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Cases where a game is completed but never released


Killer Instinct 2 for SNES

One of the guys from Rare confirmed it in an interview for Retro Gamer.

They basically had the game complete, handed it off to Nintendo, and nothing apparently came of it.

No idea why Nintendo didn't act on it.
Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball

These two cabinets are the only copies of this game that exist. If they were to ever stop functioning, Marble Madness II will be lost forever.

They did some location tests for it, but it wasn't very popular because they were trying to release it in the middle of Street Fighter II's heyday, so they didn't bother.

Was Mark Cerny involved?



Y'know, everything I read, everything I see, seems to point at Valve basically constructing what we know as Half-Life 2 within the scope of about twelve months. The Alpha, the book, the video we saw prior to release... it's all very coherent and cohesive, while the finished game feels half-assed in many ways. The original plans were a far more interesting game than Half-Life 2.

i hate to say it, but it is looking like The Last Guardian may be going this way too.

We have no idea if it's finished or not.
Review code for the localized version of Radirgy GCN was sent out to journo sites, but never released. It eventually made its way into Milestone Shooting Collection for the Wii a few years later.


Y'know, everything I read, everything I see, seems to point at Valve basically constructing what we know as Half-Life 2 within the scope of about twelve months. The Alpha, the book, the video we saw prior to release... it's all very coherent and cohesive, while the finished game feels half-assed in many ways. The original plans were a far more interesting game than Half-Life 2.

Half-assed? BS. An amazing masterpiece is what it is. No weird revisionist retrospective analysis can change that.


Half-assed? BS. An amazing masterpiece is what it is. No weird revisionist retrospective analysis can change that.


It isn't.

One of these days, I'll actually finish this massive piece explaining just why that is, from the bad pacing, to the tech demo like levels, to the monstrous pile of crap that is "the story," to the poorly designed bosses, to the bad puzzles...


Thrill Kill was never finished, was it? It was killed off with being about 85% done I believe.

I have a copy of the game labelled as Beta. I believe it was one of those very well downloaded games from back in the day.

Ive played it. The shock value had its awesome moments but the game play was ho hum.



It isn't.

One of these days, I'll actually finish this massive piece explaining just why that is, from the bad pacing, to the tech demo like levels, to the monstrous pile of crap that is "the story," to the poorly designed bosses, to the bad puzzles...

But see-saw physics puzzles are immersive!
I can name one you've never heard of: Cubix, Robots for Everyone: Showdown for Gameboy Advance. It was an RPG with turn-based fights where you could capture enemy robots and have them fight for you. The game was completed, and even got reviewed by Nintendo Power (I forget the score...6? I remember they weren't too impressed). But the publisher 3DO went out of business before they could ship the game.


This was actually finished? I thought it was about as far along as Faith and a .45.

I basing this strictly off my memory, which could be clouded after 7 years, of a reasonably high-profile 360 title that was cancelled after development completed. Frame City is the game that keeps popping into my mind in that regard.

I looked around for some info on the cancellation, but found nothing definitive. I do know it was cancelled (publicly) around the same time of its scheduled release:
"We are sorry to say that we have decided that Frame City--the Xbox 360 game which our company had planned for a spring 2006 release--will not be released," the company said. "Our apologies to everyone who was looking forward to the game's release."
May 12, 2006


I have copy of thrill kill, made a cover and back cover as well. I'm pretty sure ea bought the rights to the game to block it from being released. The game engine allowed for 4 players to fight at a time against each other and it worked very well, much better then wrestling games and was seen as an innovative fighting game engine. But yeah let it be known that ea killed thrill kill and had no plans of ever releasing the game, they strong armed alot of developers back in the day.


Innergy/Ozen ... was finished last spring, then ported to iOS and Android at the end of the year. Not sure whether Ubisoft is ever going to release it - the quality was there. With the heavy reliance on Facebook, they may need to do some adjustments should this ever see a release.


(Don't sue me for posting these, Ubi ;))

Wow, ummm, did Nike outsource the fuel band to Ubisoft for this? Or did Nike buy the tech from Ubisoft?



Strap on your hooker ...
I remember getting several Enix newsletters throughout the SNES era that were explicitly hyping up a US release of Dragon Warrior V. One even had a mail-in offer where you could order promotional posters for it. Gotta reckon they were pretty far along before it was canned.

I wish I would have ordered a few of those posters, I'm sure they'd be worth beaucoup dollars now.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Y'know, everything I read, everything I see, seems to point at Valve basically constructing what we know as Half-Life 2 within the scope of about twelve months. The Alpha, the book, the video we saw prior to release... it's all very coherent and cohesive, while the finished game feels half-assed in many ways. The original plans were a far more interesting game than Half-Life 2.

I don't entirely agree with your assessment of the game itself, but I wouldn't be surprised if the trouble with Vivendi saw Valve push out the game earlier than intended. Now, on the flipside, with Valve being entirely self-sufficient, it's been well over half a decade since Episode Two and Episode Three/Half-Life 3 is nowhere in sight.
SOS : final escape 4 or Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 4: Summer Memories for the japanese game.

A total pity for players and for irem that the 2011 japan tsunami happenned or the game would have been released.

it was looking good

but now the entire franchise is dead IMO and because of a natural event.. talk about irony ..

EDIT : imbarkus was 7 minutes earlier than me .... ;-;

MC Safety

When I worked for Xbox Nation we received review copies for, and critiqued, the Xbox version of the Dreamcast game Rent-a-Hero No. 1 and Dinosaur Hunting (or Dinosaur Hunter?).

Both were rather unremarkable, but certainly ready for shipping. I believe economic concerns stopped both by being published. I don't remember the publisher for Hero, but Metro3D was going to release Hunter.



It isn't.

One of these days, I'll actually finish this massive piece explaining just why that is, from the bad pacing, to the tech demo like levels, to the monstrous pile of crap that is "the story," to the poorly designed bosses, to the bad puzzles...


I've found a likeminded opinion.


It's already been mentioned, but I remember having my PlayStation modded only to play Thrill Kill. There's still a tiny bit of hope in me that it will see the light of day in some form.


This one might be joining the group:


Localization is done. Translation has been programmed in, review copies sent, final build demoed at anime conventions. Has missed its' release date multiple times due to "redtape".


I don't entirely agree with your assessment of the game itself, but I wouldn't be surprised if the trouble with Vivendi saw Valve push out the game earlier than intended. Now, on the flipside, with Valve being entirely self-sufficient, it's been well over half a decade since Episode Two and Episode Three/Half-Life 3 is nowhere in sight.

Actually, given that the Alpha was... well, more or less well on its way to completion, I almost think that Valve straight-up scrapped the game when they were hacked and built Half-Life 2 from scratch.

That's why there are those really long driving segments, that's why the story lacks any real variance (and makes several huge leaps in logic, as well as having big exposition segments that the plans didn't seem to have), has a bunch of cut enemies, and so on and so forth.

We were seeing stuff in late 2003 (like the player throwing dumpsters at striders in City 17) that does not appear to have shown up in game merely one year later.

Pretty sure they scrapped stuff after the Summer 2003 hack and deliberately did as much as they could to create a game unlike the Alpha as possible, so people would have to buy a distinctly different product from what had been leaked (remember, they valued it at $250 million). It was in their interest to have something no one had played before.

I kinda think this is Valve's great big secret.

Seriously, I really need to find the time to get this Half-Life 2 thing done, it's just that it's looking like ten or twenty-thousand words of genuinely serious criticism (and I do mean "thinking critically," not "looking to criticize in a negative fashion"), and that takes a lot of work, especially trying to explain why it's got the appeal it does and has some significant problems. Antonov's work on Dishonored is just another big data point I've got to work in.


Disaster Report 4 (a semi-realistic game where you survive series of natural disasters) was supposed to come out like the week after the Japanese earthquake/tsunami hit and IREM canceled it as a result. Really bummed because while the games were never STELLAR, they were pretty fun and unique.

Still wish IREM released it and just donated proceeds to charities if they were that concerned about offending anyone.

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUTRkHjwtyc

. I think they actually lost most if not everything for the games. They have cancelled release for bumpy trot 2 too after it, and now they are pretty much gone from video games.


Rare has had a few.

-Mire Mare, the fourth game in the Sabre Wulf series.

-Jet Force Gemini for Game Boy Color

-Goldeneye XBLA remake


Knows the Score

These two cabinets are the only copies of this game that exist. If they were to ever stop functioning, Marble Madness II will be lost forever.

They did some location tests for it, but it wasn't very popular because they were trying to release it in the middle of Street Fighter II's heyday, so they didn't bother.

Assuming the roms for these never appear, are there at least videos for them? I've always been curious about this but haven't even seen pictures of the cabinets until now.

Dr Dogg

Ctr+F 'Trill Kill'. Yep still the engine lived on with Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style and after playing that was probably for the best.



These two cabinets are the only copies of this game that exist. If they were to ever stop functioning, Marble Madness II will be lost forever.

They have the rom backed up for preservation, it's just not publicly available.

Most all the completed unreleased games that I can think of have already been posted. Maybe the Beavis and Butthead arcade game. I'm pretty sure that was completed, but not released. Socks the cat for snes, Bobby's world for snes, but I don't know why they weren't released. Probably just didn't think they would do well.
The goddamn telegames card games for the ds.

They were the very first games announced for the ds.

Advertised in magazines for over three years.....

I swear it was some money laundering shit. Wish we had game journalism to look into it.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
That was actually finished? I thought most were fan-edited?

It was definitely completed. I believe Dylan Cuthbert has stated so.

I think the beta was edited into a playable version, but I'm pretty sure its 99.9% of what the completed game would be anyway.

I've played through it. It was a full game. Not that great, though.......... I think it would have made sense as an early excursion into full-roaming 3D, but post-32 bit era it seems really simplistic.

I liked the music, though.... very much in the style of StarFox 1, rather than the more boisterous Saturday morning cartoon soundtrack of the 64 version onward.
Rare has had a few.

-Mire Mare, the fourth game in the Sabre Wulf series.

-Jet Force Gemini for Game Boy Color

-Goldeneye XBLA remake

That reminds me... This version of Banjo Pilot was canceled while it was near finished, was it not?




The original version of the GBA was going to use a voxel engine for its 3D landscape, but they later ditched that in favor for the" mode 7" version instead.
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