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CNN: Giuliani told he will not be Sec. of State by Trump team

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helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Also won't get any other role in the administration. They're claiming he dropped out voluntarily weeks ago lol.

Giuliani pulls name from contention for secretary of state

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani pulled out of the secretary of state sweepstakes late last month, President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team said late Friday, as Trump has widened his search to select the nation’s top diplomat in the last week.

"Rudy Giuliani is an extraordinarily talented and patriotic American. I will always be appreciative of his 24/7 dedication to our campaign after I won the primaries and for his extremely wise counsel,” Trump said in a written statement. “He is and continues to be a close personal friend, and as appropriate, I will call upon him for advice and can see an important place for him in the administration at a later date.”

Giuliani had previously publicly campaigned for the post and it was not immediately clear why he had withdrawn. The transition team said that he withdrew on November 29.

Trump has considered a host of possibilities for secretary of state, widely seen as the most prominent cabinet position. Giuliani’s chief rival at times was seen as former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who is still under consideration. Others who have interviewed include Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, retired Adm. James Stavridis, Sen. Bob Corker and former Ford CEO Alan Mulally.

Giuliani did not just pull himself out of the running for secretary of the state but any position in the administration, the transition team said.

So he "withdrew" on the 29th and on the 30th the Trump team announced him as one of the finalist for the position. Makes sense.

Romney and Giuliani make the final 4 cut for Trump’s secretary of state finalists

President-elect Donald Trump’s drama-ridden selection process for secretary of state has narrowed to four finalists, including 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump aides said Wednesday.

It was the first time that Trump’s transition team has publicly confirmed that Romney and Giuliani are competing for the highest ranking Cabinet position.
Opponents of Romney have waged a remarkably public fight against him, saying the former Massachusetts governor should not get the nod because he attacked Trump in harsh personal terms during the presidential campaign and that Giuliani should be rewarded for his loyalty during the campaign.

Original post: Saw this on twitter, will post an article once I see one.






Crawled into the gutter and debased himself for Trump for nothing. If he wasn't such a scumbag I'd almost pity him.


Thank Christ. The idea of this nasty little fuck being the country's chief diplomat was insulting and terrifying.


While whoever inevitably fills the seat will be awful, I'll take some solace in knowing that fuckface Giuliani won't get the job. Motherfucker looks like he sniffs seat cushions.


Was Romney told he was out of the running, too? He was the closest thing to a respectable human being in that entire cesspool.


Giuliani should have taken secretary of Homeland Security. Loyalty has been rewarded to a lot of people BUT Secretary of State is the big kahuna job that is kind of beyond a loyalty appointment imo.

That said CNN has been wrong so much on what their "sources" say so who knows. I still remember CNN saying that Trump wanted Bannon as Chief of Staff when anyone with a brain knew it would be Priebus.

I do think Romney is done though I mean how can he go around to world leaders and answer questions about his speech shitting on Trump.
That this nation, under Trump, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the CEOs, by the people, for the wealthy, shall perish from the earth.
Another fucking CEO potentially getting a cabinet seat would be terrifying, but I'd lying if I said I'm not a little perked at that asswipe Giuliani having his groveling rewarded with nothing.


Yess! Eat shit mother fucker. I'm so glad.

That just leaves Romney, Corker, Patreus, Manchin (please don't take the spot, Manchin), and... the CEO of Exxon.

(Please be Romney or Corker, please be Romney or Corker, please be Romney or Corker)

El Topo

Do you think Trump just didn't answer his phone calls? Like, did he send Giuliani straight to voicemail?
"Yeah, Donald, this is Rudy again, I called earlier. Hey, I wanted to talk with you about the SoS position. Call me back, okay?"
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