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Daniel Day Lewis in talks to reunite with PTA for 1950s fashion drama.

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DDL destroys ear drums with his loud asshole broadway acting and only makes you come out of the threatre needing a hearing aide; like all the old white Oscar voters who can't hear shit except DDL so it's the only vote they cast.
This does explain why the Academy love actors who yell a lot. We on to something.
Day-Lewis is an amazing physical and vocal mimic, but he's overhyped (including by me, a few years ago, when I would've insisted There Will Be Blood was a top 5 classic) in that he tends toward scenery-chewing and rarely cores into the real inner essence of his characters. Of all the modern "put him in a costume and put him in a period piece" awards-season actors, he's undoubtedly one of the best, but in the pantheon he is not.
I don't mind scenery chewing which this guy is the best at. There's room for both these guys and the more subtle performances too

Pretty hyped for this. There Will be Blood was so good
He has the charisma of a sloth, as seen in your avatar.

Hugh Jackman has charisma. He can endear an audience, make them laugh, and feel all kinds of emotions on the big screen.

DDL destroys ear drums with his loud asshole broadway acting and only makes you come out of the threatre needing a hearing aide; like all the old white Oscar voters who can't hear shit except DDL so it's the only vote they cast.

Lol no.

Besides I remember him being pretty soft spoken as Lincoln


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I'm gonna say that this many period pieces in a row disappoints me. I was hoping he would do another present day palate cleanser after all the period stuff. Did I miss something where he said he hates doing those now?


He has the charisma of a sloth, as seen in your avatar.

Hugh Jackman has charisma. He can endear an audience, make them laugh, and feel all kinds of emotions on the big screen.

DDL destroys ear drums with his loud asshole broadway acting and only makes you come out of the threatre needing a hearing aide; like all the old white Oscar voters who can't hear shit except DDL so it's the only vote they cast.
Have you seen Lincoln? He is very soft there, hos performance is quite subtle, and he comes across as very likable.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I would love DDL to attempt a scifi movie but knowing him it would have to be something really impressive to jump aboard.
What was the fashion industry in the 50s?

It doesn't particularly strike me as an interesting time in fashion or personas...
Why do people on GAF talk about charisma like it's a trait the actors are born with and not just one they are pretending to have depending on the character? Charisma means nothing.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Why do people on GAF talk about charisma like it's a trait the actors are born with and not just one they are pretending to have depending on the character? Charisma means nothing.

Probably because what they are saying means nothing as well. So it fits.

All that's left is confirmation that Robert Elswit is the DoP
Yeah I think ddl is just intense looking and that's it

His movies are colorless I want to see him in something colorful for a change

He takes himself wayyy too seriously
Please please please please please please please oh god please. We actually just rewatched There Will Be Blood last night and I remembered how perfect it is in every way, one of the few dramas to give me absolute chills.

Also- controversial opinion time- let's hope this includes people to actually identify with after the last two greatish experiments from PTA.

Look at this motherfucker, chewing up the scenery.

That's how you know he's not a good actor.

Wow people on here trying to deny Daniel Day Lewis is a good actor?

They probably defend Speed Racer too.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

Look at this motherfucker, chewing up the scenery.

That's how you know he's not a good actor.

I'm of the opinion only truly good actors can chew the scenery. When a bad actor attempts it, its just bad acting but a good actor can just dominate a scene with their presence, their actions, reactions, and even the smallest thing. Toshiro Mifune could do more in a scene by stroking his beard and scowling at you than most actors could do with a two hour movie.

I'm of the opinion only truly good actors can chew the scenery. When a bad actor attempts it, its just bad acting but a good actor can just dominate a scene with their presence, their actions, reactions, and even the smallest thing. Toshiro Mifune could do more in a scene by stroking his beard and scowling at you than most actors could do with a two hour movie.

Thoughts on Nic Cage?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Thoughts on Nic Cage?

With a good director and script he can do incredible things such as Leaving Las Vegas and Bad Lt. Port of Call New Orleans. He's actually an incredibly actor but he's also one of those guys who will star in anything and is also in need of money at this point after many poor financial moves so he's in a lot of shit.

I will say that Nic Cage tends to be the best thing about the shit he's in, like he can elevate a bad movie into something incredible, a prime example is stuff like the Wickerman. That was a terrible movie but its almost oddly watchable and entertaining despite being so terrible and its solely because of Nic Cage.
With a good director and script he can do incredible things such as Leaving Las Vegas and Bad Lt. Port of Call New Orleans. He's actually an incredibly actor but he's also one of those guys who will star in anything and is also in need of money at this point after many poor financial moves so he's in a lot of shit.

I will say that Nic Cage tends to be the best thing about the shit he's in, like he can elevate a bad movie into something incredible, a prime example is stuff like the Wickerman. That was a terrible movie but its almost oddly watchable and entertaining despite being so terrible and its solely because of Nic Cage.

You should watch Deadfall sometime. It's awful, but he's at his most insane. (or just go ahead and watch a compilation on Youtube).

Nic Cage Wildin'


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You should watch Deadfall sometime. It's awful, but he's at his most insane. (or just go ahead and watch a compilation on Youtube).

Nic Cage Wildin'

I've heard of this flick but not seen it. He was also the best part about the Left Behind movie. He looked like he constantly had to take a shit the entire movie if that makes sense.

Gary Oldman is another guy who is an excellent actor but is in a ton of movies, some of them really bad but his performance is often great even if the rest of the movie he's in isnt.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
It's NIcolas Cage, so yeah, it makes sense.

You should check out Bad Lt. Port of Call New Orleans. It is such a weird but awesome movie, its directed by Werner Herzog so you know its going to be out there but him and Cage make such a great team up. Its both Good acting Cage and insane Cage all in one.


I've heard of this flick but not seen it. He was also the best part about the Left Behind movie. He looked like he constantly had to take a shit the entire movie if that makes sense.

Nicholas Cage is almost always the best part of any movie he is in, good or bad. I can't think of a movie where he isn't the best part. He is quite simply entertaining to watch for various reasons.
Wow people on here trying to deny Daniel Day Lewis is a good actor?


He is a good actor but very often resorts to hamming. I enjoy that, but Bill the Butcher and Plainview arent "real" people with any depth, just fun silly characters. His performance in the Crucible had me laughing nearly to tears with his oh so over top "Give me my name!!!" performace toward the end.

In a way his intense Method preparation can often be limiting, as he focuses so hard on nailing one or two psychological characteristics that he becomes a character only possessing those narrow traits and thus a caricature.

Good actor but a much better ham.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
He is a good actor but very often resorts to hamming. I enjoy that, but Bill the Butcher and Plainview arent "real" people with any depth, just fun silly characters. His performance in the Crucible had me laughing nearly to tears with his oh so over top "Give me my name!!!" performace toward the end.

In a way his intense Method preparation can often be limiting, as he focuses so hard on nailing one or two psychological characteristics that he becomes a character only possessing those narrow traits and thus a caricature.

Good actor but a much better ham.

I don't know if I agree. Daniel Plainview was basically a larger than life character in his own story. Any actor who took that roll would be "hamming" it up because Plainview was inherently a theatrical man and combine that with his seemingly limitless drive meant he was a monster of a character, a force of nature. You could have stuck any actor in that role but you needed some like DDL to really tie that entire film together and bring Plainview to life, as over the top as he may be, as it was one long character study in Greed and unhindered ambition.

He's also done performances that are very much low key, again his performance in Lincoln was often rather soft spoken and I think his best performance and movie was in My Left Foot which while over the top at points, is again rather restrained but that was the whole point of the movie, it was a character who could only really communicate his art through... well his left foot.
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