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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided PC performance thread


Have there been benchmarks and/or reports on vram usage for each texture settings?

You have a 2gb video card, you should use medium texture instead of high. The dips might be caused by the lack of vram. I also have a 2gb card and been using medium texture, capped at 30fps and everything's fine.

I'm not sure, but it seems like ram issue. I also have similar issue if I open chrome on my tabs while playing.
Going to give that a shot.

Honestly performance is okay to good depending on what I'm doing. However anytime I get off the train to any section of the hub performance goes to shit. It's insane. Moving in and around the hub is fine. I can go down into the base, into the sewers, into buildings, etc and things are fine.e Go down into that subway and things go bad. Get on that train to move to a new area and I might as well simply restart the game as soon as I get there to get back any thing resembling decent.


Of course it's your CPU. It doesn't even match the minimum. The thing's nearly a decade old.

But yes, if the performance stays the same despite changes from low to high, it means your CPU is bottlenecking it.

But that doesn't explain my near flawless experience with games that look much better?

Or is the simple answer is Eidos Montreal suck at making engines and/or Nixxes did a poor job porting this?
But that doesn't explain my near flawless experience with games that look much better?

Or is the simple answer is Eidos Montreal suck at making engines and/or Nixxes did a poor job porting this?

Well no, but it explains why you are having performance issues on this game, which is what you asked?


never left the stone age
Of course it's your CPU. It doesn't even match the minimum. The thing's nearly a decade old.

But yes, if the performance stays the same despite changes from low to high, it means your CPU is bottlenecking it.

Kinda doubting his claims of maxing out MGSV as well since I looked at tons of videos to see how it'd run on my FX6300 and it certainly did not run the game at 60 FPS on max.
That said, the gap between it and the 955 isn't exactly astronomical, no reason he shouldn't hit 30 on Medium at least when the 6300 can hit 40-60 on Very High. Then again, the 6300 has six threads, while the 955 only has 4.

That said, I haven't found anything in regards to how the 280X runs the game, anyone here?
Most of you probably don't remember, but Human Revolution had a bunch of performance problems when it was released including tons of hitching and long loading times tied to framerate. Nixxes fixed all these issues within about 2 weeks of the release date.
I could of sworn Nixxes took months to fix the stuttering problems, at least for my hardware at the time, if I remember correctly.


Well no, but it explains why you are having performance issues on this game, which is what you asked?

Sorry, I am just salty that my most anticipated game of the year is so badly optimized :(

So I guess this will force me to upgrade at this point, is the 16 GB RAM really necessary or no?
DX:MD's "Dawn Engine" is a modified version of the Hitman (2016) engine. It was never going to perform well on Nvidia hardware and the benchmarks bear this out with a Fury X beating a 980 Ti and 1070.

I mean if Squenix feels like using an engine purposely de-optimized for the hardware vendor which has 80% of the market then more power to them. I got my copy of the DX:MD for $40 for CDkeys.com and as long as Squenix purposely releases games which are de-optimized for my hardware I'll keep not paying retail price for them. I'm just sad I didn't get in when CDkeys.com had it for $32 a few weeks before release.
I mean, Fury X beats a 980ti and 1070 when it is used correctly, see Doom Vulkan.


Sorry, I am just salty that my most anticipated game of the year is so badly optimized :(

So I guess this will force me to upgrade at this point, is the 16 GB RAM really necessary or no?
I mean it might not be the best optimized but maybe it's just doing a lot more with cpu than all those other better looking games. I don't go complaining about total war or something running worse for me than my new shooting game that looks better because I know my cpu isn't top end, they're just totally different things with different goals. I also think this game looks really really good.
I mean, Fury X beats a 980ti and 1070 when it is used correctly, see Doom Vulkan.

We dont know if theres more performance to be had from nvidia gpus since all low level api code so far has been tailored around gcn. Theres also the possibility that the 12.1 features could bring real world gains altho we are unlikely to ever find out while these cards are relevent


My game stopped crashing once I turned off volumetric lightning :O, at least I now can play for more than 20 minutes :D


Okay, so a few hours into the game, after I enter that second part of Prague I am hitting 20-30 fps even on LOW with a GTX 970, with massive stuttering. In fact, the performance from low to high is the same. Could my cpu be the problem? Its an AMD Phenom XII 955. Really old, I know. I never bothered to upgrade it because I thought my experience with The Witcher 3 meant the CPU would be okay for at least half a year.

What a shit fucking port. I could max out The Witcher 3 without hairworks at 30-40 FPS, I could straight up max MGSV at 60 fps, and both of those games look better to boot. Heck, The Last of Us on PS3 looked better in some parts.

The 970 is kinda obsolete now.


I can't get past the train station cutscene because my system runs out of memory...apparently 8GB isn't enough. Guess I'll wait for the game to come out of "beta" before starting it up again.
Okay, so a few hours into the game, after I enter that second part of Prague I am hitting 20-30 fps even on LOW with a GTX 970, with massive stuttering. In fact, the performance from low to high is the same. Could my cpu be the problem? Its an AMD Phenom XII 955. Really old, I know. I never bothered to upgrade it because I thought my experience with The Witcher 3 meant the CPU would be okay for at least half a year.

What a shit fucking port. I could max out The Witcher 3 without hairworks at 30-40 FPS, I could straight up max MGSV at 60 fps, and both of those games look better to boot. Heck, The Last of Us on PS3 looked better in some parts.

The 970 isn't the problem. I have a friend playing mostly with high settings and getting adequate framerates on a 770 2GB. His CPU is creating a bottleneck.

Yes, seems like bottleneck. I have 955 but doesn't get that kind of performance (stuttering to 20 even on low). And I haven't even tried low settings.

Here's my brief report after playing for like 3 hours. The game is running flawlessly (at 30fps) on my PC. 1080p.

Windows 10 Pro
AMD PhenomII x4 955BE
AMD HD 7870 Ghz 2GB
8GB of RAM

Basically it's running on high preset except texture on medium (2gb vram limit). It's fluctuating between 30 and 50fps, so I capped it at 30fps with rivatuner. It's very stable 30fps even in the city of Prague. I'm happy that my 6 year old PC is still capable of running newest games with decent IQ and framerate. Still better than consoles at least.


GTX 980
i7 4790K
Latest Nvidia drivers

Current settings:

Finished the first Prague mission. Has been running mostly 60-80fps with the occasional dips into the 50s.

Notable exception is the tutorial sandstorm where certain spots dropped me into I think the 50s and maybe even 40s and the second half of the train cutscene after presenting passport credentials ran pretty consistently at 40-ish.

Not mindblowing performance, but otherwise pretty 'aight.


Yes, seems like bottleneck. I have 955 but doesn't get that kind of performance (stuttering to 20 even on low). And I haven't even tried low settings.

I should add though that this is only when I get to that second part of Prague's city in the beginning. The Dubai Mission and the first part of Prague I could play just fine even on Ultra (at around 30-40 FPS), but when I got to that "larger"part via the subway, that's when the problems started... probably because it is a larger, more populated and more detailed area.

The 970 is kinda obsolete now.

Could you elaborate on the 970 being obsolete? I got it last year and was under the impression it was a pretty good card. I know the 1000 series came out, but surely it couldn't have been THAT good to render the 970 unable to play games on even the lowest settings? Unless I am mistaken and things really have changed that much.... a side note, the 7th gen was a blessing for PC gamers. My AMD 6850 lasted me from 2011 to until last year, The Witcher 3 forced me to upgrade but even then I could play comfortably on lowest settings with the 6850.
I should add though that this is only when I get to that second part of Prague's city in the beginning. The Dubai Mission and the first part of Prague I could play just fine even on Ultra (at around 30-40 FPS), but when I got to that "larger"part via the subway, that's when the problems started... probably because it is a larger, more populated and more detailed area.

The Subway and other semi-interactive cutscenes are not representitive of gameplay framerates. They have extra effects and higher densities of characters. Unless you mean a later time you return to the subway in which case I don't know.


The Subway and other semi-interactive cutscenes are not representitive of gameplay framerates. They have extra effects and higher densities of characters. Unless you mean a later time you return to the subway in which case I don't know.

I don't mean the subway itself, but rather that second part of the city. I mentioned the subway as that is what is used to get to that part of the city, when you need to go to the TF29 base.


What is the effect that causes the distracting ghosting on people during cutscenes? I'd like to turn it off ._.

edit- seems to be TAA.
I should add though that this is only when I get to that second part of Prague's city in the beginning. The Dubai Mission and the first part of Prague I could play just fine even on Ultra (at around 30-40 FPS), but when I got to that "larger"part via the subway, that's when the problems started... probably because it is a larger, more populated and more detailed area.

That's the part with a huge statue, isn't it? I've been there as well. There's no different in performance for me.
Kinda doubting his claims of maxing out MGSV as well since I looked at tons of videos to see how it'd run on my FX6300 and it certainly did not run the game at 60 FPS on max.


FX6300 is fine. If you're having issues with it you should look into it more than likely being throttled by poor thermals - Especially the Stock Cooler, which is complete garbage. If getting something like a Hyper 212 Evo on it is out of the question, at the very least pull the stock cooler out and absolutely sterilize it of dust or anything else.

99% of the FX6300's issues are related to it overheating and throttling itself. Properly cooled it is a perfectly fine CPU for gaming paired with a 970. Even better if you OC it.

Anyway, some further investigation - Almost all my issues seem to be related to area transitions and loading rather than GPU or CPU bottlenecks. If I load a save in the north half of Prague, my FPS will be perfect in the area surrounding me, but begin to tank as I wander around to other areas - ESPECIALLY if I use the subway, en which my framerate is abysmal for several minutes after using it until it finally normalizes. Likewise, I get perfect framerates outside of and inside the TF29 office, but the elevator between them is a killer for the first ride but perfectly fine going back after. And of course, the train ride loading screen long enough to make and clean up after a meal.

I am convinced there has to be a memory leak at play here. There's no other explanation I can come up with. Shit, especially with that 16GB Recommended.
I should add though that this is only when I get to that second part of Prague's city in the beginning. The Dubai Mission and the first part of Prague I could play just fine even on Ultra (at around 30-40 FPS), but when I got to that "larger"part via the subway, that's when the problems started... probably because it is a larger, more populated and more detailed area.

Play withe the overlay from RivaTuner Statistics Server/MSI Afterburner and make sure you enable on screen display of your CPU load. If your CPU load hits 100% when the framerate tanks it's your CPU.

Also make sure you have Cloth Physics unchecked. I believe that is CPU heavy vs GPU Heavy.


Even when I think I found settings that work they don't last long. Ugh. I'm going to not touch the game until I see if there are going to be a few more patches. This sucks.

I really enjoyed both the original Deus Ex and Human Revolution, both on the PC, and it sucks I can't play this without becoming frustrated every session because of performance.


So I'm sitting here with a 770 4GB, 16GB RAM and an i7 4790 (stock speed). What kind of performance/quality mix am I looking at?

I've been postponing games until I get a 1070 but this being Deus Ex and all, I feel the need to play it right now.


The 970 is kinda obsolete now.

Playing a new game on mostly high on a i5-3570k/970 combo with just 8 gigs of RAM at 1080p, and aside from some drops to 45-50 in the busier hub areas, it seems to keep a very steady 60fps at almost all times.

Yep, obsolete.


Made nice comparison of Very High and High shadows:

So far, the general consensus is:
- MSAA tanks the framerate and has poor coverage (that's general problem with deferred rendering, not with this game) and yet it's automatically enabled when switching presets, which leads ignorant people to complain how badly this game performs
- CHS tanks the framerate and looks worse (no shadows at distance)
- AO should be downgraded a notch, because the highest option causes shimmering artifacts and also AO is not applied to the character (I hope I remembered that correctly)
- High shadows look better than Very High shadows - see comparison above.
- Sharpening is to aggressive, leading to oversharpening - many prefere to disable it

Did I miss something?

Sorry, but I expected more from Nixxes. They did drop the ball on that port, as evidenced here (and others issues, like mouse sensitivity). These are not huge, gamebreaking issues, but still they must have (or should have) been aware of them before launch and yet they launched anyway.


Sorry, I am just salty that my most anticipated game of the year is so badly optimized :(

So I guess this will force me to upgrade at this point, is the 16 GB RAM really necessary or no?

Just max out graphical settings. If your CPU is going to be your bottleneck, may as well push the 970. Lower CPU bound settings like level of detail.

RAM doesn't matter, I'm running the game at 40-60 FPS on a 970 with 6Gb RAM which is below minimum.


So in an attempt to summarise what I have read thus far:

Big Hits on Frame Rate:
1.Contact Hardening Shadows

Settings Best Dropped Down:
1.Shadow Quality - High from Very High
2.Ambient Occlusion - On from Very High


I have a 970, 16GB RAM and a 6700K. Contact hardening shadows = off, volumetric lighting = on, shadows = high, w/o motion blur, depth of field and sharpening. The rest is on max @ 1080p. I get 55-70fps. That's with textures on ultra.
Ultra textures does not cause any stuttering (well ok it might). Something else is causing this. Poor frame timing perhaps? Even with textures on high and a stable 60fps I get annoying stuttering at 60Hz (I prefer to play this on my tv.) Thought it was the vsync at first, but since I've tested all forms with and without the framerate stable at 60 there must be something else being the culprit. At 144Hz however it's pretty much not noticeable at all.


So in an attempt to summarise what I have read thus far:

Big Hits on Frame Rate:

  • Contact Hardening Shadows
Settings Best Dropped Down:

  • Shadow Quality - High from Very High
    Ambient Occlusion - On from Very High

I think volumetric lightning is also a big hit on framerate, but at least it's justified.


So in an attempt to summarise what I have read thus far:

Big Hits on Frame Rate:

  • Contact Hardening Shadows
Settings Best Dropped Down:

  • Shadow Quality - High from Very High
    Ambient Occlusion - On from Very High

Ambient occlusion for me does nothing in terms of performance. Both look bad.
I've noticed that the ambient occlusion causes an extremely ugly flickering on objects a bit farther away. Sharp shadowed edges if you will. Anyone else notice this?

Also. For the love of good graphics turn of the sharpening filter. Without it while using temporal AA the game looks incredible most of the time.


Wow and that's with Contact Hardening Shadows on Ultra? Another reason to upgrade from my 970 to a 1070 and invest in a 1440p monitor.

Yeah, I did get a pretty good run out of this thing even after I was quite shocked and ridiculed here how the game run as I just maxed out everything. I honestly thought that I'd at least get 30 FPS and I'd just go from there. But 10-15 FPS... :D

Steam says that I've had the game running for 6 hours. Only proceeded to the second room in the game with the air vents. In that testing time I got a fairly good handle on whats working and how it affects the gameplay, and whats kinda wonky, like the stuff I mention in the video. And I do think that several of the settings are not working properly. The shadows seem to be kinda screwed and I do understand the logic of the ON settings, as they're just visible under a certain amount of covers. Like the triangle structure tubing in the beginning of the game, only the joining sections have a smear of shadow underneath while the tubing parts go entire without.

Had some flickering in the benchmark if anyone watched the video. The shadows seemed jumpy and the lighting especially in the ceiling kinda behaved strangely with the hanging wires. Also, the "select surfaces" options didn't seem to do squat and I'm inclined to leave such limited or targeted options off as they're only affecting certain segments of the game.

Ambient occlusion for me does nothing in terms of performance. Both look bad.
I've noticed that the ambient occlusion causes an extremely ugly flickering on objects a bit farther away. Sharp shadowed edges if you will. Anyone else notice this?

Also. For the love of good graphics turn of the sharpening filter. Without it while using temporal AA the game looks incredible most of the time.

I haven't had any problems with Ambient Occlusion fortunately. It does have a huge hit on the framerate, but its something I'm not inclined to give up on as its one of my favourite effects in games generally, like I ramble in the video while turning it on and off and displaying how much it does for the feel of the world.
I mean, Fury X beats a 980ti and 1070 when it is used correctly, see Doom Vulkan.

GCN architecture is inherently hard to optimize for and requires use of low-level APIs and lots of programmer grunt work. I really wonder if people understand that DOOM's Vulkan renderer has extensive hand optimization done to support GCN, including use of shader intrinsic functions from "Open"GPU and hand tuning of GCN async compute.

If this is what it takes for Fury X and other GCN cards to be "used correctly" then you're going to see it "used correctly" only rarely and only in Gaming Devolved titles which aren't so much optimized for GCN as purposefully de-optimized for Nvidia, such as this "Dawn Engine". Total War: Warhammer seems to be the same way, it's not exactly amazing on GCN, it's just purposely shit on Nvidia.
I have the weirdest Frame Drops in the oddest places. Like looking at a Brick Wall while turning around and down it goes to 10 fps, shoot up the market in Golem City with npcs running around? Steady 40 fps. The game also has some weird Glitches with Black or White rasters flickering on surfaces.
Doom was faster on NV for two months after release and it is a known fact that it's Vulkan renderer is solely GCN optimized. Not a valid comparison point until id will optimize the renderer for NV h/w as well.

WarhammerTW isn't faster on 480 than on 1060 even in AMD's half-baked DX12 effort and 1060 is even faster than that in DX11 (no quality difference). False claim.

FM6A isn't really faster either as it depends on the benchmark - I've seen both cards being faster in different benchmarks. So it's a tie basically.

The only "trend" here to speak of is the trend of AMD GE titles being completely unoptimized for NV h/w. For each GE title there are a dozen of non-GE titles where 1060 usually wins.

With DOOM the 480 is not slightly faster, it's massively faster. The suggestion that the 1060 will catch up after optimization is a massive hope on your part only.

Warhammer: TW the 480 is faster in DX12 than the 1060 and faster than it when you compare DX12 versus DX11. False claim from you:



FM6A can go either way, this is the only point you are half right on.

We can also add Gears of War: UE:



In the bigger titles released in the last 6 months (or at least the games review sites use for benches) using the fastest API for the respective card, the 480 is faster than the 1060 on average. Deus Ex is just another game where we see this trend continue, no need for you to get alarmed about it as this is only going to continue with Battlefield 1 but more heavily favouring the AMD card and then the other big PC titles at the end of the year.


Who knows something about Superfetch on Win7 and whether it may improve load times for this game? I get it will slow down general day to day in Win7 but I'm thinking if it's worth turning it off for a couple of weeks until I finish this game, then turning back on.

I've read it uses a decent amount of RAM and with an ageing 6GB and an old CPU, I want to squeeze out all I can to reduce load times.
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