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Cheerios Commercial comment section disable due to racists.

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people that post that nonsense to me, must feel so under empowered in their real lives, so at a loss for control, either from self inflicted ignorance and an inability to communicate in loving ways or from being as stupid as a box of cheerios.

In their sad worlds the fantasize about gaining any sense of power by trying to hate on anyone and anything that will listen and they turn to the internet to reveal their sad, sick lives in an attempt to matter... guess what racists... you don't.
It's sad that this is the only other Cheerios ad with its comments disabled as well. I literally can't find any other Cheerios ad on Youtube besides this one and the one in the OP that have their comments turned off. I can almost see the comments about black people being no-good thieves in front of me.

Although, there seems to be some sort of retaliation, as the video in the OP has the highest number of views and ratio of positive ratings compared to the others.

The automatic captions didn't disappoint, either.


The fact that this commercial includes a white mother and black father with a mixed raced daughter is one of the most beautiful things I've seen lately and it made my day.
people that post that nonsense to me, must feel so under empowered in their real lives, so at a loss for control, either from self inflicted ignorance and an inability to communicate in loving ways or from being as stupid as a box of cheerios.

In their sad worlds the fantasize about gaining any sense of power by trying to hate on anyone and anything that will listen and they turn to the internet to reveal their sad, sick lives in an attempt to matter... guess what racists... you don't.

I think you and a lot of other people in this thread are way overcomplicating things.

People like reactions. Some people just go to further lengths than others to get them.
I thought it was a cute commercial. Racism is never going away, it can be the year 4013 and there will still be racists and homophobes unfortunately.
Forgetting to turn off my sad music in the background made all the difference. Or is it intended that the dad has a chronic heart disease that the daughter tries hopelessly to cure with Cheerios before his inevitable demise?

Now excuse me while I go cry in a corner.

At this point I expect this kind of comments in YouTube, but what really surprised me is the amount of negative votes of this video. Who's forcing this people to watch it?

Good commercial, by the way.
Eh. It's a pretty cheesy commercial with a ham-fisted message. Enough non-racist reasons to dislike it. The mere fact it's a commercial would be enough for some people.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Commercial is racist. White mother up and taking care of daughter. Black father napping on the couch. I'm boycotting Cheerios.

Really though, I'm curious as to what kind of reaction it would've gotten if it was a black woman with a white man. I'm sure there would still be some racist shit, but not on the same scale.


It's about time youtube manned up, took responsibility and formed a team of moderators to deal with hurtful comments and the commentors. I love youtube but they have turned a blind eye to this nonsense for too long


Commercial is racist. White mother up and taking care of daughter. Black father napping on the couch. I'm boycotting Cheerios.

Really though, I'm curious as to what kind of reaction it would've gotten if it was a black woman with a white man. I'm sure there would still be some racist shit, but not on the same scale.

I am sure the comments would be disabled as well.

This is the only other Cheerios commercial with comments disabled... can you guess why?

But you're right, a black man with a white woman will always piss off the racists more.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
*shrug* They'll get over it. This and the gay couple in the Amazon Kindle commercial are just naturally going to set some people off. People that are too weak and scared to actually be open about their backwards views openly. Let 'em be mad, as a Black man I find it pretty funny.

Two of the most controversial commercials of the past year are also the only two that got chuckles out of me. Well...that's not true. Kmart's recent "Shipped My Pants" and "Huge Gas" savings commercials did it too.
I love that commercial.

And as someone pointed out, there is a higher incidence of heart disease amongst black males. You can easily trace back what is supposedly going on in the little girl's head. She's trying to help her daddy. :)

Thank you, Cheerios.


Now that I think about it, I can't recall the last time I saw a mixed couple in ad...as a kid of a mixed couple who is in a mixed marriage himself, this kinda saddens me.


Tbh Youtube comments don't even shock me anymore.

What is sad is that the ad in the OP and this one here featuring a black male and his sons seem to be the only ones with comments disabled.


With a product like Cheerios, I think this is a planned controversy. They wanted the god and the bad PR.
I don't really think they're advocates for race equality, they're fucking capitalists, that's all.


With a product like Cheerios, I think this is a planned controversy. They wanted the god and the bad PR.
I don't really think they're advocates for race equality, they're fucking capitalists, that's all.

This might be true.

There is always a meaning behind such commercials, because we as a society are not even close to being at a point where people do not notice mixed ethnicity family dynamics. A negative reaction was pretty much guaranteed - sad as it may be - just like in the opening ceremony of 2012 Olympics where you had a white woman with a black child performing. I saw a lot of hateful messages after it happened.

But regardless of what the company may or may not have calculated, it's always good to put these haters on notice.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Does a WM/BW interracial couple really get less scrutiny than a BM/WW couple? Anyone who thinks so I'd have to disagree with.

That is the subject of an entirely new thread onto itself.

Honestly, you're going to get some shit either way. Black dude with a White woman, you're going to get shit from insecure White males and Black females. White dude with Black woman? Going to get shit from insecure Black males and White women. Maybe a little less of the latter, but still.

If anything, I would think people are more used to seeing BM/WM combos.


Ubisoft Marketing
Can you back that up with any facts? My wife and I have dealt with our fair share of racist shit.

I don't have hard numbers. I can however give you insight into such thinking based on someone i met when i briefly lived in New Mexico years ago.

He believed that in the case of BM/WW relationship, the black man was not native to America. It didn't matter if the male was actually American born, by virtue of his skin colour, he wasn't from that land. As such, he was "taking" something that didn't "belong" to him. Hence the hatred.

In the case of a WM/BW scenario, he believed that the white male was native to America. It didn't matter if he was from a different country altogether, by virtue of his skin colour, he was "originally" from that land. Therefore, him being with a black woman (who he believes is not native to the land) is him exercising his dominion over his land, and all upon it.

The above are the actual thoughts of a racist. Truth is, it also crosses into the realm of sexism. The scrutiny a BM/WW relationship gets in society could be further attributed to this trope.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I live in Virginia and grew up in an extremely rural area. Even in high school, BM/WW relationships caught serious shit. White girls who dated black guys were labeled as sluts. The girls would no longer be really accepted into the white social groups after that. The idea was that once you go black, you can't come back.

Black girls that dated white guys never faced the same treatment, although the girls kinda had to be integrated into the white groups for it to happen. The preppy clique I was a part of was almost entirely white males and a mix of white and black girls. If one of the guys hooked up with one of the black girls, he would get props from all the other guys. Completely different than if one of the white girls got with a black guy.

I was pretty much kicked out of the preppy crowd when I started hanging out with non-whites. They weren't cool with me bringing my new friends to parties, so they just stopped letting me know when they were having one. Of course, that's just high school. After graduating, we hung out with people who didn't give a shit what race you were as long as you were cool and could hold your liquor.

All anecdotal, of course. Just sharing what it's like in the south. It's better now that I'm just outside of Richmond, but the racist sentiment is still present.
Would a WM/BW combo get a lot of hate from black men? I'd wager it would. Same for Asian men who hate the WM/AW combo. I don't know if it would be proportionately equal, though.

The reason you might not see it represented in media is because black culture and people generally are famously underrepresented in media. But then again, I wouldn't know.



If this was Weaselly Snipes and Shania Twain there would have been some shit going down.

This is the product of the Cosby era. It feels like people are more rascist than they were 25 years ago. Then again maybe it's the internet that has brought something that was more hidden out into the open.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Would a WM/BW combo get a lot of hate from black men? I'd wager it would. Same for Asian men who hate the WM/AW combo. I don't know if it would be proportionately equal, though.

More completely anecdotal stuff: I went to a party with an Ethiopian girl and was the only white dude there. No one cared. Not a single mention of it, although they did give me shit for wearing khakis and a cardigan sweater.


Does a WM/BW interracial couple really get less scrutiny than a BM/WW couple? Anyone who thinks so I'd have to disagree with.
In the media? They most certainly do.

A white man with a black woman is infinitely more acceptable. Take a show like Friends for example, they had Joey and Ross both dating a black woman but none of the white women on the show ever dated a black man.

The same can be said for movies. If the star of a movie is a black woman you can be damn sure her romantic lead will be white. You will rarely see the reverse, there was a huge deal made about Denzel Washington and Julia Roberts in Pelican Brief and they didn't so much as kiss each other.


14 instances of "Halle Berry"

12 instances of Rae Dawn Chong

7 instances of Naomie Harris

6 instances of Zoe Saldana

6 instances of Whoopi Goldberg

5 instances of Rosario Dawson

4 instances of Lisa Bonet

4 instances of Nia Long

4 instances of Stacey Dash

4 instances of Angela Bassett


I'm convinced none of these people are like this in real life. The internet is a worse poison for causing the jekyll/hyde syndrome than alcohol.

Valtýr;60399641 said:
I'm willing to guess that most of the comments are just jerks being jerks and not legitimate racists being racist.

Both of these statements are wrong. People are really that racist when there are no consequences to their words, nor any danger of someone getting in their faces over a slur. Without a hint of sarcasm, people make serious racist remarks all the time on news articles.

And a person has already crossed the line into "legitimate racist" when he thinks it's okay to be a trolling jerk who posts blatant hate speech for laughs or attention.
Racists spewing more toxic filth under the veil of assumed anonymity. What a bunch of shit stinking trash.

That commercial was cute, and displays child logic pretty well. The fact that it was an interracial couple isn't an issue, as race ought not to play any role in our opinions of other people, nor their choice in partners, spouses, friends or colleagues.

Sad that they had to disable comments. Really sad.
Man, screw the people that found this ad so offensive. I hope General Mills runs billboards of that couple making out in a hot tub full of Cheerios.


I saw this ad on TV about a week ago.

Looked over at my wife, and said, "That's a first. Shit storm is about to ensue." Sure enough within a few days, bingo.

I grew up mixed in the 90s, and yeah there were plenty of looks. As well as words. Abomination, mongrel, half-breed monkey, etc. Interracial relationships may be gaining traction, but a lot of people are still uncomfortable with it. And speaking on black/white, I've experienced it from both.


Both of these statements are wrong. People are really that racist when there are no consequences to their words, nor any danger of someone getting in their faces over a slur. Without a hint of sarcasm, people make serious racist remarks all the time on news articles.

And a person has already crossed the line into "legitimate racist" when he thinks it's okay to be a trolling jerk who posts blatant hate speech for laughs or attention.

I agree. These types of statements baffle me, it boders on making excuses for their actions.

I don't buy that alcohol or the guise of anonymity somehow turns these people into racists.
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