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Comic-Age: JMS takes it ONE STEP FURTHER and owns Quesada

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Holy shit! :lol

Having seen Joe's third interview on OMD, I think he raised a lot of fair issues. I think most of it represents accurately our conversations. It does, however, omit some of the main concerns I had with the resolution...concerns not mentioned therein, most probably as an oversight. As you know from my prior email, I was content not to respond to the prior interviews because I don't need to have the last word. (Newsarama Note: this last was in reference to Straczynski’s earlier e-mail mentioned earlier in which he declined a “One More Day” post mortem conversation.)

But there are some vital omissions in the interview, including the primary reason I finally threw up my hands on the book, which had mainly to do with how the resolution was handled.

It's Magic!

To explain, here's the conversation I had with Marvel, in sum:

"So what does Mephisto do?" I ask.

"He makes everybody forget Peter's Spider-Man."

"Uh, huh. So Aunt May's still in the hospital --"

"No, he saves Aunt May."

"But if all he does is save her life and make everybody forget he's Spidey, she still has a scar on her midsection."

"No, he makes that go away too."


"Then he wakes up in her house."

"The house that was burned down?"


"But how --"

"Mephisto undoes that as well."

"Okay. And the guys who shot at Peter and May and were killed, they're alive too? Mephisto can bring guys back from the dead?"

"It's all part of the spell."

"And Doc Strange can't tell?"


"And the newspaper articles? News footage?"

"Joe, it's been forgotten."

"I'm just asking is that stuff there or not there?"

"Not there. And Peter's web shooters are back."

"Is this the same spell or a different spell?"

"Same spell."

"How does making people forget he's Spidey bring back his web shooters?"

"It's magic, okay?"

"I see. And Harry's back."


"And Mephisto does this too."


"So is Harry back from the dead, or has he been alive? If they ask him, hey Harry, what did you do last summer, will he remember? And the year before? And the year before? If he says they all went on a picnic two years ago, will they remember it?"

"It's --"

"Because if he now has a life he remembers, if he's not back from the dead, then you've changed the continuity you said you didn't want to change. Those are your only options: he was brought back from the dead, and there's a grave, and people remember him dying --"

"Mephisto changes THEIR memories too."

"-- or he's effectively been alive as far as our characters know, so he's been alive all along, so either way as far as our characters are concerned, continuity's been violated going back to 1971.

How do you explain that?"

"It's magic, we don't have to explain it."

And that's the part I had a real problem with, maybe the single biggest problem. There's this notion that magic fixes everything. It doesn't. "It's magic, we don't have to explain it." Well, actually, yes, you do. Magic has to have rules. And this is clearly not just a case of one spell making everybody forget he's Spidey...suddenly you're bringing back the dead, undoing wounds, erasing records, reinstating web shooters, on and on and on.

What I wanted to do was to make one small change to history, a tiny thing, whose ripples we could control to only touch what editorial wanted to touch, making changes we could explain logically. I worked for weeks to come up with a timeline that would leave every other bit of continuity in place. It was rigorous, and as logical as I could make it. In the end of OMD as published, Harry is alive and he's always been alive as far as the characters know...so how is that different than he was alive the whole time?

It made no sense to me.

Still doesn't. It's sloppy. It violates every rule of writing fiction of the fantastic that I and every other SF/Fantasy writer knows you can't violate. It's fantasy 101.

It troubled me that it's MJ and not Peter who is the one to actively make the decision.

I'd originally written the first issue of OMD to take place directly after May gets shot, and in fact turned in the first script directly after she gets nailed. Editorial decided to build in a block of issues for One More Day...meaning May would be in that bed for almost a *year* which I thought was just too long to make work.

And yes, I wanted to retcon the Gwen twins out of continuity, which was something I always assumed I could do at the end of my run. I wasn't allowed to do this, and yes, it pissed me off. I felt I was left holding the bag for something I wanted to get rid of, and taking the rap for a writing lapse that I had never committed. Why this aspect was not brought up in the other interview, you'd have to ask Joe.

Mainly, the book was rewritten in the editorial offices to a degree that the words weren't mine any longer, to a certain degree in three, and massively in four. If the work represents me, I leave the name there and take the rap; if it doesn't, then that's a different situation. There's just not much of my work there, especially once you get to the last dong of midnight...everything after that was written by editorial.

Whether my work is good or it sucks, it's mine. What came out of the end of OMD wasn't, hence my desire to omit the writing credit. Joe graciously offered to share it on the last issue. I think that helped. Credit where credit is due.

What I don't want is for this to turn into a public pissing match. Joe did what he did because he thought it was the right thing to do, and as EIC that's his call, not mine. I respect and admire him. I hope this will be the end of the matter.

I just felt that there were some important bits not addressed, that needed to be.


So basically, JMS asked every question that we are currently asking and got snubbed with the "It's magic! shut up and deal!" line.



all that he wants is another baby
Marvel's going to retcon themselves to death...or at least until the 616 and Ultimate universes can merge.
A demon-equivalent-of-Satan-in-the-Marvel-Universe did it!

First the Gwen twins, "oh noes Peter can't have kids make them osborn's" now this.
This is really going end up being a big story I think. OMD isn't something that's going to land on Page Six and get attention, so it's not going to be bringing in any new readers and now, as of today, Marvel has undoubtedly alienated an enormous chunk of readers who, no matter how pissed they might have been about this or that, would still buy the book every month.

Now the curtain has been pulled and while Comics Nerds might hate a particular writer, they just walk away if they find out Editorial is involved.

Comics' Watergate Starts Right Now.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
BenjaminBirdie said:
This is really going end up being a big story I think. OMD isn't something that's going to land on Page Six and get attention, so it's not going to be bringing in any new readers and now, as of today, Marvel has undoubtedly alienated an enormous chunk of readers who, no matter how pissed they might have been about this or that, would still buy the book every month.

Now the curtain has been pulled and while Comics Nerds might hate a particular writer, they just walk away if they find out Editorial is involved.

Comics' Watergate Starts Right Now.

i hope so. did quesada really think he could go so far as to retcon a major and well known relationship, revive a character thats been dead for years but apparently hasn't, with no reason other than a "a demon did it" and expect people not to get pissed off?
So JMS didn't write teh twins, either?

Also, this means that Marevl "event" comics are going to get very, very little attention for a long while. It was big news, unmasking Spidey, and they've already undone that, a year later.

I don't really mind the "magic" thing or the retcons so much as the insult to the readers' intelligence to just whiff it away like that. I'm not a big continuity guy, but making very lame excuses for it (as opposed to just decreeing it) makes it far worse.

In the early days of wide-effect retcons, they'd just say "those stories didn't happen" and make a new parallel Earth or something. Or at least wait for a universe reboot (although Marvel had one of those pretty recently with House of M).

Ah well. Best to go back to ignoring continuity again, or at least taking it lightly.


Forgive my ignorance, but who is JSM? Full name please.

I haven't collected in a very long time and so I'm lame..

Joe Quesada, what the f*ck is up man? Loved his style back in the day. So he's an editor now?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
ImperialConquest said:
Forgive my ignorance, but who is JSM? Full name please.

I haven't collected in a very long time and so I'm lame..

Joe Quesada, what the f*ck is up man? Loved his style back in the day. So he's an editor now?

jms is Joseph michael straczynski. outside of comics he used to write for babylon 5 and i think he man.


Quesada = OWNED!

I am with JMS here, who knew I would ever say something like that? :lol

So basically this means DC > Marvel now continuity wise right? Or is DC also on a retcon trip atm?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
RSTEIN said:
At least we have Messiah Complex :D

im so fucking glad the xmen exist in their own little world.

Xater said:
Quesada = OWNED!

I am with JMS here, who knew I would ever say something like that? :lol

So basically this means DC > Marvel now continuity wise right? Or is DC also on a retcon trip atm?

we'll have to see what final crisis brings to the table, but i doubt it will be anywhere near as bad as this mess.
This also shifts comics back into an unflattering light in terms of how they're written. If you're going to resort to a bunch of childish "it's magic" replies to solving timeline / logic / continuity issues - yeah, you're like a little kid in his toybox.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Comics' Watergate Starts Right Now.

How many times have the big two published god-awful comics that fans declared would put them off their titles for life only to keep buying 'em month after month or return in a year when the next big thing is happening? Doesn't seem likely to me, man.

Frankly, I don't see why Marvel felt the need to do all this to the mainstream Spider-Man comics when they've got Ultimate Spidey to play with.

Also, if Marvel editorial (and Quesada in particular) are showing that level of disregard for continuity, let me give you the phrase that you're going to come to fear and loathe in 2008: "It's Skrulls!"

The Take Out Bandit said:
This also shifts comics back into an unflattering light in terms of how they're written. If you're going to resort to a bunch of childish "it's magic" replies to solving timeline / logic / continuity issues - yeah, you're like a little kid in his toybox.


I'm a fan of outside-of or separate-from continuity stories like All-Star Superman (or the early days of the Ultimate line) for this reason-- they don't need to bother with this stuff, or Continuity Porn.

Heck, I like in-continuity stuff too, but things like this are way past my limit. Did some deamon have to show up at the begining of Casino Royale to reboot that univrse? No, they just started over. I wish comics could handle tis idea as well.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
wow, that's positively pathetic. I'd feel immense shame if that was the resolution I'd came up with for any storyline. Seriously, this guy isn't a writer. Somebody should cut his hands off.


if you ask me and you do i would say that Joe Quesada is a skrull so he sabotaged spiderman comics which was the first step in his grandiose plan.

that's the only logical explanation.


Bitches love smiley faces
Hiding behind a veil of "it's magic!" is crap but JMS still had him choosing Aunt May over MJ... which I still think is, as the pope would say, "fucking retarded." But I guess you can blame that on Quesada too since it's all his idea.
There definitely seems to be holes in the story as of now but hopefully there will be answers past "MAGIC!" Quesada does have a point in which he says that a single spider-man allows for far more stories. There is this problem within long ongoing series in comic books that the major characters never age or age slowly. I would be in favor of aging characters. I do want to see spider-man progress more than what has been done in comics. Continuity restarts can only get you so far, I would let a character age in a comic and after death start a new "world." Like say, 616 Universe characters all finish their end and then there is another universe that borrows some continuity (I imagine it would only be the greatest stories such as Dark Phoenix or the Death of Gwen Stacy) of the 616 universe as established in this new universe. I'm not sure how long each universe would have to "live" but I imagine 25 years would be a good time go onto another universe.
my name is ed said:
There definitely seems to be holes in the story as of now but hopefully there will be answers past "MAGIC!" Quesada does have a point in which he says that a single spider-man allows for far more stories. There is this problem within long ongoing series in comic books that the major characters never age or age slowly. I would be in favor of aging characters. I do want to see spider-man progress more than what has been done in comics. Continuity restarts can only get you so far, I would let a character age in a comic and after death start a new "world." Like say, 616 Universe characters all finish their end and then there is another universe that borrows some continuity (I imagine it would only be the greatest stories such as Dark Phoenix or the Death of Gwen Stacy) of the 616 universe as established in this new universe. I'm not sure how long each universe would have to "live" but I imagine 25 years would be a good time go onto another universe.

Dare I mention that this is why creator ownership is superior, but secondly - why DC comics are "better", because there is a legacy angle to a lot of DC characters.

There have been multiple Flashes, multiple Green Lanterns, multiple Robins, etc. DC has a lot of rotating characters which are almost like Lee Falk's Phantom in that the mantle is passed down to the next generation.

But this is one of the primary reasons I stay away from corporate owned comics. In just 15 years Brittany Diggers has gotten married and had a child in Gold Digger. Similarly Dragon in Savage Dragon has had a son, his first wife / girlfriend killed, re-married and now has an adopted daughter. Now they've got to find Dragon's son Malcolm who's lost in Dimension X. :D

Let your characters live and stories will come. Of course you're limited to story options when you only want to pull from the same sad mine of ideas that's been strip mined over the past . . . how long has Spidey been around? 40 years? :\


Xater said:
So basically this means DC > Marvel now continuity wise right? Or is DC also on a retcon trip atm?

Fuck no. Spider-Man continuity is in a state of flux right now, but it's not like the entire Marvel Universe (and all universes beyond) have all been destroyed/merged/whatever shit goes in DC's crises.
I'd been way out of the comics scene when I checked out some JMS trade paperbacks from the library. Honestly, some of them were terrible, just complete bastardizations of the Spidey I'd grown up with. The 9/11 issue, Gwen Stacy alive and screwing Harry Osborn for basically no reason, Spidey becoming a spider, etc. From these interviews and some of what you guys have been saying, though, I should properly be at least partially blaming Quesada. Some of the storylines have been fine, I like Spidey in The Avengers, Peter as a teacher, the dialogue is pretty good.

my name is ed said:
I would be in favor of aging characters. I do want to see spider-man progress more than what has been done in comics.
They should do something like Dark Knight Returns. I'd love to read about Spidey as an older man, no Aunt May, no MJ, no JJJ.

This upcoming storyline is horrible, and Take Out is right. They might as well just go back to calling them "funnybooks."
You gotta love how Quesada keeps hammering the "continuity wasn't changed key" except well no one remembers their marriage and now a dead character is back.
adamsappel said:
They should do something like Dark Knight Returns. I'd love to read about Spidey as an older man, no Aunt May, no MJ, no JJJ.

This upcoming storyline is horrible, and Take Out is right. They might as well just go back to calling them "funnybooks."
Already done can't recall the name but it's a recent title. It's a nice book.


This kind of shit is why I'll always be a casual comic book reader. Continuity is too screwed up. Just give me the comics of one story arc collected into one volume and it can be considered its own little self contained continuity.


JMS' run was fucking great, except for stuff he was forced to do.

JMS himself rules.

But please don't drop Amazing just because of OMD, people. If you read it, at least give it a chance. It could be great, storywise.
FnordChan said:
How many times have the big two published god-awful comics that fans declared would put them off their titles for life only to keep buying 'em month after month or return in a year when the next big thing is happening? Doesn't seem likely to me, man.

Frankly, I don't see why Marvel felt the need to do all this to the mainstream Spider-Man comics when they've got Ultimate Spidey to play with.

Also, if Marvel editorial (and Quesada in particular) are showing that level of disregard for continuity, let me give you the phrase that you're going to come to fear and loathe in 2008: "It's Skrulls!"


After today, this terrifies me more than anything re: Quesada.

omg rite said:
JMS' run was fucking great, except for stuff he was forced to do.

JMS himself rules.

This is too true. I'm LOVING Thor right now and the concept sounded horrible. JMS pulls it out of the fire!
I said it before, I'll say it again. This is Spider-Ben II, as far as sales go. Maybe Joe Q will actually start hearing his customers instead of insulting them after this, provided he doesn't get Tom DeFalco'd or Bob Harras'd over this.


krypt0nian said:
This is too true. I'm LOVING Thor right now and the concept sounded horrible. JMS pulls it out of the fire!

It moves a little slow, but yeah, I enjoy it a lot.

krypt0nian said:
To think this is the same guy that brought us Marvel Knights and saved Marvel.

God those were the days!

That's the thing. He gets so much hate and this is the one time I think it's really deserved.

Other than that, I think what they've done with the MU this decade has been fantastic. They took some chances and a lot of it paid off. But this OMD crap is just blatantly idiotic.
My beefs with Joe Q over the years have been down to these:

1) This stuff about the marriage.
2) The way he insults his customers.

I'm not so hot for his unprofessional behaviour towards DC back in the day either, but I'll chalk that up to peer pressure from his old chum Bill Jemas. I think Joe's been good for Marvel overall. He's got talented friends for the most part who he gives jobs to, and he's got a good sense for the overall picture.

This time, though, I think he's made a major misstep. We'll see though, comic fans have a tendency to act like battered wives.


I'm actually looking forward to the new status quo. I hate how Marvel got there, but the end result isn't so bad.


Spiderman is the most down-troden character in the marvel universe. No one has taken so much shit and still saves people more then SM.

I really stopped reading all the ish becuase it was getting way to depressing. How many kids have they killed off, How many times has MJ disappeared (gang banged) and just miraculously appear, and AUNT MAY should look like the damn Crypt keeper from all the stress.

Everyone should be reading Ultimate Spiderman for your fix. The series really needed a reset.


omg rite said:
JMS' run was fucking great, except for stuff he was forced to do.

JMS himself rules.

But please don't drop Amazing just because of OMD, people. If you read it, at least give it a chance. It could be great, storywise.

I refuse to buy any of the new Amazing Spider-Man. So sorry, but no.


Comics, serious business!
You know, New Avengers has a better Spider-Man than Amazing Spider-Man does. Bendis does a good job, overdoing it with the jokes here and there, but overall it's pretty fun.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
RSTEIN said:
You know, New Avengers has a better Spider-Man than Amazing Spider-Man does. Bendis does a good job, overdoing it with the jokes here and there, but overall it's pretty fun.

i find myself enjoy new avengers a lot more than i thought i would have based on the lineup. except for that symbiote thing, i like who the characters interact with each other
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