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Chilling documentary shows trainer telling cops that killing leads to better sex

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Okay, I think I managed to fit a more accurate description of the true horror of what the OP tried to express.

I mean, it wasn't even a cop invited to talk to a bunch of students, and telling them this. It was a police trainer who was conducting training for other cops, telling them this. Culture of insane militarized garbage. What the fuck.
Except there's a difference between teaching/talking about the realities of policing vs. talking about a specific sexual experience arising after a life-death situation. Not to mention, he's essentially trivializing and reducing how one would process killing another human being to thinking about sex. Not exactly an ideal way to discuss a dense topic like this.

I agree that his thoughts are completely inappropriate training material, I think the point of the documentary is to show just how normal his actions seem in the context of the departments that invite him to speak. Like, NONE of them seem to react 'hey wait a minute this guy seems like something of a psycho, should I really be listening to him?'

There have been no brakes applied to the insane aggression that Grossman is instilling in young law enforcement recruits. It's infuriating.


Americans, you're fucked. It's weird all the pro gun lobby people who are adamant they need guns to protect themselves from over-reaching governance, tend to also be the people happy as fuck that their local police dept has military vehicles and soldier like officers. Obviously because at the moment the only people targeted are blacks and hippies. One day it will be their own kind though.

America, get out while you can!
Everyone should read the entire article. If you somehow still think there is no problem with law enforcement in this country after reading that, I really don't know what to tell you.
I agree that his thoughts are completely inappropriate training material, I think the point of the documentary is to show just how normal his actions seem in the context of the departments that invite him to speak. Like, NONE of them seem to react 'hey wait a minute this guy seems like something of a psycho, should I really be listening to him?'

There have been no brakes applied to the insane aggression that Grossman is instilling in young law enforcement recruits. It's infuriating.

And that's the scariest part about policing, that they aren't critical thinkers and don't think about what could've been changed to ensure that they do a better job at maintaining public safety. That anyone would think "I'm just doing my job, and you happen to be at the middle of it" is a very dangerous thought to have, and is a slippery slope towards removing one of the key tenets that policing ought to have: empathy.


Neo Member
Not to defend what he said but he's teaching swat officers. Not regular patrolmen.

Still not exactly a PC statement but there is a difference.

As an aside that documentary looks absolutely fascinating. I was a little bit taken aback by the description of one thing though. They describe raiding a house suspected of drug dealing and then say they charge a guy with possesion after getting not even enough pot to smoke. Then the end says the pot weighed out to a gram and a half. Which is more then enough pot to smoke. In fact I'm getting high like five times off that much weed.

I just think regardless of the side you are on people need to be deadly fucking accurate with facts if we want change. Not saying the family or family members were guilty. In fact I think pot should be legal. But why not just say that instead of being misleading in the middle of the article for no reason when the same point could be made telling it like it was?


One solution would be to significantly increase the number of women in the police force, with an objective of 50%. It makes a big difference in such male-dominated environments, and it's easy to implement.
Everyone should read the entire article. If you somehow still think there is no problem with law enforcement in this country after reading that, I really don't know what to tell you.

I have to co-sign this. As the article states, the mundanity of this kind of barbarism should shake people to the core. It's the literal definition of becoming the monster you think you're fighting


"Hey honey, today I gunned someone down in the street like the dog they were."

"Oh god, keep talking dirty to me. Did he beg for his life before you blew his face off?"

This could probably not be that far from what really happens in the homes of some of these killers. Kill someone, go home and talk about how great your day was. Sick.


There's a lot of evil and psychopathic people who are police officers. What this guy said is not far removed from serial killers who get off on murdering their victims.
I read somewhere that cops were 2-4x as likely to be involved in domestic violence. With hoards of guys like him around one must wonder.
I have to co-sign this. As the article states, the mundanity of this kind of barbarism should shake people to the core. It's the literal definition of becoming the monster you think you're fighting

Exactly. My first thought, just like the writer of the article, is how they act like this is normal and not wrong and they know that they are being filmed. There are some blatantly wrong shit going on in what he describes and the cops don't even notice it because they think their cause is right, even if it means terrorizing a family just for a gram (!!!) of weed and making the family pay for the damages they caused.

I'm going to have to look out for the documentary now after reading that. Totally different take on the discussion of American policing and doesn't have to show a single video of an unarmed black guy getting killed by police.


As sick as that is, the worst part of the article has to be:

Grossman’s classes teach officers to be less hesitant to use lethal force, urge them to be willing to do it more quickly and teach them how to adopt the mentality of a warrior

Why is that a thing? Who supports this shit and why is it even allowed?


Neo Member
As sick as that is, the worst part of the article has to be:

Why is that a thing? Who supports this shit and why is it even allowed?

It's for swat teams not regular patrolmen.

Like I'm all about police reform and body cams and all that but swat officers do need to be prepared to use lethal force.

These are the guys that go after the florida nightclub shooter. Boston Marathon Bombers. Terrorists. etc

Where they are wasted as the article points out is on drug raids on random citizens houses. You get rid of the war on drugs and the associated laws that make life impossible for users and you end that.

I feel for police in the sense that they police in a country with hundreds of millions of guns floating around and a racist war on drugs. Neither of which are their fault and no one seems to connect the dots on these issues.


It's a shame that the killing leads to better sex distracts you from the real horror. The mundanity of it all.

This is what got me:
The striking thing about the footage is, again, the utter mundanity of the raid. A family was just violently raided over an immeasurable amount of pot. A man was arrested over that pot. The money he needed for his business was taken from him. Yet there’s no shame or embarrassment from the officers. There’s no panic that the whole thing was captured on video. That’s when it hits you. They don’t think they’ve made a mistake. This is what they do.
You can't fix that with a body cam.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Its all starting to make sense.

He must be the trainer for damn near all police stations across the country. Or you can tell the ones that go by his teachings. Probably has a video out.
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