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deadly premonition > heavy rain

voodoopanda said:
For Deadly Premonition, a better comparison to a more popular, mainstream title, would be Resident Evil 5.

:lol :lol

combat sections in DP is just a part of the game, probably you can't compare DP with anything because it mixes so many gameplay elements that it makes it as very unique game.

Also, RE4 would fit better in any case, RE5 was built as a co-op experience, RE4 and DP are single player focused experiences.


don't ask me for codes
People thinking this to be a system wars thread have no clue what they're talking about.
How About No said:
Deadly Premonition looks more comparable to Alan Wake than HR. Y'know, small forest town survival horror inspired by Twin Peaks...

I need to watch this "Twin Peaks" thing...

i can guarantee you that deadly premonition > alan wake based entirely on the max payne games


It's funny to see how many people don't get Deadly Premonition. I don't care, it's not made for most people anyway. People that get the game see a rough diamond, most others just see a pice of shit. The latter are incorrect, but they will never ever see why they are so wrong and refuse to believe there is a group of people that adores games like these. Just read the destructoid review for a decent description of the game.




xDangerboy said:
haha ok. Phantom Menace effect in full force right here.

phantom menace top critics has 39% and it doesn't take into consideration subpar ratings of reviewers who were marked as fresh. false consciousness or bandwagon effects will only take you so far trying to argue that the majority is wrong
Shai-Tan said:
phantom menace top critics has 39% and it doesn't take into consideration subpar ratings of reviewers who were marked as fresh. false consciousness or bandwagon effects will only take you so far trying to argue that the majority is wrong

Wait, people are arguing for this movie now?

Rat Salad

Kasra_2x4 said:
with all due respect to Xbox 360 fanboys , Heavy Rain kicks deadly premonition's ass

Well gee this is pretty convincing. Jesus,all you did was run in here to spout horseshit while making Heavy Rain out to be some game for retards to play.
Not that it is,I'm sure its a cool game. But you're not doing a very good job of convincing people otherwise.


eXistor said:
It's funny to see how many people don't get Deadly Premonition. I don't care, it's not made for most people anyway. People that get the game see a rough diamond, most others just see a pice of shit. The latter are incorrect, but they will never ever see why they are so wrong and refuse to believe there is a group of people that adores games like these. Just read the destructoid review for a decent description of the game.

The same could be said for Heavy Rain. So all we have left is people wanking on their opinions. The motivation of threads like these is an inflated sense of truth and it only gets attention because said opinions are unbalanced or framed in black and white (x is good, y is utter shit)


Drinky Crow said:
yes. you are decoupled from the present. don't worry, much like heavy rain, anything you do in this thread is just so much aimless fidgeting towards an inevitable conclusion. stay and enjoy the ugly models and lame polygon puppetry, and feel any chance of sympathy slowly eke away due to the terrible storytelling!

Weren't you a mod at some point?


voodoopanda said:
Deadly Premonition and Heavy Rain are just terrible comparisons. If you want an underrated game that's better than Heavy Rain and closer to it, go for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Both focus primarily on story and remove game elements like combat. Both have a button that calls out the name of a lost child. Both give choices that can change how the story is told. They have twisty endings. Silent Hill: SM does all that better than Heavy Rain. They're both pretty short.

I wasn't planning on picking up Heavy Rain anytime soon after the demo, but comparing it to SM makes me want to never pick it up. SM was complete trash, a decent enough story marred by some of the worst gameplay I've ever seen in a video game. Absolutly terrible.


Shai-Tan said:
The same could be said for Heavy Rain. So all we have left is people wanking on their opinions. The motivation of threads like these is an inflated sense of truth and it only gets attention because said opinions are unbalanced or framed in black and white (x is good, y is utter shit)
That's not what I'm saying at all. People shit on DP because it has shit graphics and controls and they think we are kidding when we say it's great game. I certainly don't agree with Drinky's opinion on Heavy Rain, I think it's a great game for the most part. But with a game like HR it's very easy to see why someone would like it. DP is a very strange and fairly obscure game and like I said: almost every aspect of the game is sub-par. But still the game manages to speak to a select few people that get what the game is going for. It's those people that think the game is fantastic because of its c-grade stylings. If you don't get the game, fine, but is it so hard to accept that there are people that do like the game for what it is?

It is sad that the thread is kind of about DP vs HR where there really isn't a comparison there, but there ya go.
eXistor said:
That's not what I'm saying at all. People shit on DP because it has shit graphics and controls and they think we are kidding when we say it's great game. I certainly don't agree with Drinky's opinion on Heavy Rain, I think it's a great game for the most part. But with a game like HR it's very easy to see why someone would like it. DP is a very strange and fairly obscure game and like I said: almost every aspect of the game is sub-par. But still the game manages to speak to a select few people that get what the game is going for. It's those people that think the game is fantastic because of its c-grade stylings. If you don't get the game, fine, but is it so hard to accept that there are people that do like the game for what it is?

It is sad that the thread is kind of about DP vs HR where there really isn't a comparison there, but there ya go.

A lot of people will follow IGN to their grave, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's a fun game and I enjoy it, if they don't understand why it's fun and can't look past certain things then there's no hope. People will laugh at it because it got a 2/10 and just disregard the 10/10 from Destructoid because it disagrees with them. I'm saying this because I've played the game and I had a great time with hit, I have said nothing derogatory or positive about Heavy Rain because I haven't played it and I'm not stupid enough to just spout "hurr hurr it's a movie guys" without having played it myself. People should be respectful enough to DP until they play it as well but on the internet nothing like that ever happens.


voodoopanda said:
Deadly Premonition is the Evil Dead 2 of video games.
Metroid Prime = Citizen Kane
Deadly Premonition = Evil Dead 2

Anyone want to add more ill-advised movie analogies?
eXistor said:
It is sad that the thread is kind of about DP vs HR where there really isn't a comparison there, but there ya go.

I don't think Drinky is comparing both games in the gameplay department which is where they really diferes from each other, rather that in the storytelling.

Haunted said:
Metroid Prime = Citizen Kane
Deadly Premonition = Evil Dead 2

Anyone want to add more ill-advised movie analogies?

Heavy Rain = Resurrection.


eXistor said:
That's not what I'm saying at all. People shit on DP because it has shit graphics and controls and they think we are kidding when we say it's great game. I certainly don't agree with Drinky's opinion on Heavy Rain, I think it's a great game for the most part. But with a game like HR it's very easy to see why someone would like it. DP is a very strange and fairly obscure game and like I said: almost every aspect of the game is sub-par. But still the game manages to speak to a select few people that get what the game is going for. It's those people that think the game is fantastic because of its c-grade stylings. If you don't get the game, fine, but is it so hard to accept that there are people that do like the game for what it is?

It is sad that the thread is kind of about DP vs HR where there really isn't a comparison there, but there ya go.

I'm not disagreeing with that. I feel Heavy Rain is similarly dismissed because of its unusual gameplay even if the critics do like it overall. I asked about the 2.0 IGN review of Deadly Premonition earlier in the thread because it reminded me of their 3.0 God Hand review. I don't think unusual games are treated fairly. It's fine if someone doesn't like a game because it's niche but I'm betting some of those people slagging a game like that find the gameplay confusing and use a lack of polish as an excuse to write it off.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
Drinky Crow said:
i can guarantee you that deadly premonition > alan wake based entirely on the max payne games
And the fact that DP is a hundred times a better value than Remedy's "We Want You To Pay $60, But If You Want to Finish The Thing You'll Have To Fork Over More" will ever be.


Judging from the destructoid and IGN reviews Deadly premonition is to games as Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and Trolls are to movies. It's a cult game, that very few will find appealing and the vast majority will find a stinking pile of shit.


Corto said:
Judging from the destructoid and IGN reviews Deadly premonition is to games as Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and Trolls are to movies. It's a cult game, that very few will find appealing and the vast majority will find a stinking pile of shit.
So bad it's good again?

Was he banned?
Still around, I presume.


If anything. this thread made me be aware of Deadly Promination and i am hyped for that game now.

someone bring this game to EU land. NOW

Heavy Rain is just meh, as far as as Adventure game works. should take some notes from Another Code: R.

Cing <3
I want both games anyway.......

why do so many people on GAF have Community avatars? I don't know enough people that watch that show, its pure genius


Haunted said:
So bad it's good again?

As I posted, judging from the reviews that's certainly what transpires.

Destructoid said:
The strange thing with Deadly Premonition is that everything it does is kind of bad, and there's no getting around that. The story is thoroughly crazy and doesn't make any sense. The acting is poor. The music is often too loud. The graphics are far below average. Yet, Deadly Premonition is the very first game I've seen that has been able to pull off that unique "so bad it's good" flavor. The fact that this game is so below standards actually works superbly. Usually a bad game struggles to maintain this ideal thanks to frustratingly awful gameplay, but since the combat is actually serviceable, this particular title can get away with being absolutely terrible in a completely hilarious way. It stumbles, psychotically, from one unbelievable scene to the next, managing to be shockingly tasteless, flagrantly stupid, and subtly self-aware at all times.

And the stinking pile of shit:

IGN said:
Deadly Premonition is the definition of a system seller. Once you play it, you'll want to go sell your system. That may seem like a harsh statement, but it's been a long time since I've played any boxed retail game on any system that feels this amateurish.

Awful in nearly every way. The Twin Peaks meets Resident Evil with a dash of Grand Theft Auto formula sounds pretty great, but it was well beyond the capabilities of this development team. Terrible controls. Terrible pacing. Terrible sound effects. Terrible visuals. Maybe you can convince yourself that these things don't matter as you work through this surreal and quirky storyline. The rest of us will be off playing better videogames.

So both reviewers concur that the game is awful, the gist is that one of them finds it ironically bad and states that's redeeming enough to even give it a perfect score... :lol :lol :lol The other just considers it a awful game, a worst experience and a stinking pile of shit.


thanks to the biscuit scene I'm getting this game for free from amazon, thanks to my 20 dollar game credit.
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