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deadly premonition > heavy rain


I don't care how you classify Heavy Rain, call it a MULTIMEDIA EXPERIENCE if you want. It doesn't change the fact that the product still sucks. Hard.
xbhaskarx said:
I haven't played either game (Heavy Rain demo was lame) but I approve of this thread.
I didn't really enjoy the demo either with the reviews slating the plot and other stuff I find it hard to consider buying it.


You know the take away from this thread is that 'Games Journalists' have poor taste. Well, minus a dude from Destructoid.
Dacvak said:
I love this thread.
I would like it more if it weren't a lazy ripoff of that destructoid article.

I Push Fat Kids said:
You know the take away from this thread is that 'Games Journalists' have poor taste. Well, minus a dude from Destructoid.
I'm kinda shocked by trying to think the last time a review was actually relevant.

I remember reading a Culdcept Saga review that gave the game a 6 just because it looks oldish. Yea, okay? What about the game? How did Dead Rising ever get praised? It's as ugly as anything gets. Oh wait, the Wii version got fucking trashed for being a mostly decent port yet ugly, didn't it? Game reviews are so fucking worthless. I don't know how all those folks you read about whose paychecks depend on metacritic scores stay sober.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
I Push Fat Kids said:
You know the take away from this thread is that 'Games Journalists' have poor taste.
I thought that was the general consensus around here.

...Unless they agree with you of course.
Heavy Rain was great. It isn't for everyone, and I don't think it's really worth 60 bucks due to low replay value, but it was definitely worth playing through it once. I'll remember that game for a long time. Hell, most of the people I know played it in one or two sittings, because it was so engaging. Though I understand people not liking it, I really do. I just don't understand why people hate it so voraciously. Apparently Heavy Rain did something nasty to their moms.
jiji said:
Who says you have to rip off Destructoid to be interested in Deadly Premonition?
I meant the DP > HR thread title. It's basically the same title as a destructoid article. Although I do appreciate not riping off the miles of text the article had, lord knows I didn't bother to read that. But limiting DP to Heavy Rain comparisons does it a disservice. It's better than all sorts of games. I'm not very far into it, but I'd say it rivals pretty much anything I've played. I mentioned Dead Rising in my previous post because it very much gives me that vibe.


DidntKnowJack said:
Heavy Rain was great. It isn't for everyone, and I don't think it's really worth 60 bucks due to low replay value, but it was definitely worth playing through it once. I'll remember that game for a long time. Hell, most of the people I know played it in one or two sittings, because it was so engaging. Though I understand people not liking it, I really do. I just don't understand why people hate it so voraciously. Apparently Heavy Rain did something nasty to their moms.

It's not that HR fucked my mom and my sister (plus my aunt and step-sister), though it did; it's just that the game sucks, the story sucks, and it's a shitty Shenmue on shitty non-ballin' steroids.


Son of Godzilla said:
I meant the DP > HR thread title. It's basically the same title as a destructoid article. Although I do appreciate not riping off the miles of text the article had, lord knows I didn't bother to read that. But limiting DP to Heavy Rain comparisons does it a disservice. It's better than all sorts of games. I'm not very far into it, but I'd say it rivals pretty much anything I've played. I mentioned Dead Rising in my previous post because it very much gives me that vibe.

The best trolls are concise, for sure. That article went on and on and on and on...
Son of Godzilla said:
I remember reading a Culdcept Saga review that gave the game a 6 just because it looks oldish. Yea, okay? What about the game? How did Dead Rising ever get praised? It's as ugly as anything gets. Oh wait, the Wii version got fucking trashed for being a mostly decent port yet ugly, didn't it? Game reviews are so fucking worthless. I don't know how all those folks you read about whose paychecks depend on metacritic scores stay sober.

That's how I feel about deadly premonition, even a lot of people here are giving it the cold shoulder just because graphically it looks somewhere between an original Xbox game and a 360 game, doesn't mean it's a bad game. Also, the repeating use of inappropriate music just comes of as completely intentional and comedic and the same goes for most of York's voice acting. Yeah, I'll admit the game has its problems like problems with driving and a certain enemy that can be extremely annoying but personally that would be my only real complaint. Deadly Premonitions has pretty much given me about 25 hours of entertainment on my first playthrough and for 20$ I feel I got my moneys worth, which is more than what I can say about most games. I know it's not for everyone, but people shouldn't shit on it based visuals alone.

I haven't played Heavy Rain yet, but I hope to sometime in the future. I'll make my own opinion of it when it gets my full attention.


Son of Godzilla said:
Bitch don't even pretend Shenmue wasn't already a shitty Shenmue.

you are never right about anything ever.

I Push Fat Kids said:
I'm honestly surprised Shitty The Musical: Based on the Game Shenmue by Yu Suzuki doesn't exist yet.

Day 1.


Heavy Rain will make a great trade-in for FFXIII at a Gamestop at least. I used a gift card when I bought it, so really I'll get all my money back!

And I can't help but laugh every time Drinky trolls and people are :loling at his "banned." Newbs.


Dudebro, My Shit is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time
One is perhaps the best experience of group gaming on, uh, substances* since Katamari Damacy that is the best tribute to Twin Peaks I've seen in some while. And the other is a "game" for apologists that is a poor version of a bunch of movies I've seen already that probably is not very good on substances.

*I don't endorse substances, kids. But if you do substances, DP a wonderful game. Played it without substances too, and it is just as great. I imagine this will be my personal GOTY.

Ridley327 said:
Well, they don't actually throw boobs at you since the moments where you have the chance to see them are all (intentionally?) easy to miss. I don't see how having boobs makes it any less qualified as "an adult game", but there could be some sort of rule-sheet that they didn't hand out enough copies of for me to be able to read.
The gratuitous nudity and awkward sexuality--not to mention the wannabe Saw finger cut-off thing--means that the creator has no clue as to actually handle those topics as an adult, so I'd say it fails terribly as an adult game. And a lot of other things undermine the claims to maturity too.
I don't mean to generalize, but from my experience, more frequent vocal gamers on the internet are dilettantish at best outside of gaming. So it is not a surprise you see these types--folks who by and large found The Dark Knight utterly profound--are praising Heavy Rain.


Gold Member
Wow this thread got me all hyped up about Deadly Premonition. I loved Heavy Rain a lot and if it's EVEN BETTER. Oh man!
longdi said:
cool story bro. u r so kewl!
ts post history suggest he is supreme sony troll fishing. i bet his next topic will be dante inferno > gow3.

move along, nothing of interest here.
Actually drinky thinks Dante's Inferno is inferior in every way to GoW series. That's a loose quote.


cuyahoga said:
The gratuitous nudity and awkward sexuality--not to mention the wannabe Saw finger cut-off thing--means that the creator has no clue as to actually handle those topics as an adult, so I'd say it fails terribly as an adult game. And a lot of other things undermine the claims to maturity too.
I don't mean to generalize, but from my experience, more frequent vocal gamers on the internet are dilettantish at best outside of gaming. So it is not a surprise you see these types--folks who by and large found The Dark Knight utterly profound--are praising Heavy Rain.

Again, I have to point out that perspective that I'm coming from is that the female nudity and the sole sex scene in the game are all easy to avoid and come off as being almost intentionally that way. It's hard for me to accept it as being gratuitous on those grounds.

In the interest of full disclosure, I find Heavy Rain to be a lot more interesting from a mechanical POV than anything it was and wasn't able to do narratively. QTEs have always been more interesting from a conceptual perspective than they have (quite often) been in execution and I do genuinely believe that Heavy Rain makes some really important strides in making their application more natural and seamless with regards to the actions taking place on the screen, particularly in regards to how well it handles the abstraction of translating on-screen action to input (and vice versa). It seems weird to praise the game for something like that, but I'll happily be the sole cheerleader for it if that ends up being the case.
Deadly Premonition looks more comparable to Alan Wake than HR. Y'know, small forest town survival horror inspired by Twin Peaks...

I need to watch this "Twin Peaks" thing...


I keep picturing the FBI agent as Stirling Archer from


It makes all the unintentionally funny dialogue seem intentional.


Kasra_2x4 said:
with all due respect to Xbox 360 fanboys , Heavy Rain kicks deadly premonition's ass

I think my favorite part about this sentiment is that in about three months it'll likely turn in to:

With all due respect to PS3 fanboys, Alan Wake kicks Deadly Premonition's ass.

Since Deadly Premonition's not an exclusive-exclusive, so much as a "there's a pretty good chance we're going to sell, like, two of these, so let's not go through localizing and publishing both versions quite yet" exclusive, so I'm not really buying that most of the fans are die-hard console warriors.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
Hammer24 said:
:lol :lol :lol
Drinky, you gotta post more often! <3

Prolificacy is DC's Kryptonite. His shtick is entriely dependent upon ignorance (as the first few pages of this thread illustrate). The only way to stop a crow is to ignore him - every rebuttal, no matter how well conceived, feeds him. If he posted regularly his shtick would be obvious and people would simply stop responding. He'll be back again once there are a sufficient amount of new juniors or the present ones become complacent.
Lion Heart said:
Heavy Rain is by and far the best game of all time.
Heavy Rain isn't a game, it's an interactive movie. A choose your own adventure video; only not as fun as it introduces random quick time events and monotonous tasks so that you can't relax while watching it.

Worst movie experience I've ever had.

I'm bitterly disappointed.
Deadly Premonition is an awesome game and it's intentionally funny. I feel kinda bad that all this hyperbole and sarcasm is being thrown around about the game because it actually is really good.


ZombieSupaStar said:
DP is multiplatform

A critically acclaimed console exclusive getting trolled in comparison to an obscure, bargain-bin, critically-panned "multiplatform" game, which happens to be exclusive to the other console in the region most posters on this forum live in. No, sirree, no ulterior motives there!

And I'm sure you'd feel the same way if a bunch of Sony fanboys were saying Gears of War is trash and Quantum Theory is awesome. After all, it's multiplatform!
Azrael said:
A critically acclaimed console exclusive getting trolled in comparison to an obscure, bargain-bin, critically-panned "multiplatform" game, which happens to be exclusive to the other console in the region most posters on this forum live in. No, sirree, no ulterior motives there!

And I'm sure you'd feel the same way if a bunch of Sony fanboys were saying Gears of War is trash and Quantum Theory is awesome. After all, it's multiplatform!

Well I'm a PC Gamer, and I think gears of wars sucks, I have a 360 for dead rising (and now DP), and bought a ps3 for ff13 (which ended up going multiplat, and being a shitty game anyways :lol ) and mgs4 (which somehow got even more retarded than the story in mgs2, but it was fun ride, and ending to the 10 year story arc.

I haven't gamefly'd heavy rain yet, but I played through the demo and so far DP > the HR Demo.


Azrael said:
A critically acclaimed console exclusive getting trolled in comparison to an obscure, bargain-bin, critically-panned "multiplatform" game, which happens to be exclusive to the other console in the region most posters on this forum live in. No, sirree, no ulterior motives there!

And I'm sure you'd feel the same way if a bunch of Sony fanboys were saying Gears of War is trash and Quantum Theory is awesome. After all, it's multiplatform!



Ballistictiger said:
This is a repeat from Prototype vs Infamous I'm guessing.

That's weird since the games discussed here are nothing alike beyond having awkward human performances, but that's the fun of any Drinky thread!
Deadly Premonition and Heavy Rain are just terrible comparisons. If you want an underrated game that's better than Heavy Rain and closer to it, go for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. Both focus primarily on story and remove game elements like combat. Both have a button that calls out the name of a lost child. Both give choices that can change how the story is told. They have twisty endings. Silent Hill: SM does all that better than Heavy Rain. They're both pretty short.

For Deadly Premonition, a better comparison to a more popular, mainstream title, would be Resident Evil 5. The combat is similar, they both give you 1 save and let you replay chapters and keep equipment between them. Deadly Premonition manages to be both scarier and funnier while having a more intriguing and entertaining story. RE5 has more cutting edge graphics but that would be like saying the recent Wolfman movie is better than Evil Dead 2 because Wolfman uses more high tech graphics. DP breaks up it's combat chapters with open world exploration and investigation while RE5 is a pretty linear run through combat sections.
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