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Disgaea 5 announced for PS4 in 2015


My thoughts exactly. The girl could pass for Flonne. Maybe she decided to don more of a Fallen Angel look. And the guy on the far left looks like Valvatorez from behind w/o his cape.
do you mean mao?


flonne has blue eyes and blond hair. this girl has pink hair and red eyes. i thought it was artina, but she has pink hair and blue eyes - but she is the closest in resemblance.

i think it's a stretch for any four of those people to be returning characters, but i wouldn't put it past them to pull a disgaea all-stars with this. i mean, axel and raspberyl from d2 and d3 respectively were major players in d4.


Good to see it's PS4 only. Not that they'll take much advantage of the PS4's hardware, but oldgen...ugh.

Wonder if they'll have higher res sprites or no--HD sprites weren't quite naitive res on PS3 were they? Not that HW was a limiting factor. Disgaea 4/D2 quality sprites were plenty good enough I suppose.

Hope they keep all the improvements/streamlining of D2 and then some. Though I kinda miss when the Land of Carnage got it's own "home base" map.

Hoping for full 3D characters. I've had enough of these cardboard cutouts.

Nooooooooooooooooo thank you. They'd have to surpass GG Xrd's tech to have cell shaded models looking as good as the HD sprites at the standard view distance + higher number of models at once. This is a case where 3D is basically never going to look as good as 2D.


do you mean mao?

flonne has blue eyes and blond hair. this girl has pink hair and red eyes. i thought it was artina, but she has pink hair and blue eyes - but she is the closest in resemblance.

i think it's a stretch for any four of those people to be returning characters, but i wouldn't put it past them to pull a disgaea all-stars with this. i mean, axel and raspberyl from d2 and d3 respectively were major players in d4.

Flonne does look like she's sitting on top of the golden/yellow prinny.


do you mean mao?

I think he means the hair. The hair is like Tyrant Valvatorez's ponytail (though obviously the hair colour isn't the same)

Also for some reason I could see Mao looking like that if Champloo decided to train him up. I'm skeptical it's actually him though.

Honestly I don't think that any of these people are returning characters. I just think guys like the Zetta/Akuma look alike are happening because we're on the 5th game now and the designs are starting to feel a bit same-y


I'm all in. Looking forward to inevitable Vita version as well. I'll double dip that as well, same with what I did for both D3 and D4.
Nooooooooooooooooo thank you. They'd have to surpass GG Xrd's tech to have cell shaded models looking as good as the HD sprites at the standard view distance + higher number of models at once. This is a case where 3D is basically never going to look as good as 2D.
I respectly disagree; 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds look like shit, always have always will do. It stands out like a sore thumb, especially when they started scaling them up for special attacks and the like. I wouldn't be so bad if they where vector based, at least then they wouldn't look a blocky mess when blown up.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Guessing it's all new characters, otherwise they'd have gone with some other name, I'd think.

I'm curious for this one to see what the next big 'overhaul' is, from a systems perspective.

The story will be whatever it will, given that it's NISA, but considering how much of a jump DD2 was in getting rid of much of the 'grind' factor, I'm curious as to what's left, aside from visual fidelity of all of the skills/spells.

Hopefully they keep the cheat shop, voice option = 3 different evilities, and maybe, just maybe, special skills for generics to make them more worth using (even tho that's almost always delayed for the portable version).

That, and stay away from the skill shop for powering up weapon moves. worst part of D3 and D4.


I don't think Disgaea's sprites were ever difficult on the PS2 but more so the numbers and mechanics under the hood that was pushing it.

I mean the PS3 Disgaeas had even higher numbers then the PS2 Disgaeas, so I think really it was more or less about getting around the 32-bit integer, and when there was a load of attacks going at once, there was SLOW DOWN on the PS2 just trying to keep up with the numbers.

Even with an unsigned it went to just under 4.3 Billion.

This is explains why stats in D4 and Disgaea D2 (Especially factoring Rasetsu) digits can go into hundreds of billions


PS4 is probably using a unsigned 64-bit integer as well, so numbers probably won't change.


I don't think Disgaea's sprites were ever difficult on the PS2 but more so the numbers and mechanics under the hood that was pushing it.

I mean the PS3 Disgaeas had even higher numbers then the PS2 Disgaeas, so I think really it was more or less about getting around the 32-bit integer, and when there was a load of attacks going at once, there was SLOW DOWN on the PS2 just trying to keep up with the numbers.

Even with an unsigned it went to just under 4.3 Billion.

This is explains why stats in D4 and Disgaea D2 (Especially factoring Rasetsu) digits can go into hundreds of billions


PS4 is probably using a unsigned 64-bit integer as well, so numbers probably won't change.

Jesus...I've played a bit of Disgaea and beat the first Prinny game (I'm currently playing NIS's oldest "predecessor" Rhapsody) but dayum those are intimidating numbers.
No way the pink girl is flonne.....I would be very surprised if thats the case. Also no returning etna :( If this is going to include previous characters she better be in.


It remember me that I need to buy both Disgaea 3 and 4 on PS Vita. Damn, I had a blast with 1 and 2 on PS2. Need those!



The magazine report also has some quotes from Nippon Ichi president Sohei Niikawa, who stated ,“We thought about going multi-platform with PlayStation 3, but doing so would’ve made the PS3 the standard. Since we’re making it, I want to be able to offer something that could only be done with the PlayStation 4.”

We need more brave Japanese developers.
Niikawa said:
The number of characters that can be displayed at once has vastly grown. On the PlayStation 3 it was limited to 10 characters shown in high definition, but the PlayStation 4 can display 100 characters.

It'd be cool if they increased the party limit from 10


Magazine exclusive demo :(
I wsntz

Nooooooooooooooooo thank you. They'd have to surpass GG Xrd's tech to have cell shaded models looking as good as the HD sprites at the standard view distance + higher number of models at once. This is a case where 3D is basically never going to look as good as 2D.

You're right they won't
maybe better animation
But most importantly
It opens up the possibility of visible gear change
And alt costumes

N1 should really take a look at how Gust benefitted from the transition


that puzzling face
Hopefully they fix the basic flaws that have been around since D1. For example; why does managing my inventory of specialists have to be such a pain?

Disgaea D2 did quite a bit of that, including specifically a specialist warehouse (Thank God).

That specific feature even got 'back-ported' to Disgaea 4 Vita, so I guess they're aware that certain areas of the game are obtuse in the non-fun way.
Scans are out, couple of new details:

- HD sprites are still here.
- Visual interface is an updated version of D2's, though character icons revert back to how they were in previous games.
- Main character may use fists as his main weapon.
- Weapon mastery may return, though Books might not.
- Two new races: Zombie Maid and some flying demon.
- New "Revenge" mechanic.


Good to see it's PS4 only. Not that they'll take much advantage of the PS4's hardware, but oldgen...ugh.

there are more to games then merely graphics. I wouldn't be surprised if disgaea 5 ended up using a ton of the ram on the ps4 which will allow them to do stuff like 10 times the number of characters on screen (already confirmed) as well as a lot more complex math in the background (and it's already pretty complex) both of which would likely make a ps3 version sad. The interesting thing will be if the vita can handle the game, or if we will just have to deal with playing it via remote play on the vita because it doesn't have enough ram to manage what the game needs to compute.


Damn I hoped they would upgrade the sprites and 3d work but I guess that's for the PS5

it would likely be for disgaea 6. I imagine they will take a similar path crossing gens as they did for disgaea 3/4
aka disgaea 5 will likely take the numbers even higher, have a number of reworked systems, and a lot more crazyness going on.
disgaea 6 will improve the graphics, and fine tune the new systems maybe replacing a few of them/adding a few more but feel similar to 5 just more polished.

aka what 3/4 did in comparison to 2.


Oh man, after The Witch and the Hundred Knight and Awakened Fate Ultimatum, I was hoping they'd improve the enviroments

I mean, it didn't need to use 3D models like AFU, but they were improving on the scenarios, and I was hoping it would translate to D5.

Oh well, maybe in Disgaea 6


Scans are out, couple of new details:

- HD sprites are still here.
- Visual interface is an updated version of D2's, though character icons revert back to how they were in previous games.
- Main character may use fists as his main weapon.
- Weapon mastery may return, though Books might not.
- Two new races: Zombie Maid and some flying demon.
- New "Revenge" mechanic.


Interest x10.


Oh man, after The Witch and the Hundred Knight and Awakened Fate Ultimatum, I was hoping they'd improve the enviroments

I mean, it didn't need to use 3D models like AFU, but they were improving on the scenarios, and I was hoping it would translate to D5.

Oh well, maybe in Disgaea 6

I'm glad they aren't using 3d models... as their 3d models look terrible. The change to AFU is a huge turn off to me and has killed most of my interest for the game despite enjoying most of what I played of the first one (I haven't finished it yet just the first 5 or so stories i got distracted by other things)

Fucking killer app right here for me, original Disgaea fan since day one baby :D

indeed, I will likely get a ps4 fall 2015 (well more likely late spring) just for disgaea 5


Scans are out, couple of new details:

- HD sprites are still here.
- Visual interface is an updated version of D2's, though character icons revert back to how they were in previous games.
- Main character may use fists as his main weapon.
- Weapon mastery may return, though Books might not.
- Two new races: Zombie Maid and some flying demon.
- New "Revenge" mechanic.

AWWW YEA, were're getting amazing specials then like a man

Don't mind them sticking with the HD Sprites, its gorgeous all the same



I'm glad they aren't using 3d models... as their 3d models look terrible. The change to AFU is a huge turn off to me and has killed most of my interest for the game despite enjoying most of what I played of the first one (I haven't finished it yet just the first 5 or so stories i got distracted by other things)

To be fair, when I said "It didn't need", it was more like "They shoudn't do it".
I don't really mind the change (I disliked the sprites in GFP, to be honest; they didn't feel as good as usual), but they woudn't work in Disgaea.
Scans are out, couple of new details:

- HD sprites are still here.
- Visual interface is an updated version of D2's, though character icons revert back to how they were in previous games.
- Main character may use fists as his main weapon.
- Weapon mastery may return, though Books might not.
- Two new races: Zombie Maid and some flying demon.
- New "Revenge" mechanic.

I neeeeeeed this in my life.


At this point I think NISA should localize the game right when they are developing it. Disgaea is well received outside of Japan also, right?
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