcom vs SNK and Tatsunoko vs Capcom but I don't trust modern Capcom to make a good fighting game sadly. I would be interested in them taking another crack at making a new Bionic Commando. Maybe a new Viewtiful Joe? I just don't have a lot of faith in modern Capcom in general I guess to make the games I want. RE7 is the first game of theirs in what feels like forever that I've been really interested in.

Also, maybe I'm alone in this but I'd be far more excited for a dMc2 than a DMC5. DMC1 is good but feels immensely dated these days and outside of that game the only DMC games I really like are DMC3 and dMc. Even if it was dMc2 made by the DMC team I would be into that. DMC2&4 just kind of poisoned the well for me when it comes to the original DMC timeline.


Dino Crisis
Dragon's Dogma (i know there's a F2P game in Japan but i need a proper sequel)

Capcom please?
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