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Chris Brown ft Rihanna - Turn Up The Music(Remix)

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Rihanna is a fucking stupid bitch. Literally going back to someone who beat the shit out of her.

Again just to clarify for those assuming. They aren't getting back together, never were. He and Karrueche have been together for awhile now. Still going strong. She even supports the remixes, she knows whats going on. Jeez lol



Neo Member
Nice list but what does it have to do with Chris brown.

Well in context, lets not pretend that Chris Brown is the first (nor will he be the last) famed fuck that put hands on a female. Plenty of our favs have committed similar or far worse crimes, and are still sucking from the tits of success. I'm not saying we should forget (or even forgive), such despicable acts, but by not productively moving on.. we are just mentally inflicting ourselves with the same abuse over, and over.. again...

Yet, some of teh gorls still bitch over the KanyeWest/TaylorSwift shit... so whatever.

And it's pretty funny you mention Mel Gibson of all people. His career is certainly hitting its stride right now.

Wait was this the tea? It's some gas station shit if so.

The T/Tea = The Gossip

LOL, so I see you're not fully fluent with the LGBT lingo... (although you will be if ya stick around this thread for a little bit longer)


Again just to clarify for those assuming. They aren't getting back together, never were. He and Karrueche have been together for awhile now. Still going strong. She even supports the remixes, she knows whats going on. Jeez lol

That's nice. Let's hope he doesn't bash that cute face in though.
meh it's her life.

Besides these songs probably gonna be huge ass hits (lol punzzzz) anyway.
So business-wise it works out too.

Does it really effect you that much, what she does with her life?\\She has to live with it...not you.


meh it's her life.

Besides these songs probably gonna be huge ass hits (lol punzzzz) anyway.
So business-wise it works out too.

Does it really effect you that much, what she does with her life?\\She has to live with it...not you.

this is exactly what im saying lol they got the world talking lord.


The point is, Chris already paid his debt to society. He did his community service, he did everything the judge told him to do. He still on probation. NO radio played his songs for awhile, NOBODY was here for Graffiti when that album dropped, rejected from doing live performances on all award shows. He was flopping and losing up and down this bitch lawd. He clawed his way back up last year when F.A.M.E dropped and went #1, he won a Grammy, he and Karrueche have been dating for awhile now and Rih has forgiven him, and lifted the restraining order so he can perform and do his thing, and he won a Grammy. Also topping it off with the Icing on dat Cake these two knuckleheads released 2 remixes and dont give a flying fuck what anybody thinks. The tea is all there, he's winning AGAIN and no male artist out now can touch him. NONE. Period. flUsher is getting stiff. Everyone tried to make Jason DeWHOno happen and it didn't. He is the best male entertainer out rn and ppl will have to deal with it. He's not going away. Ya'll keep trying to keep him down but it aint gonna happen gurls.


This is a joke right? Best entertainer? The guy can't write or sing and just dances all the time. That's literally all he does. He doesn't produce his own music, doesn't write his songs, and can't sing. His whole appeal is that he can dance and girls find him hot.

On top of that he acts like a douchebag as if people asking him about beating the shit out of Rihanna is somehow crossing the line.

Do his fans or people who defend him forget the pictures we saw of her face? The report? What he actually did? He didn't just shove, slap, or punch her once and then end it. He literally beat her to a bloody pulp. And we should all be happy that he has made a comeback? Its not like he broke his leg, tore his vocal chords, had a personal tragedy, and now has made a monumental comeback so we should stand up applaud. The dude was banished for his own wrong doing. Beat the ever living crap out of another, more famous and more successful star, and now we should be happy for him?

I am all for second chances but when the dude himself doesn't seem to show any remorse and acts like a 2 year old whenever his past his brought up I don't really see how I am supposed to be happy for his comeback. On top of that his music is garbage. There is no subjective music criteria here. He can't sing better than other r&b artists. He can't write better. He can't produce better. Literally the only thing he can do better is dance and even then tons of other artists put on a good show while still singing.

But I will congratulate him for having that moron Rihanna so wrapped around his finger that even after what he did to her she doesn't care and is back with him even if only professionally. Once again proving there is low people won't go to in order to make more money.


No its not. Everyone WANTS to believe it for some reason but that's not the case. They were in love and remain friends.

do you hang out with them or something? why would you pretend to know this while single-handedly running the most embarrassing defense force campaign OT's seen in a minute?

for real, stannery is fun and all but you should come up for air once in a while.

someone please tell me kyon and koodo are teenage girls so i can make sense of all this.



This is a joke right? Best entertainer? The guy can't write or sing and just dances all the time. That's literally all he does. He doesn't produce his own music, doesn't write his songs, and can't sing. His whole appeal is that he can dance and girls find him hot.

On top of that he acts like a douchebag as if people asking him about beating the shit out of Rihanna is somehow crossing the line.

Do his fans or people who defend him forget the pictures we saw of her face? The report? What he actually did? He didn't just shove, slap, or punch her once and then end it. He literally beat her to a bloody pulp. And we should all be happy that he has made a comeback? Its not like he broke his leg, tore his vocal chords, had a personal tragedy, and now has made a monumental comeback so we should stand up applaud. The dude was banished for his own wrong doing. Beat the ever living crap out of another, more famous and more successful star, and now we should be happy for him?

I am all for second chances but when the dude himself doesn't seem to show any remorse and acts like a 2 year old whenever his past his brought up I don't really see how I am supposed to be happy for his comeback. On top of that his music is garbage. There is no subjective music criteria here. He can't sing better than other r&b artists. He can't write better. He can't produce better. Literally the only thing he can do better is dance and even then tons of other artists put on a good show while still singing.

But I will congratulate him for having that moron Rihanna so wrapped around his finger that even after what he did to her she doesn't care and is back with him even if only professionally. Once again proving there is low people won't go to in order to make more money.

Ummm YES actually he does. He has writing and co-writing credits for all his albums, produces, even directs some of his music videos. You cant tell me: A STAN since day 1 what Chris hasn't/cant do or done because i will correct the error. And he CAN sing that's a no brainer. Just because it aint the style you like doesn't mean he cant sing (though he does lip synch sometimes but only when heavy dancing is involved). Last But not least YES can dance circles around ANY male artist today Hell even most all the females except Ciara. He is the ONLY one on top rn. (Male wise)

Never in these posts have i ever said that i am defending what happened. Nor will i forget. But there is a time when you got to move on. Also i dont blame him for getting mad because of something that happened 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure everyone who has made a mistake doesnt want people to bring up shit from the past. NOBODY wants that. I'd be mad too. Also claiming he has no remorse for what he did is hilarious because at the end of the day he was trying to talk about the music and everybody always wanna talk about the incident. He is going to have that looming over his head forever nothing anyone can do. Maybe YOU guys dont wanna move on and stay mad or whatever. But others have given him a chance. Its about the music at the end of the day.


Neo Member
No its not. Everyone WANTS to believe it for some reason but that's not the case. They were in love and remain friends.


They maybe friends.. with benefits, because Brezzy is most definitely swimming in that island fish.
Ummm YES actually he does. He has writing and co-writing credits for all his albums, produces, even directs some of his music videos. You cant tell me a STAN since day 1 what Chris hasnt done because i will correct the error. And he CAN sing thats a no brainer. Just because it aint the style you like doesnt mean he cant sing. Last But not least YES can dance circles around ANY male artist today. He is the ONLY one on top rn. (Male wise)

Never in these posts have i ever said that i am defending what happened. Nor will i forget. But there is a time when you got to move on. Also i dont blame him for getting mad because of something that happened 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure everyone who has made a mistake doesnt want people to bring up shit from the past. NOBODY wants that. I'd be mad too. Also claiming he has no remorse for what he did is hilarious because at the end of the day he was trying to talk about the music and everybody always wanna talk about the incident. He is going to have that looming over his head forever nothing anyone can do. Maybe YOU guys dont wanna move on and stay mad or whatever. But others have given him a chance. Its about the music at the end of the day.

So mad you'd throw chairs and break windows? That's not normal, maybe feeling angry is but he's a complete shithead.


Never in these posts have i ever said that i am defending what happened. Nor will i forget. But there is a time when you got to move on.


Coming from one of the most staunch C Breezy haters, it's time to let it go. Rihanna has clearly moved on, and she's the one that got her ass beat, so we should all move on as well. I'm not defending C Breezy, and I'm definitely not here for that Turn up the Music shit remix, but yeah. Rihanna has forgiven and moved on, we should respect her wishes.
Ummm YES actually he does. He has writing and co-writing credits for all his albums, produces, even directs some of his music videos. You cant tell me: A STAN since day 1 what Chris hasn't/cant do or done because i will correct the error. And he CAN sing that's a no brainer. Just because it aint the style you like doesn't mean he cant sing (though he does lip synch sometimes but only when heavy dancing is involved). Last But not least YES can dance circles around ANY male artist today Hell even most all the females except Ciara. He is the ONLY one on top rn. (Male wise)

Never in these posts have i ever said that i am defending what happened. Nor will i forget. But there is a time when you got to move on. Also i dont blame him for getting mad because of something that happened 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure everyone who has made a mistake doesnt want people to bring up shit from the past. NOBODY wants that. I'd be mad too. Also claiming he has no remorse for what he did is hilarious because at the end of the day he was trying to talk about the music and everybody always wanna talk about the incident. He is going to have that looming over his head forever nothing anyone can do. Maybe YOU guys dont wanna move on and stay mad or whatever. But others have given him a chance. Its about the music at the end of the day.

If somebody did what Chris Brown did to your daughter and she ended up being "friends" with him again you would support her?


Ummm YES actually he does. He has writing and co-writing credits for all his albums, produces, even directs some of his music videos. You cant tell me a STAN since day 1 what Chris hasnt done because i will correct the error.

I have no idea what you just said here.

And he CAN sing thats a no brainer.

No he can't sing. That is why he has to resort to dancing while the actual song plays in the back.

Just because it aint the style you like doesnt mean he cant sing. Last But not least YES can dance circles around ANY male artist today. He is the ONLY one on top rn. (Male wise)

It ain't my style? And how do you know my style? Chris Brown is a R&B artist. As a R&B singer he is terrible. His voice sucks. Its why he can't hold up to the better singers. He isn't known for his singing or his voice. He has catchy songs but those are mostly due to the catchy beats and hooks. But mainly he is known for his stage show, which is just his dancing.

Never in these posts have i ever said that i am defending what happened. Nor will i forget. But there is a time when you got to move on. Also i dont blame him for getting mad because of something that happened 3 years ago. I'm pretty sure everyone who has made a mistake doesnt want people to bring up shit from the past. NOBODY wants that. I'd be mad too. Also claiming he has no remorse for what he did is hilarious because at the end of the day he was trying to talk about the music and everybody always wanna talk about the incident. He is going to have that looming over his head forever nothing anyone can do. Maybe YOU guys dont wanna move on and stay mad or whatever. But othes have given him a chance. Its about the music at the end of the day.

Oh poor Chris Brown being forced to answer questions about the incident. Poor old Chris Brown.

No sorry that is what you have to go through. You want to make a comeback? Be a famous singer in the spotlight? After what he did? You have to change your image, come across remorseful, and stop acting like a bitch. You want people to think you have changed? Learned from your mistakes? How about not acting like a 2 year old, taking your shirt off, throwing chairs around, and storming out of an interview? Too bad Chris that 1 incident will forever be associated with your career and if you chose to make a comeback you have to always remember that people will bring it up. So either man up and face it and prove people wrong or be constantly hated on when you act like you don't deserve to be asked.

Others have given him a chance? You mean the same people who right after the incident were already defending him, coming up with rumors like she gave him herpes, or that she deserved it? Face it due to his physical appeal a certain segment of the fan-base (teenage vagina) is going to love him no matter what he does as long as he can dance and looks good. That's not giving him a chance or liking his music. That is the benefit of being a teen heartthrob.

I'd easily move on if the moron Rihanna didn't pull this stunt all for the sake of publicity, money, and controversy and if Chris Brown didn't act like a jackass all the time who thinks he shouldn't be asked about the mistakes he himself made. The two of them deserve each other. I enjoy Rihanna's songs here and there but at this point she comes across as the bigger moron.


Coming from one of the most staunch C Breezy haters, it's time to let it go. Rihanna has clearly moved on, and she's the one that got her ass beat, so we should all move on as well. I'm not defending C Breezy, and I'm definitely not here for that Turn up the Music shit remix, but yeah. Rihanna has forgiven and moved on, we should respect her wishes.

this is literally the same flawed logic Roman Polanski apologists use in every thread involving him, if you're not aware.
"the victim forgave him!" - that's great, he didn't in any real way act repentant (quite the opposite in both these cases, however different), so i don't see where I should be compelled - especially here where there's money on the table to ease that public forgiveness.
Again just to clarify for those assuming. They aren't getting back together, never were. He and Karrueche have been together for awhile now. Still going strong. She even supports the remixes, she knows whats going on. Jeez lol


The duck face again? It's an epidemic

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Kyon is trying to drop bombs like Koodo, but is failing. Hard.


^^^ Koodo isnt the originator of Pop/Gay/fandom lingo look up your facts please.


Coming from one of the most staunch C Breezy haters, it's time to let it go. Rihanna has clearly moved on, and she's the one that got her ass beat, so we should all move on as well. I'm not defending C Breezy, and I'm definitely not here for that Turn up the Music shit remix, but yeah. Rihanna has forgiven and moved on, we should respect her wishes.

People assume because im a Chris Brown fan that i always forgave him and all that and its not true. We arent all like that. There was a point where i just could not keep listening to him. I still bought his music because i was always here for him as an ARTIST. I NEVER cared what my favorite artists have done in their pasts and i dont care about their personal lives. I stan for the artist and thats what im staying for. Yes i find him attractive thats just my taste. I never ever defended what happened but they just wanna put words in my mouth. The time for me to move on has been set and done. I'm sorry for anyone who thinks im defending domestic violence that was never the case and will never be true.


For the late ladies, who are obviously tardy for party when comes to GayTalk101 (which basically consist of....)
  • Boo
  • Child
  • Cunt
  • Fish/RealFish
  • Fem
  • Fierce
  • Gag
  • Gorl/Gurl
  • Queen
  • Serve
  • Shade
  • Slay
  • Tea
  • Trade
  • Werk

Please reference *Shit Black Gays Say* for further translation

People seriously think Koodo invented the language here.
^^^ Koodo isnt the originator of Pop fandom/lingo look up your facts please.

People assume because im a Chris Brown fan that i always forgave him and all that and its not true. We arent all like that. There was a point where i just could not keep listening to him. I still bought his music because i was always here for him as an ARTIST. I NEVER cared what my favorite artists have done in their pasts and i dont care about their personal lives. I stan for the artist and thats what im staying for. Yes i find him attractive thats just my taste. I never ever defended what happened but they just wanna put words in my mouth. The time for me to move on has been set and done. I'm sorry for anyone who thinks im defending domestic violence that was never the case and will never be true.



For the late ladies, who are obviously tardy for party when comes to urban GayTalk101 (which basically consist of....)
  • Boo
  • Ciara
  • Child
  • Cunt
  • Fish/RealFish
  • Fem
  • Fierce
  • Gag
  • Gorl/Gurl
  • Keri Hilson
  • Late
  • Queen
  • Serve
  • Shade
  • Slay
  • Tea
  • Trade
  • Werk
Please reference *Shit Black Gays Say* for further translation
I......I don't understand what is going on here.


For the late ladies, who are obviously tardy for party when comes to urban GayTalk101 (which basically consist of....)
  • Boo
  • Ciara
  • Child
  • Cunt
  • Fish/RealFish
  • Fem
  • Fierce
  • Gag
  • Gorl/Gurl
  • Keri Hilson
  • Late
  • Queen
  • Serve
  • Sis
  • Shade
  • Slay
  • Tea
  • Trade
  • Werk
Please reference *Shit Black Gays Say* for further translation

Do you also have the translations? Like for instance: What is Keri Hilson doing there? What is Tea? Trade? Shade... all of them actually.



thanks for catching that needed to add: i never cared what my artists did BUT none have done something of that magnitude, like Britney and the shit she went through etc. So thats why it was a bit hard for me to listen to his songs sometimes because it was during when the incident occured and im not here for domestic violence, so i just put off listening to him for a few months.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder if this thread will reach a high point again.
I agree with Kyon in the sense that our opinions do not matter anymore. People can be upset with her if they want but to openly go on bashing her/them for this is kinda sad - these are grown adults, we aren't the authors of their life stories


I agree with Kyon in the sense that our opinions do not matter anymore. People can be upset with her if they want but to openly go on bashing her/them for this is kinda sad - these are grown adults, we aren't the authors of their life stories

Our opinions never ever matter. It's just a internet discussion board.
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