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Confirmed: Tales of Destiny remake for PS2

Hrmm this may be alright.

While I got really bored (and eventually quit) Tales of Destiny in the second half when the plot really changed gears, I did genuinely enjoy the first half a lot, especially the first 10 hours or so in... Phandaria or whatever that snowy region was called. One of my favorite snow regions in a RPG in fact, and I'm a massive, massive fan of such regions -- so much so that they can make the gameplay and story there much better just thanks to the atmosphere and mood I draw from snow.


I hope the ToD remake is real (I reckon it could well be) - it's the only one of the mainstream Tales games I haven't played (I've finished ToDII without having played the original!).

While the fanboy in me just wants a shiny hi-res 2D version with something like Rebirth's battle system, it'd be interesting to see if Inomata's giraffe-neck designs can transfer to 3D if that's the route they go.

also Abyss is the only decent polygonal Tales thus far - Symphonia was boring and I don't like to talk about Legendia...


WalkMan said:
What about Tales of Rebirth?

Not polygonal aside from the world map; despite its stereotypical racism-and-spirit-beast-hunting plot ("Life has no colour because every living thing is the same really, whether human or beast-thing!" *wrench out eyes with chopsticks*), Rebirth is awesome; fun puzzles, awesome battle system (in that I actually got to grips with it properly and could do Ougis and Hi-Ougis when I wanted to, rather than just hoping for the best...) and typically slick production.

Hence why I want a Destiny remake to feature the same battle system as ToR if it's 2D, although I guess they'll probably go with ToDII's system instead.


Mejilan said:
LEGENDIA was real! NEENER neener neener!


I don't even think Legendia's THAT bad, I was just massively disappointed because a) Play Asia dropped it to half its price about a week after I finally bought it and b) all the impressions I'd read had been saying "ZOMG BEST TALES YET!" and I just found it kind of average, really. I haven't even finished the main game yet and I doubt I ever will, I can't get the motivation to play it properly...

Great music, though, and lovely art design. I remember watching the Project MelFes trailer on the preview DVD with Rebirth and thinking how awesome the aesthetic was; shame the game mechanics themselves were a total step backwards IMHO (not to re-open the very, very boring can of worms over ToL)


duckroll said:
No it's not, Bebpo's problem is much larger than just Okami! Don't contribute to it, it's big enough as it is! :lol

Whatever, can Bebpo just make a list of GAMES YOU MUST BUY TO NOT BE A PART OF THE PROBLEM? Inquiring minds must know.

ethelred said:
I love your new tag, Ami.

It is inspired by sp0rsk and his love for me.


BluWacky said:

I don't even think Legendia's THAT bad, I was just massively disappointed because a) Play Asia dropped it to half its price about a week after I finally bought it and b) all the impressions I'd read had been saying "ZOMG BEST TALES YET!" and I just found it kind of average, really.

Except for Bebpo during his first hours with the game, I don't remember anyone saying that... what I remember as general consensus is that the first half of the game (the main quest, the first 30 hours apparently) is OK, enjoyable... then, the second half (the non-obligatory sidequests) are horrible...


Running off of Custom Firmware
I remember more that the first half of the story (the main quest) was OK, and that the 2nd half, the character quests, were pretty lame. And that the gameplay (particularly the combat and dungeons) sucked all throughout.


Mejilan said:
I remember more that the first half of the story (the main quest) was OK, and that the 2nd half, the character quests, were pretty lame. And that the gameplay (particularly the combat and dungeons) sucked all throughout.

I couldn't really get into the story because of how awful I found the game to be overall. The dungeons were terrible, and the combat was just pure shit. I don't mind 2D Tales battling -- I liked it in Phantasia, Destiny, and Eternia -- but Legendia somehow managed to just completely botch it all.

It was a really bad game.


Farore said:
Except for Bebpo during his first hours with the game, I don't remember anyone saying that...

Not all my gaming info comes from GAF *shock*; sometimes I stalk import gamers on GameFAQs/Livejournal (oh the shame) and initial impressions were much, much more positive WRT the storyline, and they all loved the character quests much more than the main game. As much as I trust Bebpo's RPG overlord-ship, these guys were playing it faster than him :)

Having just checked my save file, I'm only on chapter 5 and I haven't even got
as a playable character in my party yet (24 hours on the clock, but I suspect I just left the PS2 running for a while without playing at some point during that so I don't know how accurate that is). I'm sure I'll go back to it soon (when VP: Silmeria kicks my ass I'll want to play something mind-numbingly easy no doubt) but I just couldn't get into it very much; the same thing happened with Symphonia, but I blame the shoddy PS2 port for a lot of that.


john tv said:
Story is MUCH better. To me, anyway. None of the cliched kiddie RPG crap that we're always spoon-fed. Great characters, great interaction, more mature themes, lots of humor.
Wait, wait, wait. This is still a Tales game we're talking about, right? Because a Tales game without "cliched kiddie RPG crap that we're always spoon-fed" is not something my mind can conceive of. (At least the battles are usually fun!)


duckroll said:
Tales of the Tempest (NDS) on 8/24 2006
- Just the release date announced

That simply doesn't make sense to me. Releasing the game next to Final Fantasy III is simply suicidal.

duckroll said:
Tales of Destiny (PS2) for Fall 2006
- Not a port, complete remake
- Field and battles are all complete 3D

thus, making the credibility of this news questionable... I definitely won't mind a remake of it though! I never got to finish the game on the PS, but it is still THE favourite Tales game of mine.


mutsu said:
That simply doesn't make sense to me. Releasing the game next to Final Fantasy III is simply suicidal.
When was the last instance of Namco and/or Bandai making sense in releasing games?

john tv

Releasing on the same day as Final Fantasy III is not suicidal, IMO. More people in the stores = more awareness = more potential sales. I think a lot of people here will buy both.


john tv said:
Releasing on the same day as Final Fantasy III is not suicidal, IMO. More people in the stores = more awareness = more potential sales. I think a lot of people here will buy both.

So that's a 10,000+ yen spending for most people on 8/24.

I hope both of them sells well just for the sake of silencing those people constantly talking about 3rd party games not selling on Nintendo platforms.


mutsu said:
So that's a 10,000+ yen spending for most people on 8/24.

I hope both of them sells well just for the sake of silencing those people constantly talking about 3rd party games not selling on Nintendo platforms.

Could be around 25,000 Yen even, since that'll be a day tons of people buy a DS/Lite. :D


mutsu said:
I hope both of them sells well just for the sake of silencing those people constantly talking about 3rd party games not selling on Nintendo platforms.

Excuse set: Final Fantasy sells no matter the platform! ho-ho-ho
BluWacky said:
Not polygonal aside from the world map; despite its stereotypical racism-and-spirit-beast-hunting plot ("Life has no colour because every living thing is the same really, whether human or beast-thing!" *wrench out eyes with chopsticks*), Rebirth is awesome; fun puzzles, awesome battle system (in that I actually got to grips with it properly and could do Ougis and Hi-Ougis when I wanted to, rather than just hoping for the best...) and typically slick production.

Yep, I <3 Tales of Rebirth. I wish they'd still create more 2D Tales...

Hence why I want a Destiny remake to feature the same battle system as ToR if it's 2D, although I guess they'll probably go with ToDII's system instead.

They'd probably have to take out the Force Gauge since that system is particular to Tales of Rebirth (and its story) and maybe replace it with the traditional TP, but other than that, I agree. I wouldn't mind a ToD2 battle system though.


Looks really nice... the environments are beautiful... :)

I hope Namco brings this game here... it's already translated so they would only need tweak some things I guess plus any extras the remake has...


I love Tales of Destiny, but this just seems odd, being that I play this ON my PS2. PSP remake would be more welcomed.j
wow, that looks even better than the 10sec video...

(clearly) Team Destiny at its best. Improved ToR battle system + better plot and characters = goty for me :)

Tempest is getting a little ignored, doesn't it?
**** Tempest, I want some PS2 Tales games damnit. **** you Namco rarrrghhh. The only reason I'm not completely going insane is because we're getting Abyss. I'm a big fan of Tales games. I <3 the battle systems.

Minus Legendia. No more shitty games like that please.
Oh man, just saw the last part (actually I was masturbating furiously for the battle part) and its ****ing gorgeus graphically.

Go Team Destiny!!! Destiny 2 & Rebirth & Destiny R FTW!!!

(jarrod, if you get here, we seriously need to know the teams behind every announced tales! :))


What's so wrong with Legendia battle system? I'm waiting for my copy to arrive :p...

I mean, it uses the LMBS... right? It can be worse than ToP GBA (and I enjoyed that one)...


Farore said:
What's so wrong with Legendia battle system? I'm waiting for my copy to arrive :p...

I mean, it uses the LMBS... right? It can be worse than ToP GBA (and I enjoyed that one)...

Nothing's wrong with the Legendia battle system. I think most people don't like it because it's very vanilla. There aren't any crazy subsystems (ToDII JP's zone system for example) or combo attacks (like Symphonia) or even crazy looking hi-ougis (at least I don't think). It's a very solid system and is actually much more playable than some of the other versions of the system but not as interesting.


DarknessTear said:
**** Tempest, I want some PS2 Tales games damnit. **** you Namco rarrrghhh.

Uh, no, no need to say **** you to Namco over Tempest. Game looks great (aside from shitty character designs, but that's a series staple).

DarknessTear said:
The only reason I'm not completely going insane is because we're getting Abyss. I'm a big fan of Tales games. I <3 the battle systems.

If you're such a huge fan, then chill the hostility towards the one single upcoming Tales game not on a Sony platform.

There's nothing wrong with looking forward to Tales on the PS2 and the DS.
ethelred said:
Uh, no, no need to say **** you to Namco over Tempest. Game looks great (aside from shitty character designs, but that's a series staple).

If you're such a huge fan, then chill the hostility towards the one single upcoming Tales game not on a Sony platform.

There's nothing wrong with looking forward to Tales on the PS2 and the DS.

I don't like handhelds. I don't go anywhere so I don't see any reason to own one.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Pretty telling you didn't mention PSP.

How is it telling that I didn't mention the PSP? He mentioned looking forward to PS2 Tales while not looking forward to the DS Tales; I said it was possible to look forward to both.

I already own Eternia for the PSP (and enjoyed it more on the PSP than I did on the PSX thanks to the lack of loading), and if any of the new PSP Tales get announced for the US or Europe, I'll be buying them, too.

Stop trying to read things that aren't there.

Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Thats two times your opinion.

No idea what you're trying to imply with that.
Just buy Tales of the Abyss. A lot. Tell everyone to buy it.

And it's not like it'll be a bad deed--Abyss is supposed to be amazing, yes?

I think if Abyss can get past 100,000 in its first few months, we have a chance. 200,000 I'd say probably. 300,000 I'd say definitely.
ethelred said:
Stop trying to read things that aren't there.
I mentioned Tempest, he doesn't like handheld tales at all. You forgot/ignored PSP and took it like a Tempest stab :/

I know I shouldn't have mentioned Tempest, yes. I forgot it. Sorry.

ethelred said:
No idea what you're trying to imply with that.
That shitty designs are not a series staple, its your opinion, and I disagree with it.
I'm pretty fed up of the tales hate here, so I'm probably going to do this everytime I see a bash that I disagree with...just counter issues, don't take it personally, it isn't.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I mentioned Tempest, he doesn't like handheld tales at all. You forgot/ignored PSP and took it like a Tempest stab :/

Well, yeah, I figured "**** Tempest" was a Tempest stab. :p

He clarified that it's a general dislike of handhelds period, which is fine -- all's now happy and well in the GAF Tales Fan Club.

Kurosaki Ichigo said:
That shitty designs are not a series staple, its your opinion, and I disagree with it.
I'm pretty fed up of the tales hate here, so I'm probably going to do this everytime I see a bash that I disagree with...just counter issues, don't take it personally, it isn't.

I don't hate Tales; if I did, I wouldn't have bought all of the games (even the shitty Legendia!), wouldn't be precomitting myself to buying all the new ones that come to the US/Europe, wouldn't be totally jazzed for Abyss/Tempest/Destiny PS2. Don't interpret any criticism of the series as hate.

Anyway, I was jokingly exaggerating. Most of the character design is okay. Abyss, Rebirth is great. Tempest and Destiny 2 are atrocious, though.
FateBreaker said:
Just buy Tales of the Abyss. A lot. Tell everyone to buy it.

And it's not like it'll be a bad deed--Abyss is supposed to be amazing, yes?

I think if Abyss can get past 10,000 in its first few months, we don't have a chance. 20,000 I'd say no at all. 30,000 I'd say not a chance. 50,000 is impossible to reach.
fixed :Du

If they confirm that Oct 12 launch between Rogue Galaxy and Final Fantasy XII, we're done. Done I say :lol


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
(jarrod, if you get here, we seriously need to know the teams behind every announced tales! :))
Destiny remake is obviously Team Destiny, PSP ports of Phantasia/Destiny II are likely the small porting team who handled Phantasia Advance/Etermia Portable.

No idea about Tempest at this point... I'm leaning towards Namco internally now, with Team Destiny obviously busy. I think Radiant Mythology might be Team Symphonia too, I doubt it's Alfa System like Narikiri Dungeon 1-3.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
fixed :Du

If they confirm that Oct 12 launch between Rogue Galaxy and Final Fantasy XII, we're done. Done I say :lol

Rogue Galaxy isn't going to do too much to Tales -- I don't expect it'll be doing all that dramatically well, honestly. Good RPG sales, but nothing exceptional. FFXII, on the other hand...

On the plus side, at least, the 29.99 price can't hurt.

Abyss really needs to sell about twice what Legendia pulled in, at least.

jarrod said:
Destiny remake is obviously Team Destiny, PSP ports of Phantasia/Destiny II are likely the small porting team who handled Phantasia Advance/Etermia Portable.

No idea about Tempest at this point... I'm leaning towards Namco internally now, with Team Destiny obviously busy. I think Radiant Mythology might be Team Symphonia too, I doubt it's Alfa System like Narikiri Dungeon 1-3.

Such a waste for Team Symphonia. :/

Radiant Mythology is the only one that I have zero interest in, its appealing visuals aside.


Shouta said:
Nothing's wrong with the Legendia battle system. I think most people don't like it because it's very vanilla. There aren't any crazy subsystems (ToDII JP's zone system for example) or combo attacks (like Symphonia) or even crazy looking hi-ougis (at least I don't think). It's a very solid system and is actually much more playable than some of the other versions of the system but not as interesting.

That's what I was thinking...

ethelred said:
On the plus side, at least, the 29.99 price can't hurt.

Is this confirmed?
I misunderstood and thought you were talking about Shadow of Destiny, the adventure game. I got excited. What a great concept behind that game.

Then I realized this is the Tales RPG series we're talking about. Those are cool too, I guess.
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