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Death Stranding |OT| Keep Walking, Nothing To See Here


Lol, I just made a shelter outside of Heartman's place and went inside and there's Timefall Porter on the table instead of Monster? Nice.

The animations are different how he drinks too, awesome.
If I am not mistaken, every time you deliver beer from the farm to an area the monsters get replaced for a while, I'm not sure how it works with shelters tho :pie_thinking:(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)
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If I am not mistaken, every time you deliver beer from the farm to an area the monsters get replaced for a while, I'm not sure how it works with shelters tho :pie_thinking:(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)

I haven't delivered any beer, so not sure. Unless it's just the proximity of Heartman's to the Timefall farm that caused it to appear.


Neo Member
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finally made it deep into Episode 9, maybe the end of it? and wow, if stuff wasn't crazy before, it's popping off now.

glad to have had the chance to beat the hell out of that Higgs asshole. I hope that off-screen gunshot sound means he is dead for good.


Kojima is a great game designer, maybe the best in the business right now, but he can't write unfortunately imho.

I finished chapter
5, and everything related to Mama is rather cringeworthy and anime melodramatic. It was obvious Kojima wanted players to sympathise and cry, but it didnt work. For me at least.

Wish he stayed on the level of mgs tone wise
And that’s where we disagree right there. MGS series says hi :)


I cleared it today. It was- Not sure how to put this- Far more of a video game than I expected it to be. From what had trickled down from critics who were given it early I expected it to be more story-driven, more esoteric, but it was pretty much a regular video game with a relatively straightforward sci-fi story. A lot of stuff from critics look pretty ridiculous now that I've cleared the game; some of those reviews are far more pretentious than the game ever comes close to being, and then there's the suspicious stuff like reviewers who said that they would not be reviewing it because they couldn't finish it due to running out of enthusiasm... after 40 hours with the game? Were they doing every single delivery manually on foot without vehicles or tools?

I did find the bosses to be somewhat underwhelming and had some issues with some of the pacing, but otherwise found it to be pretty good.
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I cleared it today. It was- Not sure how to put this- Far more of a video game than I expected it to be. From what had trickled down from critics who were given it early I expected it to be more story-driven, more esoteric, but it was pretty much a regular video game with a relatively straightforward sci-fi story. A lot of stuff from critics look pretty ridiculous now that I've cleared the game; some of those reviews are far more pretentious than the game ever comes close to being, and then there's the suspicious stuff like reviewers who said that they would not be reviewing it because they couldn't finish it due to running out of enthusiasm... after 40 hours with the game? Were they doing every single delivery manually on foot without vehicles or tools?

I did find the bosses to be somewhat underwhelming and had some issues with some of the pacing, but otherwise found it to be pretty good.

Yeah, the incompetency and sheer stupidity of the reviews is embarrasing.

I'm 1000% sure that chump from Edge didn't do any side stuff and didn't try to build any infrastructure as he was offended by how utterly boring the game was, so he was rushing to complete the story. Then what the hell was he doing for 40 hours?

I'm 52 hours at chapter 6 and i built all the roads on one side of the mountain and did lots of side deliveries because i enjoy gameplay that much.

This journo could easily beat story missions in 40 hours.

I cant wait till these mongoloids become completely obsolete and just disappear instead of poisoning creativity in gamedev with their stupidity
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I cleared the game in a little over 40 hours, taking my time to read all the files unlocked and mails received, doing a bunch of side stuff and also raiding mule camps for materials to build roads. I'd imagine that someone could easily clear the story in maybe 30 if they didn't do side stuff.

I really don't get the complaints that the story is pretentious (Kojima was never subtle and he really isn't in here) or convoluted (it's pretty straightforward) myself either. It seems like most of those complaints stem from people going "I just started the game and what's a dooms? What's a BT? What IS A DEATH STRANDING?" when everything is explained in due order later on. What do they expect, for the game to immediately dump all the documents on you at the beginning?

Also I have to ask, since I played the game in Japanese: Was any effort made to translate Kojima's very badly-done Japanese-English puns? Amelie is supposed to also be short for America (it makes more sense in Japanese), and Sam is supposed to be a pun on Some, as in "someone" or as Cliff puts it "some bridges". Like Sam Bridges, only he's some bridges (this also makes more sense in Japanese).

Also I'd just like for it to be known that in the Japanese version Conan O'Brien is voiced by Sugita Tomokazu (Miller's Japanese voice actor) who calls himself Kazu, and calls Sam "Boss".
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Being well behind most people, I’m really happy to see that I’m not just waltzing into easy mode landscapes with everything built already.

I’m not sure how the system works (my guess is that people are being paired with other people at the same progression level, with other tweaks to ensure a good individual experience), and it’d be fascinating to see it exposed, but it does work flawlessly.

Even if you’re coming into the game late, or lagging behind, you get the experience of building up the frontier with other players, which is fantastic.


Being well behind most people, I’m really happy to see that I’m not just waltzing into easy mode landscapes with everything built already.

I’m not sure how the system works (my guess is that people are being paired with other people at the same progression level, with other tweaks to ensure a good individual experience), and it’d be fascinating to see it exposed, but it does work flawlessly.

Even if you’re coming into the game late, or lagging behind, you get the experience of building up the frontier with other players, which is fantastic.
Based on my experience, I think it picks a random selection of structures from the server when you enter an area, and gradually fetches new ones over time.

Granted I could be overthinking it, but some of the ones I saw in my game didn't make sense to have been taken from a single player (Chapter 5) single ziplines that didn't connect to anything.
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Based on my experience, I think it picks a random selection of structures from the server when you enter an area, and gradually fetches new ones over time.

Granted I could be overthinking it, but some of the ones I saw in my game didn't make sense (Chapter 5) single ziplines that don't connect to anything.

I think that could definitely be it, or partially it. Either way, it’s really fascinating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen community aspects in a game like this before, and a lot of the potential problems gamers have discussed for stuff like this, have been brilliantly solved.

That’s something that could end up actually being quite influential, along with having to pay more attention to terrain. Playing Witcher 3 actually feels weird now, lol. I could see elements of this game factoring in pretty heavily for PS5 era stuff.
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Still doing my thing in chapter 3 and lovin it. I for the life of me don't get people like Angry Joe, Dunkey and other reviewers saying the gameplay is mediocore or outright bad. I mean it objectively just isn't and subjectively I freaking love it.

Despite being disappointed in mgsv as a mgs game and it being the last one at that, he still was able to create such fantastic gameplay there that I ended up spending 100 hrs playing it when it released and I thought the gameplay of Death Stranding would turn me off, which it almost did in the early hours, but ended up hooking me as much as mgsv did.

As soon as I think I am out Kojima the madman always gets me back in. xD

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Chapter 11, feels like I'm nearing the end now. I hope this all wraps up in a somewhat satisfying way... Regardless, I've had a blast these past 50+ hours.


Every time I try to convince myself to focus on the story, I ALWAYS get fucking sidetracked just doing simple back and forth jobs. Currently prolonging the trip to meet Andie McDowell’s daughter (Mama).

Ive been driving this truck around for hours. While the vehicle itself isn’t impervious to Timefall, the contents within sure as hell are. Im basically driving a UPS truck around at this point (with hydraulics). The only time I need to get out on foot is if the terrain is totally fucked.



The Collector hooked me up with a cover for my backpack which prevents Timefall damage. He really needed those old PlayStations, action games, random consoles and Famitsu magazines bad.

This fuckin game guys

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20 hours in still in chapter 3. Loving the game now that vechicles come into play. Especially the
truck that you can hold shit in with roads being
built. Although
my truck got stuck on a rock trying to cross a river and I can't seem to unstuck it. Damn it, was so useful holding heavy ass objects.


Every time I try to convince myself to focus on the story, I ALWAYS get fucking sidetracked just doing simple back and forth jobs. Currently prolonging the trip to meet Andie McDowell’s daughter (Mama).

Ive been driving this truck around for hours. While the vehicle itself isn’t impervious to Timefall, the contents within sure as hell are. Im basically driving a UPS truck around at this point (with hydraulics). The only time I need to get out on foot is if the terrain is totally fucked.



The Collector hooked me up with a cover for my backpack which prevents Timefall damage. He really needed those old PlayStations, action games, random consoles and Famitsu magazines bad.

This fuckin game guys


I had the same experience at that point. Didn't know that about the Collector, that's cool. Now I feel like going back to finish some of his deliveries, lol.


So instead of monster drink i have timefall porter drink or what ever.
Is this permanent?
No more monster drink?


I had the same experience at that point. Didn't know that about the Collector, that's cool. Now I feel like going back to finish some of his deliveries, lol.

Always try to get those star ratings up to at least three or four. It’s how some of the best equipment and tools will unlock. Five is asking a lot especially when there’s no real reward for it unless you just need those stars on your pants.

Ive got four 👍🏼

In my experience so far, a lot of the 4 star bonuses have been extra paint jobs for stuff.
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I have a question
what's the point of cutting BTs with your handcuffs? Can you permanently clean map sections from them or smth? Otherwise i dont see any reason to engage with them instead of ignoring
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I have a question
what's the point of cutting BTs with your handcuffs? Can you permanently clean map sections from them or smth? Otherwise i dont see any reason to engage with them instead of ignoring
It's just an alternate way to dispose of BTs without using any of your other resources. There are going to be moments where you will find it pretty damn useful, IMO.
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I have a question
what's the point of cutting BTs with your handcuffs? Can you permanently clean map sections from them or smth? Otherwise i dont see any reason to engage with them instead of ignoring

No, you can't clear the BT areas. Only temporarily if you kill the catcher which lasts maybe 5-10 minutes at best, or run out of the area after you get caught. Enough to raid the ruins/factory/etc where they're at at best. The main reason to do it is to silently go around harvesting chiral crystals from them.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Having loads of fun just doing runs and building infrastructure in the post-game, its weirdly compelling for some reason.

Speaking of weird, interacting with local porters is so strangely powerful to me. It really feels like something I guess because the world generally shows so little sign of life. Still, its a feeling I've never really had in a single player game apart from maybe Journey, and that I figured only worked because that was another real player and not an npc.
I have a question
what's the point of cutting BTs with your handcuffs? Can you permanently clean map sections from them or smth? Otherwise i dont see any reason to engage with them instead of ignoring

I didn't think it was that useful at first either. But once I was forced into a situation to use it, I realized how fun it was!

Also you gain likes.
Having loads of fun just doing runs and building infrastructure in the post-game, its weirdly compelling for some reason.

Speaking of weird, interacting with local porters is so strangely powerful to me. It really feels like something I guess because the world generally shows so little sign of life. Still, its a feeling I've never really had in a single player game apart from maybe Journey, and that I figured only worked because that was another real player and not an npc.

I kind of wish there were more walking around!

Except they oddly keep getting in the way of my vehicle. And the very first time I saw them on one of the base enterance ramps, I though they were just the usual holograms. So I drove right over then knocking them unconscious for a while. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

But I have come close to hitting them several other times. And even on a near miss they will dock you -100 likes.


80+hours in, 1 delivery done of chapter 5....but damn I'm proud of my routes, almost every knot with five stars except for a couple ones which are now stupidly easy to deliver to maxout later.

My chiral network bandwidth has almost only one porpuse now in chapter 5, everything else got demolished :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Remember that tip to not hang around Chapter 2 too much? I definitely understand it now, and should have listened, lol.

The game really opens up a bit, in a compelling way and with some very nice tools, in Chapter 3. It’s really worth just doing your main deliveries, enjoying all the big moments, and saving 2’s many quests for a more prepared Sam.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Finished the main story finally! Man, that was like a 3-hour ending all-in-all...

What a fantastic video game that was. There are definitely some parts with the story and world that kind of bothered me and I think I'd be happy if it never got a sequel and Kojima tried something completely different for his studio's next game, it was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience and one of the best I've had in recent years. The presentation was just top-notch and I can't really think of any part of the game that dragged for me. I was constantly propelled ahead by one thing or another and it never got dull. I'll probably go back and put in a few more hours with the post-game stuff, but I don't want to do too much before the PC version is released.


Watched a little bit of that Dunkey video, just hoping for some fun satire. I really wouldn’t mind, and would enjoy seeing something I’m fond of teased, or even criticized, you know?

It wasn’t that. It was idiotically misplaying the game on purpose, which again, wouldn’t be so bad if it was just satire. The fact that he’s also presenting this as a review, though...

I really like Dunkey, but like some things in the past, this was a huge miss.


Based on my experience, I think it picks a random selection of structures from the server when you enter an area, and gradually fetches new ones over time.

Granted I could be overthinking it, but some of the ones I saw in my game didn't make sense to have been taken from a single player (Chapter 5) single ziplines that didn't connect to anything.

It's more sophisticated than that (if the stuff I read is true).

- you are placed into a server instance with X amount of people that started the game at roughly the same time as you
- bandwidth limits make sure a single player can't take all the real estate for himself
- PCCs weigh 5kg each and need network coverage
- timefall makes sure that structures go away after a certain amount of time (during the final chapter, I got messages that the stuff I built in the first region was destroyed)

Not sure, but I bet there is an algorythmus running that makes sure certain structures are hidden, if they trivialize the game (example: certain zip line stations in the mountains).

I built two or three super useful zip lines between Mt Knot the Doc and the Moiuntaineer and they just stayed at 0 likes for days

It's a really really well made system that makes sure that
a) players have a chance to build useful structures
b) the game isn't littered with zip lines and roads when you start

Honestly, this chiral network stuff is kinda underrated. One of the most brilliant, well balanced systems ever in gaming imo
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Watched a little bit of that Dunkey video, just hoping for some fun satire. I really wouldn’t mind, and would enjoy seeing something I’m fond of teased, or even criticized, you know?

It wasn’t that. It was idiotically misplaying the game on purpose, which again, wouldn’t be so bad if it was just satire. The fact that he’s also presenting this as a review, though...

I really like Dunkey, but like some things in the past, this was a huge miss.

spot on
really could not believe dunkey made this video and presented it as a video. Always liked him but this was ridiculous. he should also undersatnd how much influence he has with his millions of views. Geezus christ, driving into stupid things u cant do and then saying it all sucks ass. fuck you dunkey


Gold Member
So have people figured out all that happens in the private room ?

Sometimes porter points to the shower, to the mirror, and all those Easter eggs? Is there something behind

The nightmares with BB or Higgs?

I've also noticed that the lights change in the room...

Its a kojima game, I want explanations !


This game is starting to be a slog for me and I hope I will be able to see it through to the end. I'm still in Chapter 3 ffs, can anyone in a spoiler free way give me an idea of roughly how much playtime is left? I just did the missions where
you take the small thermonuclear bomb you were supposed to take to Fragile to a crater lake.

I'm finding the gameplay more and more chore-like and I'm not having fun rebuilding the roads and running out of supplies all the time, perhaps I'm not playing properly, I don't know. I like the story a lot so far and want to see it through to the end, it's just a bummer when I go to play for a couple hours and the whole session can feel like busy work with no real narrative bite.


This game is starting to be a slog for me and I hope I will be able to see it through to the end. I'm still in Chapter 3 ffs, can anyone in a spoiler free way give me an idea of roughly how much playtime is left? I just did the missions where
you take the small thermonuclear bomb you were supposed to take to Fragile to a crater lake.

I'm finding the gameplay more and more chore-like and I'm not having fun rebuilding the roads and running out of supplies all the time, perhaps I'm not playing properly, I don't know. I like the story a lot so far and want to see it through to the end, it's just a bummer when I go to play for a couple hours and the whole session can feel like busy work with no real narrative bite.

Just do the deliveries that the story wants you to do. Use vehicles to speed up some deliveries. Running from BT encounters is better than a pointless fight that empties your stamina and inventory too. There is no need to do all the side deliverys or to bring back the lost cargo. I finished the story in around 35 hours like that. Keep on keeping on!
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