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Coming from the PS4, I am blown away by the Xbox One.


The UI is abysmal, the party and chat system is way worse than it was on 360, the store is a big list of items that is horrible to find what you want, everything being apps you have to open is abysmal and a step back.

It's a horrible mess of what Windows 8 was trying to be and where MS are trying to go now.

Nailed it.


Xbox One UI is awful. I like the console, but the UI is slow, laggy, garbage. The store is terrible as well. Just a jumbled mess. You can't even search by price or easily find deals.


The controller is the Xbox One's big advantage for me, an almost perfect successor to the wonderful Xbox 360 controller, though I've never been a fan of the Playstation controllers.

I don't think either user interface is great to be honest. I prefer the PS3 and Xbox 360 user interfaces.
Are we playing the same console? I don't see how anybody could be impressed by Metro on the X1.
How do opinions work?

I also prefer the Metro design. Xbone UI is far from perfect, especially when it comes to handling screenshots and videos, but I find everything is pretty intuitive and works the way I expect it to.

The original Xbone OS, now that was an affront to humanity.
I agree with you OP. I find the xbone to be a much better experience than the ps4 this gen. The zeitgeist surrounding this gen, especially on NeoGAF is that the ps4 is the superior console. Not saying that's wrong, everyone has their own opinion, but for me I simply don't agree with it. The xbone just feels like a more connected, sophisticated and "next gen" experience.

I owned and enjoyed both consoles, but despite the power difference I started buying 3rd party games on xbone because of the superior overall experience. I agree with all your points, and I'd also add in the "record that" feature and how easy it is to share clips and screenshots. It just makes the OS feel alive and connected.

The Xbox app is also really great, another area ps4 is just inferior in.

Again not a system wars post, just my experience this gen.
Friends & Parties

With the PS4, you go through at least 3 different inputs (Home, Up, Find Party Icon, Create Party etc) just to create a party session. It's fine as it is, I was happy with it. But then I experienced something different with Microsoft's console. Double-tap the Home button, you have your friends list snap to your screen . As you highlight a friend, the party icon prompt appears and you need only press X to start a session with that person.

I think PS4 4.0 update made this faster through quick menu.



Subete no aware
I'm the total opposite. I've had both systems for about the same amount of time, and I still have no idea how to do anything on Xbox without relying on Kinect.


You missed the most important point in a console, at least for me. Exclusives. And there PS4 kick ass.

Not sure if this is a joke post or not but the topic is about UI and not exclusives.

Back on topic, there are times the UI feels sluggish and it gets annoying. I think MS have done a lot to improve the UI though and the quick access menu of whatever it's called on the left side is the best part of it.

Creating parties, inviting to games, messaging, etc are all very quickly and easily accessible because of it. Before that, it was a long process.


One thing i found out with my xbox one when my gold subscription ran out is you cant use the party chat feature wtf.

Since on my non ps plus account i still can.

Yeah too many menus on the sony side is never a good thing so agree there.

The controller is great too but then again dpad aside so was the 360s.

I could've sworn they changed that I thought.


Sorry op, but that really does read like an ad lol.

I do prefer it though. It feels more "alive" than the PS4 UI, like being in an actual community. The way games/apps minimize in/ zoom out to the middle/ zoom to full screen when resuming, scrolling through each tab , the bar that pops up on the left when you double tap the home button, etc.
The UI presents a nice sense of continuity. Sometimes it has it's slow moments though, especially the store. Also don't like how certain things have to load for a few seconds. When you click on "My games and Apps" for example.

The PS4 UI is simple and to the point, but it feels kind of empty, and I can get to the same place on the X1 in about the same amount of button presses. I absolutely love the dynamic themes though and I don't understand why Microsoft hasn't implemented something similar.
Have a Life is Strange Theme of a page of Max's journal with the (main menu??) music playing. Really relaxing.

Both stores are pretty eh though.
Also can't fathom how people find the X1 UI unusable lol.
Probably mentioned, but the new quick menu on PS4 cuts down on a lot of the old input steps to do some things.

I do love the Xbox controller though


The PS4 UI looks cleaner and is more responsive. The only thing that's clearly better on Xbox is the community tab. The "what's new" thing on PS4 takes days to update for me sometimes even if I force it to update. It might as well not exist.
The ui was one of the main reasons that made me switch from ps2 to 360 last gen, and now it's one of the reasons that prevent me from getting a ps4 as every time I use one it feels so archaic in comparison.

It dis have a rocky start with terrible speed, some questionable ui choices and missing features but now they just made it absolutely great.

There are still some things to improve mainly regarding system apps that needs to be updated to uwp (and the ones who have already are much faster and have better ui), but they are definitely on the right track.

I dunno why folks around here are usually so critical about it. They keep adding features and still have a design where you can jump to everything real quickly. The dash is not instant, but It's not any slow to the point it shouldn't be, on the contrary, being in a game and gathering folks for forming groups and playing together is so fast sometimes I do it even in the middle of a match.

I also love how just a few uwp apps already made it even better. I even ended up purchasing a chatpad.

Anyway, agree completely. I am constantly blown away by this console and it's ui and accessories. This week my elite controller arrived and it's simply mesmerizing.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Interesting. I don't own a PS4 but find the XB1 OS dreadful. It's sluggish, full of odd glitches/bugs, and doesn't let me customize it to stuff I actually care about. I wish they allowed multiple UIs to choose from. I just feel there's too much happening at once which would explain the sluggishness.

For PS4 owners: do you experience similar issues?

None here. I will say this all day, its minimalistic almost to a fault. I think its adding more stuff to it to be similar to the XBO UI. A perfect UI would be a better mix of the 2.

I think which you prefer depends a lot on how you tend to use the UI and what you want out of it. X1 is more feature rich and has a lot of different ways to do certain things. For some that is logically sound and others confusing.

This point ...

That's just a effectively a preview though isn't it? (maybe that's changed). If you select anything from that part or if you want something not on that page then it launches an app. *Everything* seems to be an app - even the basics like "Settings". That has improved a fair bit since the earlier UI, but it's still an issue. I get why, but it shouldn't end up being so obvious to the end user that this is the case. Some stuff should be pre-loaded on boot so the user experience is smoother.

Yup, this is it in a nutshell. The XBO UI reminds me of PC desktops where ppl have icons and widgets all over the desktop. Or an Android phone that has a boatload of widgets and icons on every home screen. OT:
I always set my Android phones up to have a clean yet functional look. A few widgets here n there, folders and only most used icons. And I hate that by default Google Play store sets it to dump all downloaded app icons to the home screens.

Sometimes less is more.


I can't stand the UI but I do like the controller. I still prefer the DS4 over it, but only by a little. Exclusives are what they are, I love Forza Horizon but have little interest in their other titles.


Other than a bit of lag, mostly noticeable when the system first boots up, I much prefer the Xbox UI. Add in the massively better controller (in my opinion) and BC makes for a great system. Certainly not perfect, but one I am happy to own with a Wii U and PS4. (My inability to live without Halo doesnt hurt either)


I feel the UI is better than at launch, and whilst I find it perfectly serviceable, it's not exactly slick. It's accessible, but a bit cluttered.

The controller, IMO, is the GOAT. Love it.

My choice of console this generation was driven by what all my friends were going to go with. In the end, irrespective of what was the right or sensible option, we all went with the Xbox One (all 360 players, and it was a domino effect once one had nailed their flag to the mast). Never regretted it.


Gold Member
Agreed. It.can slow down every now and again, and Cortana sucks sometimes, but the UI is amazing and easy to use. PS4 UI is fast and also easy to use. Store is a mess though.

Controllers is not even a contest imho. Xbone pad is amazing and damn durable. Meanwhile all three of my PS4 pads have bad grips. Xbone pad is just better and more natural to hold for me.



I cannot understand if someones used both how can they say the XBO UI is clean and organized compared to this...lol.

Easy. The PS4 OS moves tiles around from where I put them, even in folders. If I go to the dropdown on the PS4 for video, sometimes netflix is in one place, sometimes another.

On Xbox, if I pin something, it fucking stays in place! It never moves regardless of how much or how little I use the app or game. I could turn on the system and with my eyes closed move to exactly the game or app I want because its pinned in place. Sometimes thats the case with PS4, sometimes tiles just move.


The UI is complete shite. The PS4 has an objectively better UI just for how responsive it is compared to the XB1.


My head explode everytime im trying to find something on the X1 dashboard. Hours to install game also turn me off. The controller? I dont know, im used to the PS4 more, personal preference,but the build quality of the x1 seem better. On my last PS4, my controller left stick stop working for unknowned reason..had to buy a new one in frustration. XB1 controller? My son in law seem to drop it offen on the floor, more than a year later, it still work fine. It strange, i felt the controller was feeling more plastic, but it seem stronger.
My XB has been collecting dust for awhile, turn it on once in awhile to update it and i probably dont even have to do that since I believe it auto updates but feel sad for it, like most have said, UI is just clunky, store is plain bad, controller is awesome, use it for PC gaming.


As an owner of both consoles, I can say definitively that I enjoy the UI on Playstation more. This feeling extends especially to the PSN store. The Microsoft storefront is so unwelcoming and imposible to find anything that I'm not explicitly searching for. I can browse the PSN store willingly every day, however whenever I'm searching for a game on the Xbox, I want to get out of there ASAP.
Easy. The PS4 OS moves tiles around from where I put them, even in folders. If I go to the dropdown on the PS4 for video, sometimes netflix is in one place, sometimes another.

On Xbox, if I pin something, it fucking stays in place! It never moves regardless of how much or how little I use the app or game. I could turn on the system and with my eyes closed move to exactly the game or app I want because its pinned in place. Sometimes thats the case with PS4, sometimes tiles just move.

I always appreciate that things are where I left them. On PS I usually just go to library now and find apps alphabetically seems to work.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Is this a joke thread? The Xbox UI is one of the greatest travesties known to man.


Can't really agree with the OP. The UI is not slow but it is slower than the PS4 UI.

Also hate how you need to double tap the Xbox button to bring up the guide. It's way too inconsistent and makes using the functions frustrating at times. They should change it a single press brings up the guide and a press and hold brings up the dashboard.

Also can't stand the reliance on snapping apps for functions that should be built into the OS. Streaming to twitch is mind numbingly slow and clunky. After starting the broadcast, you then need to pull up that inconsistent guide to go back to the game or unsnap the app. It is much faster and intuitive on the PS4.

The OS/UI isn't as bad as I was lead to believe but it's not great either.

Also to clarify OP, you do see your download speeds when downloading items in PS4. Plus the front page of the XBO store may be part of the dashboard but the moment I click on Games, Apps, etc. the full store then loads up as an app. So I believe you may be off on a couple of your points.
Lmao given the title I was expecting some mind blowing reasons why he thinks it's better. Instead offers irrelevant shit such as able to see bandwidth usage and the controller. The controller is a matter of preference after how awful the d pad is on the 360 controller I'm baffled how they managed to fuck it up again for the xbone.
I prefer the functionality of Xbox one. Haven't had speed issues with it either. I boot up instantly and 5 seconds later I'm playing whatever I desire.


Xbox One UI is awful, the ridiculous boxes make it difficult to select what you want, there is to much on the screen at once, it can be sluggish, the store is poor and difficult to find what you want and settings are not particularly hard to find.


Personally getting an xbox one after having the PS4 for a few years made me appreciate the PS4 more. While the bandwidth information is great and I wish PS4 did the same, everything else is a non-issue. Don't care about party or friend stuff (PS4 is enough for what I need) and the UI is so much more simple and easy to use.
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