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Dishonored Golden Cat Gameplay Walkthrough


The game seems awesome, but it's too bad the graphics look so, so terrible. Decent artstyle but the tech seems years out of date.
I get the graphics complaints but mannnnnnnn forget that. Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay. SYSTEMS, son, SYSTEMS. I wasn't high on this after the debut trailer, but the more gameplay I see, the more I want to get my hands on it. Looks deliciously "not 2012 game design" in the best way possible.


I thought the graphics looked good enough like when he was hanging around outside balconies and you got a look at the surrounding area. It's obviously not going to win any graphics awards but if the PC version really does have improved textures then it'll be fine.


I watched the combat one first and it took all the tension out of the stealth part, if he got caught I felt it would be really easy to just kill everybody.


I watched the combat one first and it took all the tension out of the stealth part, if he got caught I felt it would be really easy to just kill everybody.

It would be because this isn't being designed as a pure stealth game. It'll be like Deus Ex, you can have some basic stealth and if you get caught cut the guy's throat and move on. It doesn't even appear to have as many stealth mechanics as Human Revolution did and that wasn't much of a stealth game either. Like I haven't heard anything about sound playing a factor in sneaking. I'm sure if you sprint around they'll hear you but that's the most basic system. It did have a powerup to see through walls and see enemy cones of vision, which I personally won't use as it makes it too easy.


You've been awfully positive lately, what's up?



It would be because this isn't being designed as a pure stealth game. It'll be like Deus Ex, you can have some basic stealth and if you get caught cut the guy's throat and move on. It doesn't even appear to have as many stealth mechanics as Human Revolution did and that wasn't much of a stealth game either. Like I haven't heard anything about sound playing a factor in sneaking. I'm sure if you sprint around they'll hear you but that's the most basic system. It did have a powerup to see through walls and see enemy cones of vision, which I personally won't use as it makes it too easy.

I remember watching a video where it was said that sound does indeed play a role in stealth-play. Not only that but depending on what an NPC(s) is/are doing at the time will have an effect on their awareness. Like a guard standing watch on a balcony will most likely hear you approaching if you just walk up behind him but two or more guards in a group having a conversation will be distracted and wont notice if you quickly slip by them.
Looking great, but those abilities seem extremely OP, like you could go in and kill those 2 dudes and be out in 30 seconds flat.

Maybe he's playing on easy or something.
That dash/teleportation looks overpowered. They better make map layouts complicated enough so you can't just repeatedly stealth our way through 20 meters in half a second .
That dash/teleportation looks overpowered. They better make map layouts complicated enough so you can't just repeatedly stealth our way through 20 meters in half a second .

Maybe they are going for a faster game, with the levels shown basically extremely small in comparison to later on.

If the missions ahead were sprawling and insane enough, the wealth of abilities would be a flurry of awesome.


Maybe they are going for a faster game, with the levels shown basically extremely small in comparison to later on.

If the missions ahead were sprawling and insane enough, the wealth of abilities would be a flurry of awesome.

They did say the magic bar will limit people in some way but you'll have enough to always use Blink or a couple other moves. I guess the key thing will come down to how fast that first part of the bar recharges. If it's slow then you won't always be able to use blink just like in human revolution how the first energy bar took quite a while to recharge without any upgrades.

They said the game is 12-15 hours long and twice that (probably 20+ at least) if you go full stealth.

So this isn't open world right? Just a series of mission environments.

Nope not open world. It's sandbox levels though. You have objectives you have to complete but you're given a massive environment to work your creativity on.
Everyone has spider senses lol.
The combat looks surprisingly good. I'm probably gonna save the full stealth playthrough for a second run.


I plan to do the same for my first run, then play it with a direct and aggressive approach later. Both approaches look so satisfying for what they offer.

Exactly. It's so nice to see a game that can offer both and not sacrifice gameplay for either style. This is one of those few games that I could see myself replaying.

I keep throwing my wallet at the screen but the game doesn't come any faster :(

No, no, no. You're supposed to mail your wallet to this certain address and they'll give you copy ASAP. Yes, the address might look like a home address and it might match my IP's location, but I assure you it's real. Go ahead and send it...Please? :p


Neo Member

oh mayne.. need to contain my expectations.. or else it will disappoint me.

Exactly. It's so nice to see a game that can offer both and not sacrifice gameplay for either style. This is one of those few games that I could see myself replaying.
yeah normally i just run through games and never look back at them.. but games that offer different play styles, such as deus ex and skyrim i always look back at them and imagine how it would be playing it differently, and i always find stuff on youtube that i have never found in the game myself and that just make me want to play it again. sadly companys like activision figured that there was no profit in people playing a game twice.


I'm very interested in the gameplay systems here, but there's an off-putting lack of physicality to the world. Characters don't feel convincingly connected to the environment. Glass gets shattered, but the shards instantly clip through the ground as they fall. Bodies get completely splattered by Spring Razors, but the floor is almost totally spotless afterwards. It's difficult to describe, but nothing feels like it has proper mass or weight, or any convincing influence or effect on its surroundings.


Bought Deus Ex HR full price and will happily do the same for this. I can't get enough of games like this and we seem to get so few.


I actually think im gonna be stealthy but still kill on my first playthrough. Like the direct approach vid but without ever being noticed.

I wanna be able to experience the missions instead of doing the sidequests for other characters to take care of targets. And going through the game choking everyone seems like a bit of a waste of some powers. I wanna be fast and do cool shit.

I'll save super-non-harmful-slow-stealth for other playthroughs.


Neo Member
I actually think im gonna be stealthy but still kill on my first playthrough. Like the direct approach vid but without ever being noticed.

I wanna be able to experience the missions instead of doing the sidequests for other characters to take care of targets. And going through the game choking everyone seems like a bit of a waste of some powers. I wanna be fast and do cool shit.

I'll save super-non-harmful-slow-stealth for other playthroughs.

Sounds about like how I'll do it. My first time through a game's story/ campaign I never limit my playthrough to a certain style, I just play it however I feel at that particular moment. It'll be 2nd & 3rd playthroughs where I start trying specific things, but first time through is all about the initial experiences for me.

I'm digging how it looks like you can just be super fast & efficient though. A mix of that & stealth I'm guessing is going to be my preferred playstyle. With FarCry3 delayed to Dec., Dishonored stands as my first definite 'buy' at the moment come this fall. Can't wait!!


I really like the speed at which the character moves. Especially in that direct playthrough, it felt like you could cover a lot of ground fast while still remaining stealthy. I think that's awesome.

Definitely on my radar for the fall.


I really don't think the visuals are that bad, but maybe I am just used to playing on consoles. Along with the unique artistic direction, I think it actually looks pretty nice.
I agree. Obviously the PC version will look better, but I'm liking the visuals shown here.

I can't wait to play this. After learning that it wasn't open-world I was initially disappointed, but I'm totally back on board after everything they've shown this month.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I remember watching a video where it was said that sound does indeed play a role in stealth-play. Not only that but depending on what an NPC(s) is/are doing at the time will have an effect on their awareness. Like a guard standing watch on a balcony will most likely hear you approaching if you just walk up behind him but two or more guards in a group having a conversation will be distracted and wont notice if you quickly slip by them.

Yeah, this was mentioned in the GameSpot live demo, IIRC.


I'm pretty sceptical about how that's implemented. In the videos it seems like crouching solves the problems with making noise.

As it did in Human Revolution. That's what I mean when I said that and apparently this have only basic sound systems and that plays into them not really being pure stealth games.


As it did in Human Revolution. That's what I mean when I said that and apparently this have only basic sound systems and that plays into them not really being pure stealth games.

Yeah, I made the Deus Ex HR comparison in the other thread (news/interviews one). Granted this game is not a dedicated stealth game but the way he's moving in day light so easily and rapidly is not giving me a good vibe. The mana replenishment is also similar to Deus Ex HR.


I liked the stealth playthrough the most.

I don't get why people complain about the graphics. I think the game strikes a very nice chord between Bioschlock's steam punk and an added twinge of sharp edges everywhere. Don't much care for the cartoon-ish rats on the wharf, but what the hell.

The only thing that worries me is how on-rails the stealth play was and how much it was dependent on the short range teleport. Almost felt like cheating.

Still, one of the games that I am eagerly awaiting.


I can see where the graphics complaint comes from. It's really similar to Quake, Doom, Rage and X-Com FPS. That Old-school presentation. I think most people find it unpleasing because it gives that cancelled-game-gone-resurrected vibe or something.
Gameplay looks amazingly awesome, while the game has whole lot of that hmm... "Bethesdian clunkiness" (If that makes any sense to anyone even if this is only published by Bethesda. Is this on the same engine as Skyrim?) the gameplay makes up for it for sure.
I'm with most, the graphics are terrible. That being said, I could give two shits as long as it's a good game, and it looks like it will be. I expected the stealth play-through to be great -- and it was -- but I was surprised with how fun the deadly play-through looked. I could have a great time going balls-out through that level.


Gameplay looks amazingly awesome, while the game has whole lot of that hmm... "Bethesdian clunkiness" (If that makes any sense to anyone even if this is only published by Bethesda. Is this on the same engine as Skyrim?) the gameplay makes up for it for sure.

I don't think it uses gamebryo but what you're probably referring to is what PC people call jank. Most PC or PC oriented games have a little jank usually because they have so many complex systems in place. Euro PC developers are especially guilty of it because they usually don't have the budget to have top notch animation or engines, though that's probably not the case here since Zenimax is backing this.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Gameplay looks amazingly awesome, while the game has whole lot of that hmm... "Bethesdian clunkiness" (If that makes any sense to anyone even if this is only published by Bethesda. Is this on the same engine as Skyrim?) the gameplay makes up for it for sure.

No, it's using a modified UE3.

Bethesda Blog said:
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