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Destiny |OT44| A Community in Discord

Everyone I've talked to who has played as a team has had a really good time. Solo queue folks have had a real mixed bag. What's been your experience?

I have found as a solo player that PvP is very unsatisfying. You absolutely have to team shoot unless you are lucky enough to come across someone running away from being damaged.

All the icons at the top of the screen are going to need some explanation too.
Posting here because DGAF is my home, not gaming side.

Thoughts on the D2 beta after playing all 6 subclasses:

The Good
  • Lordy, this is a good looking game. Particle effects, lens flairs, etc. Higher rez & texture models everywhere. The Fallen in particular got a nice boost.
  • New enemies and new enemy behaviors were very cool to see. I loved the harpies worshipping the Modular Mind at the start of the boss fight.
  • The supers are amazing. Dawnblade flight, Nova bomb tracking, 4 strikers smashes, Poledancer combos, all amazing.
  • New class abilities are mostly really cool! The Warlock rifts are welcome addition and the Titan rally wall is so good.
  • Subclass tuning has some nice perks. Voidwalkers cooking grenades, Sunlocks getting Twilight Garrison are both really cool things.
  • The boss in the strike is really complex with 4 phases and 3 arenas and surprisingly hard.
  • The world feels a lot more alive. Even in this strike there are lost sectors, pikes, warp gate shenanigans, an active dynamic day night cycle, Vex architecture that feels alive (spoiler, because it is).
  • 4v4 is a good switch. 6s is way too chaotic and I felt like I had no control over the course of the match. 4s feels like the right amount for deliberate play but also not feeling like you're screwing over your team if you have an off match like it would in 3s.
The bad
  • Recharge rates on abilities are terribly slow and really sour every one at least some on this thing. We've got cool new supers, but if you screw up, it's 6 more minutes before you can get it again. And I just played a competitive match on Control where everyone's efficiencies were 1-2.0+ and no one got their super. The first person activated theirs with 3 seconds to go. What the hell?
  • Everything is slow. Sprint speed, weapon swaps, weapon ready, reloads, etc. It doesn't feel great.
  • Time to kill is substantially slower in PvE and PvP. In PvP, this has the effect of severely punishing solo play. You will not beat 2 people or even successfully kill one and disengage. Teamshooting is required. First shot is required. Once I adapted my play, it felt much better, but this is a BIG shift from Destiny 1.
  • I think TTK in PvE is a little too high as well OR I don't feel like enemies are reacting as much. They just feel spongy, but maybe that's because I'm using primaries for 90% of the mission. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Power ammo scarcity. Thankfully, Luke has already acknowledged they're working on it. I hope they look at how much ammo power bricks give. I got 1 rocket from a brick. That feels super-bad.
  • The generator room in the first mission is terrible. It's the same rotating arms of death as the strike and it's just super cheap.
  • Several times during the first mission I got lost. Doors wouldn't open unless you approached them and the direction icon wasn't there when I wanted it and I needed to take out my ghost.
  • Zavala got me and many, many blueberries killed with his "Everyone take cover in my bubble!" call out. My dude, they're only shooting at your bubble, telling people to jump inside insta-kills them before they can get it in.
  • "Freedom Slots" or Double Primaries "No fun allowed". I totally get why this happened for PvP, along with ammo boxes only for one person. They have to make the case for why this is a good change for PvE. In Destiny 1 when PvP nerfs hit PvE they'd make a concession here or there on % damage to minions of the darkness, but largely just ignored PvE players complaints. This is a foundational change and to me, I don't see it. Here's the list of things in fun slot: sniper, fusion, shotgun, line rifle, grenade launcher, sword, rockets. That's 7 things even before you get into exotics that will be competing for that slot.
  • My hope was that because primaries were going to be primaries and going to be 90% of the game, they'd feel even better than D1, but they don't. Without the pressure of special competition, they've gotten worse. They do less damage and handle just as bad. Plinking at the strike boss is a slog. Meanwhile, `elemental` slot is totally arbitrary. Like the same kind of guns can drop in either slot, so it doesn't feel unique and just like in D1, elemental power doesn't really help that much. (It is neat that they do extra damage to supers now, but in PvE unless their are burns, elemental primaries don't really do much). It's too late to change this. And we'll have it for 3 years, but I wish they could make the case to PvE players why losing special was a good thing.
  • I'm also kind of shocked they get white and green boxes. I know I have a scout and an SMG, but I have to think explicitly to remember which is elemental.
  • You lose power ammo when swapping power weapons in PvE. That's not fun.
  • A little thing, but Resilience & Mobility are flipped on the character screen vs the actual armor pieces.
Wrap up:
I think Ghaleon said it well: the content is there, but the gunplay and abilities aren't there yet. The fun stuff like power ammo and abilities too hidden. What's the point of playing a science fantasy game with space magic if I don't get to be a bad ass?

That said, this is absolutely now a team game. The changes they've made to PvP make soloqueing a bad time. Everyone I've talked to who had a good time in PvP last night was playing as a team with mics on. As Larx Bekken said, they focused on "team work, consistency, competition" and I think they done such a good job that the Crucible really feels like Destiny 2. If you play it like Destiny 1 you will not have a good time.

But it's also a team game in PvE. I'm excited to plan out my team composition for hard missions. Class abilities are such a welcome addition and have real team utility. Hunters may not have rifts and walls, but they share Chain of Woe buffs too. Tackling that last boss with a coordinated team is a breeze. With blueberries, it's painful as hell.

And I think that's the way to look at all these changes in the most positive light: everything team related got buffed. (and many individual player attributes got nerfed) but team work got buffed!

This beta has taken away my hype (it's much too uneven), but it has left with me with immense curiosity. What will they change from this beta? What will the progression system be? How will infusion work? How will loot drops work? What about customization?

I walked into this beta not knowing what Destiny 2 really was. I'm still not sure I do, other than this is certainly not Destiny 1.5.
Not sure really what to think of the mobility right now. Tried Titan for my first go around felt like walking through molasses. Which I think partly it has to do with the armor we're forced to where. Titans armor reduced mobility.

Tried Warlock for my second go around and enjoyed myself a lot more. Game felt so much better. Why? I again think it has a a lot to do with the armor. It allowed better mobility. Also I found the Warlocks have a better weapon selection as well.

Haven't played Hunter yet.

Something is up with head shots in this beta in pve. Hopefully it's ironed out in the full game.

Dear god buff the super/ability recharge rates Bungie please. We're super magic zombies not your average joe zombie. Let me use my space magic more then a few times in a strike/pvp.

Putting so many weapons in the power slot takes away a lot of weapon combos. I know Bungie already stated it's gonna get buffed. But I hope it's by a lot in pve. So I can use all the weapons I desire.

Overall I'm not totally enjoying myself right now. Beta feels way too constricting. But god damn it if I read one more post about this game not looking good I might bust a cap. D2 Looks amazing.
Hmm... I'm not sure about this game. If there is matchmaking I can at least stick with PvE but it's a shame that PvP feels better played as a team.

Warlock looks cool though.


Posting here because DGAF is my home, not gaming side.

Thoughts on the D2 beta after playing all 6 subclasses:

The Good
  • Lordy, this is a good looking game. Particle effects, lens flairs, etc. Higher rez & texture models everywhere. The Fallen in particular got a nice boost.
  • New enemies and new enemy behaviors were very cool to see. I loved the harpies worshipping the Modular Mind at the start of the boss fight.
  • The supers are amazing. Dawnblade flight, Nova bomb tracking, 4 strikers smashes, Poledancer combos, all amazing.
  • New class abilities are mostly really cool! The Warlock rifts are welcome addition and the Titan rally wall is so good.
  • Subclass tuning has some nice perks. Voidwalkers cooking grenades, Sunlocks getting Twilight Garrison are both really cool things.
  • The boss in the strike is really complex with 4 phases and 3 arenas and surprisingly hard.
  • The world feels a lot more alive. Even in this strike there are lost sectors, pikes, warp gate shenanigans, an active dynamic day night cycle, Vex architecture that feels alive (spoiler, because it is).
  • 4v4 is a good switch. 6s is way too chaotic and I felt like I had no control over the course of the match. 4s feels like the right amount for deliberate play but also not feeling like you're screwing over your team if you have an off match like it would in 3s.
The bad
  • Recharge rates on abilities are terribly slow and really sour every one at least some on this thing. We've got cool new supers, but if you screw up, it's 6 more minutes before you can get it again. And I just played a competitive match on Control where everyone's efficiencies were 1-2.0+ and no one got their super. The first person activated theirs with 3 seconds to go. What the hell?
  • Everything is slow. Sprint speed, weapon swaps, weapon ready, reloads, etc. It doesn't feel great.
  • Time to kill is substantially slower in PvE and PvP. In PvP, this has the effect of severely punishing solo play. You will not beat 2 people or even successfully kill one and disengage. Teamshooting is required. First shot is required. Once I adapted my play, it felt much better, but this is a BIG shift from Destiny 1.
  • I think TTK in PvE is a little too high as well OR I don't feel like enemies are reacting as much. They just feel spongy, but maybe that's because I'm using primaries for 90% of the mission. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Power ammo scarcity. Thankfully, Luke has already acknowledged they're working on it. I hope they look at how much ammo power bricks give. I got 1 rocket from a brick. That feels super-bad.
  • The generator room in the first mission is terrible. It's the same rotating arms of death as the strike and it's just super cheap.
  • Several times during the first mission I got lost. Doors wouldn't open unless you approached them and the direction icon wasn't there when I wanted it and I needed to take out my ghost.
  • Zavala got me and many, many blueberries killed with his "Everyone take cover in my bubble!" call out. My dude, they're only shooting at your bubble, telling people to jump inside insta-kills them before they can get it in.
  • "Freedom Slots" or Double Primaries "No fun allowed". I totally get why this happened for PvP, along with ammo boxes only for one person. They have to make the case for why this is a good change for PvE. In Destiny 1 when PvP nerfs hit PvE they'd make a concession here or there on % damage to minions of the darkness, but largely just ignored PvE players complaints. This is a foundational change and to me, I don't see it. Here's the list of things in fun slot: sniper, fusion, shotgun, line rifle, grenade launcher, sword, rockets. That's 7 things even before you get into exotics that will be competing for that slot.
  • My hope was that because primaries were going to be primaries and going to be 90% of the game, they'd feel even better than D1, but they don't. Without the pressure of special competition, they've gotten worse. They do less damage and handle just as bad. Plinking at the strike boss is a slog. Meanwhile, `elemental` slot is totally arbitrary. Like the same kind of guns can drop in either slot, so it doesn't feel unique and just like in D1, elemental power doesn't really help that much. (It is neat that they do extra damage to supers now, but in PvE unless their are burns, elemental primaries don't really do much). It's too late to change this. And we'll have it for 3 years, but I wish they could make the case to PvE players why losing special was a good thing.
  • I'm also kind of shocked they get white and green boxes. I know I have a scout and an SMG, but I have to think explicitly to remember which is elemental.
  • You lose power ammo when swapping power weapons in PvE. That's not fun.
  • A little thing, but Resilience & Mobility are flipped on the character screen vs the actual armor pieces.
Wrap up:
I think Ghaleon said it well: the content is there, but the gunplay and abilities aren't there yet. The fun stuff like power ammo and abilities too hidden. What's the point of playing a science fantasy game with space magic if I don't get to be a bad ass?

That said, this is absolutely now a team game. The changes they've made to PvP make soloqueing a bad time. Everyone I've talked to who had a good time in PvP last night was playing as a team with mics on. As Larx Bekken said, they focused on "team work, consistency, competition" and I think they done such a good job that the Crucible really feels like Destiny 2. If you play it like Destiny 1 you will not have a good time.

But it's also a team game in PvE. I'm excited to plan out my team composition for hard missions. Class abilities are such a welcome addition and have real team utility. Hunters may not have rifts and walls, but they share Chain of Woe buffs too. Tackling that last boss with a coordinated team is a breeze. With blueberries, it's painful as hell.

And I think that's the way to look at all these changes in the most positive light: everything team related got buffed. (and many individual player attributes got nerfed) but team work got buffed!

This beta has taken away my hype (it's much too uneven), but it has left with me with immense curiosity. What will they change from this beta? What will the progression system be? How will infusion work? How will loot drops work? What about customization?

I walked into this beta not knowing what Destiny 2 really was. I'm still not sure I do, other than this is certainly not Destiny 1.5.

Good stuff overall.

Most of your concerns fall into the "tuning" category. In the latest Bugie Podcast Luke was talking about how this is next and he can´t wait to fine-tune the game.

No concerns for me in that regard.

I walked into this beta not knowing what Destiny 2 really was. I'm still not sure I do, other than this is certainly not Destiny 1.5.

This was my first reaction after playing the game for 2 minutes. This is Destiny 2 alright.


That´s the new thing about armor stats though - right?

We will find armors that will increase our agility. I´d assume that the BETA armor is very basic low tier stuff.

It's legendary gear. We had that excuse in the D1 beta because everything was green. Sure, things could be tweaked but I don't think it's basic low tier.

Titans already have 10 Resilience (Armor) to start with. I'd assume that's max and it's a simple 1-10 scale. Max armor was 10 but represented in a bar form in D1 I'm pretty sure.

Very curious to see how the general perception changes over the next few days.

Because while I already liked it from the beginning I liked it even more this morning after a good sleep.

I'm curious to see if the Xbox players have the same negative reactions as the Playstation players.
Everyone I've talked to who has played as a team has had a really good time. Solo queue folks have had a real mixed bag. What's been your experience?

Mostly played solo queuing but had a blast, i like the gunskill involved albeit the feedback is maybe not enough because sometimes you don´t know if you are landing your shots or what depending on the situation, team shooting is reeeaaaally important, and spawn-flipping in control is just brutal, the new mode is ok, it feels kind of slow and defensive sometimes, and the matches are a tad too long for my taste, 6 points to win feels like its maybe too much, 4 or 5 should be enough, but overall seems like it could be really fun with a team.
[*]Zavala got me and many, many blueberries killed with his "Everyone take cover in my bubble!" call out. My dude, they're only shooting at your bubble, telling people to jump inside insta-kills them before they can get it in.

That Zavala shit got me. I actually got in, but the shield went down and everyone died. Like what's the point?


Of course they will. It´s the internet - If you like something you´re doing it wrong.

This is just as bad as the shitposts on the gaming side everyone always complains about. JohnofMars already laid out a bunch of positive things. I personally think the Titan wall/Warlock rift are pretty cool and the strike is pretty good except for the boss health.

Thank god for the internet feedback though because if not for that we'd be playing this build at launch, and that would be awful. The negatives far outweigh the positives right now.
Played some beta Crucible last night. Just solo. I'm liking it so far. The one thing that felt odd to me is the new scoring structure. It's like Overwatch. Where everyone on the team who tagged a guy gets the Defeated prompt but they show the individual scores at the end. Example. Looks at this clip I made Last night.


I Wasn't paying attention to the bottom left of the screen but I thought I got that grenade kill. Until I made this clip. Then I saw that I did not get the kill

I dunno. I play Overwatch so the whole scoring structure doesn't bother me much. But you think you're having a good match and then you see at the end that you got carried. I just thought they would choose one or the other.

And hitting what normally would show you the score just shows you the directive. (But they will fix that for sure)
I don't even bother jumping in Z-mans bubble. Just stay near the front area. Instead of making the misslie attack everywhere they just home in on the bubble.
I wanna take a moment and say how much I love the half wall for Titans. Keep firing that gun for days. And everyone can use it. Goddamn awesome and fun.

Deku Tree

They can’t Tune their way out of making hit registration host verified before showing up. Rip. I get they did this to try to prevent PC cheating in a P2P setup but it’s not necessary on console and it’s gonna be more laggier which sucks much worse than D1.


I sure disagree with that.

There is some tuning to do, but the foundation seems great.

Well, that's a given. The foundation is D1. They had that going in. They took the foundation and added a bunch of negative changes.

You can say there's tuning to do. I could agree, but that's A LOT of tuning.


Well, that's a given. The foundation is D1. They had that going in. They took the foundation and added a bunch of negative changes.

You can say there's tuning to do. I could agree, but that's A LOT of tuning.

From what I´m reading on the last few pages it´s basically:

-shorter cooldowns
-lower TTK
-more ammo drops

Seems doable.

Let´s not be so dramatic.
Kinda wish they did like D1 beta and gave us patrol to look around.

Everyone who wants cooldowns to be more like they were in destiny 1 can just play d2 mayhem modes


I was actually thinking last night that they should add a Clash Fiesta mode, sort of like Team Fiesta from Halo 2 days (on OG Xbox) where each time you spawn your loadout weapons randomize (even if you dont have said weapon).
So quick question. Tonight I am testing out the warlock and I was curious about something. They won't be transferring any class stuff over right? I played the Hunter throughout D1 and while I was playing the beta last night, the hunter felt more of the same. I am thinking of spicing it up and switching classes for D2.
So quick question. Tonight I am testing out the warlock and I was curious about something. They won't be transferring any class stuff over right? I played the Hunter throughout D1 and while I was playing the beta last night, the hunter felt more of the same. I am thinking of spicing it up and switching classes for D2.
Nothing transfers to full game besides beta emblem and your character looks from D1.


'Chaos Accelerant'

Is there a cap on grenade damage with the 'Chaos Accelerant' perk? What does this sub-perk do for void-walkers? Is there a point in draining your super for cooking the grenade? How much? The VFX for the ability and the descriptor isn't clear at all. Does each grenade behave differently?

The ability cool-downs are so bad that it's difficult to test this in the Beta.
Kinda wish they did like D1 beta and gave us patrol to look around..

There's some fun stuff to do in the strike. There are enemies moving against each other, Pikes and a secret Vex launch gate. You can also explore and find two lost sectors so that when the full game launches you have a headstart. Grab 2 other explorers and try it out!

From what I´m reading on the last few pages it´s basically:

-shorter cooldowns
-lower TTK
-more ammo drops

Seems doable.

Let´s not be so dramatic.

Cooldowns and ammo drops I fully expect to change.

TTK won't change for two reasons: 1) It's too hard to change because there are too many weapons and PvE enemies and we only got a small small sampling of weapons and 2) they don't want to. they've tuned things like this very deliberately in both PvE and PvP. TTK goes hand in hand with mobility changes and teammwork emphasis. It also goes hand in hand with the Freedom slots decision.

I don't expect TTK to change significantly until the next big expansion (if at all). This is a Destiny 2 vs Destiny 1 type decision.
You can also explore and find two lost sectors so that when the full game launches you have a headstart. Grab 2 other explorers and try it out!

Must have missed these. I saw the enemies moving against each other, the Vex guarding the vex... uh... portal launchers? And the pikes.

But I havent found any of the sectors.


From what I´m reading on the last few pages it´s basically:

-shorter cooldowns
-lower TTK
-more ammo drops

Seems doable.

Let´s not be so dramatic.

I'm not being dramatic. I'd also mention:

Weapon damage
Weapon recoil
Weapon hit detection
Enemy health
Enemy feedback when getting shot
Super duration
Super damage
Hunter's ability is bad compared to Titan/Warlock
Ignoring cooldowns, almost all abilities are worse
Poledancer is somehow worse than bladedancer
Power ammo - even if they make drops more frequent, you don't get enough when picking it up

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more.
Posting here because DGAF is my home, not gaming side.

Thoughts on the D2 beta after playing all 6 subclasses:

The Good
  • Lordy, this is a good looking game. Particle effects, lens flairs, etc. Higher rez & texture models everywhere. The Fallen in particular got a nice boost.
  • New enemies and new enemy behaviors were very cool to see. I loved the harpies worshipping the Modular Mind at the start of the boss fight.
  • The supers are amazing. Dawnblade flight, Nova bomb tracking, 4 strikers smashes, Poledancer combos, all amazing.
  • New class abilities are mostly really cool! The Warlock rifts are welcome addition and the Titan rally wall is so good.
  • Subclass tuning has some nice perks. Voidwalkers cooking grenades, Sunlocks getting Twilight Garrison are both really cool things.
  • The boss in the strike is really complex with 4 phases and 3 arenas and surprisingly hard.
  • The world feels a lot more alive. Even in this strike there are lost sectors, pikes, warp gate shenanigans, an active dynamic day night cycle, Vex architecture that feels alive (spoiler, because it is).
  • 4v4 is a good switch. 6s is way too chaotic and I felt like I had no control over the course of the match. 4s feels like the right amount for deliberate play but also not feeling like you're screwing over your team if you have an off match like it would in 3s.
The bad
  • Recharge rates on abilities are terribly slow and really sour every one at least some on this thing. We've got cool new supers, but if you screw up, it's 6 more minutes before you can get it again. And I just played a competitive match on Control where everyone's efficiencies were 1-2.0+ and no one got their super. The first person activated theirs with 3 seconds to go. What the hell?
  • Everything is slow. Sprint speed, weapon swaps, weapon ready, reloads, etc. It doesn't feel great.
  • Time to kill is substantially slower in PvE and PvP. In PvP, this has the effect of severely punishing solo play. You will not beat 2 people or even successfully kill one and disengage. Teamshooting is required. First shot is required. Once I adapted my play, it felt much better, but this is a BIG shift from Destiny 1.
  • I think TTK in PvE is a little too high as well OR I don't feel like enemies are reacting as much. They just feel spongy, but maybe that's because I'm using primaries for 90% of the mission. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Power ammo scarcity. Thankfully, Luke has already acknowledged they're working on it. I hope they look at how much ammo power bricks give. I got 1 rocket from a brick. That feels super-bad.
  • The generator room in the first mission is terrible. It's the same rotating arms of death as the strike and it's just super cheap.
  • Several times during the first mission I got lost. Doors wouldn't open unless you approached them and the direction icon wasn't there when I wanted it and I needed to take out my ghost.
  • Zavala got me and many, many blueberries killed with his "Everyone take cover in my bubble!" call out. My dude, they're only shooting at your bubble, telling people to jump inside insta-kills them before they can get it in.
  • "Freedom Slots" or Double Primaries "No fun allowed". I totally get why this happened for PvP, along with ammo boxes only for one person. They have to make the case for why this is a good change for PvE. In Destiny 1 when PvP nerfs hit PvE they'd make a concession here or there on % damage to minions of the darkness, but largely just ignored PvE players complaints. This is a foundational change and to me, I don't see it. Here's the list of things in fun slot: sniper, fusion, shotgun, line rifle, grenade launcher, sword, rockets. That's 7 things even before you get into exotics that will be competing for that slot.
  • My hope was that because primaries were going to be primaries and going to be 90% of the game, they'd feel even better than D1, but they don't. Without the pressure of special competition, they've gotten worse. They do less damage and handle just as bad. Plinking at the strike boss is a slog. Meanwhile, `elemental` slot is totally arbitrary. Like the same kind of guns can drop in either slot, so it doesn't feel unique and just like in D1, elemental power doesn't really help that much. (It is neat that they do extra damage to supers now, but in PvE unless their are burns, elemental primaries don't really do much). It's too late to change this. And we'll have it for 3 years, but I wish they could make the case to PvE players why losing special was a good thing.
  • I'm also kind of shocked they get white and green boxes. I know I have a scout and an SMG, but I have to think explicitly to remember which is elemental.
  • You lose power ammo when swapping power weapons in PvE. That's not fun.
  • A little thing, but Resilience & Mobility are flipped on the character screen vs the actual armor pieces.
Wrap up:
I think Ghaleon said it well: the content is there, but the gunplay and abilities aren't there yet. The fun stuff like power ammo and abilities too hidden. What's the point of playing a science fantasy game with space magic if I don't get to be a bad ass?

That said, this is absolutely now a team game. The changes they've made to PvP make soloqueing a bad time. Everyone I've talked to who had a good time in PvP last night was playing as a team with mics on. As Larx Bekken said, they focused on "team work, consistency, competition" and I think they done such a good job that the Crucible really feels like Destiny 2. If you play it like Destiny 1 you will not have a good time.

But it's also a team game in PvE. I'm excited to plan out my team composition for hard missions. Class abilities are such a welcome addition and have real team utility. Hunters may not have rifts and walls, but they share Chain of Woe buffs too. Tackling that last boss with a coordinated team is a breeze. With blueberries, it's painful as hell.

And I think that's the way to look at all these changes in the most positive light: everything team related got buffed. (and many individual player attributes got nerfed) but team work got buffed!

This beta has taken away my hype (it's much too uneven), but it has left with me with immense curiosity. What will they change from this beta? What will the progression system be? How will infusion work? How will loot drops work? What about customization?

I walked into this beta not knowing what Destiny 2 really was. I'm still not sure I do, other than this is certainly not Destiny 1.5.
Great post, and pretty much my same thoughts.


Gold Member
Reposted from the Beta thread...because...well, I put some work into it!

Oh, its good to see the Destiny cycle will continue into Destiny 2.

Feels good to be home, guardians.

My thoughts (because I'm sure everyone was waiting with baited breath)

Graphics are an upgrade (Im playing on Ps4 Pro, 4K TV, HDR)...Lighting, details on enemies...are all much sharper than in D1.

Classes: Bungie, why do you hate hunters? My goodness, not giving them a support ability like the Warlock or Titan is relegating them to useless in endgame content. Hell, taking away the invisibility, was a step too far...but no support? Why?! (if there is a third class coming, Ill eat these words). Sure there are a few tricks to pull off, but...meh.

Dawnblade felt good on the Warlock (that menu screen art for dawnblade is badass...actually for all of them), same with Titan. Those classes are decently balanced.

Movement: While you can change up the right stick...the movement on the left stick does feel a bit slower. Will take half a minute to get used to. Aiming and firing while in air is waaaayyy better than D1. The jumps sound effects and feel are heavier. Not bad. Just different.

Strike: Standard Destiny fare and an evolution of the what they have been implementing since Taken King. I enjoyed it.

Weapon Slots: Relegating snipers to the "heavy" category feels weird to me. Why do this for pve? I mean....I'll see how this plays out in the long run, but overall, it feels strange as of now. Maybe some encounters will be designed differently to account for this? Maybe Sniper damage will be upped way higher to account for this...I dunno.

Bungie will answer for this eventually...too many folks are saying WTF?

Guns: TTK is too long on some weapons...but not all weapons. That scout? Wow, its like throwing marbles at the enemies. That handcannon? Felt awesome. Like year 1 awesome (but with a bit less range). Two headshots and boom... The auto rifle was okay. The rest were not okay. Felt really weak. (that zhalo supercell knock off was fun to use).

The redone animations for the heads popping off to make it more "flashy" I think actually takes away from the visceral impact it had in D1. The guns do sound a bit different, but I think its okay. (Again, that scout just did NOT feel right..)

PvP: Feels different. Personally, I like the change from the shotgun, super, grenade silliness. It feels more tactical with a focus on primaries. I can see how this change will be unpopular...but I like it.

Upgrades for both gear and abilities: Are we not pouring EXP into this anymore? Looks like there is some material now that gives us some sort of level up.

Overall, ready for Sept. Im ready for the loot, the gameplay, the beetching about it, the "Bungie Pls" the raids . . . all of it. Im ready for another go.

Side note Bungie, if you are "taking our light" how can we be brought back to life at all if we die?
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