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Cheerios Commercial comment section disable due to racists.

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At this point I expect this kind of comments in YouTube, but what really surprised me is the amount of negative votes of this video. Who's forcing this people to watch it?

Good commercial, by the way.


Man that was actually a pretty nice commercial.

What is wrong with people.

On the interweb.


I love Cheerios. What's wrong with representing real life?

People post hateful shit because they know they can get away with it. It's just like all of those cyberbullies targeting classmates. Fuck all of them, there should be a special circle of hell for them.

The day I see a gay couple in a cereal ad is the day I create a ring made of cheerios to propose to my boyfriend with. JK lol



Can't do it



I keep thinking these are dumb, ignorant old people about to die, but then that Tumblr about racism shows pretty much only young people, some of them of mixed race. That's insanely messed up :(
That's a cute commercial!

Some people just are too full of hate.

If I had seen this on tv I wouldn't have even thought anything about it, that's how normal it is.


...People post hateful shit because they know they can get away with it. It's just like all of those cyberbullies targeting classmates..l

Anonymity is a hell of a thing for people, it's been proven fact that wearing a concealing mask makes people feel like they are able to get away with much more and have it never affect them. That being said, even non-anonymous sites like Facebook are still filled with hateful bigots who go one step further and tie their actual identity to their linear-minded beliefs. The younger generation who have never experienced life without the internet still fail to recognize it as something that must be used responsibly. Otherwise we run into cases like the one that was discussed on GAF a few months back of the teenagers who recorded a sexual assault and then uploaded it to Facebook complete with tags.


The physical form of blasphemy
It's a cute and well acted commercial. Fuck these haters.

I am surprised that the only thing people pointed out were dumbass mixed relationship stereotypes. It can be seen to have a not so subtle commentary on heart disease being big with african americans.


Man, the commenters would be in for a shock if they ever moved to the UK. There's a very clever name for interracial couples here:

They're called "couples"
Facebook proves people will proudly be racist, sexist, etc while displaying their name, photo and even location.

And I tend to see the Internet as the great revealer - removed of social pressures a lot of people demonstrate who and what they really are. It's an uncomfortable truth that many avoid; it's not nice to ponder how many are just plain shitty human beings but only mutter their crap behind backs offline.

Edit: I saw you edited the remark out, it's no prob.

I'm still amazed there isn't a shaming site parsing FB and such for juicy drama like that.


This commercial deserves hate, not because it features an interracial couple, but because it overlooks the clearly superior Honey Nut Cheerios. Disgusting.
I'm still amazed there isn't a shaming site parsing FB and such for juicy drama like that.

I just wish that people would actually sit back to think about why they feel that way.

Problem is, even if they can recognize that their behavior is hurtful, being around others who share the bigoted beliefs will only keep them ignoring the rational thoughts. Hell, even if all of them think it's wrong, they'll think that everyone else will shame them for it, so they keep the same behaviors. Pity. Only thing that would help is more integration, I'd think. And yet...
I really don't understand the mindset of these people that post this vitriol on YouTube.

Is the thought process?
1. My comment is useful and will have some sort of impact.
2. Everyone else is wrong and needs to hear my shit.

What's the goddamn point?

It's more like 'dear god please someone acknowledge that i exist'.

EDIT: Just turn off youtube comments completely. The world can't handle the responsibility.


It's interesting to see the lengths racist will go to comment on videos with black people in it on youtube. It's not even just interracial couples either. Sometimes when I'm digging around youtube and find an obscure video that has a black person in it, no white women or white people in it and racist will still go out of their way to watch it and leave hate filled comments. It's very interesting and disheartening at the same time.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I'm convinced none of these people are like this in real life. The internet is a worse poison for causing the jekyll/hyde syndrome than alcohol.

No, the issue is that people used to say dumb shit in the privacy of their own homes and only their family and friends had to hear it. Now they type it out in comment sections, message boards, etc. This explosion of availability of free speech with the internet definitely has allowed things said in private or thoughts usually kept people's head to be broadcasted to the world. The spread of negativity is one thing that I hate about the internet and social media.

It is unfortunate, because many people really don't think about how what they say can really hurt others. They type some hateful crap just move on. Not thinking at all about it. They don't care.

I would be fine if YouTube turned off comments all together.
Fantastic commercial. 2013 and racist idiots still can't handle the sight of a birracial couple.

Fuck them and the guy in Walmart (?) that called the police because he saw something similar in real life.
Well the commercial was adorable, but honestly I thought people were used to seeing interracial couples on TV, it's been going on since Star Trek the original series.
edit:Also I'm new to Gaf, this is my first OT post.


It's not just black/white racism... Almost every video on YouTube has this kind of stuff. I was watching videos of Russia's stealth fighter jet, comments were all about war and nationalism etc.

I made the mistake of watching that American commercial about how in 20+ years Chinese professors will teach students about how they controlled American debt, either the comments were racist against Chinese, or racist against white people/Americans.

It's why I don't even read the comments anymore. You give anyone a soapbox, they will use it to stand on. Though I wonder if the commercial would have gotten so much backlash if it was a white man with say an Asian wife or hispanic wife.

And anonymity does very little these days. People have no problem using their real names on Facebook or Twitter to post this shit. It's like they don't even care who they hurt.


Junior Member
I took a commercial acting class earlier this year and the instructor actually told us not to show up to an audition that's casting husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend with someone outside your race because casting directors, probably for reasons just like this, almost never cast mixed race couples. It actually infuriated me to hear that, it's so silly to me.

Good on the Cheerios folks for giving 0 fucks and going with who ever they thought made the best couple.

Edit- just watched the commercial, it was actually quite heart warming.

Isn't that mostly a US thing though? I hear interracial relationships are much more common in British commercials for instance.


Junior Member
That's one hell of a cute commercial. You got to be one heartless fucker to hate on it just because the parents are of different races.

In my experience, the people who are the most racist are guys who can't get any, and think that men from other races are taking their women. I never really ran into any racist women in my time. The closest I've seen are women who won't date a certain race because of the family backlash, which is fair. When it comes to straight racists though, its been almost entirely from men.

Guys who get consistent action tend to not discriminate, and put their dicks into every shade of woman.


That was the cutest ad ever! I'm so glad the company is not backing down on the situation. I can't believe we still have people like this in the world. It's like a fact that 15% of relationships are mixed racial couples. This is just a sad.
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