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Crackdown 2 |OT| of Orbs, Freaks, and Exploding Pedestrians

Gazunta said:
This is the best game ever.

I have a question though, how do you change your settings so your friends or anyone can join your sessions? A couple of friends of mine are playing but I can't join their game unless they send me an invite - but with some other people, I can just pull their name up on my friends list and press X to join their game. I have my game set to accept anyone, but I'll be damned if I remember how I did it.

> Pause Menu
> System Tab
> Campaign Join Options

Options are Invite Only (only way in is an invite), Friends Only (invite or friends can join via guide), Anyone Can Join (will be found through matchmaking).


cjelly said:
499 Agility Orbs and I have just spent the past two hours going over Green Bay with a fine tooth comb and I just cannot find that last little fucker! :'(
same for me. one missing in green bay and i cant find it (i use the heicopter and the ping/start glitch).

Circle T

goldenticket said:
whats the trick to increase its radius
I posted a couple tips earlier that really helped me. Given how hard it was finding all the orbs in CD1, this almost feels like cheating. Oh well, they put the radar ping in the game, might as well use it...

Circle T said:
Oh, and since you guys are talking about the d-pad radar ping thing, I have a little trick that I figured out earlier when I was hunting orbs that might help you even more. When you return to the game after pausing it, the mini-map in the lower left will be zoomed out a bit, before it zooms back in to normal range. If you quickly hit up on the d-pad to ping the radar when it is still zoomed way out, you can see many more orbs in your area, making searching for them that much easier. I would do that to see what direction any orbs were in, then when I was in the area, I would use the normal ping to narrow my search. This helped a TON for finding those last 10 or so Hidden orbs.
Circle T said:
Also, when you are flying in the chopper, the radar zooms out a bit, and if you hit the afterburner it zooms out even further. Instead of seeing just a couple hundred feet on the map, when you go real fast in the chopper, it zooms out to show almost 2-3 blocks. While the map is zoomed out like that, if you ping the radar, you can see MUCH more of the map and many more orbs are seen. So, if you are hunting for the last few orbs on a particular island, just grab a chopper, and haul ass over the top of it while pinging the radar.


Aaron said:
Tried the demo, and didn't care for it at all personally. It was too flat and too directed. Traversal wasn't nearly as fun, and the electric attacks paled compared to using real weapons. Also Cole's voice was annoying.

Yeah you start out pretty weak. It is somewhat like Crackdown in a way, at first everything seems cumbersome because your main character seems too weak. As you level up though you become a beast.

At least Sony is changing voice actors with Infamous 2 so it should get rid of this issue. :lol Cole was a bit grumbling in the first one! Playing Crackdown 2 is inspiring me to do another Infamous run when I'm done with this game.
My relationship with Crackdown 2 has been very, very strange. Looking back on my time playing, I don't think I had fun playing at all. There were points when I couldn't stop playing, but I would never describe my time with the game as being fun.

I reached the "end" of the game last night, and it left a really bad taste in my mouth. As I went from area to area, my character mostly maxed out, I cleared out the Cell hideouts, activated the AUs, detonated the beacon, and repeated that process nine times, all I could do was hope that their was more to this game. But once the ending rolled around, my hopes were dashed. This game has absolutely no substance. Sure its fun to dick around with friend's in co-op mode, which isn't a real feat since pretty much any game is fun with friends. Ruffian created a 45 minute gameplay loop that they repeated nine times throughout the game, sprinkled some orbs around, and shipped.

I never use Goozex or trade games but as soon as the ending credits rolled I set up a trade to get rid of Crackdown 2. The game left such a bad taste that I had it shipped out within the hour. I usually pick my purchases wisely, and was on the fence about keeping this game. I should have sent it back when I received it from Amazon. What a waste of money. After playing the game, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone for over $20, let alone the $60 they are charging. I am so disappoint, I was looking forward to this game as my "summer game". :/


I ran into a strange bug last night.

After one of my whim rockets into a crowd of innocents, everyone went into their predictable panic mode, running around like crazy. Except, instead of running away from me, everyone was running toward me. When they got to me, they didn't seem to know what to do, so they stayed in sprint mode and just ran back and forth on either side of me. After a few moments, I had a couple hundred panicked civilians swarming all over me like a cloud of angry bees. It was the largest crowd I've seen in the game, and there have been some truly epic Freak gatherings at night. I couldn't move anywhere other than jumping straight up.

Fortunately, I'm level 5 Strength, so I had the ground pound. Upon striking the ground there's this enormous, screen-covering gout of blood and bodies far more gruesome than anything I'd seen in Crackdown before. I had to repeat this a good half dozen times to clear the street so I could walk around again.

Of course, the cops were pissed.

Oh what I'd give for saved films and screenshots in this game.
This game is so addictive it is fucking sick. I've noted that even the podcasters who complain about the development approach seem to be putting a lot of hours into it. :)

Riding in the helicopter is insane. I wish you could store it. Being able to see EVERYTHING from up there is awesome, the lack of draw-in is startling. Are there any other games that have taken LOD management to this level? Are there any interviews where they talk about how many levels of detail the city has? Other open-world developers really should take note.
Net_Wrecker said:
If it wasn't for a friend of mine randomly getting the urge to play Crackdown, and me joining his campaign, I would've never gotten all 500. He actually found the one I needed, and me seeing it was like an angel from the Crackdown Gods. No way in hell was I going for the Hidden ones though, not without some sort of radar ping like CD2 has.
That's exactly how it was for me. A friend decided to start playing Crackdown, I joined him and found the last orb. So awesome.

They could have at least put in an achievement tracker like Crackdown 2 has, so that you can see in which area you have orbs left to get.


Gold Member
Team Deathmatch on the Shai-Gen tower map is way more fun than it has any right to be. I was chasing somebody who used a launching pad to go to the top of one of the towers and we both leapt off into a suicide swan dive race to the bottom. I went into a ground pound and was about to catch him when he suddenly pulled up and swooped away. So intense!


GhaleonEB said:
I ran into a strange bug last night.

After one of my whim rockets into a crowd of innocents, everyone went into their predictable panic mode, running around like crazy. Except, instead of running away from me, everyone was running toward me. When they got to me, they didn't seem to know what to do, so they stayed in sprint mode and just ran back and forth on either side of me. After a few moments, I had a couple hundred panicked civilians swarming all over me like a cloud of angry bees. It was the largest crowd I've seen in the game, and there have been some truly epic Freak gatherings at night. I couldn't move anywhere other than jumping straight up.

Fortunately, I'm level 5 Strength, so I had the ground pound. Upon striking the ground there's this enormous, screen-covering gout of blood and bodies far more gruesome than anything I'd seen in Crackdown before. I had to repeat this a good half dozen times to clear the street so I could walk around again.

Of course, the cops were pissed.
Awesome. :lol


formerly cjelly
My last agility orb. Had to take a picture to capture the moment. :lol



burgerdog said:
How come I die when I hit the water in the toilet? I've died about ten times now, I have max health, too.

Did that to me twice as well. In fact the time I got the achievement I died as well. No where near enough water in it.


Jtyettis said:
Did that to me twice as well. In fact the time I got the achievement I died as well. No where near enough water in it.
I've seen a couple of YouTube videos where they die and get the achievement. I tried it again after posting and died again with no chieve.
Is there an official Crackdown 2 site that can track all of your progress/offer insight?

Or is it only Xbox.com and Ruffian's lackluster site and small forum?


Bloodborne is shit
While I agree they’re extremely similar, I think that’s exactly the reason you should go with the first. It will be much cheaper and if you like it, you’ll have more to look forward to in the sequel.


not characteristic of ants at all
How come the Agency's Tank is so damn weak? The armor is strong, yeah. But the cannon is weak as hell. I was expecting some amazing explosion, not a pea shooter :lol


Does anyone in here still need that achievement for jumping off a fast car onto another vehicle? I do, and would be willing to help someone else get it (or another of similar nature)

Hit me up! GT is goldenpp75

It's my last novelty achievement, I just finished the last rooftop race :)


Rented this yesterday and so glad it I did only rent it. The aiming is fucking appalling. So awesome to be surrounded by five dozen freaks to squeeze left trigger and aim at an Agency car all the way down the street.

I loved the original but I'm finding it incredibly difficult to like this for some reason :(


shwimpy said:
Recently purchased a 360 and interested in this game... smart to go straight to the sequel since they're fairly similar?
I'd say it's worth buying the first game before diving into the second. You can easily find it for cheap right now (both new and used). Plus, by the time you beat the first game, the price of the second game will probably be a bit lower as well.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
goldenpp72 said:
Does anyone in here still need that achievement for jumping off a fast car onto another vehicle? I do, and would be willing to help someone else get it (or another of similar nature)

Hit me up! GT is goldenpp75

It's my last novelty achievement, I just finished the last rooftop race :)

You can just jump off cars being driven by civilians for it, I did it back in the demo.


shwimpy said:
Recently purchased a 360 and interested in this game... smart to go straight to the sequel since they're fairly similar?

Honestly I would buy the original since you can find it under 20 bucks. It is arguably the better game too.


And then there were 500.

I think, if I'm not done, then I'm taking a good long break from the game. I was going to go achievement hunting, and took a crack at a couple, but they were all either unappealing (I have no interest in road races or rooftop races or renegade orbs or stunt rings or wing suit rings) or frustrating. I mowed down an epic mobof Freaks in just a few seconds with a minigun - twice - but didn't get the 20 in 10 second achievement. Didn't feel like trying again. Made three leaps from the top of the tower toward the smokestack, missed all of them badly; it's really hard to judge placement in ways it wasn't in the first game. Didn't feel motivated to keep it up as I did in the first game.

The rest are similar, or co-op in nature which I'll never get as I don't play co-op with anyone (one one on my list is ever on CD2).

I'll post some wrap up thoughts once I have them organized and have the energy to put them down.

Right now I'll say that I think Crackdown 1 is the better game. I thought almost everything added was for the worse, either because the addition were poorly designed or because they exacerbated flaws from the first game that weren't fixed in the sequel (I'm looking at you, camera, melee and targeting systems). Still a fun romp, as there were some great shoot outs and the iconic leaping about that made CD1 so good. But I don't think Ruffian brought much to the table here, not that Microsoft gave them much of a chance to set it in the first place.
GhaleonEB said:
I mowed down an epic mobof Freaks in just a few seconds with a minigun - twice - but didn't get the 20 in 10 second achievement Use the buggy, and drive through massive Freak hoards while holding down the minigun. Instant achievement.

Made three leaps from the top of the tower toward the smokestack, missed all of them badly; it's really hard to judge placement in ways it wasn't in the first game. Didn't feel motivated to keep it up as I did in the first game. The smoke stack/chimney thing isn't as close to the Agency Tower as it seems when you're that high up. You really have to jump out quite a bit.

The rest are similar, or co-op in nature which I'll never get as I don't play co-op with anyone (one one on my list is ever on CD2).
Unless you strictly don't have the option because of lack of a decent internet connection, you're missing a huge part of the game IMO. Plus, the co-op crowd on CD2 is pretty nice, I've made like 6 additions to my Live Friends List in a week.

HixxSAFC said:
Rented this yesterday and so glad it I did only rent it. The aiming is fucking appalling. So awesome to be surrounded by five dozen freaks to squeeze left trigger and aim at an Agency car all the way down the street.

I loved the original but I'm finding it incredibly difficult to like this for some reason :(

If you're aiming at the Freaks, you're doing it wrong, there are WAY too many. Use the UV Shotgun in free aim for them. As for anything else, it's not as bad as you might think. Just get your target near your reticule FIRST, THEN press the lock on button. Sometimes a car will still get in the way, but it's not that annoying, especially when you're using explosive weaponry.


Media Create July 5-11

01. / 00. [WII] Wii Party (Nintendo) - 235.000 / NEW
02. / 00. [PS3] White Knight Chronicles: Awakening of Light and Darkness (SCE) - 176.000 / NEW
03. / 01. [NDS] Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! Spark / Bomber (Level 5) - 98.000 / 603.000 (-81%)
04. / 00. [NDS] Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (Marvelous Entertainment) - 64.000 / NEW
05. / 02. [NDS] Taiko Drum Master DS: Dororon! Battle With the Ghouls!! (Bandai Namco) - 31.000 / 100.000 (-56%)
06. / 04. [WII] Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo) - 26.000 / 675.000 (-25%)
07. / 00. [360] Crackdown 2 (Microsoft Game Studios) - 15.000 / NEW
08. / 13. [NDS] Friend Collection (Nintendo) - 13.000 / 3.318.000
09. / 08. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010: Blue Samurai Challenge (Konami) - 12.000 / 173.000 (-38%)
10. / 10. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010: Blue Samurai Challenge (Konami) - 12.000 / 113.000 (-27%)
GhaleonEB said:
Right now I'll say that I think Crackdown 1 is the better game. I thought almost everything added was for the worse, either because the addition were poorly designed or because they exacerbated flaws from the first game that weren't fixed in the sequel (I'm looking at you, camera, melee and targeting systems). Still a fun romp, as there were some great shoot outs and the iconic leaping about that made CD1 so good. But I don't think Ruffian brought much to the table here, not that Microsoft gave them much of a chance to set it in the first place.

this is how i feel about it so far.

the camera issue is what annoys me the most (well that and the obnoxious hitstun).

please for the sake of my sanity add camera sensitivity settings in crackdown 3.

Nelo Ice

im not sure why but i feel more motivated to collect orbs and other collectibles here moreso than crackdown 1

that or maybe its cuz i can ping and find every orb
S1kkZ said:
same for me. one missing in green bay and i cant find it (i use the heicopter and the ping/start glitch).

Don't the orbs show up on the map in the pause menu?

I've just got one beacon left to activate, but I have to agree with people who think this is inferior to the first game. The destroyed city has no character, and the freaks are pretty tedious to fight.
Also, if you're using a turret weapon and a freak lands right in front of you, the gun fires vertically upwards. I've written third-person targetting for games in the past so I know why this sort of thing happens*, but it's pretty embarrassing that they didn't fix it.

*They're probably doing a raycast from the camera position toward the projected crosshair position, but the freak is intersecting the gun & fecking it up.


Net_Wrecker said:
If you're aiming at the Freaks, you're doing it wrong, there are WAY too many. Use the UV Shotgun in free aim for them. As for anything else, it's not as bad as you might think. Just get your target near your reticule FIRST, THEN press the lock on button. Sometimes a car will still get in the way, but it's not that annoying, especially when you're using explosive weaponry.
You can't target with the minigun, which is the weapon you have to use for the achievement I was going for.
GhaleonEB said:
And then there were 500.

I think, if I'm not done, then I'm taking a good long break from the game. I was going to go achievement hunting, and took a crack at a couple, but they were all either unappealing (I have no interest in road races or rooftop races or renegade orbs or stunt rings or wing suit rings) or frustrating. I mowed down an epic mobof Freaks in just a few seconds with a minigun - twice - but didn't get the 20 in 10 second achievement. Didn't feel like trying again. Made three leaps from the top of the tower toward the smokestack, missed all of them badly; it's really hard to judge placement in ways it wasn't in the first game. Didn't feel motivated to keep it up as I did in the first game.

The rest are similar, or co-op in nature which I'll never get as I don't play co-op with anyone (one one on my list is ever on CD2).

I'll post some wrap up thoughts once I have them organized and have the energy to put them down.

Right now I'll say that I think Crackdown 1 is the better game. I thought almost everything added was for the worse, either because the addition were poorly designed or because they exacerbated flaws from the first game that weren't fixed in the sequel (I'm looking at you, camera, melee and targeting systems). Still a fun romp, as there were some great shoot outs and the iconic leaping about that made CD1 so good. But I don't think Ruffian brought much to the table here, not that Microsoft gave them much of a chance to set it in the first place.
My friend and I will gladly help you out with the co-op stuff.


Even with its warts and flaws, Crackdown 2 continues to be a timesink. The game has a perfect formula for fun, where you have to get that next orb...and then you should close that new freak hole you spotted...and hey now you should get in a vehicle to level up your driving by running through throngs of freaks.. and hey, you just discovered a bunch of visible orbs so you get out and collect them..

All the while you have three other players engaging in mayhem which makes the experience special.

The game is an ADD nightmare/dream, your mileage will vary. CD1 and CD2 do the overpowered superhero simulation pretty well.

It is more of the same with nice additions, and the issues with control and traversal are accommodated by my familiarity with the first game. I did not have an issue with the Hope Tower as I started to think like a platformer player once my levels were high enough to make proper leaps. The pounder freaks are cheap bastards, but so is the agent when powered up and in a rhythm of destruction and leaping. Timing is crucial and when you get your destructive flow going, the game is a pleasure. Get out of sync and it becomes maddening.

I want Crackdown 3 with proper dev time and correct resources, please. My praise to Ruffian for doing what they did with so many constraints. You made THIS Crackdown fan happy.


I'm stuck on the last beacon. The one in the stadium surrounded by water on the top right side of the map.

All the other beacons have been fine, but this one has these giant rock thrower guys and I kill each one that appears but the beacon health keeps dropping like crazy. I can't even make it to 50%

Any tips or anyone free now to join my game coop and help me clear it? I've been doing solo this whole time and it's been doable until this spot.


Bebpo said:
I'm stuck on the last beacon. The one in the stadium surrounded by water on the top right side of the map.

All the other beacons have been fine, but this one has these giant rock thrower guys and I kill each one that appears but the beacon health keeps dropping like crazy. I can't even make it to 50%

Shrapnel grenades tend to take those huge guys down really quickly. But if this is the one where the guy runs around the edge, throwing stuff, he can be really hard to kill. Note that there is a rocket turret in that particular one that can help.


Yeah it's that one. But what's weird is that even after I kill the big guys and there are NO freak indicators on my radar the core keeps dropping like crazy. Until now I've ignored the non-radar grunts in beacons, but it seems like they're the ones killing the beacon here. But then if I fight them off I can't be fighting the ones at the edges off. I watched some youtube vids of the beacon but they were always doing 2-4p with one guy in the center and one guy fighting the edge giants. :\


Also I just realized that pre-release wasn't the main new feature (besides 4p coop) that the devs were touting and showing off, some sort of physics gravity weapon like Just Cause 2? That you could make car slingshots and all kinds of physics based weapons to fight against the enemies.

I'm at like the end of the game pretty much here and I've never seen this and I haven't heard many people talking about it or seen any youtube vids showing off crazy physics weapons.

...did that still make it into the game?

Circle T

Bebpo said:
Yeah it's that one...
I know given my previous posts, this might sound like a broken record, but you can make quick work of that one with a helicopter, especially the rocket one. Lower it right down the hole, hover it over the spot to start the beacon drop, and then unleash hell. :D


Gold Member
Bebpo said:
Also I just realized that pre-release wasn't the main new feature (besides 4p coop) that the devs were touting and showing off, some sort of physics gravity weapon like Just Cause 2? That you could make car slingshots and all kinds of physics based weapons to fight against the enemies.

I'm at like the end of the game pretty much here and I've never seen this and I haven't heard many people talking about it or seen any youtube vids showing off crazy physics weapons.

...did that still make it into the game?

The mag grenade. Throw one at a car and then another at a building or whatever you want.


Circle T said:
I know given my previous posts, this might sound like a broken record, but you can make quick work of that one with a helicopter, especially the rocket one. Lower it right down the hole, hover it over the spot to start the beacon drop, and then unleash hell. :D

You can activate it without getting out of the helicopter? I actually tried bringing a heli in, but I got out to activate it and the freaks broke the helicopter so I couldn't get back in. Was frustrating :\

RiccochetJ said:
The mag grenade. Throw one at a car and then another at a building or whatever you want.

Cool, will try that. Is it actually useful?
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