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Crazy bitches - your experiences?

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So basically this is Girl-Age, but without the whole "please help me GAF how do i talk to her" aspect. Instead we're talking about absolute batshit crazy girls (or guys) you've come across or been with. Here's mine. It's a bit of a read but you can only truly appreciate it if you read the whole thing.

I went to this party with people from work. One of those was this girl who I always thought was real attractive, but I barely knew her. She was at the party and started talking to me, telling me how she wanted to talk to me for ages and kiss me. Yeah, well as you would imagine I wasn't talking for much longer. But I will say that I soon realised how much of an airhead she is. And I'm not talking about a little dumb. She could barely string words together. And most of the time when you talk to her, you just know she's not comprehending what you're saying. She has the attention span of a three year old. I sound like I'm being harsh but until you've seen it for yourself, you have no idea. But she's hot, so being a party and all I didn't think twice about kissing her. Who would?

Anyway she becomes real attached to me and starts messaging me every day, no joke. Not wanting to be a jerk, I replied. We talked a bit at work and it was fine but boy, a wooden chair would have more personality. In fact I started finding her less and less attractive as each day passed, and I wasn't giving her any signals that I wanted something with her either. I just didn't want to ignore her because I'm not that kind of guy. Which brings me to a 21st party we both attended.

Basically within the first 10 minutes she was all over me. She grabs my hand and takes me to an empty corridor to make out. Since I just got to the party and wanted to catch up with work mates I hadn't seen in ages (I've been at college), I told her maybe later. 30 minutes later she tells me she's sick and I take her outside for some fresh air. Next thing you know, she's spewing everywhere. Then she proceeds to fall asleep on top of me.

Let's just say that if a girl covered in spew falls asleep on top of you, it's the biggest turn-off you could imagine. And I wasn't even turned on to begin with. But, hey, I did the right thing. I looked after her all night, called her parents up to take her home, and checked up on her throughout the night to make sure she was ok.

Forgive me then for not wanting to talk to her for a little while. Besides, I had tons of homework to do, but I still replied to some of her msgs, telling her that she doesn't have to apologise and that I just hope she's ok. No joke, the fact that I didn't reply to some of her msgs caused her to get pissed off at me, telling me that I'm too complicated and a total jerk. She then gets her friends to message me and tell me the same thing. I'm not kidding.

But that's nothing compared to what happened later.

The other night she messaged me telling me, plain and simple, "I want to fuck you".Yeah. I told her I had work (which was actually true, but I wouldn't do it anyway). This really annoys her and she tells me the next day that she kissed someone else. I said that's fine. The following day she tells me she has a boyfriend. At this stage I am so sick of her that I msg back saying "Great, now you can stop annoying me".

That little tiny message unleashed the beast.

"More like you won't annoy me...I'm glad i'm finally done with you."

I didn't reply. This pisses her off even more. Twenty minutes later she messages me again.

"Wow, you went too far! Your a fuckhead! Delete my number i never want to talk to you again you jerk! Bye loser."

But that wasn't the end of it. She then proceeds to get her friends to message me. And not just one or two of them. Shitloads of them. Here's just a few examples:

"You're a cockhead buddy."
"How gay can you possibly be?"
"You're a c***! She is better than you! And she can do better than you!"
"You just took things too far! You're a jerk and you only have YOURSELF to blame! It's your own fault you can't have her!"
"You are a f**got."
"Yeah you're a total jerk."
"You prick! Such a jerk!"
"You're a massive loser! Grow up!"
"Hope you don't cry too much tonight now that you can't have her! Oh wait, yes I do you jerk!"

I'm just sitting here laughing.

What are your stories GAF?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
so you fucked her that first night?

... and yes I did read the whole thing...


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
ok, then she has no reason to act like this. You did well in ignoring her rants.
Yeah, the messaging part is fucking annoying. This girl keeps messaging me every fucking day with almost the same questions, "How was your day?" "What are you up to?"

Fucking annoying bitch


Crazy bastard story: Went on one date: one. So I sign on to IM a week later avoiding him, and he's like "where were you, are we going out again, please please" I'm like, "well you know what you're a nice guy but...no" He goes "Not this again, why does always happen to me? You're a joke, I hate you. You're probably a lesbian. I think I'm going to slit my wrist"

Didn't sign in for 2 years....


Junior Member


I should stay out of this thread. The last thing I should do is regale people with stories of the craziest girl I've ever met. :lol
i have a crazy guy story... a guy i met on facebook (yeah.......) wanted to suck my dick but i totally said no... he lived on the other side of town/didn't have a car (he said he would take a cab to my place and this seemed fucking desperate to me)/and he was kinda ugly... so i just turned him down.

he then started texting me and phoning me with blocked calls everyday for a couple weeks (my phone number was on facebook :(.. now removed)... i never answered the phone or responded to the texts... but he'd keep sending them... and then messaging me and e-mailing things like "tonight?" "how's this weekend?" "i want you to fuck my mouth" "let's fuck"

he seems to have disappeared now though... but it feels so good when you don't get with someone and then you find out minutes later they're completely fucked in the head...

needless to say... i'm never meeting strange men on social networking sites ever.

EDIT @ OP: you fucked up when you replied... that shit is a trap and only gives them hope


Took this girl I was talking to at the time to see Transformers with me. Basically, beforehand I told her the reason I was seeing it was because, A) it had big ass robots blowing crap up and B) it had hot ass Megan Fox in it. Yup, well, shouldn't have told her B since she started crying( at random times) during the movie when Megan Fox was on the screen. She basically said afterward she thought I liked the movie more because of Megan Fox and she felt jealous because she didn't think she could match up to her. Then of course she always wanted me to call her almost every hour when we weren't hanging out to "keep in touch". Then, on top of all that, she wanted to wait till she was married to have sex(not THAT bad) or to even fool around(that crossed the line). Yeah, yeah...

needless to say I bailed out of that one


_Alkaline_ said:
You know you want to.
Here's a quick snippet.

This specific girl and I went through a nasty break-up. For a while I wanted to get back together and would call her etc. Well, after I came to my senses and moved on she got upset and still wanted the attention. She went to her sister's boyfriend (oh, her sister was married at the time and still is) who believes in Santería. Supposedly he prepared some kind of mixture/concoction to get me to go back to her. She came to my house one night after 2am and was spreading the crap on my lawn while everyone was sleeping (I believe it was a liquid, I'm not sure).

I found out later when some dude who was seeing her started figuring out how crazy she was and wanted to talk to me since I had 'experience' with that lunatic. :lol


Lebron said:
Took this girl I was talking to at the time to see Transformers with me. Basically, beforehand I told her the reason I was seeing it was because, A) it had big ass robots blowing crap up and B) it had hot ass Megan Fox in it. Yup, well, shouldn't have told her B since she started crying( at random times) during the movie when Megan Fox was on the screen. She basically said afterward she thought I liked the movie more because of Megan Fox and she felt jealous because she didn't think she could match up to her. Then of course she always wanted me to call her almost every hour when we weren't hanging out to "keep in touch". Then, on top of all that, she wanted to wait till she was married to have sex(not THAT bad) or to even fool around(that crossed the line). Yeah, yeah...

needless to say I bailed out of that one
unless the sex was awesome i would have left during transformers

actually i would have left transformers regardless, it was terribad
Blueblur1 said:
Here's a quick snippet.

This specific girl and I went through a nasty break-up. For a while I wanted to get back together and would call her etc. Well, after I came to my senses and moved on she got upset and still wanted the attention. She went to her sister's boyfriend (oh, her sister was married at the time and still is) who believes in Santería. Supposedly he prepared some kind of mixture/concoction to get me to go back to her. She came to my house one night after 2am and was spreading the crap on my lawn while everyone was sleeping (I believe it was a liquid, I'm not sure).

I found out later when some dude who was seeing her started figuring out how crazy she was and wanted to talk to me since I had 'experience' with that lunatic. :lol

That's fantastic. :lol


i once had a gf who took my virginity... kind of... i went limp for nearly the entire night and didnt even orgasm. i had a condom on the entire time too, becuz at one point i was hard then went limp. She continues to pester me for weeks about how she is 100% sure she's pregnant. Says she not pms-ing yet and that i should be ready to have a child. Now, im not saying this was like a 5 minute conversation. I'm saying this was the dominance over ANY conversation her and i had together. She started calling my child <insert name here> Jr. ... ok that's when i started to get creeped out... i dumped her and called it quits. Finally she begins her period and she says sorry and begs to get back together. Truth being, this bitch was insane aside from this situation. She would always say how taiwan and Tibet needed to be bombed for not going back to china and for ripping their country off of tons of money and/or killing innocent people. crazy shit..


I was kinda annoyed at my gf for various reasons, but my friend told me to go talk to her and make things better. I went over and a had an incredibly awkward conversation, which didn't solve anything. Then the same friend asked me for something, and when I went back to talk to my girlfriend said as a joke, clearly not being serious, 'Bros before Hos Dave!'. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but apparently my girlfriend heard and really didn't get the joke. That night she sent me a private facebook message saying 'why don't your friends let you live your own life?' and then when I asked her what she was talking about, 'I know they hate me'. All of my friends loved her for some reason... Apparently the bros before hos comment actually made her cry, and now my friend feels bad.

Then there was another of my friends, who is one of those guys who's mean to people as a joke a lot, she overheard him say ' I don't speak to gingers' to someone else and thought he was serious, then went up to him at a party and said they got off on the wrong foot and should start afresh, despite never having talked. Bascally she was incredibly weird with my friends, and seemed to expect me to stop seeing them and hang with her friends. Felt like a weight lifting when we broke up.

Oh, and she was obbesessed with beards. Not only did she want me to get one, she expressed a desire to have one herself. Weird.

She still texts me random crap about her day.


Trucker Sexologist
Raiden said:
So, a hot girl told you she wanted to fuck you, and you ignored it. All the rest is detail.
Sometimes it is for the best. I've had crazy stalkers before.

I was once involved with a woman who was apparently in some weird religious group / cult. She called to invite me over to her hotel one night when she was in town visiting. We were watching tv and I was about to get the real show started when I heard a knock at the door. Turns out she had already invited her mom, aunt, and sister over to help her avoid any "temptations." To say it was awkward would be an understatement. Needless to say, I did not get laid.


SapientWolf said:
Sometimes it is for the best. I've had crazy stalkers before.

I was once involved with a woman who was apparently in some weird religious group / cult. She called to invite me over to her hotel one night when she was in town visiting. We were watching tv and I was about to get the real show started when I heard a knock at the door. Turns out she had already invited her mom, aunt, and sister over to help her avoid any "temptations." To say it was awkward would be an understatement. Needless to say, I did not get laid.

Yeah goddamn Mormons ruinin' the sexy vibes. Always.


you can't put a price on sparks
yeahhhhhh i have a crazy bitch story....but i really dont want to remember the details. let it be known that she was fucking crazy and to never ever ever talk to anyone on myspace that you didnt already meet in real life beforehand. online or on the phone.


user-friendly man-cashews
Can't you get a restraining order or something with the police to fuck with her for the messaging? :lol

Dead Man

Back in the day, many moons ago, when I was getting some of my first sex, there was a crazy bitch named... xxxxx. Anyway, I went to her place, turned out she had a kid, that was okay, kid was in bed in another room, so we started to have the sex. She was nibbling a bit, I thought it was fine, she starts making the cumming noises and then proceeds to bite my chest. It hurt, so I looked down, and the bitch had bitten a piece of my chest off and had it in her mouth! I have never lost a hard on faster than right then. Threw the bitch off got my shit, and left. Still got a small scar, 16 years later.
idahoblue said:
Back in the day, many moons ago, when I was getting some of my first sex, there was a crazy bitch named... xxxxx. Anyway, I went to her place, turned out she had a kid, that was okay, kid was in bed in another room, so we started to have the sex. She was nibbling a bit, I thought it was fine, she starts making the cumming noises and then proceeds to bite my chest. It hurt, so I looked down, and the bitch had bitten a piece of my chest off and had it in her mouth! I have never lost a hard on faster than right then. Threw the bitch off got my shit, and left. Still got a small scar, 16 years later.

Aren't you ever grateful you didn't let her suck your penis?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
OP, send clearer signals that you're not interested. For example, "I'm not interested."
dude, lissen to this:

I meet a girl, she comes over for a weekend, we have great sex and I please here in anyway possible then we dont see eachother again.

1 month passes, she calls me telling me she is pregnant but she will handle it and do an abortion.... I never ever came inside of her but who knows she could just have lied to get me back.

7 months later I move back to sweden, this woman calls me telling me she wants to meet now that I am back in her country, I tell her aiit, lets do that, she brings a friend over and this friend has been told by this woman that I am nice and good looking and could be something for her friend.....

I just thank this woman as its always nice to have chicks give other chicks to me, anyway they come by drunk as hell.. they had been at a afterwork thing... anyway they sit here talking jibberish and making my head hurt, I just want them to leave, sooo during a conversation I mention that me and this woman have had a fling together a long time ago,, her friend looks at her like wtf you never told me that and you and me are suppose to be best friends, Now I cant do shit with this guy!!

Im sitter there like wtf, she never told her??

anyway they argue and then I go to my bedroom to get something and this woman that I have had sex with comes in, telling me her friend is stupid and shit, Im like okey whatever, and then she tells me, lets send my friend home and I stay, Im like nooo way you both got to go, that was it!!! she flips on my ass and start yelling and saying you aint all that, you live in a fancy flat and all but you aint all that!!

her friend hear her scream at me and I tell them both to leave asap, they walk to the door, put on their shoes and as her friend is about to say goodbye to me she comes up like she wants to hug and say bye and she quickly aims for my dick hahaha trying to hit it, Im pushing her away and tells her wtf is wrong with you biatch!!

I then see her friend " the one that I had sex with" yelling at her to stop hitting and that its wrong.

I push them outside the door and before I close I tell them that they are stupid as whores that will only be used by othermen for sexual pleasure and then discarged of!


slams the door shut and lock it, I then go back to playing Killzone 2

I guess some girls just cant handle being REJECTED!


idahoblue said:
Back in the day, many moons ago, when I was getting some of my first sex, there was a crazy bitch named... xxxxx. Anyway, I went to her place, turned out she had a kid, that was okay, kid was in bed in another room, so we started to have the sex. She was nibbling a bit, I thought it was fine, she starts making the cumming noises and then proceeds to bite my chest. It hurt, so I looked down, and the bitch had bitten a piece of my chest off and had it in her mouth! I have never lost a hard on faster than right then. Threw the bitch off got my shit, and left. Still got a small scar, 16 years later.

Did it ever occur to you the child wasn't hers? Maybe she just wanted to eat it for dessert?


Didn't read the whole thing but think I got a flavour of it. The best thing to do with messages that are obviously looking for a reaction is to ignore them. That'll let the psycho know a) they don't have anything over you and b) it makes them madder. Done and done.


idahoblue said:
Back in the day, many moons ago, when I was getting some of my first sex, there was a crazy bitch named... xxxxx. Anyway, I went to her place, turned out she had a kid, that was okay, kid was in bed in another room, so we started to have the sex. She was nibbling a bit, I thought it was fine, she starts making the cumming noises and then proceeds to bite my chest. It hurt, so I looked down, and the bitch had bitten a piece of my chest off and had it in her mouth! I have never lost a hard on faster than right then. Threw the bitch off got my shit, and left. Still got a small scar, 16 years later.

Had a girl do something similar, though yours is worse. Dragged her three middle fingers across my stomach and left Wolverine-style clawmarks. Yeah, that was the end of that.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Dated a chick who decided that she was going to do every drug known to man and call/IM me constantly. About 6 years pass, she contacts me on Myspace. I"m just like "Hey, long time." ... she starts talking gibberish again. The way I bailed? Told her that I was running off to join a religious cult. Haven't heard from her since. Good times.


So I recently had a one night stand with this girl I met a party. I was pretty drunk but I knew what was going on the whole time. I knew that she was easy and I wasn't even making an approach at her but she was all over me. We chatted at the party and nothing really happened until she drove me back to my buddies place. She then proceeded to molest me. We made out, got touchy, etc. I wasn't planning on taking it more than that but she started taking my clothes off and I just went with it. Finally we're both stripped down and she asks me if she can put it in. I tell her no but the problem is that shes on top me and apparently wasn't going to accept my anwser. So she throws her weight on me and puts it inside her. Now I'm drunk and its been a while so I figured its already in so what the hell. We go at and shes just over the top into. Asks me if she can eat man goo. I give her what she wants.

Anyway I wake up next to her in the morning and shes of course laying on my arm so I can't sneak away. I pull a kiss on the face pull away hand maneuver but it fails. She wakes up and begs me for another round. I tell her that I really have to go. I leave.

Minutes after I'm gone shes already texting me "I miss you" etc.
I feel bad about leaving and kind of using her so I go with the flow and keep talking to her. By the end of the day she is convinced that she loves me and that this is going to be something really serious. She already talks about us having kids and her moving into my apartment. I nicely tell her that we just met and that she shouldn't read into things too much but she goes bat shit crazy. She freaks out but I manage to calm her down. She apologizes but claims she did it because shes just so in love with me and doesn't want to loose me. That gets settle. Next day comes on and shes calling me every 2 hours to chat and texting me non stop. I can't get rid of this girl. I stop talking to her completely and a few hours later she shows up my apartment which is 2 hours away. My asshole friend gave her my address.I play along and let her come in to be nice. She attempts to molest me again and succeeds (I'm such a sucker).

OK, now this was all 3 weeks ago now and she is still calling me and texting me every day. I would say I respond to 5% of her text messages and none of her calls. I just feel guilty but this girl is crazy. I finally tell her that she needs to stop trying to contact me. Of course she is just enraged and attempts to spread rumors about me, claiming I raped her and took advantage of her. This is where this story is currently at :( I can't get away from this girl. Worse part is I actually have a love interest and she is most likely going to blow it for me.

Holy shit, that was too long.


After I broke up with my girlfriend, I met up with this chick and we started talking a lot on messenger, cell phone etc.

I thought of her as just a friend, speaking about regular stuff and all. But like 2 weeks in she goes a little crazy, she first asked for porn since we don't get much of that where I'm living. So I'm like "cool here you go".

Didn't see her for like a week. After that I found her logged in MSN and started talking for a while, than she starts talking about sex and how shes a virgin and all. She starts talking about how much she wants me and couldn't stop talking about how much she wants to suck my dick.

Tells me shes Bi-Sexual and wants lesbian porn, I said no I can't now and she threw a fit. I got back with my girlfriend now and when she heard of us getting back together, she tried convincing me to have a threesome, I was like fuck no, bitch got real pissed off and started talking shit, got all her friends to annoy me on messenger and shit. Saying she had a boyfriend, I replied saying "who your finger?". and the hate mail got worse and still hasn't stopped.

Oh and the reason I didn't want a threesome is since my gf isn't a fan of lesbian sex, I didn't want to ruin our relationship since we just got back together.


strange_booj said:
So I recently had a one night stand with this girl I met a party. I was pretty drunk but I knew what was going on the whole time. I knew that she was easy and I wasn't even making an approach at her but she was all over me. We chatted at the party and nothing really happened until she drove me back to my buddies place. She then proceeded to molest me. We made out, got touchy, etc. I wasn't planning on taking it more than that but she started taking my clothes off and I just went with it. Finally we're both stripped down and she asks me if she can put it in. I tell her no but the problem is that shes on top me and apparently wasn't going to accept my anwser. So she throws her weight on me and puts it inside her. Now I'm drunk and its been a while so I figured its already in so what the hell. We go at and shes just over the top into. Asks me if she can eat man goo. I give her what she wants.

Anyway I wake up next to her in the morning and shes of course laying on my arm so I can't sneak away. I pull a kiss on the face pull away hand maneuver but it fails. She wakes up and begs me for another round. I tell her that I really have to go. I leave.

Minutes after I'm gone shes already texting me "I miss you" etc.
I feel bad about leaving and kind of using her so I go with the flow and keep talking to her. By the end of the day she is convinced that she loves me and that this is going to be something really serious. She already talks about us having kids and her moving into my apartment. I nicely tell her that we just met and that she shouldn't read into things too much but she goes bat shit crazy. She freaks out but I manage to calm her down. She apologizes but claims she did it because shes just so in love with me and doesn't want to loose me. That gets settle. Next day comes on and shes calling me every 2 hours to chat and texting me non stop. I can't get rid of this girl. I stop talking to her completely and a few hours later she shows up my apartment which is 2 hours away. My asshole friend gave her my address.I play along and let her come in to be nice. She attempts to molest me again and succeeds (I'm such a sucker).

OK, now this was all 3 weeks ago now and she is still calling me and texting me every day. I would say I respond to 5% of her text messages and none of her calls. I just feel guilty but this girl is crazy. I finally tell her that she needs to stop trying to contact me. Of course she is just enraged and attempts to spread rumors about me, claiming I raped her and took advantage of her. This is where this story is currently at :( I can't get away from this girl. Worse part is I actually have a love interest and she is most likely going to blow it for me.

Holy shit, that was too long.

Have you tried talking to her alone?

Just talk to her and explain your situation, that these things happen and that she will find a guy for her in the future, but hes not you.

Believe me its a lot better than simply ignoring her.

Oh, and molested :lol
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