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Destiny: Only one area per planet


Are people really thinking the beta has all the earth missions? The jumping to conclusion going on in these threads is crazy

Alot of people are entitled these days. Bungie shouldnt of done a beta at all I guess. (would you rather demo the game or wait till it releases? I had fun. Did you? --not towards you br3wnor but general question.)

While some may be right, we havent seen what the actual final content will be. Old Russia, is huge. We only got to see some areas while others were still locked off. So there is still tons to do there.

The Moon mission was a nice tease and you could explore it. Me and a couple of guys found alot of locked doors down there and took us a while to get to those areas. So personally, if these planets are huge, thats fine with me. We just have to wait and see alittle longer though if Bungie teases other planets or levels.
PSO, arguably the closest in structure comparison for Destiny, seemed to do fine with five areas initially, and some of those were tiny.

Regardless, the jumping to conclusions in here is pretty bad. You really think they're going to release a game they're building as a platform for years without enough content to keep people playing? That's a pretty poor assumption to make.


I knew once the honeymoon was over people would be reacting like this. I already bought the game but it's laughable that they think people will be playing it for years to come.


Well posts like certainly contribute less than my original may have in your eyes.

Well, only if nobody takes it to heart, if even one person stops with this silly, "well then, i'm not buying it ________ then" nonsense than its accomplished quite a lot.

None of us are that important that it matters. Looks like you're not ready to think like that though, oh well, maybe someone else will read our exchange and be like, yea, its about time we stop doing that.


The only time it has seemed truly unbalanced is when you are on the moon map and the other team has all the vehicles and you cant overthrow them. And Bungie has already said they are fixing that.

ye we got wrekt by just the large vehicle like literly no one on my team could stop him even on turret.

however i felt shores of time map was pretty solid.


Gamer's that have unrealistic expectations, the time to dollar complex, general gaf pessimsim. In terms of the size of the zones, I just hope that the story is compelling,the setup is pretty promising. It's surprisingly rare to get an optimistic AAA game nowadays, and the atmosphere is well beyond damn near all shooters this year. So I just hope the story is solid and that the exploration is more rewarding (even though I am enjoying just moving about the environment and gawking at the detail). They nailed the most important part, the moment to moment gameplay is rock solid.

You mean the story in a game where the villain is "the darkness"? And the game start off by having you be magically resurrected seemingly from nowhere, and follow the order of a strange floating eyeball without asking a single question about anything? yeah...wouldn't get my hopes up
damn earth in whole was in the beta that's pretty sad to here. apparently awhile back people found out there is level 20 gear and the second subclass is at level 15. that might be the retail cap. so unless they decrease xp which seems so because i think the moon missions after the one we did was only level 7. that would mean there is probably only ~30 missions in the base game if there are 4 more planets. looking at the crucible there is no standard tdm there is a free for all match type but the others just seem to be 3v3 control 6vs6 control and vehicle control. expansions will add content and probably level cap but ye it doesn't seem like it will have a lot of content. I still stand by my digital prepurchase and will enjoy what is there.

When you hit the level cap, you keep leveling or something to that effect.



Well shit, this is hugely disappointing news and I am now worried about the games ability to hold my interest for a substantial amount of time.

Uh, damn it.


Sounds like a far cry from what they were promising back in early '13. The notion that this game will last ten years with such a paltry amount of content is laughable. Low level cap, four zones, shallow PvP... Best pray that the endgame content is amazing, otherwise I'm afraid Destiny has no legs.


Well, I really think the beta is the main game, only limited in some ways, so... 6GB is what we're getting (because it's just one disc on 360 right?). It seems pretty reasonable to have just one area per planet, which still sucks, but I think we could see this coming a mile away. More content will come from the mo... I mean, from dlc, from paid dlc.


I knew once the honeymoon was over people would be reacting like this. I already bought the game but it's laughable that they think people will be playing it for years to come.

That's what post-launch content is for. They're not going to release Destiny and say "Welp, that's the game! See you when Destiny 2 comes out!".


What? I am to blame that Bungie promised me a game full of ambition and a galaxy to explore and I'm not getting that?

Right, because there's never been any hyperbole in gaming advertising, ever. I'd always thought that with the type of game it is I'd be surprised if it had as much exploration as ME1, regardless of "promises".


The only time it has seemed truly unbalanced is when you are on the moon map and the other team has all the vehicles and you cant overthrow them. And Bungie has already said they are fixing that.
I don't think imbalance is a huge issue. I do think people pulling space magic out of their ass, shotguns on spawn and bloom/ads are really big problems. It's fun when playing against terrible players, but it's not exactly brilliant in a competitive sense to say the least.
Sounds like a far cry from what they were promising back in early '13. The notion that this game will last ten years with such a paltry amount of content is laughable. Low level cap, four zones, shallow PvP... Best pray that the endgame content is amazing, otherwise I'm afraid Destiny has no legs.

It's a ten year franchise, not ten years for just the first game.

Karl Hawk

That's what post-launch content is for. They're not going to release Destiny and say "Welp, that's the game! See you when Destiny 2 comes out!".
Exactly. Bungie supported their Halo games with content post-launch. Destiny is no exception.


Alot of people are entitled these days. Bungie shouldnt of done a beta at all I guess. (would you rather demo the game or wait till it releases? I had fun. Did you? --not towards you br3wnor but general question.)

While some may be right, we havent seen what the actual final content will be. Old Russia, is huge. We only got to see some areas while others were still locked off. So there is still tons to do there.

The Moon mission was a nice tease and you could explore it. Me and a couple of guys found alot of locked doors down there and took us a while to get to those areas. So personally, if these planets are huge, thats fine with me. We just have to wait and see alittle longer though if Bungie teases other planets or levels.

Considering general feelings towards the game before and after the alpha/beta they absolutely made the right choice.

People concerned about the amount of concerned will either wait for bungie/early review companies to say how much is actually in the game or wait a week after release for user impressions.

You're right that people are totally entitled to spend their discretionary income on things they feel are worth the cost, since everyone has a different value judgement there is no right or wrong for that.
The notion that this game will last ten years with such a paltry amount of content is laughable.

You're kidding, right?

Destiny's 10-year plan is the same 'plan' that games like Halo, Gran Turismo, Mario, God of War, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc have lasted over 10 years.

Multiple numbered retail releases and continuous DLC support.


What are you even trying to say?

No one knows how much content the final game will have.

This thread is hilarious.

That's what I'm thinking. Wait until the game is out.

My rule for this game: If it's small, don't buy it until a bargain bin. And if it's small with "expansions" to increase the world (aka - cut content to make more money), just never buy it.
Right, because there's never been any hyperbole in gaming advertising, ever. I'd always thought that with the type of game it is I'd be surprised if it had as much exploration as ME1, regardless of "promises".

"But others make false promises too!" isn't a great excuse, I gotta say.
You mean the story in a game where the villain is "the darkness"? And the game start off by having you be magically resurrected seemingly from nowhere, and follow the order of a strange floating eyeball without asking a single question about anything? yeah...wouldn't get my hopes up

You think Halo's story was all that great? It wasn't, put it was presented so well it didn't matter. Bungie always makes corny sci-fi, but it almost always has a big heated.I know exactly what I'm expecting.Also, there is a running theory with very,very strong evidence that guardians are resurrected warriors and it is the purpose of the ghosts to seek them out. Also, you were dead, got resurrected and hostile forces are following you, are you really going to question this magical orb? I mean if we're talking about the narrative plausibility (which is a little silly).


That's what post-launch content is for. They're not going to release Destiny and say "Welp, that's the game! See you when Destiny 2 comes out!".
Yeah, now it's "Pay us more than half the price of the original game and we will give you more content that we alluded to actually being in the game in the first place!"


I'd be in the dick
What I expected. The alpha and beta aren't even all of Old Russia and I've played in those for about 40 hours, even with a low level cap and being unable to equip better gear for most of it.
People need to get hooked on the first game if they're supposed to keep coming back.

And you're thinking a pre-assumed notion of disgust towards a lack of content ( which is still sizable, just not at a MMO-level) will be the game's downfall?

Yeah, now it's "Pay us more than half the price of the original game and we will give you more content that we alluded to actually being in the game in the first place!"

Thankfully, they revealed this fact to us before even needing to pay a single cent for the game! And we managed to play a few days of alpha/beta too!

Since content is such a tickler for you, just wait till Destiny 2/3 then when the game finally ships with the content that they alluded to in the initial reveal.


Yeah, now it's "Pay us more than half the price of the original game and we will give you more content that we alluded to actually being in the game in the first place!"
I'll pay it because I want it
They COULD be charging us a monthly fee but they're not
Sounds like a far cry from what they were promising back in early '13. The notion that this game will last ten years with such a paltry amount of content is laughable. Low level cap, four zones, shallow PvP... Best pray that the endgame content is amazing, otherwise I'm afraid Destiny has no legs.

The series will last 10 years. They never said this single Destiny game would last 10 years. There's so much confirmation bias in this thread, and sure I want the game to be good, but I am going off what we actually know and Bungie's precedent.


That's what I'm afraid of. Games coming out with small initial content, and you're being asked to pay for the rest of the game( dlc). Such a sad state of affairs :/


I'll pay it because I want it
They COULD be charging us a monthly fee but they're not

Man, I've played the beta. They're doing no more than Guild Wars 1. It's not an MMO in the traditional sense. A subscription fee would be such a joke.

If you want to see what an FPS MMO looks like, try Planetside 2.

Two Words

Destiny Lies:

- "You'll be able to explore all of that area over there!"
Nope. Extremely tight restrictions of exploration. Game kills you if you walk out of the intended zone.

- Friends enter your game world visibly from their ship.
Nope. They just pop in suddenly out of nowhere.

- Old Chicago and Mumbai Push are parts of Earth.
Nope. Better hope its in the DLC.

- "Each planet's campaign will be as long and large as Halo Reach."
Nope. Definitely not the case with Earth. Even with areas like King's Watch being included, it seems smaller than Reach. And 10-15 hours in Old Russia is going to get dull if that is the case.

- Public Event brings in a ton of other players to fight the boss.
Nope. No extra summons. Better hope the people around you actually want to do the public event.

- "You'll be able to create the character how you want them to look in all sorts of ways.".
Nope. Every race/gender has like 6-8 face options.

- Showed gameplay inferring you can deploy your ghost as an assistant.
Nope. He is just an omnikey.


just checked my stats and I spent 3.5 hours beating all the missions with my first character and 2.5 hours my second go through( I usually don't play games a second run like this, but I was bored). I amazed with people putting 15+ hours into the boringness of old Russia. But I guess it just comes down to gameplay style. Im not playing the game like Diablo.


I'm wondering about all of these people who cancel their pre-orders when there's suddenly some new info that could OR could not be a bad thing. Do they have some kind of checklist that they go through in order to justify the purchase? Because surely you cannot yet know how the full game is going to be, so it's all up to their expectations and imagination.

I think it's really weird concidering this is a fairly new game concept. People talk like they have been playing games like this for years and they expect this and that. But no one really knows. What we know is how most of the Earth and Moon location will look like, and that's pretty much it. The rest will reveal itself when the game is released, and only then can we tell how it will actually look like.


I'll pay it because I want it
They COULD be charging us a monthly fee but they're not

From what we've seen the game is no where near the amount of content of games charging a monthly fee. FFXIV's main storyline is about 50 hours. class story lines are about 10 each and there are more/larger zones.

I'm disappointed we haven't heard whether destiny will have a separate story line for each of the three main classes. That would at least provide incentive to play all three and explain why guardians seem to organize into those classes.

Two Words

Alot of people are entitled these days. Bungie shouldnt of done a beta at all I guess. (would you rather demo the game or wait till it releases? I had fun. Did you? --not towards you br3wnor but general question.)

While some may be right, we havent seen what the actual final content will be. Old Russia, is huge. We only got to see some areas while others were still locked off. So there is still tons to do there.

The Moon mission was a nice tease and you could explore it. Me and a couple of guys found alot of locked doors down there and took us a while to get to those areas. So personally, if these planets are huge, thats fine with me. We just have to wait and see alittle longer though if Bungie teases other planets or levels.

Do you know what entitled means? It doesn't mean being upset about the game not being how they first pitched it. Nobody is here thinking they are entitled to anything. They are simply disappointed with how quickly this game has shrunk in scale. A lot of that disappointment is Bungie's fault for lying about the scale.
Oh dear god, Bungie you really are screwing this game up now.

No they aren't.

The problem is we have been forced to play 5 missions and one strike in the same area over and over again for 2 weeks. In the retail game your progression will continue and you won't feel burnt out on just old Russia. The game is smaller then most of is anticipated but don't act like the game is the beta plus a few more missions.

Honestly if you are worried about the content that's great smart choice to wait. Posts like yours and others claiming the game is dead and lolz activision. Do no good.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Alot of people are entitled these days.

Oh yeah, we're absolutely entitled to no more bullshit marketing and hype building.

Bungie guys going "you can go to those mountains" then feature invisible walls and death counters to anyone trying to get even an inch close to those mountains is horseshit.

This thread is a direct result of the difference between what they've been selling through marketing and what they're actually delivering.

From what we've played in the beta, we know Destiny is a good, solid game. People might nitpick this or that but the general consensus is that this is going to be a very enjoyable piece of entertainment.

The problem comes when the marketing machine keeps selling shit that they cannot deliver. Backlash is inevitable.
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