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Digital Foundry Face-Off: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Purest 78

I'll take 1 to 1 pixel ratio with minor drops any day. I had no problem with MS forcing blizzard to bump Diablos Resolution, when it ran better at 900p. With the minor hit to the FR the bump was worth it. So great decision By the devs imo.
If they had made it 900p on PS4 it would have still likely been capped at 30fps so the benefit was so meager it almost blows my mind anyone would want it.

1-2FPS in rare instances is not worth downgrading the resolution. I hope developers stay on the side of maintaining 1080p.
But it is quite short and quite clear:

1. Get the PC version.
2. Don't have a decent PC? Do you value quality over minor (it says minor right there in the article) framedrops? PS4 version is easy to recommend.
3. Don't have a decent PC? Do you value framerate consistency above all else? Get the Xbone version.

How much more clear can they get?
No, that's clear.


Frostbite does a really great job at upscaling content. There's barely a perceivable difference in terms of IQ between the PS4 and the Xbox one versions. I mean, compare it to the Unity where the game running at 900p looks like a blurry POS.
Good to know. :) I prefer waiting for PC bugs to get squashed which is why I'll probably go console on this first and pick this up in a few months on PC after a price drop.

I understand. Personally I prefer not compromising my entire experience based on the off chance that I may or may not encounter a bug that is likely to be patched pretty soon anyway.


PS4 version all the way for consoles, mainly due to being 1080p and the framerate difference is very minuscule.


I've been all around impressed with this game, it looks really, really great. Great effects, great animations, great environments, clean image, great performance (avg around 90fps) and a really enjoyable game.

The only let down so far has been the 30fps cutscenes and on occasion I've seen a flickering texture in cutscenes which I believe is a bug with SLI.


They never said it was equivalent.

Equivalence can be suggested in many ways. You don't need to use the actual word - perhaps you know that already.

If PS4's occasional framerate dips are not equivalent in magnitude to PS4's persistent resolution advantage in the entirety of the game, then the PS4 should have been the obvious pick. It's called having some perspective.
These things are always funny to me. I've played 15+ hours of DA:I and have seen not a single torn frame and noticed not a single dropped frame. Yet here we are .....

I will take 1080p with the occassional frame drop you won't even notice and won't effect gameplay over 900p that you always notice any day.


Its absolute bullshit to recommend the bone version as more stable when it requires 900P to get there. It's spurious and smacks of trying to placate Xbox owners who yet again have the weaker port.

I get it though, being upfront will get them less hits.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I agree, Eurogamer did really hard on nitpicking this framerate advantage and they are doing so much recently in almost every game, some of their articles and game reviews of PS4 too. So i seriously doubt they will continue this and bias more towards XB1 by trying to provide XB1 advantage some spotlight more than providing faithful information in analysis. I think we might need a competitor for doing these kind of analysis, so we can get more accurate answers.
No no no no no.

I cannot BELIEVE that people are actually suspecting some sort of bias here. I mean, it absolutely blows my mind though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

This is NOT nitpicking. I put a solid 8 hours into the XBone version of the game and it is 99.99999% locked at 30 fps. It just doesn't dip. "I" think that is worth something.

I received the PS4 version later and was actually expecting them to be equal so I was completely surprised and very disappointed when that didn't prove to be the case. It dips far more often than I expected even during normal exploration. It's still much better than any other Bioware console release to date but compared to the completely stable XO version it was a huge disappointment. On the console side I actually prefer building my library on the PS4, it should be noted, so these types of situations are not what I want to see. However, I put aside that bias and present the findings as they are. People are looking for bias where there is none.


When is the grass comparison releasing? This will be the true test.



No no no no no.

I cannot BELIEVE that people are actually suspecting some sort of bias here. I mean, it absolutely blows my mind though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

This is NOT nitpicking. I put a solid 8 hours into the XBone version of the game and it is 99.99999% locked at 30 fps. It just doesn't dip. "I" think that is worth something.

I received the PS4 version later and was actually expecting them to be equal so I was completely surprised and very disappointed when that didn't prove to be the case. It dips far more often than I expected even during normal exploration. It's still much better than any other Bioware console release to date but compared to the completely stable XO version it was a huge disappointment. On the console side I actually prefer building my library on the PS4, it should be noted, so these types of situations are not what I want to see. However, I put aside that bias and present the findings as they are. People are looking for bias where there is none.

Thanks for weighing in, and clearing things up. Keep up the awesome work.


I'd be in the dick
I'm surprised they found any framedrops on PS4 at all outside of cutscenes. 20 hours in and I haven't noticed a single drop during gameplay. Usually even small drops from 30 I can notice right away.
i cant understand how people find this game visually impressive. the visuals do not justify even xbone having to run at sub 1080p

I think it looks very impressive. I just got to the Storm Coast and damn it looks so good. The rain, the cliffs, the forrest, the sea...


No no no no no.

I cannot BELIEVE that people are actually suspecting some sort of bias here. I mean, it absolutely blows my mind though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

This is NOT nitpicking. I put a solid 8 hours into the XBone version of the game and it is 99.99999% locked at 30 fps. It just doesn't dip. "I" think that is worth something.

I received the PS4 version later and was actually expecting them to be equal so I was completely surprised and very disappointed when that didn't prove to be the case. It dips far more often than I expected even during normal exploration. It's still much better than any other Bioware console release to date but compared to the completely stable XO version it was a huge disappointment. On the console side I actually prefer building my library on the PS4, it should be noted, so these types of situations are not what I want to see. However, I put aside that bias and present the findings as they are. People are looking for bias where there is none.

Probably because fps it's unlocked where on xone it's locked. Still not sure why Bioware choice to unlock fps on ps4: isn't it more unstable for this? But it's Bioware. I mean, I'm not expect from them to see an engine at it's best.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Probably because fps it's unlocked where on xone it's locked. Still not sure why Bioware choice to unlock fps on ps4: isn't it more unstable for this?
It's not unlocked on PS4.

Those occasional jumps over 30 fps are frame pacing issues and very rare.


This is NOT nitpicking. I put a solid 8 hours into the XBone version of the game and it is 99.99999% locked at 30 fps. It just doesn't dip. "I" think that is worth something.

Someone else had quite the opposite experience.

What's going on here?


I'd be in the dick
Probably because fps it's unlocked where on xone it's locked. Still not sure why Bioware choice to unlock fps on ps4: isn't it more unstable for this?
I really think at this point devs are working harder on getting the XBO version up to snuff while the PS4 can mostly take what they throw at it at 1080p hence games like this and AW where there are some rare and minor framedrops.


In two of the several scenes in the video does it dip more than 1-2fps. By the sounds of the article these are rare cases.

I don't think any developer would or should make a blanket cut to image quality 100% of the time to deal with corner case dips like this that may appear for tiny fractions of game time. At most they could implement an adaptive resolution that could kick in in isolated cases, but otherwise they made the right choice. Cutting res would be way overkill here.

Agreed personally watching video the drops doesnt seem bad indeed and they dont last long amd the tearing I probably wouldn't notice as it doesn't sound too bad and it has to be quite bad to be noticeable to me.
I think this is overly dramatic but there is some truth to it. 1080p has become a bullet point this gen. The PS4 has the juice to get to 1080p but not without some sacrifices. People are overestimating the PS4's power advantage.



Developing for XB1 as a priority and then slapping together a PS4 port is far more believeable. December 6th can't come soon enough to blast this fact-devoid gap-is-closing theory out.


Someone else had quite the opposite experience.

What's going on here?

Lack of any framerate comparison, or a video comparison of any kind, makes me dubious of their claim.

Edit: Derp, there is a video comparison. But still no framerate comparison video.


Someone else had quite the opposite experience.

What's going on here?

Lmaoooooo really gamingbolt you cannot be serious... Have you seen there other so called comparisons. Please they don't have to equipment to provide objective data like DF none the experience or knowledge.


It's a 1-2fps advantage for the Xbox One in certain sections. It's highly unlikely that you're going to notice something like that unless you have a frame counter going while you play.
I agree. Give me 1080p and keep that 1 fps advantage.


I'm playing the PS4 version and it's absolutely smooth and great looking considering the cross gen nature.

I'm beginning to think that DF's PS4 is faulty because their machine doesn't reflect what I see on mine to warrant some of the wording in their articles.


Lmaoooooo really gamingbolt you cannot be serious... Have you seen there other so called comparisons. Please they don't have to equipment to provide subjective data like DF none the experience or knowledge.

Lol. Perfect typo.


No no no no no.

I cannot BELIEVE that people are actually suspecting some sort of bias here. I mean, it absolutely blows my mind though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

This is NOT nitpicking. I put a solid 8 hours into the XBone version of the game and it is 99.99999% locked at 30 fps. It just doesn't dip. "I" think that is worth something.

I received the PS4 version later and was actually expecting them to be equal so I was completely surprised and very disappointed when that didn't prove to be the case. It dips far more often than I expected even during normal exploration. It's still much better than any other Bioware console release to date but compared to the completely stable XO version it was a huge disappointment. On the console side I actually prefer building my library on the PS4, it should be noted, so these types of situations are not what I want to see. However, I put aside that bias and present the findings as they are. People are looking for bias where there is none.
So in your opinion what happened? Not enough optimization or XB1 has some secret sauce we don't know about?


I'm beginning to think that DF's PS4 is faulty because their machine doesn't reflect what I see on mine to warrant some of the wording in their articles.

It's not that easy catch the difference from 30 fps and barely below, for the human eyes.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Someone else had quite the opposite experience.

What's going on here?
That's flat out bullshit.

Simply untrue. I played both versions fully patched the latest revision. The frame-rate is completely steady on Xbox One but not on PS4. It's really that simple.

So in your opinion what happened? Not enough optimization or XB1 has some secret sauce we don't know about?
There's no secret sauce. 1080p is a lot more pixels than 900p and the difference in hardware between XO and PS4 isn't enough to make up the gap in this case. If XO were running at 1080p it would most certainly run worse than the PS4 version but if the PS4 version were dropped to 900p it would also be perfect, I'm quite confident. It's clear that Bioware made a judgement call and determined that the minor dips on PS4 weren't worth dropping the resolution for.

It's not that easy catch the difference from 30 fps and barely below, for the human eyes.
It's extremely easy, actually.




Developing for XB1 as a priority and then slapping together a PS4 port is far more believeable. December 6th can't come soon enough to blast this fact-devoid gap-is-closing theory out.

Lol what, no ones claiming the gap is closing, the XB1 still runs at 900p and PS4 runs at 1080p. But it is a fact that the PS4 can't quite keep up the same framerate as the XB1 under this extra load, there's literally video evidence.


Lmaoooooo really gamingbolt you cannot be serious... Have you seen there other so called comparisons. Please they don't have to equipment to provide subjective data like DF none the experience or knowledge.
Videos look off to after watching


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
That's flat out bullshit.

Simply untrue. I played both versions fully patched the latest revision. The frame-rate is completely steady on Xbox One but not on PS4. It's really that simple.

are you OK ?
please reply if you are heh.


Yeah easily

Hmm if this becomes a trend i am buying an Xbox one really soon since

Fps >>>> visuals

Fps directly affects gameplay, visuals do not

Who needs visuals... Play with your eyes closed (no need for visuals, graphics, IQ and all the unnecessary effects) and feel dat 1 fps gameplay advantage! mmmmmm....
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