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Crackdown (X360) - Info from new GI


jjndu from IGN boards got the new GI, the cover story is a game called Crackdown from Realtime Worlds. He typed up a summary of the 10-page story:

The basis of the game is that you are an officer in a city overrun with violent criminal organizations. As a member of a secret government organization, "The Agency" (creative...), you are a last-resort experimental procedure to clean up the city. Pumped full of experimental drugs, you're set out on the city to clean shop. The drugs give you extraordinary powers - much like superheroes - leaping over buildings, hoisting vehicles, super speed, etc. The idea is that, as an agent, you will eventually be powerful enough to replace an entire police force.

And example given of this power: you could pick up a car, carry it to the top of a building, drive it off, jump out in mid air, blow it up on the way down (shoot the gas tank) as it crashes into the side of a building - blowing open a passage way for you to get to your targe.

The game goes wtih a comic book visual style with light cel-shading. The developers claim that since games of this nature can't achieve the same visual quality as other titles, it's important to keep them visually appealing and distinctive.

my opinion: it's a good effort but it's not celshaded enough - by just a bit. It looks as though it's almost trying to be realistic but not quite making it. I'd have to see it in motion, though.

Mission Progression

Unlike other games in the genre, Crackdown doesn't have a linear mission structure with bursts of "free roam" gameplay. Instead the two are integrated to give a more seemless experience and avoid the "fail/succeed" structure of most games of this type. Instead, playing around with the world is essential to your progress and part of the structure. Like in San Andreas, you'll be able to level up your player in various skills and develop much like in Fable. The more you use certian techniques, the better you become at them (it's visually represented - bigger guns, more muscles, leaner body, whatever)

These skills are necessary for advancement in the game. If you need to reach a certian part of the map, you may need to be agile to jump/platform up there, or strong to stack cars to make it up there, etc.

There are four main gangs (like in mercenaries) and 7 key figureheads each. If you take out a figurehead, it'll have an impact on that gang - for example, if you take out their vehicle specialist, they'll drive around in worse cars. If you take down their recruitment specialist, their numbers will dwindle.

Level Design

Taking a page from spiderman 2, the worlds are very vertical as well as horizontal. The idea to have gameplay "volume" as opposed to just gameplay "area". There's platforming elements like in Prince of Persia, with wall jumping, swinging on ropes, shimmying across ledges, etc.

The level design also allows you to be more creative with how you go about reaching your goals. Since the cities are vertical, many of your targets will be inside of heavily protected highrises. You can become athletic enough to scale the building prince of persia style, you can snipe from afar to trim their numbers to make make your assault easier, or you can just take a heavily fortified 18wheeler and drive it right through the side of the building.

"Everything in the game can be broken down to bits, stacked, or used as a weapon." Unlike current gen free form titles, Crackdown can track more information and doesn't have to rest the world as much. This gives you more freedom to be creative with the world and using elements in it to reach new heights.

The roaming population is randomly generated from a database of clothing, faces, and accessories to keep clones from happening. You can't target the civilians (thankfully, that can be frustrating in a gun fight) though.


Like in other titles of this nature, cars on the road are for your taking - as transportation or as weapons. But, the agency also provides 3 vehicles for you - the SUV, the semi, and the sports car. As you level up, so do the cars (stats wise and visually). The sports car becomes like a batmobile (capable of launching oncoing vehicles high into the air), the semi transforms into an immense armored terror capable of plowing through buildings, etc


Crackdown will support a dedicated multiplayer arena. Details to be released at X05. Co-op (over LIVE dancing ), however, has been confirmed. You can play the entire game co-op or have a friend jump in and out whenever you want - i.e. a friend can leave his/her game to throw you up to the top of a building and then go back.

There are no restrictions on co-op, so you don't have to stick together - you can just roam around doing missions individually if you like. The developers expect some emergent gameplay from the combination of skills. You could blow a hole in a building and then get into a car. Your friend could then pick up the car and hurl you into the building, to get a vehicle into a heavily protected area.

Crackdown will also have tons of achievements for gamercards adn will also have "community goals" for the entire community - I guess. This is to enhance the feeling of being part of the "Agency" all working toward the same goals. The game will pass messages in real time, so if a friend falls 1,744 feet to his death, you can take that as a challenge (just to add to replayability).

These messages can be read on billboards via a special view mode called "Agency Vision". These messages will serve as benchmarks to encourage players to compete against each other - sort of like trying to beat your friends lap times in a racer.

They also have an innovative use of the friends list. There is an agency ability called "Absorbtion". Your agent can absorb the experience of any other agent on file - but for only 30 seconds. So, friends can pass agent files back and forth and absorb a wildly different skill set to try a new approach to a situation.

This isn't limited to just your friends list, though. You can also do the same with save files on your 360. This allows you to build a "vault" of differnt agents during different play throughs and use them when you see fit.

This ability will also spill over into the multipalyer aspect, but it's not revealed how that will play out.

Downloadable content, like new skills and new gang compounds (basically extra "levels") are expected.


Any game that gives me as many different ways to complete a mission as my imagination can come up with (much like mercenaries) is on my radar.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
newsguy said:
Any game that gives me as many different ways to complete a mission as my imagination can come up with (much like mercenaries) is on my radar.

What he said... seems Matrix'y... I'll take it.

Is this X360 exclusive? It sounds like it could be cool for sandboxing, but I can only afford one next-gen console and it's going to be the PS3.

It definately sounds like a fun concept. San Andreas map + superpowers


realtime worlds=former GTA devs

Yep, RTW was founded by Dave Jones & the core programmers, designers & the producer from the first two GTA games. They also employ (last time I heard) the physics programmer behind GTA3.


The game goes wtih a comic book visual style with light cel-shading. The developers claim that since games of this nature can't achieve the same visual quality as other titles, it's important to keep them visually appealing and distinctive.

Sounds like pre-emptive damage control for a shitty, technically unimpressive engine.

However, I am rather curious to see next-gen cel-shading.


Well this backs up my feelings that the most important games of next generation are once again not going to be well established franchises.


---- said:
Well this backs up my feelings that the most important games of next generation are once again not going to be well established franchises.

This is already one of the most important games of next-gen? :lol

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
---- said:
Well this backs up my feelings that the most important games of next generation are once again not going to be well established franchises.

That is generally the case

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Amir0x said:
This is already one of the most important games of next-gen? :lol

In the 16 bit era, Street Fighter, Sonic, NBA Jam and others broke out to become the catalysts of the era

In the 32/64 bit era, Tekken, Goldeneye, and Gran Turismo were the rage. Final Fantasy, MGS, Zelda, and Mario all had their apex as far as game sales in this era

In this generation. Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Need for Speed with a surge of popularity and The Sims define this generation.

That is a rough outline of games I mentioned, but that is generally the cycle these follow


Agent Icebeezy said:
In the 16 bit era, Street Fighter, Sonic, NBA Jam and others broke out to become the catalysts of the era

In the 32/64 bit era, Tekken, Goldeneye, and Gran Turismo were the rage. Final Fantasy, MGS, Zelda, and Mario all had their apex as far as game sales in this era

In this generation. Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Need for Speed with a surge of popularity and The Sims define this generation.

That is a rough outline of games I mentioned, but that is generally the cycle these follow

Nobody is arguing whether or not important franchises switch over. Although just to take slight issue with your examples, Gran Turismo and Metal Gear Solid games still sell astonishingly well. GT is one of the top selling games this gen again, and so is MGS2 (MGS3 featured a moderate sales decline, but still sold > 3 million).

I just find it hilarious to proclaim X game is going to be the next big important franchise without taking into account a billion variables. Like, will Crackdown get a PDZ-esque push? PDZ has a better chance at being the "next important franchise" than Crackdown as this point.


Amir0x said:
This is already one of the most important games of next-gen? :lol
Not already, but it could be. Look at the screens, read the gameplay features, and look who is making the game. I'm wiling to bet Crackdown is going to quickly become one of the most anticipated games on Xbox 360. This game has huge potential to be one of the best selling games of 2006.

PGR3 screens look amazing as well. Call of Duty 2 looks pretty good and Prey looks incredible. Who said the Doom 3 engine didn't have any life left in it? Looks like a great issue of GI magazine.


---- said:
Not already, but it could be. Look at the screens, read the gameplay features, and look who is making the game. I'm wiling to bet Crackdown is going to quickly become one of the most anticipated games on Xbox 360. This game has huge potential to be one of the best selling games of 2006.

Screens for Crackdown look amazingly mediocre. But putting visuals aside - as GTA proves it doesn't really matter - it's gonna take a lot more than just David Jones and his crew of 75 to make another hit. It's gonna need super marketing support by Microsoft, the right market conditions as well as a host of other factors. I hope the best for it, though, I like the concept a lot.


---- said:
I'm sure you do. :)

Mediocre. :lol

Yes, mediocre. Which is exactly how it looks, visually. I think this past week has vindicated most people for their expectations, as game after game continued to stun. I won't settle for less.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Amirox, I agree. MGS sold well. 3 million is nothing to sneeze at. However, it sold 8 mill on the PS1, so some decline is there. Mario Kart 64 sold like 12 mill, I don't even think it as done 25% of that on the GC. You can't proclaim a franchise like that. Even this generation's best selling franchise started out inconspicous. I bought the first GTA the day it came out. The fanfare wasn't really that big. My wife was like, this game looks stupid. A week later, I come home from work to see her shooting up Liberty City, because of the immense hype it got. You can't ordain anything. Same with Halo, it's future looked even more dire at one point. You never know where it'll come from, the next blockbuster that is.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Amirox, I agree. MGS sold well. 3 million is nothing to sneeze at. However, it sold 8 mill on the PS1, so some decline is there. Mario Kart 64 sold like 12 mill, I don't even think it as done 25% of that on the GC. You can't proclaim a franchise like that. Even this generation's best selling franchise started out inconspicous. I bought the first GTA the day it came out. The fanfare wasn't really that big. My wife was like, this game looks stupid. A week later, I come home from work to see her shooting up Liberty City, because of the immense hype it got. You can't ordain anything. Same with Halo, it's future looked even more dire at one point. You never know where it'll come from, the next blockbuster that is.

We're both agreeing, I'm just saying that MGS and GT weren't the best examples because they're still so huge that they're in the top 25 this gen. MGS2 sold more than 2 million in the US alone, and especially in the case of GT... it's 5th best selling game this gen.
Crackdown looks very good considering it takes place in a huge cityscape environment. I mean jesus, next gen games that take place in such large, open environments aren't going to look like Gears of War or MGS4 for fuck's sake.


Optimistic said:
Crackdown looks very good considering it takes place in a huge cityscape environment. I mean jesus, next gen games that take place in such large, open environments aren't going to look like Gears of War or MGS4 for fuck's sake.

Naturally, but I think there's much, much room for improvements in these first crops of open-ended environ games.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
wow, i hadn't heard of this but this goes right up there with the most wanted xbox360 games. looks great and the gameplay sounds like lots of fun
I can't find any information about this game online, or about the company for that matter. This must be really flying under the radar.


orbital123 said:
I can't find any information about this game online, or about the company for that matter. This must be really flying under the radar.


You couldn't find information about this company even though it's literally the first hit that comes up when you type "Realtime Worlds" into Google? And even though that's followed by about 50 articles detailing the deal between them and Microsoft?

But in case your need your hand held, go here.


orbital123 said:
I was more interested in game information. Corporate info doesn't interest me.

Well you said you couldn't find information about "the company for that matter." Additionally, since I assume GI has the world exclusive on this title... I don't think much other news would be out for it. If Microsoft is planning to push this title hard, it would not be showing yet. It's too early.
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