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Code Name: S.T.E.A.M | Review Thread


Polygon 3.5/10

So, there's my deep dark secret, I didn't finish Code Name STEAM. Sneer all you want, but the credit scroll would literally have to include a treasure map to a working jetpack before I'd consider finishing this brutally misguided, horrifically dull debacle.


Gamespot 4/10

It isn’t just the combat design that’s disappointing. The music is a grating mashup of industrial percussion, thrash guitars, dubstep breaks, and the occasional (and truly out-of-place) flute melody. The maps are boxy and claustrophobic--they all feel like warehouses, even those styled to look like city parks and desert canyons.

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. offers the most frustrating kind of steampunk: It brushes up against potent themes, but then turns its back on them in favor of pure aestheticization.


GameSided 6/10

If you like strategy games, or mostly-American history or literature, or are just looking for something really bizarre, Code Name STEAM might be for you. It’s not a bad game, but it’s certainly not a great one, and not worth the forty or so dollars if you’re casually looking for something new to play.

Destructoid 6.5/10

Truth be told, I feel incredibly conflicted about Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. The idea of a Nintendo studio authoring a western comicbook-inspired steampunk tale about American folk heroes is just so off the wall it's enthralling. However in practice, it really underdelivers.

Meanwhile, the gameplay is a heady, engrossing experience. But it's also one that's frequently undermined by the tedious and protracted nature of enemy turns. Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is a decent, respectable game with some truly euphoric highs amid equitably frustrating lows.


We Got This Covered 3.5/5

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is a novel mix of shooting and strategy, but a drab storyline and occasionally frustrating gameplay keep it from greatness.

Nintendo World Report 7.5/10

There really is so much to like in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M, except for the steep difficulty curve. It’s definitely worth a try, but the immense challenge made it far less enjoyable for me.

IGN 7.9/10

Code Name: STEAM is a good turn-based action game that poses tough choices, where one wrong move can mean doom.


Game Informer 8/10

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M has plenty to love, but it also falls short in keeping all moments thrilling and tense.

GamesRadar 4/5

Strategy games can be a bit staid, and Code Name S.T.E.A.M. does a fantastic job of bucking those expectations. The odd team of steampunk weirdos really mixes up the gameplay to make for some impactful action, and the dense maps belie a raft of colorful design. With far more hits than misses, this game is a blast.

Game Revolution 4.0/5

For the strategy gamer, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is a must-grab. But even for those who may not be too familiar or comfortable with strategy games or the genre as a whole, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. still merits a healthy look. The title eases the player into the ideas that relate to both the game itself and the genre as a whole, and highlights necessary details through pointed, yet laughably-bad dialogue.

GameTrailers 8.0/10

Yet ultimately Code Name S.T.E.A.M. represents an exciting new direction for Intelligent Systems. More than once we found ourselves intending to just complete a mission or two but wounding up playing five or six hours straight.

Nintendo Life 8/10

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is a fun, quirky new release from Nintendo. While there are a few flaws in the game design, we think that there's enough good here to justify a purchase from any Nintendo fan looking for something different. We'd love to see more of this compelling and riotous new world from Intelligent Systems; it's a great way to learn about classic literature...sort of.

Shacknews 8/10

The premise behind Code Name: STEAM is so ridiculous that I couldn’t help but enjoy myself the more I played it. It doesn’t go very far beyond a “there are aliens at this location, get rid of them” type of story, but its gameplay, as brutal as it can be at times, can be rewarding when you figure out just the right combination of squad members to use during missions.

TechnologyTell "B" (On a scale of A to F)

Code Name: STEAM is the first full-scale original strategy effort for Intelligent Systems in decades, and that’s clear in some of the ways it’s rough around the edges. Still, it’s easy enough to adjust to those rough spots after a while, and once you do, you can get lost in the challenging mechanical depth that can be found in choosing a team, outfitting it and coordinating an efficient battle strategy.

USgamer 4/5

There are some things that drive me crazy about Code Name S.T.E.A.M's mission design, and I really think the difficulty balance could have used another pass, but these issues are balanced by the excellent mechanics. Intelligent Systems know their way around the strategy genre, and it shows in Code Name S.T.E.A.M's deep roster and intricate level design. It's more frustrating than it should be in the early going, but stick with it. Silly as it might be, Code Name S.T.E.A.M is ultimately worth it.


Toronto Sun 4.5/5

Like the stories from which the characters are borrowed, Code Name S.T.E.A.M. truly is the video game equivalent of a page-turner, and I dare anyone not to be sucked in by its charisma. It may start off slowly, but before you can bellow “STAR SPANGLED SLAMMER!” you’ll be telling yourself “just one more level.”


TechnoBuffalo "Absolute buy if waiting between turns didn't feel like a hindrance in the demo"

Download Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.‘s demo. Try it out. You’ll be waiting in between turns there too. If you feel like that isn’t a hindrance, this game is an absolute buy. Really, everything else is very, very good. If that alien movement phase annoys you? I’d say you should stay away.

If Intelligent Systems patches in a skip or speed up option? This game will be stellar. Here’s hoping they do.

GameXplain "Loved it to death"

While it does have issues and the gameplay obviously isn't for everyone this is a game well worth trying if you're even the slightest bit interested.


One of my staffers wrote the GameSided review for Code Name S.T.E.A.M. She gave it a 6/10.

GameSided said:
Code Name STEAM is a quirky game. A really quirky game, with some interesting ideas for gameplay. Such a strange concept promised to be new and exciting, but it ended up just being kind of weird, really hokey, and a bit too challenging. The game is certainly functional and pretty, and can be interesting at times, but it fails to live up to its own expectations. It is long, and you'll get plenty of play out of it with all the challenge modes added to the campaign missions. Because I spent so much time dying it's hard to give an accurate time estimate. Each map after the introductory areas, played straight through, lasts about 45 minutes to an hour, so perhaps 30 hours is a good ballpark estimate.

If you like strategy games, or mostly-American history or literature, or are just looking for something really bizarre, Code Name STEAM might be for you. It's not a bad game, but it's certainly not a great one, and not worth the forty or so dollars if you're casually looking for something new to play.


Demo was so awesome that Gamespot won't influence me, but most of their crticism seems to be with the aesthetic. I was OK with it although not raving about it, but the gameplay holds up for me.

Also, if you're doing the reviews thread, please put excerpts in instead of just scores. Much better to have a little to read rather than just have people balk at the number at the end.

EDIT: I see them appearing now, cool :)

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Wait, this thing is out?

Either way, it sounds like it's off to a bad start... which is a shame. Even though the art style is atrocious, I wanted to believe it'd be like Valkyria Chronicles.


Wait, this thing is out?

Either way, it sounds like it's off to a bad start... which is a shame. Even though the art style is atrocious, I wanted to believe it'd be like Valkyria Chronicles.

Game comes out friday.

...and yeah, looking like the scores are gonna be all over the place, still interested though.
Looks like another very Divisive title

I like quirky games and this one seems like one i would normally enjoy but there is just too much stuff fighting for my time in 2015...


Not surprised, unfortunately. They should have stuck with Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, two solid series. This game looks to have the art style of Ouendan with the gameplay of Valkyrie Chronicles (two great, but very different, games) which suggested to me they were wanting to make something new. Gameplay videos look great, so I will need to read the reviews to see what was off about them.


Reading the reviews, it seems they're rather split. Wonder how the game will end up.

It seems like Intelligent Systems was being very experimental with the gameplay systems.
If the complaints are only "it's ugly and hard" I can buy it safely.
No, there are other issues mentioned, such as the slow pacing thanks to long enemy turns.
This is actually lower than I expected based on the demo and from what I heard from people with the full game.

Doesn't especially matter to me since I was passing on it, anyway, but still. Didn't expect to see it get savaged.



score pending because no access to online yet
NWR summary:
I enjoyed everything in between, though. And obviously, for people who want a challenging strategy game, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. should scratch that itch. I like the strategic concepts that make up the gameplay, and I adored the characters and the setting. Who doesn't like the idea of rescuing Queen Victoria and leading her to safety via a giant robotic Abraham Lincoln busting up a giant alien? There really is so much to like in Code Name: S.T.E.A.M, except for the steep difficulty curve. It’s definitely worth a try, but the immense challenge made it far less enjoyable for me.


Not surprised, unfortunately. They should have stuck with Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, two solid series. This game looks to have the art style of Ouendan with the gameplay of Valkyrie Chronicles (two great, but very different, games) which suggested to me they were wanting to make something new. Gameplay videos look great, so I will need to read the reviews to see what was off about them.

There's a demo available so it's well worth checking that out too.


Gives all the fucks
"tedious and protracted nature of enemy turns"

Damn it, that was the main thing I disliked when playing the demo. Oh well, I think I'll still enjoy it when I pick it up Friday.
Wow. I really liked the demo (what I played of it anyway), so I'm surprised to see this reaction. I'll wait till I get GAF's verdict on it before buying though, just to be safe.


Never was interested in the game till I tried the demo.
Yep they were right in making a demo for this game.
And lol at the complaints being "it's too hard" I guess if you're not used to other IS games that could be surprising.
Not being able to skip the enemy's turn is definitely going to hinder this game's reviews...

It seems like this element makes the game unnecessarily slow.
"tedious and protracted nature of enemy turns"

Damn it, that was the main thing I disliked when playing the demo. Oh well, I think I'll still enjoy it when I pick it up Friday.

Thats pretty scary

Pacing is so important for tactical games and can make or break them

I typically prefer the FFT style where turns are determined by individual character speed as opposed to PHASE style where the entire enemy team moves.

Plays more like Chess that way and is far more engaging for the player.

Is Codename Steam a Phase Based Strategy game or is it FFT style?


I want to love this game so much but the demo just seemed to chug along for me. I love that Nintendo is exploring new IP (and how bold that IP is!) but I was pretty lukewarm on the demo and these reviews aren't convincing me otherwise. Perhaps I'll pick it up during a dry spell of games.

EDIT: ...especially considering that I think Valkryia Chronicles has already kind of perfected this type of gameplay.
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