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Destiny - 1 Year On, Looking back at cut content

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Destiny has had such a fascinating life so far and so many questions still go unanswered about it's development and the content being cut. It's incredibly unlikely that we will ever get real answers to many of our questions or a "post-moterm" so I've decided to do my best to dig into all the available media and put something together and hopefully shed some light on a potentially troubled development and over ambitious project.

I'll be using 2 reddit posts both of which are unverified, A leaked image also unconfirmed, I'll be scrubbing as most pre-release material as possible and also using info from data mined content. The main focus will be missing content both physical and story and how the game we play today seems to be only a fraction of the initial vision.


Arguably the largest problem many have with destiny is the lack of any real story. Prior to launch most assumed the game would be a vast universal romp. Here is a quote about the story from Pete Parson in 2013

"We like to tell big stories and we want people to put the Destiny universe on the same shelf they put Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or Star Wars; we've already seen they do that with Halo. We were extremely proud of what we achieved with Halo... I'm pretty convinced we are going to do it again with Destiny in a way that maybe even Halo never achieved before,"

and it's certainly not like they didn't have a story in place, the game had been in development for 6 years of even longer according to Parson, and the story was something that had plenty of planning devoted to it in those six years.

We sat back, long before we even came to our partnership with Activision, thinking about, ‘We wanted to tell a story over ten years.’ We wanted each one of these things to have its own beginning, middle, and an end, but we really wanted to step back and we can do it. We’ve done it before; we did it with Halo but we didn’t plan it out.

It's been evident since launch that much of the story was cut, how much is unknown but a unverified post from reddit which I'll post in full below tells a very different tale to the destiny we played.

The below I posted in a comment to a thread about an alternative story. Now seeing how most NDAs are invalid once the product has released I firmly believe I'm safe in sharing the Destiny story when I was invited to a User Research Case Study done by Bungie in early 2013.
Note: Test Group = the people in my testing session. Group = Crow's Group.
A run down of how the Destiny story was around early 2013.
Crow ends up being introduced earlier on in the story, in the place of the Exo Stranger, which is interesting to note. This story revolved around discovering that there was something wrong with the Speaker, and the Traveler. As a Guardian, you were abducted by this yet to be named group led by Crow.
In the second mission on Earth you got to a certain point, and he swooped down knocked you out, and brought you to this secret base on Mars. There you met with some Guardians that abandoned the Traveler, the Speaker, and the Light so to speak. It was led by Crow, a burly old human, the Exo Stranger (Who evidently in this variant of the story was male, but had relatively the same personality), and one or two Guardians who lost their Ghosts.
It had this predictable plot where the Traveler was the cause of the collapse of the Golden Age because this group found out through their travels that the Darkness was a spawn of the Traveler rather than it's rival. Essentially when the Traveler was brought to Earth it unleashed the Darkness and took over the majority of the technology that Humanity used, turned it against them and nearly wiped it out. As that happened centuries ago the truth was twisted through the speakers that the Traveler protected Earth in it's darkest moment rather than destroying it.
They send you to Venus to lure out a Gatekeeper, and steal it's core which supposedly held an AI that could help bring the truth to light about the Traveler, and the Speaker to the citizens of the City.
Around this point I recall going to Mars to retrieve the remains of another powerful AI that the Cabal was repurposing for their own use. Then at the end of that mission the test group was sent about 10 hours further into the game where we assaulted a Hive base on the Moon, after the group discovered from an AI that the Hellmouth (IIRC it was a different name then) was a housing for a super weapon that could revive the Traveler from it's dormant state so it could wreck havoc on Humanity again.
That's all I vividly remember from the story from that session. I wanted something different, but it felt like yet another halo game.
The planet progression was different too, it was Earth > Venus > Mars > Moon.
Also the deactivated Spider Walker near the start of the released game is a reference to the Spider Walker in the internal build I played where the Fallen dropped down a bunch of Shanks, Vandals, Dregs, and a.. spider walker. Luckily around mission 7 after returning from Venus to grab an old Starmap I could finally defeat the thing.

A few important things in this if you do a little digging. First is the progression order. Earth > Venus > Mars > Moon. This same order was also mentioned in 2013 Vidoc (linked at the bottom) The exact quote is "You can go from Earth to Venus to Mars to the Moon, to Saturn"

The current story doesn't even leave wiggle room for this chain of planets to occur. In the current progression you find the hive on earth and are then sent to the moon to find a missing guardian at which point you find out that the hive are raising an army, after slowing them down the exo stranger suddenly appears and request you vist Venus, She tells you of the Vex and how they are damaging the traveler with a piece of darkness and you must stop them, From this point you have to go to mars for reasons and ultimately the black garden at which point you destroy this piece of darkness and the game (in halo 2 fashion) abruptly ends.

It's sloppy stitched together story telling without even a shred of exposition and the events from starting the game to ending it are connected by the thinnest of threads.

Post game the whole hive plot line that was introduced at the start was rounded out with the first expansion, little to no story telling still but at least somewhat of a conclusion.

The second piece of noteworthy info from the reddit post is this excerpt about the crow "In the second mission on Earth you got to a certain point, and he swooped down knocked you out, and brought you to this secret base on Mars. There you met with some Guardians that abandoned the Traveler"

Now this "crow" was previously seen mentioned in the 2013 Vidoc during the mobile segment (Image here) the same segment also says "gain favor with the queen" It's heavily implied that the Crow is actually the princesses brother and the cutscene on earth talked about in the reddit is post is likely the one shown in the 2013 Vidoc (Image here)

I'm certain that it's more than safe to assume not only was the story of destiny cannibalized it was almost entirely rebuilt to serve as a basic framework for introducing the factions and little else.

We know Joe Staten someone who had a big hand in crafting stories at Bungie left 12 month prior to shipping which likely had a large impact on the story, It's entirely possible his departure was partly down to specific higher ups forcing the majority of his work to be thrown out.

A post from reddit sheds some light on this. Please note this person refused to verify himself and Deej commented that he was a troll. So take this with a grain of salt. I'm including it because I'm not entirely sure one was or another and much of what he says does match up with uncovered and datamined information

I can confirm that there were sudden and abrupt changes in the development of Destiny less than a year ago. There was tension between higher ups the entire time we were developing the title due to a lack of cohesion about the vision for the game. One side wanted this huge space epic, like an MMO Mass Effect and the other side was not convinced that would sell and wanted to pare things back to more "easily accessible" standards. They were afraid too much story elements and cut scenes would drive players off.
Then Joe left and everything just fell apart. By the time we were 7 months out to release, word came down that we were making massive revisions to the game's story. Huge portions of dialogue were excised and I think several recordings were redone to support the new narrative. Entire areas that would have been in the final game were removed, but some of the context wasn't, which explains weird reactions from NPCs and strange, unexplained motivations. We had a guy come in to write the grimoire cards who was given access to the original script with notations on what was cut and what needed to be revised in order to make this zombie of a game seem plausible.
All of the Last City factions had their storylines and dialogue cut, the Guardian's initial introduction to the Tower and the Last City was cut, and ALL the origins were homogenized down to the one originally used for Exo characters.
Most of what was cut was planned to be re-polished into DLC, but it's all there on the disc. Not all of it is live on the servers, but it's all there on the disc. Some last minute art assets needed to be remade, which is what you'll be downloading.

There is plenty of information to back this up. I'll touch on most of them in the following sections.

Cut Content and Features

It's no secret that on a content level destiny isn't really all that big, Many complaints revolve around the fact that you repeat the same section over and over. It's obviously the players choice to do this or loot drops or fun or whatever motivates them. The fact remains however that at launch the game was anything but huge. The only real end game content was the raid Vault of Glass.

So lets break down the content that was cut.

As they currently stand the 3 factions of the tower are almost entirely pointless, despite having some strong voice acting talent. Peter Stormare, James Remar and Shohreh Aghdashloo get a handful of lines between them. Factions serve no purpose. High end players have little to no use for their gear and low end players get the same stuff with a different skin from the Vangaurd who operate as a kind of default faction.

As mentioned in the reddit post some subtle hints exist here and there that factions originally had unique story arcs to them. Also 2 factions have either been cut or retooled. Seven Seraphs was one that was fairly prominent prior to launch, bungie staff wore tshirts bearing the logo, Osiris was also a faction originally it seems.

The nature of what osiris was originally intended to be is actually a bit confusing. He is heavily mentioned in the lore of the destiny as a warlock who studied Oryx the hive god and then moved to mercury. He has some level of relationship with the queen in the current story but originally who knows. I think it's safe to assume we would visit mercury and osiris at his lighthouse originally maybe as part of a story mission or maybe as part of that factions quest line. The biggest evidence for this is what appears to be Osiris in a cutscene at the Lighthouse (a location unreachable until DLC2 but either present on in heavy development March 2013) Image of Osiris

Again a huge gripe was that we only visited 3 of the planets and a moon, From what I can tell the original plan was something much grander. Saturn, Jupiter and Europa are all discussed locations. Image of Saturn

It's also hinted that the current locations should have been bigger. Early discussions talked about the swamps of new Chicago and early footage showed a pretty large forest location that looks entirely separate from the cosmodrome. Images of the Forest 1 2
Previous footage also shows plenty of locations that we still have not seen mostly hive related, potentially from the next DLC.

I think it's important to note here that while parts of the DLC where discovered early on by players get outside the map much of this content seems like it was originally planned for DLC content regardless. This means it wasn't budgeted as part of the main game and while activision are mandating a high price for the DLC it's has had extensive work done to it. Eris Morne and the Crota DLC seems pretty different to original plans and they spoke about how the reworked the entire format of story telling based on feedback for House of Wolves. HoW also seemed like it was originally going to contain something different to the Prison of Elders what exactly is unknown. It was classed as Raid early on but called Arena

Other Cut Content

A wealth of other content was cut, faction ships, shaders, weapons and armor, None of it vital but most likely to return as DLC. Most of this can be found at 2 excellent websites that have datamined the entire game. Finding the info requires some digging and what is included and what isn't isn't marked at all so it does require information as to what is in the game. Safe to say large amounts of content was in the game that didn't get used until DLC 1 and 2 or even still. DLC 1 and 2 however did include new content.


Closing Note
Bungie are an ambitious studio, I think with the departure of Joe and Marty, The shipping state of games like Halo 2 and Destiny that that ambition isn't always a good thing.
Below I'll link among other things a full transcript of the AMA that a supposed bungie employee participated in. While unverified a few questions and answer do touch upon the inner workings and problems at the studio and how these affected development.

What shipped was on many levels an embarrassment. It's story isn't even something that could come close to rivaling lord of the rings or star wars. It's gameplay is repetitive. The only really solid thing about the entire game is the way the gunplay controls and that is the only thing that the gutting of the game likely didn't effect.

The game isn't without problems in the slightest but it's also not without it's upsides. As a player with 800+ hours invested I've got my worth out of the Ghost Edition and I'll be buying the Physical collectors edition of The Taken King. The gunplay, powers and mechanics of PvE and PvP encounters is some of the best I've played in a shooter.

Ultimately I think it's very safe to assume that 12-7 months prior to release much of the game was cut, why we will never know. I think conflicting interest might be the main thing. I have a feeling that Activision had a heavy hand in forcing some of these choices. Vidoc and content output from the studio took a nosedive around this time which is strange because if you look at the previous titles Halo 3 and Reach had heavy output of similar content up until launch.

The real shame of this is that the potential of telling a great story is still around. The Grimoire cards are incredibly disjointed but the stellar efforts of the community in putting them together results in some really really interesting stuff. Factions gain a real identity and reason to exist in the universe. Characters and Weapons become a whole lot more appealing. Enemy factions don't just seem like mindless bullet sponges they take on an a purpose and for some a sci fi awe that isn't easy to replicate.

I think the original vision for this game was one of sprawling worlds, a blurred line between good and evil with multiple factions on both sides and even some in the middle all doing what the could in a universe suffering harsher times. Maybe it will still achieve that. It does have 9 more years. The Dark Below, House of Wolves and the negative press surrounding The Taken King don't really bode well going into the games second year however.


Unconfirmed Member
Thank you so much for this, reading now.
When I heard about content being cut and the game being scaled down from its initial promised proposal, I had to jump ship. Beta was fun though. The game at launch didn't look to different from the beta, which was a huge disappointment. I can't talk for it now though, haven't looked at it.


Thanks I've taken care of how I felt about destiny and appreciate it for how it is.

But the one thing I hate is how much cheeses we need in our endgame material
It's important to note that I'm still only scratching the surface with this. Their is so much about the development and original story we will never know.

The lore in the game really is great once you dig around in it and it's a stupid shame that it's so awkward to put it together because many won't bother to dig into a fascinatingly complex story of opposing attitudes and morals.


Unconfirmed Member
So your primary sources are "tales from my ass."

If you were following the game since its announcement, you'll realise that there's some veracity to those sources. Destiny was meant to be a much bigger game than it is now. The promises bungie made were huge, like universal scale.


Gold Member
I don't feel that the game has any less story than the Halo games.

You have to be joking. The terminals in Halo 3 told a better story than Destiny. It's patently clear that any attempt at story telling in Destiny was chucked near deadline and replaced with the Grimoire system and that system is horrible in and of itself without the community pulling all the disparate bits together.

Halo: Defined beginning, middle, climax, and ending (until halo 4, that is).

Destiny: Half assed messiah story beginning, characters that make no sense and then just vanish once their dialog is done... and yeah. That's about it.

In all seriousness, I remember really loving what I was hearing about the game from its initial reveal, and whilst I did enjoy the shipped product, it was a lot more shallow than I was expecting, especially the story.
beside cut content, it's the sheer amont of content clearly cut from the game to be put in DLC. and the AMATEUR at best, if not totally retarded design decision Bungie kept doing over the patches, balances and other issues for over a year.

I really wonder if Destiny wasn't fixed and run only by interns by the end the look of this year
So your primary sources are "tales from my ass."

I suppose you can put it like that, Both have some supporting evidence in the game. Either way the story that exist today isn't at all similar to what the original was even if it doesn't follow what was said in the reddit post.

I don't feel that the game has any less story than the Halo games.

It's not just the level of story, it's also how disjointed it is. Halo created mystery and peaked peoples interest. The way destiny told it's story only served to turn the majority off.


What negative press surrounding TTK?

It's not like Bungie haven't cut things before. Remember Halo 2 E3 demo. Of course you do.


On the story front, I see it sort of as an evolution of the what bungie was doing g with halo. It was always frustrating how sometimes integeral story beats were to be found outside of the game. Want to to know why mastercheif is falling from the sky? Read the comic, etc

Still doesn't excuse what they did with destiny.


Its funny to think of where this game was at a year ago, to today. this game was supposed to be the game that defined this console generation. Far from that now.


Remember when Jason Jones said this when they announced their partnership with Activision.


Wonder how he feels today. Destiny could have been something great. You know shit went down sometime during the development of this game, Activision likely being a culprit.


I enjoy Destiny for what it is (though I have not played in a month) but hearing what it could have been just breaks my soul in two. Sounds like all they needed was a little faith. Even if this stuff is not real, they should read it and make it real
What makes me sad is that despite its failings, people still continue to support this game with more of their money which just opens of the floodgates for publishers to do the same thing with other games.
I'll be using 2 reddit posts both of which are unverified, A leaked image also unconfirmed, I'll be scrubbing as most pre-release material as possible and also using info from data mined content. The main focus will be missing content both physical and story and how the game we play today seems to be only a fraction of the initial vision.

Huh? Can you at least link us the posts? I'm not sure what we're gleaning from unverified crap from Reddit.
Destiny is such a fascinating mess.

Totally not planning on buying TTK but Ill be curious to see how it evolves.

Taken king seems like a bunch of baby steps in the tight direction. Maybe when they make a proper follow up and ditch 360/ps3 it will be something special



Huh? Can you at least link us the posts? I'm not sure what we're gleaning from unverified crap from Reddit.

As mentioned, those Reddit posts aren't really telling us anything new. They're just consolidating information that's freely available from numerous official sources—many from Bungie themselves, in fact.


Unconfirmed Member
Destiny is such a fascinating mess.

Totally not planning on buying TTK but Ill be curious to see how it evolves.

Taken king seems like a bunch of baby steps in the tight direction. Maybe when they make a proper follow up and ditch 360/ps3 it will be something special

Speaking of which, wasn't Destiny II meant to be announced two years after the first one. There was meant to be a DLC series called Comet in between.


Junior Member
Its funny to think of where this game was at a year ago, to today. this game was supposed to be the game that defined this console generation. Far from that now.

Maybe it doesn't define it for you, but it does for others. Game is FUN.

Huh? Can you at least link us the posts? I'm not sure what we're gleaning from unverified crap from Reddit.

The post which is now deleted http://gamerant.com/wp-content/uploads/Destiny-Early-Story-Details.jpg

The AMA in which someone who claimed he worked for bungie gave some infomation on it's development. Bungie as a I mentioned in the original post did comment on this calling it fake. Like I said I'm not decided either way.

Good post, Stalker. Sources are unverified, true, but the odds of getting someone from Bungie to publicly admit what went wrong with Destiny are lower than the amount of Strikes the game shipped with.

As a long-time Halo and Bungie fan, the contrast between the studio in its Halo years and the Bungie we see today is staggering. Partnering with Activision may have paid off for them, financially... But they paid for it in their own way.

I've had my fun with Destiny. I spent an ungodly amount of time playing, even though the game was never stable on my connection and I dropped out more times than I can count. I'm still tempted to get the Taken King, but I doubt I will at this point.


semen stains the mountaintops
I feel the stories in the Halo games are pretty barebones but people seem happy to fill it out with the books. I'm not one of those.

If Halo's story is barebones than Destiny's is no bones. Destiny is a dried up jellyfish.
I was really hoping for a kind of Borderlands meets Mass Effect game with a story and MMO features. I am hopeful the next game can offer this.


There's probably a good discussion to be had about how the lore has been altered and what exactly the original plans for the game were supposed to be. This is probably not the best place to have that discussion though.

Speaking of which, wasn't Destiny II meant to be announced two years after the first one. There was meant to be a DLC series called Comet in between.

Comet was never a DLC series it was the major expansion. Comet was the codename. The original working name was Plague of Darkness and the final name is The Taken King.


i wouldn't even say that's correct. It's like they promised you a steak and then gave you a burger. Yeah the burger is good but I really fucking wanted that steak.

Goddammit! GAF is making me really fucking hungry. I haven't eaten today.

I played the hell out of Destiny when it came out, but was really disappointed when I didn't really get a grand story which sucks because I thought the settings were interesting. I played some of the first two DLC packs and feel like I got about all I'm going to get out of the game. I didn't know there were issues during development. Interesting read, OP.
Even if they release some "campaign" DLC or something, I'm probably going to pass and just remain being "salty."


Perfect use.

Except that Destiny is a single game with 2 DLC packs. It fits the hamburger on the left better than the one on the right. Other than House of Wolves and The Dark Below, there is no DLC to buy for the game.

Many people have in fact wanted the DLC to be more granular and piecemeal.


Unconfirmed Member
Comet was never a DLC series it was the major expansion. Comet was the codename. The original working name was Plague of Darkness and the final name is The Taken King.

Oh my bad, yes it was meant to be an expansion pack. So what's the deal with all this DLC? I presume Comet 1 was broken up into smaller pieces?


Maybe we should have seen it coming all along, considering that first quote about Bungie thinking people put Halo on the same storytelling shelf as Harry Potter.

Nori Chan


"Let's all discredit everything he said cause all I saw was a link to reddit"

Nvm the fact that trials of Osiris was originally supposed to be in the game until it was cut to be paid dlc. Let's not forget that both dlcs added maybe three or four new places to the game. So quick to mull things over.
Destiny is such a fascinating mess.

Totally not planning on buying TTK but Ill be curious to see how it evolves.

Taken king seems like a bunch of baby steps in the tight direction. Maybe when they make a proper follow up and ditch 360/ps3 it will be something special

I expect Destiny 2 will be better. They cut so much content just so it could ship, there was barely any game left on launch date. Content was also being parceled out piecemeal at additional charge afterwards. The way the content was gated behind an astonishingly stupid and un-fun RNG grind just to keep people playing was also hugely off-putting, it was basically an MMO without the social elements which make MMOs fun or at least tolerable when you're grinding like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill endlessly.

Of course if the plan with Destiny 2 is also to ship literally nothing and then add tiny bits of something every few months for additional charge while making players grind more than their real life jobs then Bungie and Activision can shove it up their asses.


"We like to tell big stories and we want people to put the Destiny universe on the same shelf they put Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter or Star Wars; we've already seen they do that with Halo. We were extremely proud of what we achieved with Halo... I'm pretty convinced we are going to do it again with Destiny in a way that maybe even Halo never achieved before,"

The quote is correct, It is on the same shelf, gets more play time that any of the others.

They probably did not mean the story would be like those films.....

In fact, never played a coop shooter that has a deep story, have you OP ? No, then whats the problem ? Its not a TLOU, was never meant to be with 6 players.

I cant recall any story in all the Halos I played coop except for that blue cortana, and only because she was blue and naked which kinda stood out.

Content is fine, has more content than any other shooter I have played.

Cut content, pure speculation...the amount of polish destiny has in its mechanics and gameplay they obviously balanced it to cater for 6 different play styles.

The amount of posters sure that content was cut to add in later is just that, bullshit. Yes some maps had been created in part, does that mean the finished article was ready at shipping....? No, its just rubbish talk.

How do we know it was cut just to add DLC ? We dont...

But the Halo / COD / Destiny haters like to dislike popular games.
I kind of expected what no man's sky is to be what destiny was. But destiny isn't terrible still. Just not what anyone really wanted .
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