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Dark Souls PC post-embargo impressions [30fps, locked 1024x720 internal framebuffer]

Cancelled my Steam preorder just now. I already have it on PS3 and was only going to buy it for enhanced performance/resolution and the new content. I decided I can wait for the latter. I'll totally pick it up if it gets patched, though.


I have faith that someone out there in the modding community will be able to crack the game and at least enable 1080p support and remove the 30 FPS lock; even if the graphics don't really improve much, it's better than the shit they're giving us.

Until then, I won't buy this game though. Shame, cause I was looking forward to it.
Has Dark Souls even been confirmed to be moddable?

AFAIK, the requirements to make the game better would take months of dedication to up the internal res to something better, since its not like you can just do a HD retex mod (which are rather easy).


I sent him a message about adding a link and description of the petition to the OP several hours ago. I think it might be a better solution to getting some more attention than making an entirely new thread since this one is still active. If he agrees, getting a mod to edit the thread title would be the ideal next step afterward.
I don't see that it would do anything. At this point the game is most likely already shipped out to distribution, and they certainly won't recall it.

AFAIK, the requirements to make the game better would take months of dedication to up the internal res to something better, since its not like you can just do a HD retex mod (which are rather easy).
This really depends strongly on the reasons for why a higher rendering resolution wasn't included in the first place, but I doubt that "months of dedication" are necessary. I laid out the basic steps here. The worst that could happen is that GFWL somehow blocks any modified code from running online.


You know it's funny, just yesterday I watched a new (as of the 9th) preview video of the PC version, the entire 8 minutes of video of the new area ran at 30fps the whole way, and it looked fine to me in motion, and I was watching the video with terrible compression (it was a gamespot video which the original video already had shitty compression already) ripped and uploaded to another site. As it is, I'm going to wait and see how it does on my pc before judging it.

Namco already recieved my letter and have "taken my concerns to mind" which we all know what that means already, but you can continue your binary thinking of

Buying it shows we don't care how shitty the port is
Skipping it shows there's no pc market for the title

So to each his own, no one has to buy or not buy it, it's entirely the person's choice.
I have played through the Xbox version twice and haven't played since I have been waiting for the PC version. I will still get the PC version because
1. It will look at least as good as the console if not better
2. If I get a stable 30fps that is way better than console

Graphical issues and technical faults will be more apparent on a PC monitor than a upscaled TV.

you can continue your binary thinking
Everything your computer does starts with binary. :p

If everyone supported this game and other developers realized they could make more money through shoddy ports, that would impact all my future titles. I'd rather lose one title that I don't care about at this point...then start a trend. You may send the developers a message, but other developers aren't seeing it...they just see sales.


I can´t understand, what is shit about bulletstorm port? I played it without problens in a mid rand pc (i5 2500 and a 460 gtx).
Encrypted config files coupled with forced mouse smoothing and a field of view that gave me motion sickness within seconds made me stop playing that game quicker than I would have liked.

Seriously, the game was fucked. Forgetting that the menus were a pain in the ass, the port was more than competent from a technical perspective. None of that mattered because there were a couple of upper-management decisions at Epic that made the game a nightmare experience. Making me feel like vomiting after an hour of use, and removing my ability to fix it without 3rd party tools, was the main mark against it.


What evidence do you have that this will get modded at all?

Lots of games aren't capable of having modifications.

Doesn't have to be officially modable to have "psuedo" mods (really, more along the lines of hacks) created.

What I mean to say is odds are someone will create a pseudo-workaround by using some technical wherewithal to force the game to do things it wasn't designed to at the cost of performance and stability. It just depends on if there's enough interest in it to justify someone taking their time at making this sort of hack.
DS isn't a twitch shooter and 30 fps should be good enough. Forget the haters and just buy the game, PC gamers. An "internal framebuffer" is no reason to miss out on DS.

I love it when this gets thrown out.

People still fail to see, that it's not about the quality of the game that is in dispute, but the design decisions that were made.
Doesn't have to be officially modable to have "psuedo" mods (really, more along the lines of hacks) created.

What I mean to say is odds are someone will create a pseudo-workaround by using some technical wherewithal to force the game to do things it wasn't designed to at the cost of performance and stability. It just depends on if there's enough interest in it to justify someone taking their time at making this sort of hack.

Again, it's not guaranteed that someone will be able to hack the game to change the internal framebuffer or framerate.


I find it more weird people try to guilt others into not buying it because of whatever they think objectively shouldn't be supported regardless of one wanting to play the game and being willing to put up with a few minor or not so minor issues like IQ for that end or not. But I guess you may notice the silly posts of the side opposite to yours more than those of the same one. Everyone who says he'll buy it for what it is or doesn't get the hate because he feels different or whatever is suddenly labeled as a defender of something unholy with generalizations like that quite frequently in here. If people are being irrational ignore them and discuss the topic, if there's something to discuss at all beyond voting with your money based on your desire to play or not play the game. I can put up with the issues known so far (not the fantasies of GFWL eating every save ever etc), if you can't that's fine by me, just don't pretend your choice is better, I'll be having fun with this game, you'll be having fun with another game, we'll both be doing fine.

Great post. I admit that until I asked, I really didn't understand why some people wouldn't buy the game on PC because it is just the same game as on console. I kinda get it now. I don't agree with it, but I get it.

I still dont understand why some people spend so much time and emotion trying to convince people that purchasing this 'horrible, lazy, clusterfuck' port' will hurt pc gaming. If you hate the port, why not just move on to something you do like? *shrug*

I get why people who like the game try to get others to buy it though. It's fun to share stuff you're enthusiastic about. Not so fun to have people shit on it.


Great post. I admit that until I asked, I really didn't understand why some people wouldn't buy the game on PC because it is just the same game as on console. I kinda get it now. I don't agree with it, but I get it.

I still dont understand why some people spend so much time and emotion trying to convince people that purchasing this 'horrible, lazy, clusterfuck' port' will hurt pc gaming. If you hate the port, why not just move on to something you do like? *shrug*

I get why people who like the game try to get others to buy it though. It's fun to share stuff you're enthusiastic about. Not so fun to have people shit on it.

I don't agree to support this because it sets a bad precedent, this game is not exempt from it just because some of you deem it the second coming of Jesus.


I'm pretty sure some terrible ports have sold just fine and gotten great ports for sequels. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Unconfirmed Member
Cancelled my Steam preorder just now. I already have it on PS3 and was only going to buy it for enhanced performance/resolution and the new content. I decided I can wait for the latter. I'll totally pick it up if it gets patched, though.
This is another surprisingly simple and well-rounded post. I totally understand cancelling your preorder for the above reasons. It's a shame that it's not being ported to the extent of peoples' expectations, but it's not going to "start a trend" or make other developers see the lazy way out. It's already part of a trend; just another sub-standard PC port.

The disappointment is totally understandable, from both the original console players' and the new PC players' points of view. Pretty much every argument is valid, and that probably includes From/NB's as well. Design choices were made, performance was scrapped (possibly in favour of online consistency/stability), and it's still coming out eventually on all relevant systems. You can try to "vote with your wallet" if you want, but you're not going to train developers or publishers, or make anyone see your point of view any clearer.

Maybe I'm biased seeing as I've been enjoying the game on consoles for months, and can happily wait more months to play the DLC on a stable, familiar framework. Maybe people like me just "don't understand" PC gaming and the mess that we're all getting ourselves into... But can we just deal with it like the guy above is doing, please? If it's that much of a problem, and you feel so strongly about it, surely there are other more productive outlets besides going back and forth on this forum.
Maybe people like me just "don't understand" PC gaming and the mess that we're all getting ourselves into... But can we just deal with it like the guy above is doing, please? If it's that much of a problem, and you feel so strongly about it, surely there are other more productive outlets besides going back and forth on this forum.

The thing is though, is that the thread title is "Dark Souls PC post-embargo impressions [30fps, locked 1024x720 internal framebuffer]." So it was started as a discussion about that/those features and those alone.

Also, where would a more productive outlet be? You could go to official forums, where you'll be mobbed by people who are FromSoft defenders. You have just as much of a right to buy and enjoy this game as those have to criticize it.


I still dont understand why some people spend so much time and emotion trying to convince people that purchasing this 'horrible, lazy, clusterfuck' port' will hurt pc gaming. If you hate the port, why not just move on to something you do like? *shrug*

We want to see more games from this series hit the PC. We want more Japanese developers in general to feel encouraged to release their stuff on the PC. This is the first game of it's kind of get a PC release and when it bombs it might possibly be the last.


I'm pretty sure some terrible ports have sold just fine and gotten great ports for sequels. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

There's even a great example coming out in an hour and a half.

Although at least you could change the resolution in Darksiders.
Great post. I admit that until I asked, I really didn't understand why some people wouldn't buy the game on PC because it is just the same game as on console. I kinda get it now. I don't agree with it, but I get it.

I still dont understand why some people spend so much time and emotion trying to convince people that purchasing this 'horrible, lazy, clusterfuck' port' will hurt pc gaming. If you hate the port, why not just move on to something you do like? *shrug*

I get why people who like the game try to get others to buy it though. It's fun to share stuff you're enthusiastic about. Not so fun to have people shit on it.

Do you make a habit of going into topics about particular discussions and telling people to stop talking about said discussions? Notice that this is a topic surrounding discussion of the port itself.

I think it's more prudent for the person uninterested in the topic move on rather than try to convince everyone else in the topic why everyone else should just move on.

Just a thought.


I can deal with low res. It beggars belief a 3D PC game would be released without the ability to choose your res, (bloody entitled PC gamers, wanting features from the mid 90s!) what I can't deal with is locked 30 fps.

RE5 (which is an example of an excellent PC port) offers the option between 30, 60 and unlocked. I can tell the difference between each one, 30 being unplayable, 60 being playable but a bit jarring, and unlocked being master-race-smooth-god-knows-how-many-FPS, well beyond 90 at least (I stop being able to tell the difference beyond 90).

Maybe I've been spoilt, maybe I'm 'entitled', but smooth and high framerates are no longer a luxury to me, they're essential.


I can deal with low res. It beggars belief a 3D PC game would be released without the ability to choose your res, (bloody entitled PC gamers, wanting features from the mid 90s!) what I can't deal with is locked 30 fps.

RE5 (which is an example of an excellent PC port) offers the option between 30, 60 and unlocked. I can tell the difference between each one, 30 being unplayable, 60 being playable but a bit jarring, and unlocked being master-race-smooth-god-knows-how-many-FPS, well beyond 90 at least (I stop being able to tell the difference beyond 90).

Maybe I've been spoilt, maybe I'm 'entitled', but smooth and high framerates are no longer a luxury to me, they're essential.

I own a 120hz monitor for a reason but Dark Souls is one of few recent console games I genuinely found visually appealing. Maybe it was the art design or its implementation of AA but it looked good. I think I can put up with it on PC even if I can't pull some shenanigans with mods or Nvidia Inspector.

That said, yeah, I even get annoyed when a game is locked at 60 (looking at you Sonic). A 30fps lock was enough to stop me from playing EDF:IA until a fix came out, and I LOVE EDF. Although EDF 2017 on the 360 had a completely wacky framerate ranging from 0.1 to 60.
I can tell the difference between each one, 30 being unplayable, 60 being playable but a bit jarring, and unlocked being master-race-smooth-god-knows-how-many-FPS, well beyond 90 at least (I stop being able to tell the difference beyond 90).

That must really limit the games you can play.


Makes me glad I set consoles as the standard with PC being the premium version when ported well, even on 1680x1050 and dipping below 60.

Though I also play most of those console AAA games on PC these days, so it can take a bit to get used to 30 FPS when it's not something like Dark Souls.


Unconfirmed Member
The thing is though, is that the thread title is "Dark Souls PC post-embargo impressions [30fps, locked 1024x720 internal framebuffer]." So it was started as a discussion about that/those features and those alone.

Also, where would a more productive outlet be? You could go to official forums, where you'll be mobbed by people who are FromSoft defenders. You have just as much of a right to buy and enjoy this game as those have to criticize it.
Do you make a habit of going into topics about particular discussions and telling people to stop talking about said discussions? Notice that this is a topic surrounding discussion of the port itself.

I think it's more prudent for the person uninterested in the topic move on rather than try to convince everyone else in the topic why everyone else should just move on.

Just a thought.
You guys are absolutely right, and I do feel bad for everyone with a sour impression of things to come. I suppose GAF is actually a decent outlet for this sort of thing when you consider the alternative... I don't know what would be more productive.

A lot of us are just glad that Dark Souls is reaching a wider audience in general. As has been said, it's the first game of its kind to reach the PC, but then does anyone truly know what kind of sacrifices have to be made in order to get the genuine Souls experience ported? Hopefully all will become clear when it's released.


As has been said, it's the first game of its kind to reach the PC
Hardcore games are more common on PC than on consoles. Unless you are implying that Dark Souls is a unique experience in some way, which then you would mean its just as unique on ps3/360 as it is on PC. What are you referring to?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm mostly referring to the points made in this post by 2AdEPT.

True, hardcore games are more common on PC than consoles, but yes I am implying that it's a unique experience regardless of medium. I don't know enough about PC/console infrastructure, so I'm afraid I can't elaborate (and should probably just step out), but there has to be some reason such choices were made for the port - other than "they were lazy" - right?


True, hardcore games are more common on PC than consoles, but yes I am implying that it's a unique experience regardless of medium. I don't know enough about PC/console infrastructure, so I'm afraid I can't elaborate (and should probably just step out), but there has to be some reason such choices were made for the port - other than "they were lazy" - right?
Most probably lack of foresight. They may well stick with GFWL anyway for the next Souls game if we see one that isn't a radical departure, but most likely it'll be designed with a scalable resolution and FPS in mind. Kind of like how SR3's PC version is fantastic while SR2 is a phoned in mess (in addition to the fact that was outsourced to CDProjekt's B team).
I hope we actually get a decent explanation at some point. I thought it was totally reasonable for L.A. Noire to be locked at 30fps when I read about how their crazy facial animation tech would get all messed up if they changed the framerate. Dark Souls doesn't seem to have some sort of one of a kind technology at work, and since other games on that engine didn't have these limitations it is easy for me to assume it is pure cash grabbing. It'll be annoying as hell if a mod comes out right away that fixes it, like when someone added mouse support to RE4 and it was clear that it was trivial to implement. When I played borderland pc you could fix a bunch of key issues by changing a couple of lines in an ini file, but they didn't take the time to just give you an option in the menu.
Dark Souls doesn't seem to have some sort of one of a kind technology at work

It doesn't have those complex facial animations, but I could see how 30fps is intrinsically linked to the combat system.

The locked render resolution is the greater sin IMO. And the fact you (apparently) need a beast of a card to play it.


Ran ok and looked like shit. Ugh.

yeah. i'm pretty bummed about the looks also. but crossing my fingers some good modders come along, or it will get patched. but if blighttown runs at a constant framrate, i'll put my sadness aside for a bit. that shit was unplayable on ps3.

when the petition started, i had my dreams up like everyone else. thinking about dark souls on my gtx 570, with all settings cranked up. :'(

won't be buying day 1. but if things are working good enough to play without issue, i'll buy day 2 for sure.


It doesn't have those complex facial animations, but I could see how 30fps is intrinsically linked to the combat system.
Unlikely seeing as the console versions didn't hold a steady 30fps.

And the notion of tying your gameplay systems to framerate is just inherently bad programming design. It would make From even more incompetent developers than they're already showing themselves to be here.


If the render buffer is locked, but there are no graphics glitches, it seems like a much better console port than plenty of Japanese games.

Decisions like this are the reason they can afford the risk of a PC port. They reduce the demands for testing and a large host of technical redesigns.


I'm mostly referring to the points made in this post by 2AdEPT.

True, hardcore games are more common on PC than consoles, but yes I am implying that it's a unique experience regardless of medium. I don't know enough about PC/console infrastructure, so I'm afraid I can't elaborate (and should probably just step out), but there has to be some reason such choices were made for the port - other than "they were lazy" - right?

the fury of posts at that time was so fast I thought no one actually read that post!

Seriously, like you I am not privy to the inner workings....although one tidbit that I thought I heard came from FS or NB was that GFWL was the best choice for a quick port owing to the fact that they could easily move the 360 code over for MULTIPLAYER. If they actually started from scratch with a PC version this would not be as important. I sincerely believe that there will be a good PC version next time around based on that it will be developed from square one...but alas I am no expert and a noob PCer for certain.


If the render buffer is locked, but there are no graphics glitches, it seems like a much better console port than plenty of Japanese games.
I have no idea of what games you are thinking about.

Decisions like this are the reason they can afford the risk of a PC port.
Seriously, people, can you stop with these poor excuses?
There was virtually no "risk" with the PC port. With 92K customers who already signed a petition asking for the game plus all those occasional purchases, anything just remotely competent was going to break even without breaking a sweat.

Stop justifying corporate idiocy. They didn't "save money" doing what they did.
They simply sunk their own ship.


I honestly don't mind the 30 FPS lock if its a steady 30 FPS. I am kinda worried about the resolution cause I use 1920x1200..so yeah not returning the gift.


I play all console games on a 1920x1200 monitor. It doesn't make them look any more disgusting than normal...

Arguably a little worse than on a TV because of the post-processing monitors typically lack.

(I play my 360 games on a monitor too though because of a lack of HDTV. Rhythm games are great with less lag.)


user-friendly man-cashews
Soooooo have people been reaching the new content or have you all been turned down hard by the technical fuck-up?
Arguably a little worse than on a TV because of the post-processing monitors typically lack.

(I play my 360 games on a monitor too though because of a lack of HDTV. Rhythm games are great with less lag.)
Less lag is great, and in many cases I actually prefer the untainted image on my monitor.
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