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Congratulate Capcom (do it quickly) - [Capcom 30th Anniversary E3 Countdown Clock]



Complete my amazing Congratulation message in my last DLC "Psyrgery's congratulations Message revamped, his Keyboard has all the letters but have to be activated!!!"

Edit: Beaten by Piramid Head

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't need that many characters to write "When's Marvel?"


Capcom continues to make some of the best games time and again, and has even made some of the best this generation with greats such as Dragon's Dogma, Devil May Cry 4 and Dead Rising. I don't see how any sane gamer could hate them.
My favorite company for so many years, so many conflicted feelings now. At least there's still Dragon's Dogma.

Someone please change the thread title to Congrtaulate Capcom
I do agree that they've made a couple of dumb decisions this gen but you can't deny the fact they put out quality games and I love them for that. Congrats, Capcom!


Grats for single handedly killing survival horror.

But then again you made one of my favourite games this gen (Dragon's Dogma) so... I'm conflicted :/



I personally don't care much for SFIV (preferred 3S), but more power to anyone who does. Either way, it's difficult to be salty about them not paying any real attention to them last gen: they were still a much stronger company than they are now, even without fighters. They just seem to be credited for something that they don't deserve (nor any other company in particular).

The most that can be said is that SFIV helped bolster interest in competitive play in the FGC. Saying it resulted in a "revival" of the entire genre comes off as hyperbolic.

You're letting your personal opinion get in the way pretty hard. Which fighter sold multi-millions before it? I don't believe in a complete "dark age" like some do prior to SFIV, but it's not a stretch to say that it significantly revived interest in the genre.

They were awesome last gen and had some shitty points last gen. They've been awesome this gen and had some shitty points as well. That's just Capcom being Capcom, as they have been forever. The high points last gen beat the high points this gen, but after that it can get pretty debatable. I think they were better last gen, but it's hardly a massacre. Just look at the noise to signal ratio after scrolling down to PS3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Capcom_games#PlayStation_2
They didn't save fighting games, they just made something for capcom fans to play. Which, admittedly, is a lot of people.
isn't that the same thing? maybe they didn't intend to, but it happened all the same. but i disagree with "capcom fans"; sf4's (and mvc3's) pull goes beyond capcom fans.


The only game I enjoyed from them this gen was Dragons Dogma and Revelations. They don't deserve my congratulations compared to other publishers though. I guess maybe for Dragons Dogma....


You're letting your personal opinion get in the way pretty hard. Which fighter sold multi-millions before it? I don't believe in a complete "dark age" like some do prior to SFIV, but it's not a stretch to say that it significantly revived interest in the genre.

They were awesome last gen and had some shitty points last gen. They've been awesome this gen and had some shitty points as well. That's just Capcom being Capcom, as they have been forever. The high points last gen beat the high points this gen, but after that it can get pretty debatable. I think they were better last gen, but it's hardly a massacre. Just look at the noise to signal ratio after scrolling down to PS3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Capcom_games#PlayStation_2
What I'm saying is that only Capcom fighters sell that well at this point, though. That's all well and good for them, but what other fighters not made by Capcom move that many units? Things like Tekken and Soul Calibur used to do much better for themselves last gen, but not so much this gen (EDIT: T6 and SCIV aside, as cited below; TTT2 and SCV not being so lucky). BlazBlue sells much better than Guilty Gear ever did, but that's more of a result of the franchise having broader appeal in its mechanics and presentation than GG than anything else. Arc System Works fighters in general are still relatively niche by comparison. Same deal with SNKP and KoF XIII.

As for the comparison to last gen, I'd say one problem with them this gen, other than mismanaging certain pre-established IPs (namely RE and DMC), is being less successful with creating new, commercially viable IPs by comparison (Dead Rising is probably their biggest success story this gen, with Lost Planet falling off by the second game as a result of the franchise's ongoing identity crisis).


You're letting your personal opinion get in the way pretty hard. Which fighter sold multi-millions before it? I don't believe in a complete "dark age" like some do prior to SFIV, but it's not a stretch to say that it significantly revived interest in the genre.

They were awesome last gen and had some shitty points last gen. They've been awesome this gen and had some shitty points as well. That's just Capcom being Capcom, as they have been forever. The high points last gen beat the high points this gen, but after that it can get pretty debatable. I think they were better last gen, but it's hardly a massacre. Just look at the noise to signal ratio after scrolling down to PS3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Capcom_games#PlayStation_2

The same ones that are now?

SC4 did. Mk9 did. T6 did. MK vs. DC did. Pretty sure Injustice will.

And I'm pretty sure SC5 and TTT2 will end up selling somewhere in line with SxT.

isn't that the same thing? maybe they didn't intend to, but it happened all the same. but i disagree with "capcom fans"; sf4's (and mvc3's) pull goes beyond capcom fans.

Not at all, since if you liked fighting games, there was always something to play?
That so many of you would shit on the company that brought us Dragon's Dogma this generation is a tragedy.

My message to Capcom was "love Dragons Dogma do sequel"... stupid character limit...


The same ones that are now?

SC4 did. Mk9 did. T6 did. MK vs. DC did. Pretty sure Injustice will.

And I'm pretty sure SC5 and TTT2 will end up selling somewhere in line with SxT.

Not at all, since if you liked fighting games, there was always something to play?

you're mentioning games that came out after SFIV, aside from MK vs. DC, I said "before" SFIV. and nobody said anything about SFxT. but it's cool, I looked it up and a lot of these fighters last gen did really well too-- Tekken and Soul Calibur in particular. I'll submit to that.

but I see where this is going cause we've all seen this argument a million times-- it goes nowhere until people who think SFIV played a big role in reviving interest in fighters say that it had no effect at all. lol


What a dumb bandwagon thing to say. They might have made as much bad and shitty decisions as good ones, but they're still one of the better publishers overall this gen. Stop talking out of your ass.

No. Capcom has been talking out of their ass this entire generation. Every good decision they've made has been bookended with 3 or 4 bad ones.

We should be treating this "congradulations" page as a site for an intervention.

Capcom, I love you, but you seriously have to stop all this madness. You're only hurting the people who actually want to give you money. Stop blaming outsourcing, stop pretending like you know what the fan scene for your games are, stop pretending that things like on the disc dlc, stuff other companies figure out YEARS ago, is justified and okay. Take a good hard look at the stuff you're doing and stop having knee jerk reactions everytime something doesn't immediately go your way.

And patch Marvel already.

Capcom "fighting game revival" is pretty much bullshit.

No, it WAS valid, until they started doing the same shit they did in the 90's which killed console fighting games in the first place. Their complete inability to use online infrastructures to update games makes them look silly and hampers the games they put out. Vanilla Marvel sold super well. UMvsC3 barely broke 300k.
Not at all, since if you liked fighting games, there was always something to play?

Capcom "fighting game revival" is pretty much bullshit.
competitive games by nature thrive on competitive communities. the large number of players these games brought in is not insignificant. they also facilitated the appeal and growth of spectating. even if it was just the right time and place, could've tekken (for example) done the same if sf4/mvc3 didn't exist? possible, but i personally doubt it. and again, it could've been purely coincidental or accidental, but fighting games are as big as they've ever been (perhaps since sf2) and capcom is on top.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Capcom's done plenty of stuff the past 8 years I liked, and despite their missteps thanks largely to confused management, deserves a hand.

This is proof though, that if you are a game company your fate is inevitable: stay alive long enough and you'll be reviled as the ultimate villain by your greatest fans.
Thanks for killing a fun Megaman game and using its budget and resources to make a shitty iOS game, a Lost Planet sequel exclusively for a region that does not care about the IP, and a ripoff of Saint Seiya


Come on people, it's a celebration of their entire history as a company, not just this gen.

Congrats Capcom, you've gave me some wonderful memories over the years.
Capcom's done plenty of stuff the past 8 years I liked, and despite their missteps thanks largely to confused management, deserves a hand.

This is proof though, that if you are a game company your fate is inevitable: stay alive long enough and you'll be reviled as the ultimate villain by your greatest fans.

You could say Nintendo is proof of that as well.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for all the good stuff! Especially Mega Man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Ghosts'n Goblins, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Monster Hunter and Ace Attorney.

Also, I'd like a new Mega Man on 3DS and Monster Hunter 4 Wii U in the west please.

Edit: Also LOL @those pissing on the carpet on a birthday party.


No, it WAS valid, until they started doing the same shit they did in the 90's which killed console fighting games in the first place. Their complete inability to use online infrastructures to update games makes them look silly and hampers the games they put out. Vanilla Marvel sold super well. UMvsC3 barely broke 300k.



and please, Capcom updates killed console fighting games? are you sure it wasn't the jillions of imitators that saturated the genre in the wake of SF2? Fighting games were like WW2 and Modern FPS at that point-- a few successful ones with a ton of shitty imitators.

They can be criticized for lots of things, tons of things. You can pick apart the quality of UMVC3 and SFIV all day. but you don't need to make stuff up.

Not Spaceghost

I'll congratulate them.

They're one of the few devs that have managed to keep up with their old IP's without simply rehashing them and actually supported new IP's fully not just letting them wither off and die.

Not to mention all games they release see a lot of continued support from them, whether it be RE.net events or massive patching to fix SFxT so it's actually in a playable state. Speaking of which their fighting game scene support is also as strong as ever and they always put forth their best in SSF4 and MVC3.

I used the word support a lot because I feel that's what sets them apart from many other devs now a days.

They're not free from sin though, they fuck up with some really stupid choices like killing Legends 3, DmC while an enjoyable game was not up to par with previous installments, and their love of DLC is kind of annoying.


No, it WAS valid, until they started doing the same shit they did in the 90's which killed console fighting games in the first place. Their complete inability to use online infrastructures to update games makes them look silly and hampers the games they put out. Vanilla Marvel sold super well. UMvsC3 barely broke 300k.

You sound even more misinformed. For starters, Capcom has employed online updates ever since UMvC3. There's no point in talking about this to someone who thinks fighting games were ever "killed". Why talk about it on NeoGAF, when game journos already fill need for people being clueless about everything but the most popular genres?

competitive games by nature thrive on competitive communities. the large number of players these games brought in is not insignificant. they also facilitated the appeal and growth of spectating. even if it was just the right time and place, could've tekken (for example) done the same if sf4/mvc3 didn't exist? possible, but i personally doubt it. and again, it could've been purely coincidental or accidental, but fighting games are as big as they've ever been (perhaps since sf2) and capcom is on top.

It is easier to make the argument that it stimulated some sort of boom in "FGC" (as opposed to the genre), although so did youtube, streaming, Team Spooky, etc. The thing is though that the new people who play Capcom games (which can be further split between Marvel and SF4 in some cases) rarely give a fuck about anything else unless they had a history in the first place. It goes back to the idea that "Capcom brought back... Capcom games". Of course, we could also question the path "FGC" took as it grew with its stream monster culture and WWE antics.


Thanks Capcom, over the years you've been one of my favorite companies, always ranking near the top if not at the top of the list, you've made many of my best loved games in almost all the gaming genres, you've been daring, innovative, and a pioneer in the world of gaming and given me many, many memories that I'd always cherish forever.

But while you have/had been the golden standard for a long time, there's no doubt you've faltered in your ways, making many bad decisions and many more questionable ones, I know things can't remain the same and people, their choices, tastes and lifestyles change with the times and with age so thus you yourself have to change as well to suit your consumers, but the problem is you often make rather radical changes and choices that it often alienates your established fanbase and any new fans of your games.

I'd say it would be good to look back on these 30 years and see where you're headed and if its where you wanna go, the choice is really yours but remember that as a company, its your consumers, established and new that would support and see you into the future, so please do your best to think choices out more carefully and we'll try to support you.


you're mentioning games that came out after SFIV, aside from MK vs. DC, I said "before" SFIV. and nobody said anything about SFxT. but it's cool, I looked it up and a lot of these fighters last gen did really well too-- Tekken and Soul Calibur in particular. I'll submit to that.

but I see where this is going cause we've all seen this argument a million times-- it goes nowhere until people who think SFIV played a big role in reviving interest in fighters say that it had no effect at all. lol

SC always sold millions. (well, save SC3, I assume, which was garbage)
Tekken always sold millions.
MK always sold millions.

The same games that have traditionally sold well are the games that are STILL selling well. SF4's release had nothing to do with the sales these games received/are getting.

I'm not saying SF4 didn't have a role in reviving an interest in the genre, but to say that it saved fighting games is bullshit.

It is easier to make the argument that it stimulated some sort of boom in "FGC" (as opposed to the genre), although so did youtube, streaming, Team Spooky, etc. The thing is though that the new people who play Capcom games (which can be further split between Marvel and SF4 in some cases) rarely give a fuck about anything else unless they had a history in the first place. It goes back to the idea that "Capcom brought back... Capcom games". Of course, we could also question the path "FGC" took as it grew with its stream monster culture and WWE antics.

This. I agree with this.



Thank you for RE 1 and 2. Now rebuy every copy of RE 5 and 6 from all the poor souls who purchases the games, and make a real RE game again.



SC always sold millions. (well, save SC3, I assume, which was garbage)
Tekken always sold millions.
MK always sold millions.

The same games that have traditionally sold well are the games that are STILL selling well.

I'm not saying SF4 didn't have a role in reviving an interest in the genre, but to say that it saved fighting games is bullshit.

The Super Smash Bro franchise contains the best selling fighting games of all time IIRC.
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