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Dark Souls 3 review


so does 8 mounths enough to develop and polish a DLC 9-12 hours to beat Idon't think so , sure it's not a cut content but it was there from the start they did it in Dark Souls 1 as well

All the framework was already there. Entire games are developed in 2 years, but 3 areas and 4 bosses in 8 months is too much?

Work probably started on the DLC before release, because this is always the case: some teams working on a game won't have work anymore towards the end of development (e.g. the art team) when the game needs to be polished and debugged and stuff. But this does not mean in a million years that the content was already there before release and they just chose not to include it and somehow waited 8 months to release it.

Also, length in hours doesn't mean much. 10 hours (more than half of which you probably spent on the bosses or running in circles because just getting through the areas doesn't take anywhere near that long) of a game like this will require a lot fewer resources than a 10 hours campaign in a linear set-piece-heavy type of game like Uncharted. You have to look at what the new content actually entails rather than how long it lasts.

While they also finished working on DS3.

They barely got BB out the door in time, it got delayed a month just before release. To think that the DLC was already finished then and waiting for release later is madness.

Basically this.


Can I ask why you (by you I mean all reviewers) care about embargoes in this case? (you do reviews too right?)

Why not just just get the japanese version and do what you want , for once you don't have to do the monkey dance for the publishers to get access on their terms.

If I had not worked with their PR prior(I have all 3 versions now by the way)
I would do just that. But I consider it bad form to talk to them get set up for a copy and then go somewhere else and release it earlier especially as they had already emailed out embargo'ed data. I have seen other sites/youtubers double down like this and it bothers me. If I had no contact with them and no agreement to cover. Sure.


A professional organization of critics that doesn't understand that 10/10 doesn't mean "this is a perfect product"? Hmm.
ahah, how can a 10/10 not be perfect? 10/10 means that there is absolutely no room for improvement. Otherwise you would need to increase the score even higher, and there's no room left for that.


A professional organization of critics that doesn't understand that 10/10 doesn't mean "this is a perfect product"? Hmm.

The description of a 10/10 from their website:

La note ultime de notre grille d'appréciation. Très rares sont les titres à pouvoir prétendre à cette note suprême, à tel point que nous ne l'avons pas encore attribuée. Cela viendra probablement un jour, nous ne désespérons pas. Un 10/10 n'incarne pas forcément le jeu parfait mais plutôt un titre qui marquera l'histoire vidéoludique par un gameplay et un plaisir de jeu quasiment infaillible. Le jeu \'kult\' par excellence.

"The ultimate mark on our appreciation grid. Very rare are games that can aspire to such a supreme mark, so much so that we haven't given it yet. This will probably happen one day, we are not losing hope. A 10/10 is not necessarily a perfect game, but more so a title that will become a landmark in video game history with an almost infallible gameplay and enjoyability. The definition of a 'kult' game."
I hope they do not repeat what they did in BB making the best part of the game in DLC

No I want them to do not cut out the best part of the game and sell it as a DLC

so does 8 mounths enough to develop and polish a DLC 9-12 hours to beat Idon't think so , sure it's not a cut content but it was there from the start they did it in Dark Souls 1 as well

Please stop making things up.


I have no worries about the soundtrack just going by the percentage of them that are composed by Kitamura.

The HUB song is absolutely fantastic as well.



ahah, how can a 10/10 not be perfect? 10/10 means that there is absolutely no room for improvement. Otherwise you would need to increase the score even higher, and there's no room left for that.

By never giving a 10 you just make 9 the new 10 and so on.

It's pretty obvious 10/10 has never meant 'perfect' in the contextof a review of something complex like a videogame.

The description of a 10/10 from their website:

"The ultimate mark on our appreciation grid. Very rare are games that can aspire to such a supreme mark, so much so that we haven't given it yet. This will probably happen one day, we are not losing hope. A 10/10 is not necessarily a perfect game, but more so a title that will become a landmark in video game history with an almost infallible gameplay and enjoyability. The definition of a 'kult' game."

See, this makes more sense, although even by terms that strict there's definitely been games that qualify.


By never giving a 10 you just make 9 the new 10 and so on.

It's pretty obvious 10/10 has never meant 'perfect' in the contextof a review of something complex like a videogame.

See, this makes more sense, although even by terms that strict there's definitely been games that qualify.
Well, 9 is the equivalent of everybody else's 10, but it's closer to the idea of a damn good game nearing perfection than a perfect score. And like somebody said earlier in the thread, it's similar to how you can never achieve the maximum grade in school around here (outside of hard science courses), which makes sense to me.

Regarding what they said on their site : it's pretty much bullshit. They will never rate a game 10. Like you said, if they were following their system, some games should have already been given the fabled 10.
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