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CNN Projection: Rubio, Wasserman Schultz win Florida primaries

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It is pretty clear that you guys still have a grudge against Bernie and anyone even associated with him.

It is pretty clear to see you're still not over Bernie's loss and would of accepted anyone the Sanders camp installed against Wasserman.

If she was projected to lose, your post probably would of been:

I bet HillaryGAF is mad that Debbie lost. Feel the Bern.

See you in 2020.
You really think Bernie is going to run again? Or maybe some other liberal candidate?

I highly doubt Clinton gets any significant primary challenge next election unless certain peoples' worst suspicions are confirmed and she cuts Social Security or starts a ground war or something. If it's essentially a third Obama term, good luck with that.


That's not true. Bernie's endorsement helped Canova raise a tremendous amount of money for the election.

It was hardly a tremendous amount of money (maybe tremendous relative to an obscure House challenger, but not a race-altering amount) and Canova ran through it pretty quickly.

How often did Bernie actually campaign with Canova?

Unfortunate, but Rubio will probably lose to Murphy in November.

I don't think that's a sure thing. Rubio is six points ahead of Murphy and outperforming Trump in the polls.
Which is a lot better than Bernie's performance in that district during his primary.

Debbie's performance in the primary is pretty pathetic considering that she was endorsed by Obama, Biden, and Hillary.

I hope she's primaried again.

There is no way this is happening. Hillary isn't going to do this.

She was very publicly fired and exposed and still won her primary by double digits. Despite her opponent having a nice influx of cash

Anyone who was actually a decent candidate should have been able to win that primary.
I don't think that's a sure thing. Rubio is six points ahead of Murphy and outperforming Trump in the polls.
I suspect that gap will close pretty quick - until the wife-beating stuff came out about Grayson most Dem groups were trying to remain neutral, but now that a nominee's in place they can focus on the general. Rubio has near universal recognition from the presidential run and will be pretty easy to tear down in the general, dude is like the worst senator in the country. He even said he wasn't sure if he'd serve out a full term - open mouth, insert foot.
His endorsement wasn't enough for you?

Isn't he going to start campaigning for her next month? Will that be enough for you?
"I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Hillary becomes the President" amounts to an endorsement that every fucking primary challenger gives after they lost?
"I'm going to do everything I can to make sure Hillary becomes the President" amounts to an endorsement that every fucking primary challenger gives after they lost?

If an endorsement of Canova qualifies as Bernie actively helping, then by Mr. RPG's logic, yes. This also means that Trump really helped Paul Ryan.

At least when it comes to being wrong, Mr. RPG is nothing if not consistent.
I knew the moment Bernie left that his "revolution" would go with him. Instead of actually following up on his promise to support likeminded downticket candidates, he took his ball and went home.

But anyone who was paying attention shouldn't be surprised. Poor Canova, though.


I'm not exactly pleased with Debbie either, just that I'm frustrated by Bernie's decisions for still placing Weaver into power even when his aides didn't want him.
It is pretty clear that you guys still have a grudge against Bernie and anyone even associated with him.

Or (and bear with me here) Canova was a bad candidate regardless of who endorsed him.

It's pretty clear that Sanders endorsed Canova primarily because Canova was running against DWS rather than out of any particular fondness for the man himself. It was sort of an "enemy of my enemy" thing.

The problem is that sometimes the "enemy of my enemy" is just a jackass who parrots GOP talking points about the Iran deal.


Happy to see the Solar energy amendment passed. Sad to see Grayson lost to Murphey, but that's how it goes. Kicking Rubio out is top priority!
DWS wasn't a great DNC Chair, but she's well liked in her district. She deserved to hold onto her seat. Good for her. Canova was terrible, knew nothing about the people in the district, and was hitching his pony to the Bernie train something fierce.
What helps win elections is knowing the people you wish to serve and the challenges they face. They need to know who in the community are the shakers and movers.

Tim Canova did none of this. Just because Bernie endorsed him does not mean he was right for the job.


Hopefully Canova doesn't challenge Debbie again next time and someone who isn't a walking tire fire can try and take Corrupt Princess's seat.


DWS wasn't a great DNC Chair, but she's well liked in her district. She deserved to hold onto her seat. Good for her. Canova was terrible, knew nothing about the people in the district, and was hitching his pony to the Bernie train something fierce.

pretty much my thoughts

not particularly fond of her as DNC head but she didn't deserve to lose her seat
Does anyone have any actual reasons for hating Debbie other than parroting a garbage Politico hitpiece filled with anonymous quotes and speculation?
I bet HillaryGAF is happy that Debbie won. They love her.
I am the only one on any part of GAF that loves Debbie. Debbie is my bae. Even HillaryGAF was cheering when she resigned as chair.


I don't see how you can think Grayson would have been better than Murphy.

From the quick info I could find, Grayson is more liberal than the moderate-leaning Murphy, which is what got me interested in him. I also didn't have the internet resources, unlike now, to investigate in-depth on Murphey and Grayson. Reading up on both now, I may have voted Murphey, reluctantly, with a do-over.

At the end, my supervisor of elections board wasn't able to receive my fax ballot, and I couldn't email a ballot to my friend, to mail it locally in time, thus my preference didn't play any role this time around. At least I can make sure this doesn't happen again in November.
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