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Devil Daggers is Rock Paper Shotgun's Game of the Year


I don't think anyone well adjusted truly cares what any particular outlet's GOTY is, it's just calling a spade a spade. Like someone before me just said, it feels more like posturing than anything; "some of us REALLY liked this game and it's gonna fly under the radar for GOTY, let's throw it a bone and give it some recognition." And that's fine.

I mean, if you read the article, it seems to have been a tie breaker, 4-3, if they decide which game places first democratically amongst them. Brendan, Pip, and John all say they could not get into it despite seeing its merits.

How can you say it is posturing and then right after say it was a choice that was made democratically amongst them? Sounds to me like they had a discussion about this game and voted on games that they liked for GotY and this one came out on top because the most people agreed on it being their GotY. Their coworkers that didn't pick it are able to respect their choices without calling them hipsters that are just being different. Why is it so hard for other people to do the same?

As I mentioned several times already in this thread, anyone who regularly reads rps shouldn't be surprised about this. This game was absolutely not under the radar for people who read the site because they have been talking about it all year.

Someone coming in and shitposting about hipsters then adding nothing isn't calling a spade a spade. People liked something different, why do people have to driveby shitpost about it?

And here I thought this was a place for discussion, including dissenting opinions, and not complacent acceptance and praise over an outlet's pick. Criticism not allowed. Might as well call this the "RPS GOTY Praising and Agreement Thread", then.

I literally criticized the game on the first page, and then two people started talking to me about it. What people are complaining about is people driveby shitposting, this happens constantly in GotY threads and it is stupid.


OK so you disagree with Devil Daggers because...of production quality and content? Maybe that sort of thing isn't valued by everyone equally? Just a thought.

I played a number of high production quality AAA games and yet my game of the year will likely be a 2D strategy game with a tenth of the budget at most (Steamworld Heist).

Correct, I don't think an endless shooter with an extremely limited amount of content and low production value would be my GOTY. It definitely isn't valued by everyone equally, but I'd venture a though that it's valued by most. Let we forget GAF is not a population indicative of the general gaming populace by ant stretch of the imagination.

Or they just fucking liked the game.

Except nearly half of them (John, Pip, Brendan) really kinda didn't, or at least nowhere near as much as would be required to make it their GOTY pick. It was a pick on the margin. That's cool though.
How can you say it is posturing and then right after say it was a choice that was made democratically amongst them? Sounds to me like they had a discussion about this game and voted on games that they liked for GotY and this one came out on top because the most people agreed on it being their GotY. Their coworkers that didn't pick it are able to respect their choices without calling them hipsters that are just being different. Why is it so hard for other people to do the same?

As I mentioned several times already in this thread, anyone who regularly reads rps shouldn't be surprised about this. This game was absolutely not under the radar for people who read the site because they have been talking about it all year.

Someone coming in and shitposting about hipsters then adding nothing isn't calling a spade a spade. People liked something different, why do people have to driveby shitpost about it?

I literally criticized the game on the first page, and then two people started talking to me about it. What people are complaining about is people driveby shitposting, this happens constantly in GotY threads and it is stupid.

Fair enough.
Funny how PC folk look down on arcadey stuff


Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

Merry Fuckin Christmas to all u demons out there
Correct, I don't think an endless shooter with an extremely limited amount of content and low production value would be my GOTY. It definitely isn't valued by everyone equally, but I'd venture a though that it's valued by most. Let we forget GAF is not a population indicative of the general gaming populace by ant stretch of the imagination.

That's a fair position to hold personally, but then let's not try to turn that around with accusations of the writers being disingenuous, that's all I'm saying.

Some of my favorite games have been fairly light on content in comparison to similar games in the genre (Black, Portal, Monument Valley, Journey) or poor production values (Minecraft, especially in the alpha days, or Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup). So I find it exceedingly plausible that DD might be held in such high esteem.


Not really. Previous RPS goty choices include Rocket League, Far Cry 3, Minecraft, and Skyrim.

And Kentucky Route Zero right?

I love Devil Daggers and don't even disagree with someone saying it's their GOTY but Kentucky Route Zero getting GOTY when one chapter had been released will always be hilarious to me.


fucking deserved. About time this game gets respect. Some others deserve it too. First real GOTY since Dark Souls won a bunch.

Devil Daggers is a factually perfect game. Stick that in your craw, T.Slothdroop
I gotta say, I bounced off of this game real hard.

I think I am just incapable of appreciating it. I don't dig the aesthetic. The mechanics are deliberately opaque. The shooting feels ineffectual and imprecise. I admit the sound is atmospheric and well designed, but I find it really difficult to listen to.

I even tried to watch some YouTubes thinking it was just me not understanding the game. Nope. I'm sure this game is for somebody, but it's definitely not for me.


Unconfirmed Member
And Kentucky Route Zero right?

I love Devil Daggers and don't even disagree with someone saying it's their GOTY but Kentucky Route Zero getting GOTY when one chapter had been released will always be hilarious to me.

Yeah, but claiming that "RPS always does this" is silly.

The full list of their past goty awards includes:
World of Goo
Dragon Age: Origins
Far Cry 3
Kentucky Route Zero
Endless Legend
Rocket League
From my GOTY list
If DOOM was the modern update of the old-school shooter, Devil Daggers is the other side of the coin, distilling the genre to its leanest form. You, your weapon, an arena, a cacophonous onslaught of eldritch horrors, now survive. An oppressive symphony of distorted shrieks, skittering legs, guttural roars, echoing moans brings to life a bestiary of bone and flesh and too many appendages. Devil Daggers' sound design is some of the best you'll hear this year

Glad to see Devil Daggers getting recognition


RPS always does this. They like showing how "diverse" they are.

Picking Doom wouldn't be even remotely as edgy considering other sites/publications have picked it and/or placed it very high in their lists.
Hey, and look. It got them a GAF thread. Mission accomplished.

Such a hipster choice. I like the sentiment behind it and that it's a conversation starter. But let's be real? You feel that passionately about that game? Come on. It's a posture more than a legit pick.

I pick my nose everyday. Love doing it. Wouldn't call it my activity if the year though.

Hipster garbage.


Funny how PC folk look down on arcadey stuff until it's an arcadey take on old PC tropes...

Don't even know what I'm looking at with this post. Like... what?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
thread made me try it. Played 1 hour of it, its fantastic. Thats all.

GOTY? Sure, I can see it for some people that want specific things. It knows what it is and it executes it perfectly.


Stormy Grey
And Kentucky Route Zero right?

I love Devil Daggers and don't even disagree with someone saying it's their GOTY but Kentucky Route Zero getting GOTY when one chapter had been released will always be hilarious to me.

KR0 has consistently been my GOTY for each year a chapter's been released. It puts the writing of other games to complete shame and has been consistently strong it its presentation, identity, and quality - the reactions and emotions that people have towards it that have played it since launch tend to reflect this!
KR0 has consistently been my GOTY for each year a chapter's been released. It puts the writing of other games to complete shame and has been consistently strong - the reactions and emotions that people have towards it that have played it since launch tend to reflect this!

I've been meaning to pick this up but I already have a backlog of 10+ adventure games to play/finish. Sounds right up my alley too.


KR0 has consistently been my GOTY for each year a chapter's been released. It puts the writing of other games to complete shame and has been consistently strong it its presentation, identity, and quality - the reactions and emotions that people have towards it that have played it since launch tend to reflect this!

I've owned it for like 4 years. When it's finally done I'll give it a shot but until then I'll be salty.

Edit: Only been three and a half.


Correct, I don't think an endless shooter with an extremely limited amount of content and low production value would be my GOTY. It definitely isn't valued by everyone equally, but I'd venture a though that it's valued by most. Let we forget GAF is not a population indicative of the general gaming populace by ant stretch of the imagination.

Ahh yes, the "content" argument, something they addressed in their reasoning.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes has multiplayer, more "content" than the original. "Content" is not indicative of quality, and often bogs down games with mediocre quests or game modes. I'm glad Rock, Paper, Shotgun addressed (or at least skirted) the topic because far too often I see recommendations of games on this forum praising how much "content" there is. It's meaningless corporate consumerist marketing lingo that has seeped into a community that is entrenched in consumerism while also attempting to claim works of artistic merit, despite treating any artistic appreciation as if it's a consumable and more of the same amorphous blob that is content.
I will never understand people discomfort with GOTY going to what the writer feels is the best game of the year rather than one of 5 multimillion sellers that everyone has already played.

Gamers would prefer nothing but Marvel movies nominated for best picture.


I mean, if you read the article, it seems to have been a tie breaker, 4-3, if they decide which game places first democratically amongst them. Brendan, Pip, and John all say they could not get into it despite seeing its merits.
Yeah, that's why I always like hearing or reading how editors arrive at a consensus this time of year. RPS isn't a monolith of opinion, not everyone has to have a game as their #1 for it to get GOTY.
Such a hipster choice. I like the sentiment behind it and that it's a conversation starter. But let's be real? You feel that passionately about that game? Come on. It's a posture more than a legit pick.

I pick my nose everyday. Love doing it. Wouldn't call it my activity if the year though.

I guess it's a good thing they weren't trying to guess your GOTY then.


This is a problem gamers seem worse than other fandoms: a widespread inability to separate their favorite from "the best". Even if they mean their "favorite", they insist on using objective language.

This isn't unique to games at all. The Oscars give out the "Best Picture" award not the "Academy's Favorite Picture". Gamers just struggle with understanding that there is no objective best game and anyone who says best means favorite.


Never even heard of this game, went to the steam page and noticed I had it in my library. I'm so confused, how can I not recognize this game at all have it in my library and now it's getting GOTY awards. Is this a dream?

EDIT: Was this in a humble bundle already?
EDIT2: Yeah it was in Jumbo Bundle 7. It's all coming back to me now haha.
I should give it a try.
I'm really glad they addressed the most aggravating criticism that I keep seeing brought up, lack of "content". This needs more push back. Games like Rocket League, Overwatch, and Death Daggers are refined and polished, excelling at the modes offered, and I'd rather play these then something filled to the brim with quests or different game modes that vary in quality. Game discussion really needs to move away from corporate consumerist lingo when describing and praising games.
There's something to be said for purity and attention to detail to just one thing instead of trying to be all things to all people.


I think it's a little too niche, but I for one loved it, and it's in my top 10 for the year. I still have yet to get its sole achievement (I'm at about 210s). Seems way harder to get than the one in The Witness! :p
I will never understand people discomfort with GOTY going to what the writer feels is the best game of the year rather than one of 5 multimillion sellers that everyone has already played.

Gamers would prefer nothing but Marvel movies nominated for best picture.

TBH I really do think the majority of gamers think these AAA mass market titles are generally the pinnacle of the medium. How dare they pick an indie title they loved over a super expensive and incredibly formulaic third person regen health shooter, that one sold more and was pretty!
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