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Develop Rumor: New Xbox console on desks at EA

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gofreak said:
PS3 has been growing every year... :p

A PS4 that comes a year later will compete fine for new purchases I think - if it's priced right. That's the key, assuming the rest of the offering is in place.

I personally would prefer some variety in the systems rather than three technological identikits coming at the same time. Although I suppose it is arguable how different each system can be if they all come within a year of each other either, but we'll see...

Hah, I guess I meant that apart from just console sales and the playstation ecosytem experiencing momentum...its always some "issue" that inhibits any year from truly being that "year of the playstation 3".


November 2012 would be perfect.

If I were Microsoft I wouldn't release more than a brief tease at E3. See what Nintendo plans to bring to the table, and then schedule their own reveal for a X11 event, or CES12.
Smiles and Cries said:
you really think MS will play this conservative?

Even if they only showed a logo the mystery would be enough hype for its core-base to sting Nintendo's run away media party

That would accomplish very little except drawing the media's focus away from 360 and Kinect software and onto the next console war, which is probably not what MS wants considering its current sales figures. Besides, its later launch date and nonexistent software showing wouldn't exactly draw favorable comparisons to the Cafe reveal - unless their next console is launching far earlier than I expect, it's much smarter for MS to reveal it on their own terms.
If they follow the gaf plan of attack we'll get a monster of a system.

4GB+ of RAM
300Watt power consumption
Kinect inside of the system

All for a measly $599 right in time for Christmas 2012.

I don't believer we'll see anything until next year at the earliest
Deadly Cyclone said:
Come on DICE, Mirror's Edge 2 launch title...
Yes please
Arkaerial said:
I'm not sure about anyone else, but the last thing I really want to hear is anything from Microsoft that imply they are rushing.

The last thing we need is another hardware fiasco.


Really Really Exciting Member!
People really expect games to be shown at E3? It especially says in the OP's quote "very early build".


RedStep said:
Your ignorance is so strong, it sounds like you haven't even played the damn thing. What does "iconic graphics" even mean? Do you mean icon-like, as in iOS games? You can't even make graphics iconic. That's not a real thing.

Cripes you accuse me of ignorance and dont know one of most used words around here for cell shading/sprite/charming settings? Was just saying I guess I should not expect this next console to try the jrpg funding again since if failed so badly early on with 360. Or do you guys think they will try again? My concern is epic fps/action as usual, heavy with realism and CG and causal motion gimmick stuff gets some colorful, leaving an audience out to dry.
Deadstar said:
Is it safe to assume that all my dlc will carry over?

From what I understand, one of the reasons for Microsoft's strict certification process is to ensure that every piece of Xbox 360 software is compatible with whatever they do in the future.

It better be. Xbox 1 DLC wasn't linked to your Gamertag, but the Xbox 360 was capable of downloading and playing any DLC that was available for backwards compatible Xbox 1 games. With a more forward thinking approach to Xbox 360 development and certification, I feel confident that almost 100% of Xbox 360 software will run on the next Xbox.

Anything less will be a disappointment.
JaseC said:
A Ridge Racer technical demo is all I desire.

Oh shi...
My heart is all a flutter by the thought of this.
I still remember seeing a ps2 tech demo for the first time way back when, when on a trip to germany.

Ridge racer all being flaunted in it's next gen glory, so exciting.

This in real time please!
Should be MORE than possible.

Next gran turismo on next playstation should look like the photomode bullshots combined with the courses in the cgi intro.


Unconfirmed Member
infinityBCRT said:
A) don't look at retail prices
B) the GPU setup was 2 or 3 GeForce 580s I believe? I'd expect the high end next gen version of the GeForce line (690?) to be able to handle that-- and the manufacturing costs for that would be FAR less than the retail cost. Maybe it would be at a 680 level. But I don't think it would be anything less than that. Epic set that target for a reason.
I think the power draw would be too high for a 2012 console.
I think this will be the last holiday sales season for the Xbox 360.
This fall Microsoft will push Kinect and its titles as well as lower the price of the console in an effort to cut some of the attention from Nintendo.

At E3 2012 there will be a full unveiling with prices and dates announced. Then in Fall of 2012 there will be a massive marketing push.

Of course, if Nintendo's new console doesn't do amazingly well then it is possible Microsoft could push their new hardware back a few months. The recession is pretty much over but they are waiting for the market to stabilize.
Bleepey said:
I will be happy if nextgen, the extra pwoer means that GGPO is the default netcode for fighting games.
I don't even think power is the issue for GGPO. Developers just need to build rollback code into their games. Fact is most fighting games don't even have replay functionality with rewind support-- that same code could likely be used to do a GGPO type implementation.


Although I think it's reasonable to assume EA has a kit (As would other large companies), I don't think that translates to a close launch as it will either cost too much or lose too much money.

I guess if they think Kinect will hit a brick wall soon it's feasible.
Father_Brain said:
That would accomplish very little except drawing the media's focus away from 360 and Kinect software and onto the next console war, which is probably not what MS wants considering its current sales figures.
Not sure that makes sense. It's either the media talking about Wii2, or the media talking about Wii2 but adding a new Xbox is also expected late next year. I know which I'd prefer.


Would be hilarious. I can't believe Nintendo is seemingly going with 360 level hardware level and has no urgency to make 2011. I said it in the "detective" thread, and I'll say it here: If that gaffer wasn't blowing smoke, the AMD APU for 2012 was for MS.
Father_Brain said:
That would accomplish very little except drawing the media's focus away from 360 and Kinect software and onto the next console war, which is probably not what MS wants considering its current sales figures.

in my opinion, if they announce -alongside of this suppossed new sysetm- a price drop for every XBOX 360 SKU and Kinect that wouldn't be a problem at all for MS
Father_Brain said:
That would accomplish very little except drawing the media's focus away from 360 and Kinect software and onto the next console war, which is probably not what MS wants considering its current sales figures. Besides, its later launch date and nonexistent software showing wouldn't exactly draw favorable comparisons to the Cafe reveal - unless their next console is launching far earlier than I expect, it's much smarter for MS to reveal it on their own terms.

good point, I guess I'm just getting excited for nothing :)
The biggest issue is memory, people are expecting way to much on the GPU side. Consoles need at least 2 to 3 gigabytes of memory. Texture resolution is the key in making the visual difference between current gen and next gen consoles. Available bandwidth is crucial in sustaining performance, a 30MB frame-buffer will be nice for 1080p.
Krev said:
I think the power draw would be too high for a 2012 console.

The current nVidia GPUs use a 40nm process, the 6xx line is likely going to use a 28nm process. That could reduce the power draw big time.


What MS needs to do at E3 is show off next gen software. Give us a reason to be excited about a new console. If Nintendo reveals a console thats only slightly more powerful than the PS3 and MS turns around and shows off software that would not run on that hardware it will surely put them in an advantage. People will want to hold out for a true next gen experience.

But thats coming from someone who will end up buying both Nintendo's and MS's new console :D

rdrr gnr

These companies probably have prototype builds of the next console from the moment the current ones are/were released (at least an idea of one). I'm going to agree with EG and say there won't be an E3 reveal. Nor do I think their current build will be their final build.


This is an interesting development if true because MS have always deemed the Wii a different kind of platform to the 360. This response can only mean the Wii 2 is targeting there corner now and they feel threatened.


MS has me day 1 if my content follows me. I've been an xbox live subscriber since the xbox live beta. OG you could say.


Let's look back on how the 360 was announced.

E3 2004 : Both the DS and PSP were unveiled, with no talk of any next-gen console at all.
May 2005: Microsoft partners with MTV to unveil the next xbox?
e3 2005 (JUNE): Microsoft debuts xbox at e3
x05: Microsoft announces the price-point and TWO SKU's
Nov 2005: Microsoft launches 360.

That was pretty much a year between its announcement and release, the same could happen here.
JaseC said:
I was kidding. :(
=( you clearly didn't play type 4 :(

I didn't give a damn about the ps3 ridge racer either, but before that it was always exciting stuff.

You'd dream of the console version looking like the arcade ones one day.

Same went for tekken and soul calibur etc (the latter spawned a lot of hype for dreamcast, holy shit an arcade perfect console game, people were going crazy for it)

Ridge racer games have always had a tech demo showing , so I automatically associate it with the hype of new hardware.
This is the intro being looped in stores before release : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US2-Hvjr6Ls which for the time looked bonkers.

edit: saw your edit: the psp ridge racer was a great game by the way.
It's not their fault that the guy at the presentation was a bit lame and that his audience bloody sucked.
Graphics Horse said:
Not sure that makes sense. It's either the media talking about Wii2, or the media talking about Wii2 but adding a new Xbox is also expected late next year. I know which I'd prefer.

See the edits to my post. Anyway, "adding" is a good choice of words - unless MS is actually ready to show something like gameplay footage, a brief 720 announcement would just be a footnote to Cafe coverage, and would send the message that MS is going to kill the current 360-based Kinect platform only two years into its lifespan.
neptunes said:
Let's look back on how the 360 was announced.

E3 2004 : Both the DS and PSP were unveiled, with no talk of any next-gen console at all.
May 2005: Microsoft partners with MTV to unveil the next xbox?
e3 2005 (JUNE): Microsoft debuts xbox at e3
x05: Microsoft announces the price-point and TWO SKU's
Nov 2005: Microsoft launches 360.

That was pretty much a year between its announcement and release, the same could happen here.

No developer rumors before E3 2005?
ghostmind said:
November 2012 would be perfect.

If I were Microsoft I wouldn't release more than a brief tease at E3. See what Nintendo plans to bring to the table, and then schedule their own reveal for a X11 event, or CES12.

If developers have only had it a month and the thing is still in a PC box they won't have anything to show, so there is no point of announcing it. We all know it's coming so what's the point of announcing it with nothing to show?
Atomski said:
What MS needs to do at E3 is show off next gen software. Give us a reason to be excited about a new console. If Nintendo reveals a console thats only slightly more powerful than the PS3 and MS turns around and shows off software that would not run on that hardware it will surely put them in an advantage. People will want to hold out for a true next gen experience.

But thats coming from someone who will end up buying both Nintendo's and MS's new console :D
The last thing we need in here are intangible target renders for people to blab about for months on end while real software is being tested and experimented with...

Just my opinion
infinityBCRT said:
The current nVidia GPUs use a 40nm process, the 6xx line is likely going to use a 28nm process. That could reduce the power draw big time.
It's already been deemed impossible in the Cafe threads. The 5xx line is still currently running at 250watts(give or take ten). There is no way the 5xx line will even be ready for a console in 2012(running below 250watts for the whole shebang).

We'll definitely see something on the level of the 460 knowing Microsoft.
DSN2K said:
This is an interesting development if true because MS have always deemed the Wii a different kind of platform to the 360. This response can only mean the Wii 2 is targeting there corner now and they feel threatened.
Do you honestly think they react that fast? The rumours of a 2012 console date back to 2009!
Father_Brain said:
See the edits to my post. Anyway, "adding" is a good choice of words - unless MS is actually ready to show something like gameplay footage, a brief 720 announcement would just be a footnote to Cafe coverage, and would send the message that MS is going to kill the current 360-based Kinect platform only two years into its lifespan.
Kinect+box will be a $150 wii-alike by then.


Dedication Through Light said:
No developer rumors before E3 2005?
The only rumors we got were Microsoft shipping g5 macs as dev kits to developers

Kind of similar to now lol



Paco said:
MS said back in 2001 that they were prepared to go three generations before reaching profitability. After seeing the amount of money they invested in Kinect and how well its played out for them I have no doubt in my mind MS is prepared to invest heavily in making sure the Xbox brand continues to gain momentum.
neptunes said:
The Xbox has been insanely profitable for Microsoft and I could see them investing heavily into the next generation, if that mean absorbing a loss during the first two years then it'll be negligible compared to the profits they'll receive in the long run. Microsoft has pumped way more money into less successful ventures than the xbox.
Microsoft as it exists today is sustained by the profits of Windows and Office. When compared to those two core products nothing the E&D division has ever done has had any fiscal significance to the company as a whole. In part the Xbox project was initiated to head off the potential threat the game console posed to the home PC - Microsoft didn't want to destroy the console but they wanted some control of its direction as with Netscape and IE or Zune to combat the iTunes Trojan horse (those goals perhaps evident in that their music player has a browser but their console doesn't). As it happened that threat to the PC never materialised - the PC remains the essential product for both work and entertainment - but Microsoft were left with a successful and marginally profitable console business, and I guess it had some positive brand image effect. If the division can fund itself it of course makes sense for it to continue, but I don't see how it makes sense for MS to continually dump billions into Xbox R&D and hardware subsidy; if the entire concept was dropped tomorrow it would have negligible effect on the two businesses which actually matter to the company. Products like the iPad pose a far greater threat to Microsoft's two core revenue streams over the coming decade, and so it would seem to make more strategic sense to develop a worthwhile tablet response and such (including their own devices) than to burn more cash expediting the Xbox 720 for 2012 launch.

That's all my uninformed guesswork and speculation, of course.
OG_Original Gamer said:
The biggest issue is memory, people are expecting way to much on the GPU side. Consoles need at least 2 to 3 gigabytes of memory. Texture resolution is the key in making the visual difference between current gen and next gen consoles. Available bandwidth is crucial in sustaining performance, a 30MB frame-buffer will be nice for 1080p.

MS and Sony should have a pretty good idea going forward as they've seen it first hand w/ 360 an PS3. Sony has said they're working closer w/ devs to build in the future and we know MS will anyway so I doubt they'd screw the RAM up.

SolarPowered said:
The last thing we need in here are intangible target renders for people to blab about for months on end while real software is being tested and experimented with...

Just my opinion

I agree 100% w/ this.

Yoshiya said:
Microsoft as it exists today is sustained by the profits of Windows and Office. When compared to those two core products nothing the E&D division has ever done has had any fiscal significance to the company as a whole. In part the Xbox project was initiated to head off the potential threat the game console posed to the home PC - Microsoft didn't want to destroy the console but they wanted some control of its direction as with Netscape and IE (those goals perhaps evident in that their music player has a browser but their console doesn't). As it happened that threat to the PC never materialised - the PC remains the essential product for both work and entertainment - but Microsoft were left with a successful and marginally profitable console business, and I guess it had some positive brand image effect. If the division can fund itself it of course makes sense for it to continue, but I don't see how it makes sense for MS to continually dump billions into Xbox R&D and hardware subsidy; if the entire concept was dropped tomorrow it would have negligible effect on the two businesses which actually matter to the company. Products like the iPad pose a far greater threat to Microsoft's two core revenue streams over the coming decade, and so it would seem to make more strategic sense to develop a worthwhile tablet response and such (including their own devices) than to burn more cash expediting the Xbox 720 for 2012 launch.

That's all my uninformed guesswork and speculation, of course.

Very good guesswork though.
This is kind of a relief, because a while ago they were saying that a new xbox wouldnt be coming out until 2015 and I know that the xbox would be screwed if that hapened.


The Praiseworthy said:
I'm so not ready for new generations in 2012.... :\

2013 ok but 2012 is so soon!
Ugh yes. Wii can bite the dust but it feels like the PS3 and 360 still have a couple of good years left in them. It still doesn't feel like the 360 is six years old and the PS3 five.
Graphics Horse said:
Kinect+box will be a $150 wii-alike by then.

And how does that contradict my point that announcing the next console for a 2012 release would be a major distraction from Kinect/360 software?


Does one consider high end PC parts an early devkit? Thats what EA could be targetting launch games for whatever the final hardware from Sony/MS is.


Atomski said:
What MS needs to do at E3 is show off next gen software. Give us a reason to be excited about a new console. If Nintendo reveals a console thats only slightly more powerful than the PS3 and MS turns around and shows off software that would not run on that hardware it will surely put them in an advantage. People will want to hold out for a true next gen experience.

But thats coming from someone who will end up buying both Nintendo's and MS's new console :D

How much is that console going to cost?

Assuming information is correct, this is a mid to late 2013 console if EA is just getting it now.
When was the last time a new console did outperform a PC at launch? The original Xbox?

It used to be a new console would be released, outclass everything else including top of the line PC's, then PC's would overtake that console and leave it in the dust 6 months-year after launch.

I remember the 360's launch and seeing videos of Oblivion running on much better PC hardware and other games like Quake 4, the 360 version was okay, but the PC version had much better textures and lighting. I guess it was easier for the old consoles since they were running on SD TV's instead of PC monitors.
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