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Dead series that have been adequately replaced


After seeing video of Mario Kart 8's upcoming 200cc mode, I realized I have no need for another F-Zero anymore. The speed and racing gameplay is reborn in MK, not to mention the inclusion of an F-Zero track and kart:


If there was never another F-Zero, I wouldn't miss it. If I ever wanted to revisit the series, F-Zero GX still exists.

What other dead series have good replacements?

I like Shenmue, but Yakuza really did bring out the best in that style of gameplay. Everything, from the fighting to the minigames, is just done better. There are bigger elements that aren't emulated through Yakuza, and honestly probably shouldn't be considering Shenmue is a heavier novel than Yakuza, but fans of the latter should definitely try the former.
I came into this thread actually expecting OP to say F-Zero and MK8...

I think Nintendo is trying to sell us a new F-Zero by adding those tracks and stuff and a faster mode. Like for people who never played F-Zero "where is this from? Dude that is awesome..." Maybe it will work out and we will get a launch F-Zero for Nintendos next console before MK hits the next console
T be fair to the OP, the GIF chosen to illustrate his point is terrible and doesn't even seem to be from 200cc. What videos I've seen of 200cc seem at least twice as fast and much closer to F-Zero.
There's also a lot of stuff in MK8 that seems borrowed from F-Zero, like racing on walls/ceilings and floating off the road for shortcuts. Not really a proper replacement (Wipeout would probably be a better comparison), but still.

Can we do this for single games? Dragon's Crown was the perfect game to scratch that D&D arcade itch.

Metal Slug replaced Contra.

Er, the last new Metal Slug was released in 2007: since then, we've had three new Contra titles (4, Rebirth and Hard Corps Uprising). Perhaps you meant the opposite?
One for the future:

Frontier's future Coaster Park Tycoon > Roller Coaster Tycoon
Atari the zombie has the fanchise still living, but only as a dead corpse, RCTW is forming to be a massive piece of shi and RCT4 is a shitty iphone gamet, and Frontier, the creators of RCT3 have jump the "make a better game of a another company's big fuck up" (aka Cities Skylines - SimCity 2013).
I really cant wait.

Simcity with City: Skylines, I guess?

This is the only tru answer.


Not really a proper replacement (Wipeout would probably be a better comparison), but still.

Wipeout is also nothing like F-Zero though tbh (and arguments between the two fanbases make this pretty clear). Other than speed, I'm not even sure that I'd consider Wipeout much closer to F-Zero than to Mario Kart actually... at least Mario Kart and wipeout have the randomised weapon pick-ups in common.


F-Zero is a dead franchise that has not yet been replaced. Not by Mario Kart 200cc, not by WipeOut, nothing. It is pure weaponless speed that has not yet been touched. Who cares about "Nintendo's eyes".


And of course Sleeping Dogs somehow ended up as a great follow up to the True Crime series, who would have seen that coming?

Well considering Sleeping Dogs was at one point called True Crime: Hong Kong, I'd say a lot of people could've seen that coming. Unless you're making a joke, then whoosh on my part.


That's the worst possible gif to show because it's only gonna make sense if you play Mario kart. You understand how fast you go because of how long you stay airborne, even though you stop to a crawl while in the air, just like in regular f-zero.
Mario Kart is one of my favorite series, but these tracks are piss poor at replacing F-Zero.
People who acknowledge reality. Even if you don't want F-Zero to be replaced, it is now.

What Nintendo racing games have been released since GX?
The reality if the situation is that Mario Kart is not even close to replacing F-Zero. They made some F-Zero tracks and put them in Mario Kart with Mario Kart gameplay. That's like saying that Bayonetta is replacing Star Fox because there is that one section in Bayonetta 2 where you could fly the arwing.

The only way I could ever see anyone saying that those Mario Kart 8 tracks are a replacement for F-Zero is if they only watched F-Zero videos on YouTube and only know the series through asthetics. The gameplay in these games are completely different.
Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is an adequate thing for Intelligent Systems to be working on instead of Advance Wars. Granted, they're not really the same thing, but I've been playing both recently, and I enjoyed Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. a lot more...


Darkstalkers is now replaced by Guilty Gear

(1) I refuse to believe a game with a character that is a man strapped to a bed called "Bedman" will replace Darkstalkers.

(2) GG is an anime game, and we all know how the most recent anime fighter replaces the next most recent anime fighter. It has been this way since time immemorial. Darkstalkers (although it has an anime) is not an anime fighter, therefore it hasn't been replaced.
(1) I refuse to believe a game with a character that is a man strapped to a bed called "Bedman" will replace Darkstalkers.

(2) GG is an anime game, and we all know how the most recent anime fighter replaces the next most recent anime fighter. It has been this way since time immemorial. Darkstalkers (although it has an anime) is not an anime fighter, therefore it hasn't been replaced.
what the fuck did I just read

I really hope this is sarcasm


(1) I refuse to believe a game with a character that is a man strapped to a bed called "Bedman" will replace Darkstalkers.

(2) GG is an anime game, and we all know how the most recent anime fighter replaces the next most recent anime fighter. It has been this way since time immemorial. Darkstalkers (although it has an anime) is not an anime fighter, therefore it hasn't been replaced.

Darkstalkers is so fucking anime that IT HAD ITS OWN ANIME bruh


best I can come up with off the top of my head.

name a baseball series before 2004, it has been replaced by mlb the show.

Xenosaga, which has been adequately replaced by xenoblade.

I suppose spirited sequels (that are any good) to dead series in general would cover the question though. So I mean something like King's Field to demon's souls likely counts as well.


Darkstalkers is so fucking anime that IT HAD ITS OWN ANIME bruh

I would posit that having a cartoon based on the franchise isn't sufficient to make something an anime game. There needs to be more of something, but I admit I'm not totally sure on what that is, so for now I just have to fall back on the I'm not totally sure I could define an anime game "But I know it when I see it" position.
Phantasy Star Online has been replaced by Monster Hunter, for my family/friends and myself.

Monster Hunter took the concept and built upon it in so many ways. Now granted I've only played PSO, PSU, and PSP2 so if any of the newer Phantasy Star games have changed things up then I'm unaware.

In MH, each weapon type has unique roles within the group. In PSO it really didn't matter who used what because while different weapons had different animations, they all did the same thing. In MH the Hammer is smashing the face in for a KO, the Horn buffing the party with songs, the Longsword trying to off the tail, the Dual Blades applying as much status effect as possible, the Insect Glaive trying to mount. I've played Longsword, Bow and now Horn and each time I feel like I'm bringing something unique to the team.

It took away leveling up and made the game skill based. Now granted you still have the progression of stronger weapons and armor, but if you're good (or bad) enough at the game none of that matters. Combat feels so much more "alive" or exciting because it plays more like an action game than a by-the-numbers RPG. If I couldn't beat something in PSO the solution was to go level up. If I can't beat something in MH, most of the time the only solution is to practice and get better. Which, let me tell you, gives such a sense of accomplishment. Characters have weight to them, attacks have openings to learn, and when you finally learn it and it all comes together it's wonderful.

I love that the focus of MH is pretty much "boss fight: the game". PSO's running from room to room, killing mindless drone after drone seems so drab now in comparison. Every quest in MH, within 1-2 minutes of starting turns into an exciting on-your-toes boss fight. It's as if the filler has been removed from the formula.

You interact with the monsters so much more in MH as well. In PSO you'd just hack away at a boss with zero interaction as they went about their way. In MH the monster reacts to your actions by flinching, falling over, having their parts broken, getting trapped/flashbombed, running away when hurt, get sloppy when out of stamina. The players actions are having noticeable effects on the monster.

Monster Hunter just comes off as such a better polished product nowadays. It's one of, if not the most important franchise Capcom has and they have a lot riding on it. It's their baby and they take care of it well. I can't say the same about how Sega handles the Phantasy Star series.
I'd say castlevania has been adequately replaced by the souls series and bloodborne, and tthats coming from someone who holds the original on nes as one of my goat's.


People who acknowledge reality. Even if you don't want F-Zero to be replaced, it is now.

What Nintendo racing games have been released since GX?

You know, it's a shame as this really could be an interesting thread topic... but you've done a pretty bad job starting us off. Just because Nintendo doesn't make F-Zero anymore doesn't mean that it's been adequately replaced. You started off talking about how you personally wouldn't mind if there was no new F-Zero, and then now switched to talking about "acknowledging reality", and Nintendo not giving a fuck. You may as well be talking about how Streets of Rage was adequately replaced by Chain Chronicles...

Phantasy Star Online has been replaced by Monster Hunter, for my family/friends and myself.

Monster Hunter took the concept and built upon it in so many ways. Now granted I've only played PSO, PSU, and PSP2 so if any of the newer Phantasy Star games have changed things up then I'm unaware.

In MH, each weapon type has unique roles within the group. In PSO it really didn't matter who used what because while different weapons had different animations, they all did the same thing. In MH the Hammer is smashing the face in for a KO, the Horn buffing the party with songs, the Longsword trying to off the tail, the Dual Blades applying as much status effect as possible, the Insect Glaive trying to mount. I've played Longsword, Bow and now Horn and each time I feel like I'm bringing something unique to the team.

It took away leveling up and made the game skill based. Now granted you still have the progression of stronger weapons and armor, but if you're good (or bad) enough at the game none of that matters. Combat feels so much more "alive" or exciting because it plays more like an action game than a by-the-numbers RPG. If I couldn't beat something in PSO the solution was to go level up. If I can't beat something in MH, most of the time the only solution is to practice and get better. Which, let me tell you, gives such a sense of accomplishment. Characters have weight to them, attacks have openings to learn, and when you finally learn it and it all comes together it's wonderful.

I love that the focus of MH is pretty much "boss fight: the game". PSO's running from room to room, killing mindless drone after drone seems so drab now in comparison. Every quest in MH, within 1-2 minutes of starting turns into an exciting on-your-toes boss fight. It's as if the filler has been removed from the formula.

You interact with the monsters so much more in MH as well. In PSO you'd just hack away at a boss with zero interaction as they went about their way. In MH the monster reacts to your actions by flinching, falling over, having their parts broken, getting trapped/flashbombed, running away when hurt, get sloppy when out of stamina. The players actions are having noticeable effects on the monster.

Monster Hunter just comes off as such a better polished product nowadays. It's one of, if not the most important franchise Capcom has and they have a lot riding on it. It's their baby and they take care of it well. I can't say the same about how Sega handles the Phantasy Star series.

You've in great detailed just explained why Monster Hunter and Phantasy Star Online are really not much like each other at all.

I feel like people are mistaking games they prefer over some (rather loosely) connected alternative as being suitable replacements for those that actually appreciate the original games. This is extremely common for stuff like Shenmue -> Yakuza. Many Yakuza fans don't appreciate Shenmue much precisely because it's not very similar to Yakuza, and vice-versa. However, they mistake all the differences as being improvements. So whilst Shenmue is an adventure/detective game at its core, and incorporates a bit of fighting, Yakuza is a fighting game that incorporates some advanture/rpg aspects. The fact that you get into more fight in the first hour of any Yakuza game (via essentially random encounters no less), versus the entirety of the first Shenmue isn't a case of Yakuza having better pacing.. it's a case of Yakuza being a fundamentally different game at the very core, and only being superficially similar to Shenmue.

Boss Fight: The Game, with very little in the way of actual RPG mechanics isn't going to be a good replacement for someone that wants what Phantasy Star Online provided... and vice-versa. I much prefer Phantasy Star Online (especially PSO2) to Monster Hunter, but I wouldn't claim it's a Monster Hunter replacement, because that's silly. The experiences provided by each are barely comparable.

Now, I also disagree that Driveclub (which I'm pretty "meh" on) is an adequate replacement for Project Gotham (which I love)... however, there's at least a bit of sense to that suggestion.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
(2) GG is an anime game, and we all know how the most recent anime fighter replaces the next most recent anime fighter. It has been this way since time immemorial. Darkstalkers (although it has an anime) is not an anime fighter, therefore it hasn't been replaced.
I can see disagreeing that GG replaces Darkstalkers, but uh.... "not an anime fighter"? The fuck are you on about?
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