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Cosmo: Guys Get Turned on When Women Orgasm...It's a Bad Thing (It'sTimetoStop.gif)

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Orgasms are not bad to have. It is not wrong to want an orgasm or to enjoy one. It is not wrong to enjoy your partner getting off. I feel like the article misses the point. It uses hyperbole to shame men for wanting to give women orgasms when they could've just conveyed the cliche "It's more about the journey" and try to explain that orgasms are not some sort of trophy. Your partners happiness can be a trophy, but an orgasm is just a small part of that and should not be the focal point.

Unless you're at that level where you probably need to see a sex therapist because you want them and can't have them.

I'm am pleasantly surprised to see this in here.


Why is it that the people defending the premise of this article come off as so relentlessly condescending, aggressive and downright unpleasant? If you want to win people over to your cause you might not want to start from a position of passive-aggressive superiority.

What really gets my back up about this is that the amount of men who make this into an unpleasant issue in a relationship are going to be in the vast minority. I daresay most men do take pride in making their partner orgasm, whether gay or straight, and that's totally fine and natural and there's no sinister or unpleasant underlying motive to it.

Yes, it is deeply unfortunate if a woman is in a relationship with a man who makes her orgasms into an uncomfortable issue but that is not an issue with men, that's an issue with a someone just being a dick.

Subsequently taking the position of 'men, you need to be aware of this!' and making it about gender rather than someone just being an asshole is no different to someone saying 'men, stop committing domestic abuse!' Or 'women, stop being control freaks!' Just because you may personally have had a bad experience in a relationship with someone being selfish or uncaring or otherwise unpleasant, that is not grounds to start lecturing an entire gender on their presumed behaviour, which is what some people in this thread, and the article, treads dangerously closely to.


So men are actually feeling masculine pride for giving their partners orgasms and this is a bad thing?

Well that's just dumb. Especially after the same magazines beat men over the head for decades for not giving a single solitary fuck if their partners orgasm or not.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm no scientist so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that experiment seems a little... I dunno, a bit rubbish? It's pretty flimsy.


I'm no scientist so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that experiment seems a little... I dunno, a bit rubbish? It's pretty flimsy.

It's Cosmo. Posting an experiment or study that isn't flawed and doesn't fall into the realms of bs is abnormal for them
I don't know what to say about this idea that I keep seeing over and over that things that are good for anyone are bad for a woman if a man is involved. It's misandry for sure, but that's a word that if people started using it, it would be thrown around too much and misattributed to things which it is not. What would be a good word for it? The first thing that comes to mind is metafeminism, but that might also be too broad and become a bad descriptor.

Maybe PostLib? Because it always seem like it's something that wants to take away from things that make people's live better and more enjoyable, and wants to put barriers between people working together, making things easier and better for each other, and take options away from people, which is the opposite of the goal of women's liberation.

The Ritalin Generation.
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