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Critically acclaimed games that just do not click for you?


l'll go with Dark Souls too. l never felt the sort of quasi mystic experience some players seem to have with the games. l generally enjoy slower paced, exploration heavy games but l feel like DS goes too far and ends being a tedious test of patience more than anything else.

Also, and that might be even considered more outrageous, l can admit the gameplay is solid and well balanced even if it's not my thing but there's two things l absolutely hate with the series: the art direction and overall tone. l find the artstyle extremely derivative, once you've seen one DS environment you've seen them all, and l find the tryhard dark fantasy atmosphere more laughable than awe inspiring.


Dull world design

If you actually played more than 2 hours you would see beautiful and interesting areas, like this for example. Judging a whole game just because the first area is "dull" is stupid.

no music outside of boss fights

Wrong. Some areas outside of boss fights have music. Music is used sparingly so when you fight a boss it's more meaningful and impactful.

intentionally garbage menus

In the first Dark Souls, sort of, does not apply to "the entire Souls series".

obtuse gameplay mechanics just for the sake of seeming "hardcore" and to be honest, not even particularly difficult.

Obtuse gameplay mechanics like what? If it's not that difficult then you should be able to beat the games no problem.

If you die it's either your own fault for not being cautious enough

This applies to 99% of games.

or because the developers believe putting traps in blind spots is incredibly clever (word to the wise, it's a shitty artificial method of making something seem difficult, on par with blind death pits in 2D platformers).

Well you see, there's this thing on the controller called the right stick, if you use this to turn the camera and look for traps, in conjunction with paying attention to your surroundings, and not rushing through everything, you'll live and make progress in the game. :O

I gave both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls a fair chance for a few hours

Playing a game for a "few hours" isn't giving it a fair chance.

died like once or twice in the former and not at all in the latter



All of Naughty Dog's games. Most of Platinum's games as well.

I kinda want to say Dark Souls, but it's more that I'm just a pansy and they have some pretty scary enemies and shit. It's too stressful every time I try to play those. I'd be all over a cyberpunk RPG or something by From.
Shadows of the Colossus (PS3). I wanted to like it but the control just felt broken to me, especially jumping. And it all felt depressing.
The Souls series fo' sho.

The games look awesome with super interesting enemies but...every...single...time I try to watch a Twitch stream of someone playing to get the juices flowing I just can't get into it. It's just what feels like half an hour of pouring over menus with rows and rows of crap like this.


And my eyes just glaze over and I lose interest. Since they're such difficult games I'm assuming these menus are paramount to surviving (or dying less?) but I just can't. To this day I have yet to see anyone on Twitch fight one of those amazing bosses because most of it is just them dying over and over in the same spot or tweaking shit in those menus. I just get bored to death immediately.


The Assassins creed series for sure. I just don't get how people think any of them are good games. They sometimes look visually interesting, but that's about it. The gameplay is monotonous and slow; they even managed to remove the fun out of parkour.


Uncharted 3 - garbage sponge-enemy waves, frustrating and kinda "been there, done that"

Zelda OoT 3DS - must have bought and tried this like three times. That people can finish this without a guide/walkthrough amazes me still. I for one couldn't and therefore didn't.

Yakuza 5 - this is a weird one. Love three and four, couldn't finish this one.

Naruto UNS series - I finished the first two and they never clicked. I just button-mashed most of the time. The overworld/openworld is bad on its own, but coming off playing Rise of a Ninja/Broken Bonds they become laughably bad.

Assassin's Creed 3 - that time period wasn't fit for that gameplay-template, at least not without major changes. Climbing houses when they're 30 feet apart from eachother was pointless.

Guild Wars 2 - my last MMO. Was hyped into buying this day one, still don't know how or why.

Darksiders 2 - the dungeons and puzzling in this one made me dizzy. Loved the first one.

Bioshock 1/Infinite - finished both eventhough i didn't really enjoy any of it. I was weird like that a few years ago.

Fallout 3 - loved Oblivion, think I played this for five hours tops.

Any RTS apart from StarCraft 2 - they weren't StarCraft 2, so I didn't bother.
Fallout 4. What a huge disappointment and horribly drawn and performing game. It feels like just a bunch of guys coded it with complete indifference.


I focused on games that I understand are "good" but I just don't like (read: get), as it seems some people are just using this topic as a forum on which to shit on things they don't like.

Batman: Arkham series: An open world Batman game was a bit of a dream of mine but I just hate the aesthetic and I don't find the combat that interesting.
Undertale: Again, didn't like the art, the humor nor did I think it was as subversive as everyone else did. It's something I'd like to "get" though and will try to finish it someday.
Destiny, Borderlands, Guild Wars, every Ubisoft game ever made: Anything that's too slick and revolves around acquisition or checking off points on a map I just can't get into at this point in my life. I just don't care about loot, or a sense of accomplishment that doesn't correlate to the amount of effort or skill on display. I really wish I could get into stuff like Assassin's Creed IV or Far Cry 4, because I recognize them as good games, love the theme and I really like big, open worlds to explore (Skyrim is a favorite of mine despite it being a poor game in a lot of areas) but there's too much that ruins the immersion for me.
Divinity: Original Sin: The boyfriend and I bought this and wanted to co-op through the entire thing but it was just so cheeseball that we couldn't do it. Want to check out the new version.
Trials series: This is exactly the type of crazy difficult, repetitive score attack arcade game that I typically obsess over but I just hate the aesthetic.
Modern Pokémon: I just prefer the simplicity of the older games. Feel as if they've lost a lot of the charm.
I just can't get into Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborn. The controls are too fake. These games use a movement system that is radially defined from a central point which you can rotate the character around while simultaneously looking forwards. It just is too arcade-like and floaty. Adding physics to the game, and adding other things such as mass, acceleration, etc - these things make the game more realistic, but also fun at the same time. It seems like games like Witcher 3 altered the movement system (optionally via patch) to be more like the Dark Souls series. Why can't the Japanese dev's add a patch to make the movement more like the Witcher 3? On a similar note, it would be sweet if more devs partnered up with Euphoria physics to create a more natural and fun motion system, but these things cost time and money. Can you imagine a Dark Souls where movement is based on the real-time simulation of biomechanics?


Definitely anything Bethesda for me. I can't really pinpoint what it is... it might just be the anxiety I get knowing there is so much content and options at my disposal that I get that weird overwhelmed gaming paralysis. Without mods, I also find them to be some of the ugliest games out there, which I know sounds superficial, but it is what it is. Perhaps one day a game from them will hook me. I've tried... FO3, Skyrim, FO4... they do nothing for me.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Witcher 3.

World is gorgeous. Story is engaging.

Controls are sloppy fucking garbage. Yes, I've tried it after the patch, and no, it still doesn't help.

It just doesn't grip me for some reason.
I just don't get why it's so big. Played CE on PC, got bored shortly after landing on the ring. Played Halo 3 shortly after release to see if it was better... it was, but not by much... forced myself through the campaign just for the achievements, the MP was no better.
Although the levels, skybox and such were brilliant.

Edit: Maybe those games feel too slow for me, I think games like RTCW MP spoiled me on that.


Red Dead Redemption is the big one that comes to mind.

Found the campaign was ok but the MP seemed really dead/boring/repetitive
Platinum games and Monster Hunter series, but character action games and hunting never actually clicked for me. So it's a bit unfair to them.

Best example I can think of is GTA V. I find the control to be cumbersome and the missions are borefests. I actually prefer Watch Dogs and Sleeping Dog.


Neo Member
Best example I can think of is GTA V. I find the control to be cumbersome and the missions are borefests. I actually prefer Watch Dogs and Sleeping Dog.

I agree with this, GTV does a great job on some missions of building up some real tension, but then ruins it when the next few missions are just wacky hi-jinks or filler.

Like when Trevor and Micheal reunite, the whole game has been building up to it, lets you know that's sparks are going to fly, then you get some wacky truck chase mission and the story goes ino stasis for like 20 missions of filler

Also became obvious that Rockstar have no interest in advancing the franchise outside of cut scenes and it's just a prettier version of GTA3.


There are a lot.

ICO. I didn't have much fun playing it and quit quite early.
Bioshock. The world idea sounded like a lot of fun but when I actually played it felt a bit bland for my taste.
Half-Life 2. Loved the first, but for some reason I quit 2 while walking around some buildings near the rooftops I think (which was right at the beginning of the game)
Most Final Fantasy games except for 9, 14 and tactics. Never enjoyed that series :/ I might get XV but already don't see myself finishing it.

There are probably quite a few more. I don't think any of those games are bad though, just not for me!


Metal Gear Solid franchise
The Last of Us
Bioshock 1
Uncharted franchise
Persona 4

I mean, they are good, but can't see them as the masterpieces they are claimed to be.
1-The Witcher 3. I found it soulless and plagued by one of the worst combat systems I have had to endure. I get why so many people enjoyed the adventure...but it is clearly not for me.

2- Zelda OoT : I disliked the color palette (Brown, green and...some more brown and green). The world is a vast but barren place. The puzzles are dumb and the story...well, it is a Zelda game, after all!


Batman: Arkham City.

I loved Arkham Asylum. Arkham City has a 96 (!) on Metacritic. I absolutely despise Arkham City. Asylum was such a tightly built experience; every nook and cranny of that space felt meaningful, and the mechanics felt fresh and fun. In City those mechanics lost their novelty quickly and the game world got so bloated and dull. It felt like the strengths of that series was rooted in the more claustrophobic Arkham Asylum and the mechanics were built for that kind of world and gameplay, and bringing them into a huge open world destroyed a lot of the appeal for me. I really tried, I wanted to like it because I liked the previous game so much, but nope. Ugh, I just get this queasy feeling whenever I think about it.

Arkham Knight is worse

that's my answer
Batman: Arkham City

I got it on PS3 digital for like $10 finally a few years ago, and the control scheme was just completely counter intuitive nonsense for me. Felt like I was controlling a mech instead of a character. One that kept switching conditional controls from navigating, to fighting, to investigation. I stopped after 2 or 3 hours and never went back. The super steroids, Stephen Platt-esque version of Batman was kind of off putting too.

I'd really like a remastered trilogy to try again someday. Maybe I could ease into it with Asylum in a more indoors environment, and then I'd be primed for the rest. I really want to enjoy these stories and this version of Batman, and get into Arkham Knight on PS4.


So I was looking at my Steam backlog, and I see Deus Ex: GOTY Edition there haunting me.


I have wanted to like this darn game so bad because it's cyberpunk, charmingly outdated, and has a killer score. However the gameplay just never does it for me for some reason. I have thought that it could be the keyboard interface asking to have a key for every different action, or maybe how the physics engine from 2000 hasn't aged well.

I may have attempted to play through this game for possibly 3 times already and it never hooks me and it's so frustrating to me.

How far did you get?

I tried to play Deus Ex like 5 or 6 times, installed, played the first level or so, and it never clicked.

Then, right before Human Revolution came out, I decided, given how highly my friend had always spoken of it, to really give it a shot. And on about the third level it finally started to come together.

The Statue Of Liberty is an awful introductory level, I think. It's a decent level, once you already know how to play the game, but the tutorial doesn't do a good job of giving you a feel for things.

Anyways, after then I ended up getting hooked and played through the entire game in a couple of days.


Junior Member
assasins creed, batman, shadows of mordor or any game that has that combat
mass effect, dragons age, bioware games except for kotor
world of warcraft. i tried 3 times. got characters up to 20s or so but i just never enjoyed it. ffxi was my first mmo so i think i just kept comparing it to ffxi which i loved.

edit: reading through this thread is weird. i cant understand how someone can say a game is ''not good'' or ''terrible'' but then also state they only played the game for ten minutes or a couple hours. that pretty much negates your opinion


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
Jak 3 to Uncharted 1 is literally a dropping from 10/10 to 2/10.
Resident Evil
Assassin's Creed
Deus Ex
League of Legends

I appreciate these games, but they don't appeal to me mostly for game mechanic reasons.
I've never found Crysis 2 to be anything but boring. The story is bare bones and un-engaging, and the game itself plays like any other fps out there.


I agree with this, GTV does a great job on some missions of building up some real tension, but then ruins it when the next few missions are just wacky hi-jinks or filler.

Like when Trevor and Micheal reunite, the whole game has been building up to it, lets you know that's sparks are going to fly, then you get some wacky truck chase mission and the story goes ino stasis for like 20 missions of filler

Also became obvious that Rockstar have no interest in advancing the franchise outside of cut scenes and it's just a prettier version of GTA3.

Oh, thank you, exactly my feelings. GTA by now should be an open-world gangster sim with according mechanics (San Andreas took a baby step into that direction with those territory wars) Sady, it's nothing but "get 6 stars and try to survive" + "wanabe clever gangster movie". Focus on cinematic presentation in games needs to die - such a waste of money and resources.


Games I didn't enjoy at all:

Grand Theft Auto series (with the exception of v, I got all of them in a cheap bundle, didn't care for them).

Borderlands 1 & 2 (no idea how I managed to beat 1 and almost 2 (looked it up - i stopped at what is literally the last quests of the game)

The World Ends with You - hated the mechanics/dual screen of the game (even if I ignored it for the most part). IIRC it also had one of those annoying things where I obliterated a boss in seconds followed by a scene where my characters acted liked it was the toughest fight ever and the boss acted like he didn't break a sweat. Hate things like that.

KOTOR/KOTOR 2: just tedious games. Battles felt too slow for me and I hated running everywhere.

Dragon Age Origins - just can't get into it despite even the cRPG fans on GAF enjoying it.

Games I enjoyed, but not to the degree that everyone loves:

Bethesda/Todd Howard "RPGs" - As long as I don't think of them like any other RPGs I play (certainly not like Fallout 1, 2, or NV) and more as simply walking simulators, I can tolerate them enough that I can beat all quests (with a guide), but that's about it. I feel no desire to explore the world (I use a guide so I know exactly where to go so I can move on).

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Just beat Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl, now playing Call of Pripyat. I'm enjoying them, but they can be tedious at times (not just because of bugs even with patches, but dealing with degradation of weapons and armor/money to pay for it can get annoying, blowouts (in some games) and anomalies just get more tedious to avoid than serving to make a fun game imo.

Demon/Dark (only 1) Souls - nothing specially imo,

Persona 3/4 - just preferred 1 & 2 (didn't really like the dungeons or social links in 3 or 4 so it was hard to say I loved it, but I did beat both so something kept me playing).

Mass Effect 1 & 2 - liked them, but not enough to go out of my way to get 3.

Honestly most Bioware games seem to be either enjoyed it, but didn't love it or didn't enjoy at all. I don't think I really loved a Bioware game (not even BG series). There's probably more, but I can't think of them at the moment.

I've also beaten most of these games whether I liked them or not (the two KOTOR games and Borderlands 2 are the only ones I haven't beaten) because I always try to beat any game I play because I had leaving things unfinished.
The Rocksteady Batman games. I get why they're supposed to be fun and engaging but they're just not to me.

Viewtiful Joe. I love watching it. The fun ends there.

Bethesda games. Tried Morrowind. Tried Oblivion. Tried Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I give up.

Final Fanasy anything (yes, even 7 and 8). Awful, unfun.

Blizzard games. I enjoyed WoW for a few months and then I think I persevered to four 60s/70s/80s out of force of habit. The rest really don't click with me as a genre but I don't hold that against them. Hearthstone too, card games aren't my thing and that's fine.

Metal Gear. I enjoy watching people play it but fucking hell the games do NOT click with me at all. Metal Gear Solid 5 was a 6/10.

Telltale "story" games. I loved San and Max. But holy fuck balls. I played Tales from the Borderlands and everyone raves about how great that first episode was. I literally watched 90% cutscenes with literally walking forward to trigger cutscenes. Should've removed the illusion of gameplay and made it an interactive story.

Bioware games aside from Mass Effect. KOTOR is awful. I tried it when it came out and couldn't find the fun despite loving Star Wars.


I kinda hated actually playing TLOU, it was just... annoying, and simply not fun to play, so I trudged through it because of the promise that it'd be an incredible story (and the intro was really fucking good)... And I thought it was boring. It didn't really do anything for me.

Might give the remake a try some day, however. I might have gone into it with the wrong expectations initially, so now that I know what to expect, I might like it more.

e: oh and Life is Strange lol. Hate it.


The entire God of War series.

People always say it's Sony's AAA level franchise, but to me it seems more Killzone-tier.


So you decided that one of the greatest games ever made has a dull world design after you played it for "a few hours"?

Get out.

If you arent at least a little interested in fantasy games Dark Souls will do nothing for you. Took a long time for me to warm up to the games because of the aesthetics (which thankfully get more bizzare as you go along)

Bloodborne on the other I jumped right into and love far more than any DS game because of the setting.
Dishonored. If you give me a stealth option in a game, I'm gonna use it completely and their stealth was not good. AI gets alerted to you in too many ways that make no sense at all outside of it's a game so it knows where you are. Maybe if they clean it up in the next one it'll grab me more.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Recently, Astebreed. Didnt like it at all


FF 7, it just doesnt click to me.
As a child, and recently, I gave it a fair chance but It is kind of boring imo, the combat system doesnt help much either.

On the other hand I enjoyed Ff VI much more.

Im not saying Its bad guys, It isnt for me


Monster Hunter.

Not because i think they are bad. It's because i feel i lost the opportunitty to get into them.
Much people say just play the last entry. But i feel that i'm losing something by not having played the old ones.


Unconfirmed Member
Monster Hunter.

Not because i think they are bad. It's because i feel i lost the opportunitty to get into them.
Much people say just play the last entry. But i feel that i'm losing something by not having played the old ones.
I know what you mean, but I only really got into it with MH4U too, only having played bits of the older games. You can most assuredly get into them now, it's just one of the weirdest genres to actually penetrate with zero experience, at least that's how it was for me. I basically just had to grind my teeth for around 20h and then I was hooked, lol.
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