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Destiny - 1 Year On, Looking back at cut content

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You obviously don't actually know me at all. I used to be pro bungie. I can have a grudge because of all the lies and the years of waiting for what released.

I know you said you were pro at the beta and lost it...

But you still going...how long ago was that. The games good now, you would be surprised.
Destiny is such a divisive game in my opinion, it's a decent game but not "Great" game and it's a damn shame since there's SOOO much potential there and I honestly think Bungie are capable of SOOO much better. As a huge fan of Halo I followed the development of Destiny very closely all the way back when those first few details leaked out of the Activision vs. Infinity Ward lawsuit through the LA Times. I honestly thought it was going to be a co-op RPG FPS version of Mass Effect. I read multiple reviews and still decided to take the gamble. I've played around 500 hours and enjoyed my time with it and certainly got my money's worth from the game and I like it but it could be a lot better. I look at it like a picture frame of sorts, there's this elaborate and intricately crafted gold frame in place but the picture inside the frame is just a blank canvas or maybe more like a puzzle with only a few pieces in place. Bungie, Activision, the press as well as the gaming community as a whole practically hyped Destiny up as the second coming of Christ and I think it's pretty clear that that's not the case and the final game we got was not 100% of what Bungie's original vision for the game actually was, which is a damn shame. Like I said I followed the development of Destiny pretty closely and obviously it's not 100% certain but I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority of this stuff is true. What convinces me personally is the fact that there are so many common themes and reoccurring elements in all of this stuff. It's like any crime scene, the evidence is all there you just have to find it and see what connects the dots.

Like many others have already said the gameplay and more accurately the gunplay is excellent and absolutely superb, it's the best part of the game. The music is very good too and quite unique as is the multiplayer which is really frantic and exciting plus every map is fantastic, fun to play and very well designed with memorable and engaging layouts. The co-op elements are enjoyable and the raids are tremendously fun and some of the best content in the game (despite almost every boss in the game just being a big bullet sponge). The art design, graphics, models, textures and assets are all unique and good too but the world itself doesn't feel alive, interesting or interactive at all. In fact it often feels the exact opposite of that, hollow and sterile. The level design is fine however, the actual mission design is mind numbingly terrible and ridiculously repetative. It's lazy and relies FAR too much on the defend Dinklebot from wave after wave of mindless cannon fodder horde mode. Another big issue is the lack of content and variety, it's probably the game's biggest handicap aside from the story. But for me personally though the worst part of the WHOLE experience is the lack of a compelling plot and competent storytelling. There's a premise and it has potential but they utterly failed in the execution. The story is just so threadbare, shallow and pretentious. It lacks any sort of depth, context, complexity or substance and what's already there is incoherent, inconsistent and very disjointed. It looks, feels and sounds like it was conjured up and lazily hobbled together by some 12 year old as a last minute book report. I just expected much better from Bungie.

Although they have fixed many other issues both big and small with the game and have made lots of improvements, modifications and updates I think Destiny 2 will be the real test of whether or not they actually learned anything from their failures with the first game and can actually deliver on those lessons with a better experience.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Some day, there will be a Destiny thread that manages to remain somewhat on topic, but it is not this day.
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