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DF Retro: Doom - Every Console Port Tested!

I meant officially, it's never been rereleased. There's source ports to the PC, but they're fanmade.

EX is probably better than any historical port to PC would have been anyway :p

But knowing Kaiser, I imagine it will come out in an official capacity at some point... somehow.
Is there a reason Doom 64 is so dark? I remember quitting my playthrough for it and see it's the same here. Great video though!

Because it is awesome, that is why.


As some have commented on before, it was surprising to see the GBA port as high up on the list as it was. I remember loving it back in the day, and it's the only Doom I've ever finished.

It also had four-player deathmatch which was really impressive. I don't remember how the framerate was, but I'd reckon it was terrible.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
GBA version of DOOM 2 is much better than DOOM 1 for the creature comforts.

Also I've always dug the SNES version more than the 32x or Saturn versions, but less than the Jag or PS1 version.

DOOM 64 does rule all console versions though.


Re: Doom 3DO

I really liked watching the video of Burger Becky's explanation when that origonally came out. Some of the details were simply bonkers.

In terms of this video I do have to say that it was put together spectacularly and was highly informative but still managed to remain entertaining.

I was a bit distracted by the spittle on dark10x's lips though.
I meant officially, it's never been rereleased. There's source ports to the PC, but they're fanmade.

It is not official, but Doom 64 EX is by the same person who is making these Turok 1/2 Steam ports (he also did Powerslave EX). It is definitely as good as it is ever going to get.
Only watched the very first few minutes, saving it for tonight, but is there a very very VERY minor desynchronization starting around the 1:59 to 2:00 minute mark? I felt something off there when he talked, like image before sound.

I have give another minor correction at that point in the video. Doom wasn't partially responsible for the ERSB. The original 1993 senate hearings for violent video games only focused on Mortal Kombat, Night Trap and Lethal Enforcers and happened on December 9th, 1993 . The Doom shareware was released to BBS on December 10th, 1993, one day after the hearing took place.

Doom may have been mentioned in passing at hearings leading up to the creation of the ERSB, but it was never a big factor because the game was being published by ID Software initially through the shareware model. Doom didn't go retail on PC until 1995. The senate hearings for violent video games focused on games that were being sold in retail toy chains like Toys R us and such.

But otherwise, this is a minor nitpick as you only brought this in a few seconds worth of video. I am only 8 minutes and 30 seconds in, and the rest is great so far. I like the countdown from worst to best. Everything else has been spot on.


Yes, you're right. The reason is that since PS3 lacks HDCP support, I had to hook it up differently and couldn't capture the sound so I didn't have anything to use for comparison. I managed to get that footage inserted at 10pm last night before finishing up the video! There's a lot of extra things I would like to have covered but, hey.

No worries there mate, I was just saying.

As I said, great work! :D


Neo Member
Ah.. maybe you're right. I forgot vertical mouselook doesn't work well in the engine. Did any commercial doom engine games ever have it though (regardless of distortion) ?

Well, either way does that mean that the game works that way inherently? Or would they still have to add logic for the vertical autoaim? I tried looking through the source earlier to see if I could find the relevant function for it, but wasn't able to.
Doom's engine being "actually" 2D is a bit of a popular misconception.

The game is restricted to two dimensions in some respects, like the map layout (no rooms on top of rooms) and the camera angle. But otherwise the engine has heights, like for floors, ceilings and projectiles. So the engine allows for fireballs to fly over the player, prevents monsters from entering rooms that are too short, prevents the player from scaling walls but lets them climb stairs, etc. One notable exception is that monsters in the original Doom engine have infinite height for collisions: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Z-clipping

The part of the code that deals with setting the aim slope: https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM...e3ce2ab42ff54d20b/linuxdoom-1.10/p_map.c#L812


lmao anyone notice that the 32x version(and perhaps all the ports with only front facing sprites) also only have front facing rockets?

Doom's engine being "actually" 2D is a bit of a popular misconception.

The game is restricted to two dimensions in some respects, like the map layout (no rooms on top of rooms) and the camera angle. But otherwise the engine has heights, like for floors, ceilings and projectiles. So the engine allows for fireballs to fly over the player, prevents monsters from entering rooms that are too short, prevents the player from scaling walls but lets them climb stairs, etc. One notable exception is that monsters in the original Doom engine have infinite height for collisions: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Z-clipping

The part of the code that deals with setting the aim slope: https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM...e3ce2ab42ff54d20b/linuxdoom-1.10/p_map.c#L812

Yeah, I talked about it not really being 2D in my earlier post, thanks for pointing out the code that handles autoaim though.
GBA version of DOOM 2 is much better than DOOM 1 for the creature comforts.

Also I've always dug the SNES version more than the 32x or Saturn versions, but less than the Jag or PS1 version.

DOOM 64 does rule all console versions though.

I was reading up about the differences in the GBA dooms and they messed up the doom 2 shotgun by making the spread more compact and circular, making it more like a railgun then a shotgun with spread.

I still loved them, before the age of mobile phones running game apps well my little GBA was a great doom machine for a while.
I may have missed it in the video, but...

Why is everything based off of the Jag port? Because the Jag port already takes into consideration the hardware/CPU limitations of a console?


I don't mind the off screen portions at all. Breaks up the theme of the video a bit. If you're gonna stare at a game for 40 minutes it doesn't hurt to flavor it up from time to time like that.
Nice to see that you looked at the Japanese version of Doom for the Sega Saturn. It is one of those games that has been wildly reported as being better than the US version, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

It is a shame that version of Doom didn't use the Saturn's hardware to its advantage.

Also, the bright colours in the GBA port of Doom were intentional because of the non-backlit screen. Many GBA games from that era had high contrast sprites because of the lack of back light. I think it was something that Nintendo enforced.


I disagree with the Orignal Xbox version being so high on the list.

ign said:
GOD Mode: hold down LEFT TRIGGER and press A,A,A,A.

Left trigger is the strafe button, and the A button opens doors. Many times I accidentally turned on God Mode while searching for secret doors. It was annoying and would break the immersion. Once I figured out why God Mode kept turning on, I stopped playing.

For this, the PsOne version should have at least ranked higher than the Xbox version.

Otherwise, I absolutely loved this video. Nice work!


I may have missed it in the video, but...

Why is everything based off of the Jag port? Because the Jag port already takes into consideration the hardware/CPU limitations of a console?
Jag port was done directly by ID and I have to imagine it's easier to port from one console to another than PC to console


I may have missed it in the video, but...

Why is everything based off of the Jag port? Because the Jag port already takes into consideration the hardware/CPU limitations of a console?

I'd assume the main reason the Jag version became THE console version was because id worked on it themselves. It not only had shorter levels, which I'm sure helped in a few cases, but those changes were already guaranteed to be approved.


Good video!

Also glad to see the N64 version get a shoutout.

The history behind the 3DO version of Doom is insane. Such awesome research goes into these DF Retro videos.

I remember reading about that some years ago.

It's pretty damn crazy. Glad to see it got brought up though.

Jaguar version tries to justify it's unstable multiplayer LAN connection in the manual. It claims the game is taking place in Hell so there is interference during high data transfers.

haha that's amazing


I remember renting Doom 64 as a kid and hating it because the game was so dark and I couldn't see anything on my TV. This makes me want to give it another chance, though.

Same, I rented it and didn't even finish the first level. Even here with footage on my high quality and calibrated monitor I couldn't see myself playing it like that.


I remember as a kid finally being excited for some 4 player Doom mulitplayer on 64 since I could play Doom but not over the internet. Then Midway said they weren't doing it and gave the excuse that multiplayer wasn't fun with screen looking. I ignored it after that.


Gold Member
Awesome choice to do an episode for... Watching now.

Proud to say I've played almost every version outside of the GBA and Sega Saturn... and the thermostat (lol)


I remember as a kid finally being excited for some 4 player Doom mulitplayer on 64 since I could play Doom but not over the internet. Then Midway said they weren't doing it and gave the excuse that multiplayer wasn't fun with screen looking. I ignored it after that.

How in the hell does Doom64 not have multi? Wow.


I remember as a kid finally being excited for some 4 player Doom mulitplayer on 64 since I could play Doom but not over the internet. Then Midway said they weren't doing it and gave the excuse that multiplayer wasn't fun with screen looking. I ignored it after that.
Yeah, lack of multiplayer was the big downside with Doom 64.
The red cross on the health boxes of the Doom 3 BFG versions of Doom 1 and 2 were removed because of the Canadian Red Cross not being happy with video games using that symbol. Much more modern ports of Wolfenstein 3D also had the red crosses changed to blue crosses because of this.

Also, Doom and Final Doom on the Playstation 1 were fantastic ports for their day. The Jaguar port is cool too, but the Sony Playstation did have the best home port of the game.


A manager's threat of the ages is born

"Don't piss me off or I'll get you to go port Doom to the 3DO in a few weeks in a room by yourself with nothing but dissembled code and biscuits for company"!!
Funny tidbit:
Something similar happened with the port of of Wolfenstein 3D on SNES.
The japanese publisher Imagineer paid id Software to have a SNES port of Wolfenstein 3D. id Software then subcontracted another programmer to do it while they were working on Doom, the problem was the programmer didn't do anything at all and vanished without any warning.
Since the conversion was late Imagineer was very pissed and treated to sue id software therefore Carmack had to program the game in about 3 weeks!
Considering the limitations (it runs on a stock SNES without additional chips and it was ported in a few weeks) the SNES conversion turned out good (aside from Nintendo censorship).
The SNES port has a relatively good framerate because it run in the CPU at half resolution and then Mode 7 is used to scale up the graphics (that's why the graphics are quite pixellated).
The HUD is the only part sprite-based.



Doom is one of the holy trinity of gaming for me as far as being iconic and influential, right there with Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter. I can always play all three at any given time and still love it like the very first time.

Lady Gaia

I really liked watching the video of Burger Becky's explanation when that origonally came out. Some of the details were simply bonkers.

It's clear the project left her with a few emotional scars, because it comes up in conversation with her all the time.
Also: 3DO Doom was promised to have amazing live action FMV sequences.

They actually had a costume and took promo shots of it before they were scrapped..






Just watched, thoroughly enjoyed and immediately popped my PS1 copy of DOOM into my PS3, wow the default controls are set so that triangle is shoot and circle opens doors... Strafing work well with L1/R1 though.


Jaguar Doom was the only reason I had a Jaguar...and Tempest 2000.

Doom 64 is phenomenal. Probably the best Doom experience you can get.

I briefly played on 32x but the screen margin and music drove me nuts.


must have been quite the solace for Jaguar owners in the mid 90s knowing that, hey, at least you got the best version of Doom

so much of this was downright painful to watch, especially since i'm playing through Doom - Final Doom via gzdoom at the moment.

funny this comes up because last week my co-worker picked up an snes and asked me to help him accrue a bunch of games. then he asked me to seek out a copy of Doom and i totally lost my shit. poor guy really couldn't comprehend why that was sacrilege to me lol. i installed steam on his laptop and gifted him doom there. he was like "not what i asked for but... uh, thanks?"


god damn the jaguar version looks fantastic

I always felt in the 90s that the Jag version was the holy grail for console DOOM ports. I even tried to track down multiple Jags on clearance to just put together a cheap Doom gaming network (that link cable was hard to find), but I guess I was lucky not to finish the project (based on the multiplayer disconnecting according to the video). Otherwise, it was "everybody gather your PCs" and bring them together for DOOM LAN parties (or playing via dialup). IIRC, a 486 was required for full screen DOOM back in the day (with a 386 you had to downsize the screen).

Once the Saturn and PS1 ports were released, I was disgusted with the lack of care that went into the Saturn port. Likewise, I felt like the PS1 lighting "enhancements" were on the tacky side and didn't reflect the spirit of the original. Even at this point, I felt console-wise the Jag was still my favorite (that's just memory and does not come from revisiting them though).

There was some reason I didn't care as much for the original Xbox version, may have had something to do with the bad taste I had for DOOM 3. It wasn't until the Xbox 360/PS3 ports that we got versions I *finally* felt were superior to the PC. God, that control.. Incredible games.

Just for the hell of it after watching this DF Retro video, my first game I'm playing on the XB1X is going to be DOOM because I can.

DOOM up-scaled to 4k with the ultimate console version. Finally.


I briefly played on 32x but the screen margin and music drove me nuts.
Genuinely "robot farts".

must have been quite the solace for Jaguar owners in the mid 90s knowing that, hey, at least you got the best version of Doom
Jaguar has a small game library and most of them are quite poor works (it is quite obvious Atari allocated very small budgets for Jag games).
However it had a few good games that (almost) save the system from total irrelevance:
Doom (a better game than the much lauded Alien vs Predator), Rayman, Super Burnout, Tempest 2K, Defender 2K, Missile Command 3D.


Genuinely "robot farts".

Once the Saturn and PS1 ports were released, I was disgusted with the lack of care that went into the Saturn port. Likewise, I felt like the PS1 lighting "enhancements" were on the tacky side and didn't reflect the spirit of the original. Even at this point, I felt console-wise the Jag was still my favorite (that's just memory and does not come from revisiting them though).

There was some reason I didn't care as much for the original Xbox version, may have had something to do with the bad taste I had for DOOM 3. It wasn't until the Xbox 360/PS3 ports that we got versions I *finally* felt were superior to the PC. God, that control.. Incredible games.

Just for the hell of it after watching this DF Retro video, my first game I'm playing on the XB1X is going to be DOOM because I can.

DOOM up-scaled to 4k with the ultimate console version. Finally.
This is how felt about Jag. I loved that system. Can we play Doom on xb1?
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