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Daredevil should be Rocksteady's next game...

Watch this vid and tell me you don't think it should be...


Looks incredible.

Anyway, just watching that shows the potential for a proper DD game. Detective vision, with a little tweaking could be added as DD's vision mode and they already have a traversal method that would work (Catwoman's traversal is perfect for DD).

Do it, Rocksteady. DO IT!

I wants me some Bullseye action. :D
I'd love it but...it's a little too close to Batman.

I'd like to see them stick to the super hero genre but something a little more removed from the type of playstyle that involves Batman/Catwoman.
I would much rather see them tackle something completely different. Superman or Green Lantern in DCU...if it was a Marvel game I'd want Spider-Man or something cosmic...but that would never happen.


Naw, they should do a Spiderman game. It would fit best. Otherwise, more Batman works for me.

I just hope it isn't a Superman game. :/
I don't want to play as a blind dude, sorry.

Also, WB owns Rocksteady and Disney owns Marvel - ain't gonna happen ever.
zlatko said:
Naw, they should do a Spiderman game. It would fit best. Otherwise, more Batman works for me.

I just hope it isn't a Superman game. :/

I'm thinking maybe something a little more "shooty"?

Green Arrow could be fun.

Green Lantern would be rad but his powers are on a crazy scale well beyond Batman and Rocksteady's engine.

Maybe Wonder Woman? I could stand to look at her ass for 20+ hours...


Yeah definitely wont happen, but I sure would be happy if it did. DD is my boy.

And there is another movie in the works. Hopefully someone will make it happen, and in a good way. The last time there was a PS2 game in the works that, as far as I know, never saw the light of day. Probably for the best though.
You know what actually might not suck? A Wonder Woman game. I've always thought she had a very game-friendly power set...has she ever been the star of her own game? A lot of untapped potential there. Do it Rocksteady!

bigdaddygamebot said:
Maybe Wonder Woman? I could stand to look at her ass for 20+ hours...

Damn it! Beaten.

herod said:
Maybe they've earned the right to create their own IP.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Honestly, what I'm getting from that Nightwing trailer is that Nightwing is awesome as always, and he should have been in the campaign for Arkham City.
2nd post again

zlatko said:
I just hope it isn't a Superman game. :/

your only saying that cause all the superman games suck

If I trust anyone to attempt to make a decent Superman game it would be rocksteady
newjeruse said:
Since he's the best superhero ever created...yes, they should.

I dont think there has ever been a more under valued regular hero than Daredevil.

He would fit rocksteady's existing talents perfectly. Combines catwoman and batmans play style quite well.
I'm sure WB would love nothing more than to have Rocksteady beat the Batman formula into the ground like Guitar Hero, but any developer/artist with a little bit of pride needs to explore and grow.


I want one more Batman game from them, then it will be time to move on.

Am I the only one who thinks Rocksteady could make a brilliant Aliens/Predator Action game? The Catwoman sections reminded me of Aliens, whereas the Batman gameplay reminds me of Predator.

Would be awesome.
Bah, I had no idea that Disney owned Marvel.

Game would have owned if they could have made it though, Bullseye, Kingpin, Electro, etc. :(
herod said:
Maybe they've earned the right to create their own IP.

Not likely. I don't have a link, so naturally this never happened, but I'm pretty sure I read an article about WB's game business model and I don't think there is much room in there for new IPs...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
odin toelust said:
Not likely. I don't have a link, so naturally this never happened, but I'm pretty sure I read an article about WB's game business model and I don't think there is much room in there for new IPs...
They're publishing Lollipop Chainsaw


Chili Con Carnage!
Would be a good twist "you fuckers wont stop playing in detective mode, so here, now you're blind"


Rocksteady is owned by WB. Doubt they'll make any games with Marvel characters unless it's a crossover or they leave WB.


If they ever make a Daredevil game in general I hope he's rocking the classic yellow costume:



Most superheros would be a huge downgrade after Batman. It wouldn't be any fun to play as Superman and most other WB superheros are boring or overpowered. Rocksteady should try something new.
Guevara said:
Most superheros would be a huge downgrade after Batman. It wouldn't be any fun to play as Superman and most other WB superheros are boring or overpowered. Rocksteady should try something new.
The Aliens vs. Predator thing isn't an awful idea. I'm not sure I 100% agree that it's a perfect fit for them, but I could see them handling the property nicely.

Seeing as it's WB who owns them, I could see them actually doing a good job with a huge Bully-esque Hogwarts game.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Rocksteady should really be given the chance to create their own I.P. They clearly have talent.

However, being own by W.B. they'll probably be made to do the next Superman game, or something.
zoner said:
Sure, why wouldn't Warner want to make games about Marvel characters?
I'm sure they want to, but Disney is actively trying to fold all their licenses back in to internal development. That X-Men, Spider-Man, etc. are still out there in the "wild" seems to be a sticking point with them.


Nightwing seems pretty boss.

Daredevil is cool, but I doubt disney/marvel would ever fund a high budget game for him, unless its a movie tie in. He sadly isn't very popular to mainstream audiences, and that fox movie probably didn't help much.
acheron_xl said:
In my wildest fever dreams, Rocksteady somehow gets the rights to reboot Final Fight.

That might be a good thing, if entirely unpossible. Then again, WB dropping Rocksteady, or the talent quits, moves to Capcom, gets to play around with Final Fight, maybe some Godhand....
I want them to make one more Batman game to round out their trilogy. Also, that final game needs to have co-op challenge rooms complete with cooperative combo attacks and stuff. Cooperative predator challenges would be fucking AWESOME too if done right.
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