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Dark Souls 3 review



Pour beaucoup de développeurs, l’exercice de la suite est l’occasion d’amener toujours un peu plus loin un concept original. Après quatre variations de la même recette, From Software livre avec Dark Souls III la conclusion épique d’une intrigue démarrée en 2011. Plus qu’un best of, il s’agit d’une remise en question profonde qui synthétise et sublime la saga, démontrant une fois de plus la cohérence de la vision de son créateur. On comprend parfaitement son envie d’arrêter la série avec cet épisode et on espère que les éditeurs sauront résister à l’appel du profit avec une suite opportuniste. Chaque volet a beau disposer d’un ou plusieurs aspects légèrement plus aboutis, aucun ne parvient à exceller dans tous les domaines avec autant de maîtrise. La remise à plat du système de combat, le travail réalisé sur les animations, la folie des décors, l’audace de la mise en scène, l’immense rejouabilité, le bilan technique enfin acceptable ou encore la bande originale sublime sont autant d’éléments qui font de Dark Souls III un chef d’oeuvre. Tout simplement.

My translation:

For many developers, a sequel presents the opportunity to ever so slightly push the original concept further. After four variations of the same recipe, FROM Software delivers with Dark Souls III an epic conclusion to the intrigue started back in 2011. More than a "best of", it's a profound self-questioning that synthesises and sublimes the series, demonstrating once again the coherency of its creator's vision. We understand perfectly his intention to end the series with this episode and we hope the editors will resist to the call of profit with an opportunistic sequel. Each previous game might have one or two aspects slightly better realised, but none of them is able to excel in all domains with as much mastery. The rethinking of the combat system, the work done on the animations, the craziness of the environment, the boldness of the mise-en-scène, the immense replayability, the technical side that is finally acceptable, and the sublime soundtrack are the elements that make Dark Souls III a masterpiece. Quite simply.

You could put that in the OP, OP.


I would wait for more reviews before calling it a masterpiece: ExServ, the guy who wrote the review, is a HUGE Dark Souls fanboy, so keep that in mind.


Sure, but if you already know you're gonna play it, maybe you don't need a review?

I thought you were talking about whether or not to call it a masterpiece, not whether or not to buy it. Unless you only buy masterpieces


Thanks to Hypron and others for the quick translations c:
I think it's their best. One boss tune in particular is amazing
Fuuuck I honestly can't wait to hear the music, the music man. I'm so tempted to listen to a few tracks on Youtube but I know I'll be diminishing moments in the game. Unfortunately, the Bloodborne trailers spoiled what would have been two of the most jaw-dropping moments for how grandiose the music was compared to the rest of the soundtrack so I've been on blackout especially for that reason. Not that they weren't great moments, they just didn't deliver the maximum impact they could have. I fanboyed over Bloodborne in last year's SOTY thread though, and I'm more than ready to do it again.
I still haven't finished mine, but I'd say it's at least on par with DS1. Whether it surpasses or not, I have to finish the game first to make that judgement.
Basically, if you're a fan of the Souls games this is an absolute must buy.
After hearing impressions and seeing Ben gush about it on EasyAllies, I think I'm gonna get this immediately instead of Doom 4.


I'm not a reviewer but I'm giving it a 9.5 :D

The game is a solid 9 to me. It has some issues of its own right now (some can/will be fixed in balance updates) but yeah, DS3 is the most consistent and overall highest quality Souls game in the series. Can't wait for others to play it on April 12.


2 9/10 scores is a bit worrying. What this tells me is From still doesn't know how to make a perfect 10 even after 5 attempts.


2 9/10 scores is a bit worrying. What this tells me is From still doesn't know how to make a perfect 10 even after 5 attempts.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry. If you're a fan of the other games you'll like/love this one I'm pretty sure

EDIT: I'm an idiot, lol


The game is a solid 9 to me. It has some issues of its own right now (some can/will be fixed in balance updates) but yeah, DS3 is the most consistent and overall highest quality Souls game in the series. Can't wait for others to play it on April 12.

Yeah it's not perfect, none of the games in the series are. But considering it's my favourite series ever, and that DaS3 might very well be the best one (gotta see how I feel about it in a month but as of now it definitely is)... If that's not worth a 9.5 in my books then what is? :p

They're all pretty great, but my favourite one is the first boss. I highly, HIGHLY recommend refraining from listening to the OST before playing the game. Context means everything.

Yeah, you got to experience it while playing the game. Otherwise you are spoiling yourself.


what's the consensus from the people that imported? What have they been saying in that import thread?


what's the consensus from the people that imported? What have they been saying in that import thread?

Everyone likes it or loves it (I'm one of those), some people have complaints (some that I don't agree with) but I haven't seen anyone straight up disliking it.


People saying DS3 is the best of the series.... you know how big words these are right? and how you making the wait even worse lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
If you really dislike the UI, you could (for the first time) make it so that the UI dissapears while not active in combat.


anyone know for sure whether or not the USA will be getting the PC Collector's Edition with the Red Knight statue?...I don't see any physical copies being sold anywhere...only digital copies...
Everyone likes it or loves it (I'm one of those), some people have complaints (some that I don't agree with) but I haven't seen anyone straight up disliking it.

Just what I wanted to hear. Can't wait to dive into the game when it finally hits the uk.


How is Masterpiece and 9/10 compatible?

They are harsh markers, they don't give 10/10 to anything. 9/10+selection is the highest you're gonna get.

It's kinda related to the way you're marked in school in France. Apart from math and science classes it's extremely hard or just impossible to get 20/20 on a test/essay.


Quick translation of pros and cons :

Pro :
- Great conclusion to the saga
- Breathtaking panoramas
- A rich and coherent world
- Fight mechanics improved
- Memorable bosses
- A masterly soundtrack
- Excellent length

Con :
- The UI could be better
- That's all !
A dark souls game is awesome. This is totally new information!

(Still it's good to see this series is still getting love from the press)
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