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Castle Crashers = 1800 points?! (Nope, not 1800)


This wouldn't even be a big deal if I had 1800 points laying around, but I only have 1600. Now I have to buy another fucking set of points and leave an excess amount around.


Bish loves my games!
Fair points about the the retail release being different from DLC (re-sale value, etc). If the game really has as much content as the developers are claiming then they really should consider a $19.99 retail release.

Microsoft would be smart to offer devs/publishers some kind of retail release option for some of these bigger XBLA games.
shidoshi said:
Had this been on a disc, people would have loved the fact that it was priced at $20. (Already been said, but I'm saying it again.)

Probably, but that is also because it would be compared tot he $50-60 games out there. When it comes with XBLA, it is compared to the games which are less than $20 most of the time. Same problem that Penny Arcade game had. I mean, it is coming out around the same time that Bionic Commando Rearmed is, and that is only $10.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Seems hefty enough.
To be fair, a lot of it comes down to just how long the main quest mode is. But the two other modes and wealth of unlockables (not to mention the experience/leveling system) are encouraging.


Worships the porcelain goddess
shidoshi said:
Had this been on a disc, people would have loved the fact that it was priced at $20. (Already been said, but I'm saying it again.)

Sure. I could sell it if I was done with it or lend it to friends. You know, the perks.
Yikes... I hope Braid ends up at 800pts somehow. I only have 800pts at the moment and I was saving it for Braid....

Won't buy another card to get it. So we'll see if I end up with that or Bionic Commando.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that anything over 800pts for a game that you don't even truly own is too high.


Same price Penny Arcade has, yeah?
Or was Penny 1.600?

Anyway i'm not going to whine, i'm buying this day-one.

You know what, though?
To hell with this, i may not be whining about the price, but a lot of my friends will, meaning they won't buy the game - and i wanted to play this with them.
This is a CoOp game - it just CANNOT sell badly... everything would be wasted.


1200 for either is more than fair. This has yet to be confirmed, anyway, so let's not jump the gun just yet.

1200 for 8.0 or above rated games that will give hours of fun play time is more than fair.


Sadly this is asking too much. So far I've been willing to €30 for a PSN game but we are talking a fully fledged 3D horror game that could have hold its own as a €60 retail release.

Braid looks truly amazing but even that is pushing it too far with its 1200 points price (in my opinion). In Europe I'm forced to pay €25 for 2100 points at retail and somehow the idiots at MS thought it would make sense to make paying for points through a credit card even more expensive than through retail. So I'm paying roughly €1,20 for 100 points which leaves me with a price of €14,40 for Braid and €21,60 for Castle Crashers. That shit isn't happening.
Zefah said:
The difference is that XBLA is all about cheaper, smaller, bite-size titles or ports of old games. Most games on XBLA are around 800 - 1200 points and that price range seems to be getting accepted as the standard.
So when a developer makes a game that's not a smaller, bite-size title or a port, they should be expected to price their game in line with those games? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

If this was a PSN release where you could simply pay the exact amount of $22.50 or whatever and didn't have to deal with a wacky point scheme then there wouldn't be as much of a problem, but you will end up having to pay more than that to buy this and you will be left with some points that you may or may not use in the future.
Or in the case of many of us, you could buy your XBLA points cards at a discount and end up paying less than $22.50.

Linkzg said:
I mean, it is coming out around the same time that Bionic Commando Rearmed is, and that is only $10.
Didn't the BC:R team say that they might have trouble breaking even on the game at $10?
Can't you only buy the points in increments of 400? So you're stuck with a useless 200 points? And Microsoft pockets your $3 or whatever the math is on those little bastards until you can accrue enough "change" to buy something you actually want.

I really hate the space-bucks. I buy a lot more stuff on PSN just because it's so much more transparent--if I want something and it's $7.99, my card gets charged seven dollars and ninety nine cents. If this was $19.99 and was purchasable with one-click, I think it would look a lot less expensive.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
jetpacks was yes said:
Oh no, it's 2D, how could it possibly be worth over $20??!!!



BenjaminBirdie said:
It'd pretty funny to see the reaction to a thread entitled "Castle Crashers BOMBA = $22.49 EVERYWHERE!!!"

Even better, how about something totally vanilla with about 10 hours of gameplay like Dark Sector. "Dark Sector bomba! $29.99 everywhere!" Guaranteed there would be plenty of people all over that hot deal, if only for the fact that it was once $60 and "seems okay."

Not to compare games, but it just goes to show the perception of digital downloads right now. And it seems MS is taking a step into higher priced XBLA content with this game.

I don't care so much though. If a game is awesome, I will support it. Just like Noitu Love 2, which gets lambasted for being old school and $20.
SnakeXs said:
Wow at the cheap ass knee jerk reactions. Cheap bastards. Jesus fucking tits this reaction is insane.
:lol I'm torn to tell you the truth. On one hand, we'd be paying $20 had this come out on PC, $40-$50 had it come out on disc, so if you look at it like that, $20 is nothing for a product you get to keep forever. $20 is a large pizza and a Coke.

On the other hand, MS has made $10 games a standard for years now. I totally understand where these cheap bastards are coming from when they say they are trying to make a stand against the higher prices.

My personal opinion is that CC and a lot of XBLA/PSN games are worth much more than $10, but being that the standard on XBLA and PSN is $10, I can't really justify myself paying $20 for it either. What makes CC, Puzzle Quest, Backshot Billiards, and that Penny Arcade game worth more than Bionic Commando, which I'm pretty sure will be $10.


XBLA is criticized for not having 'bigger' games and one comes along with 20 levels, RPG elements, and 4-player online co-op and people complain about paying an additional $10?

My mom's gonna spank you (if she hasn't already).


Gah I hope its less got no chance of geting my buds to buy for co-op at that price.

My most anticipated game of the summer.


soldat7 said:
XBLA is criticized for not having 'bigger' games and one comes along with 20 levels, RPG elements, and 4-player online co-op and people complain about paying an additional $10?

My mom's gonna spank you (if she hasn't already).

It's 2d though. :(


How exactly is $20 too expensive for a huge coop beatemup/rpg with tons of unlockables and whatnot?

This has RPG elements and unlockables?

Interest just shot from low to negative.
Proelite said:
It's 2d though. :(
It's beatiful though :)
Dude, didn't 2 million people buy Army of Two for $60?
I haven't played it yet, but I've enjoyed watching videos of this game more than I enjoyed Army of Two.


Its still a beatemup ala TMNT

sure with "Rpg elements" and "bunch of characters and stages"

But whens the last time you payed "50" bucks for a side scrolling beatemup.

I want the game but thats too much

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
rohlfinator said:
So when a developer makes a game that's not a smaller, bite-size title or a port, they should be expected to price their game in line with those games? Doesn't make a lot of sense.

They should make it a retail release and price it accordingly then.

As a previous poster mentioned, if the game gets released on XBLA it will be compared with the other titles on XBLA and suddenly it looks like a terrible value. If it got a retail release at $20~ with a nice case and manual, etc... it would be compared with other retail games and look like a good value. It is all about perceived value. The game looks expensive as an XBLA release, but cheap if it was a retail release.

I am personally annoyed that they are breaking out of the traditional 800 - 1200 point pricing standard that has begun to set in. It makes it look like the developer / publisher is greedy or thinks they deserve more than others who have released titles on the platform.

rohlfinator said:
Or in the case of many of us, you could buy your XBLA points cards at a discount and end up paying less than $22.50.

You really can't expect the average consumer to get on eBay or whatever and find discounted cards. Most people probably just want to pay with their credit cards, but Microsoft had to come up with some retarded point system where it actually costs you more to buy points online. It is already troublesome enough to buy XBLA points and when people see that this costs 1800 points (effectively forcing them to buy more points than they need) they will probably just pass on the game.


This is kinda like Square deciding to charge 120 bucks for Final Fantasy XIII because it's "the biggest (400 hours of gameplay!!) baddest (3000 unlockable characters!!) most feature packed FF EVAR!!"


GAF's Ed McMahon
Mifune said:
This is kinda like Square deciding to charge 120 bucks for Final Fantasy XIII because it's "the biggest (400 hours of gameplay!!) baddest (3000 unlockable characters!!) most feature packed FF EVAR!!"

:lol :lol


Its still a beatemup ala TMNT

sure with "Rpg elements" and "bunch of characters and stages"

But whens the last time you payed "50" bucks for a side scrolling beatemup.

So how do RPG elements and unlockables translate to more value?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SnakeswithLasers said:
Can't you only buy the points in increments of 400? So you're stuck with a useless 200 points? And Microsoft pockets your $3 or whatever the math is on those little bastards until you can accrue enough "change" to buy something you actually want.

I really hate the space-bucks. I buy a lot more stuff on PSN just because it's so much more transparent--if I want something and it's $7.99, my card gets charged seven dollars and ninety nine cents. If this was $19.99 and was purchasable with one-click, I think it would look a lot less expensive.

This! PSN excels here in my opinion. I hate purchasing XBLA points and having change left over depending on my purchase. It would make it a lot easier to buy things if you knew exactly how much it was going to cost and you could have it directly charge to your credit / debit card.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I thought the whole point of downloadable games was to be able to deliver a wide variety of games, that would have bombed at retail, at a wide variety of pricing. I'm surprised at the reactions. It seems funny because people spend $60 without batting an eye, but when it comes to downloadable games it seems like no one wants to spend more than $10.

Castle Crashers seems worth it to me.


Mamesj said:
with as much content, if not more, than your average $60 10-15 hour shooter at retail.
As Mifune pointed out. You don't see Square or Atlus charging insane prices because their games are packed with insane amounts of content and rpg elements. It's all about perceived value and Castle Crashers sadly does not look like a €21,60 game.


Tain said:
So how do RPG elements and unlockables translate to more value?

replay value? i dunno. very subjective question there...

anyway, do we even have confirmation that this is the U.S. price or is this all on speculation? :lol


Danielsan said:
As Mifune pointed out. You don't see Square or Atlus charging insane prices because their games are packed with insane amounts of content and rpg elements. It's all about perceived value and Castle Crashers sadly does not look like a €21,60 game.
Bad example? Square charges more for DS games than other publishers, at least in the US.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
As someone who was somewhat skeptical of Castle Crashers from the start.. this is kind of a deal breaker for me. Maybe the demo will change my mind, but I think my money would get more mileage out of two cheaper XBLA games.


Danielsan said:
As Mifune pointed out. You don't see Square or Atlus charging insane prices because their games are packed with insane amounts of content and rpg elements. It's all about perceived value and Castle Crashers sadly does not look like a €21,60 game.

$40 DS games.

Mrbob said:
So you have finished the game already?

no, I've been following it. you don't have to play a game to know whats in it.
Zefah said:
As a previous poster mentioned, if the game gets released on XBLA it will be compared with the other titles on XBLA and suddenly it looks like a terrible value. If it got a retail release at $20~ with a nice case and manual, etc... it would be compared with other retail games and look like a good value. It is all about perceived value. The game looks expensive as an XBLA release, but cheap if it was a retail release.
Who gives a crap about "perceived value"? Why not judge it on it's real value?


Mrbob said:
So you have finished the game already?

that's what I'm wondering reading this thread...how the hell did all these people saying it's a great value already get their hands on this game??
Tain said:
So how do RPG elements and unlockables translate to more value?

Well, traditionally, a game with unlockables and stat/level progression usually means that the game takes longer to complete. Penny Arcade was around 8hrs long or more. How long did it take you to beat TMNT?

IMO, this price point won't be good if the content isn't good. The issue with pricing games higher, past the 1200MSP level is that if the size cap restricts the amount of content, it's a huge problem. I'd have no problem paying $20-$30 for an XBLA game that was awesome, and clocked in at a good amount of gameplay & time.

Heck, look at Square Enix: They're charging us $40-$50 for a re-make of an old 90's game, and very few people aren't buying Final Fantasy IV Rerelease #10.


Doom had 4 player co-op, 8 player mp, 30 levels, and that was less than 1/4 of the cost. This game better be 4x longer and better than Doom.
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