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Disney cuts ties with PewDiePie after he posts antisemetic videos

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Since some of you are going to the hilt over defending PDP's bad antisemitic jokes and railing against WSJ, can you defend this joke?

The website fiverr is Israel-based. A person playing as Jesus gives out a message of "Hitler did nothing wrong".

"Can I just point out it's a little bit ironic that Jews somehow found another way to fuck Jesus over?"

I don't get it. Professional comedians have tons of skits which including racial jokes. I will admit I do not find some of these tasteful and no doubt comedians have often needed to revise these things.

That fiverr site does seem very sad, almost exploiting the poor.

No, he can't, and it's not. They reported what he said, "leaving out context" isn't libel.

Yes he can and misrepresenting his videos is clearly an issue that can be raised.


Since some of you are going to the hilt over defending PDP's bad antisemitic jokes and railing against WSJ, can you defend this joke?

The website fiverr is Israel-based. A person playing as Jesus gives out a message of "Hitler did nothing wrong".

"Can I just point out it's a little bit ironic that Jews somehow found another way to fuck Jesus over?"

nono, you see, he was making a comment on how Keemstar is so racist.

On the one hand I disagree that this is "offensive content". Because he immediatly clarifies it as a poor joke.
Which is the joke. Which is not brilliant but no reason to get angry
On the other I see why people are concerned because of the uprising "saying something very often ironically until it becomes normal to say" strategy we heard from r/thedonald and 4chan.
Which IS a problem. And needs to be tackled.
Which I more than often thought about: How? How to battle hidden proaganda? This is a international and diffcult problem
But is very different from what PDP is doing. And attributing this strategy to him is questionable to say the least. And to rave on his poor personality because of this and attacking him is just poor behavior.(Not talking about you 2)

it's lowbrow humor (attempt at, anyways) and there are more than enough jokes to make without having to resort to that, especially when you have a gigantic audience and partnerships with companies like Disney.

Look, I even agree with you here.


Since some of you are going to the hilt over defending PDP's bad antisemitic jokes and railing against WSJ, can you defend this joke?

The website fiverr is Israel-based. A person playing as Jesus gives out a message of "Hitler did nothing wrong".

"Can I just point out it's a little bit ironic that Jews somehow found another way to fuck Jesus over?"
Does this need defending? It's a joke, and this one is supposed to be offensive.
Man...this is it how your sentence sounds like to me. No closer look, no second thought, just really toxic letting off some steam

You now hurt the feelings of a random stranger
How do you proceed:
[ ]I dont give a fuck about you and I dont have the time to look any closer
[ ]I already looked pretty closly and PDP is still subhuman scum

Well, that's on you. I was just stating the obvious- it's lowbrow humor (attempt at, anyways) and there are more than enough jokes to make without having to resort to that, especially when you have a gigantic audience and partnerships with companies like Disney.


Well, he "can" in that he could try, but I can't see that working out for him.

In germany the Böhmermann case vs. Erdogan got won by...well Böhmermann, basically simply because of arguing about the "context"
Maybe someone heard about it here
But I have no idea about law


Is Louis CK a white supremacist because he says 'Nigger'?

This entire thing is stupid beyond belief, but I get it, outrage culture in the US and all.

The difference between the both have been made clear in this very thread numerous times.

It absolutely is OK, people like Louis CK do it everyday. But there is a point to the joke. There is a punchline. It very seldome just is "LOL, look at those jews!". Great comedians use tragedies like this and turn it into humour not targeting the victims but their perpetrators or turning it into a self-deprecating joke for playing on their own perceived ignorance.

Pewdiepie doesn't do any of that. For him, it's just "LOL, Holocaust." The End.

You'll notice that South Park still runs on a major network and has no problem getting ad placement for new episodes, as well as reruns throughout the day. So ask yourself: what's different about that, and this?

This is the cultural clash in comedy right now in a nutshell. It isn't about "political correctness" vs. "clean comedy" or something. Actual clean comics like Dan Nainan are 10x creepier than the most descriptive Louis C.K. pedophilia joke.

When your entire "joke" is simply saying something that you know makes people feel bad, with no satirical backbone, no actual joke, no purpose, what you're doing is functionally no different from saying the same thing like you mean it. And as Chan culture has so clearly taught us in the last few years, all you really do is provide cover for actual straight-up ideologues to say the exact same things, except they fucking mean it.

If the full context of your joke is "Death To Jews" because wow, you're not supposed to say that, you've simply done the verbal equivalent of taking your adult dick out on an elementary school bus. Oh, how shocking! There should not be a grown man taking his dick out in front of children! Ha ha ha ha! I can't believe he "went there"! Where are the SJWs now? Can you handle my political incorrectness? L M A O

Now, frankly, I don't give the slightest shit if you want to engage in this kind of vapidity. That's fine, it's a hell of a lot easier than saying something insightful or witty. What I resent is the idea that you want to be taken as seriously as the decent comedians and satirists of the world for doing the verbal equivalent of eating your own feces. No. If your joke is to say something that gets people mad, or reminds them of terrible things, or makes them feel less than human, they're probably going to get mad at you, not want to give you their money, not want to sponsor you, maybe even crack you one across the jaw.

Play in that end of the pool! You aren't entitled to respect for it.

"LOL, I said 'nigger'", "LOL, the Holocaust, amiride?" and "Kill all Jews!" aren't jokes or satire. They are offensive statements for the sake of shocking you with no punchline or merit. It's just "I did a thing I shouldn't!" Like animlboogy said: It's the verbal equivalent of taking your adult dick out on an elementary school bus. Oh, how shocking! There should not be a grown man taking his dick out in front of children! Ha ha ha ha! I can't believe he "went there"! Where are the SJWs now? Can you handle my political incorrectness? L M A O"


For you.
Since some of you are going to the hilt over defending PDP's bad antisemitic jokes and railing against WSJ, can you defend this joke?

The website fiverr is Israel-based. A person playing as Jesus gives out a message of "Hitler did nothing wrong".

"Can I just point out it's a little bit ironic that Jews somehow found another way to fuck Jesus over?"

It's a shitty bad joke, not nazi propaganda. Like countless jokes on South Park or Family Guy.


Why would he sue? It's not like he has lost any subscriber over this, seems like the opposite judging by the live sub stats. And he seems to have said questionable things before too so I doubt that he wants someone to dig around in his past. And does he really need the money he may have lost over this? If he stopped youtubing today he still wouldn't need to work another day in the rest of his life and would still have enough money to do whatever he wants.


It's a shitty bad joke, not nazi propaganda. Like countless jokes on South Park or Family Guy.
I mean it is literally nazi propaganda in the sense that blaming the Jews for killing Jesus was one of the causes of a millennium of anti-semitic violence culminating in the Holocaust, but you're right It's just a funny harmless joke.


Yo, saying it's a joke doesn't defend a person saying some ass backwards shit and getting put out for it. Public reaction shouldn't be nice to people who say some really ass backwards shit


"LOL, I said 'nigger'", "LOL, the Holocaust, amiride?" and "Kill all Jews!" aren't jokes or satire. They are offensive statements for the sake of shocking you with no punchline or merit. It's just "I did a thing I shouldn't!" Like animlboogy said: It's the verbal equivalent of taking your adult dick out on an elementary school bus. Oh, how shocking! There should not be a grown man taking his dick out in front of children! Ha ha ha ha! I can't believe he "went there"! Where are the SJWs now? Can you handle my political incorrectness? L M A O"


PDP tried to make some guys hold up an offensive sign, and they did it. That's the joke. If you didn't find it funny that's perfectly okay mate, but the way you're painting it is ridiculous and stupid. I'm sure you've never made an edgy joke before, huh? Only clean jokes at SilentRob's house!
The difference between the both have been made clear in this very thread numerous times.

"LOL, I said 'nigger'", "LOL, the Holocaust, amiride?" and "Kill all Jews!" aren't jokes or satire. They are offensive statements for the sake of shocking you with no punchline or merit. It's just "I did a thing I shouldn't!" Like animlboogy said: It's the verbal equivalent of taking your adult dick out on an elementary school bus. Oh, how shocking! There should not be a grown man taking his dick out in front of children! Ha ha ha ha! I can't believe he "went there"! Where are the SJWs now? Can you handle my political incorrectness? L M A O"

This is just dumb reductionism. Saying that PDP is just going LOL Holocaust is plain wrong and if not please point out in context where he explicity does this.

The fiverr thing was seeing what people would do for a fiverr which is admittedly sad, as is the website but the same can be said about numerous professional comedian skits.

The outfit was PDP ironically poking fun at the media's tendency to create the most absurd clickbait headlines.

There's a clear point to both of them. Your analogy is also shit. Have people forgotten how to use analogies?


Yo, saying it's a joke doesn't defend a person saying some ass backwards shit and getting put out for it. Public reaction shouldn't be nice to people who say some really ass backwards shit


Like I said on the other thread. A guy called me a n*gger to my face once, then said it was a joke and tried to brush it off. Does this make the guy ok as he called it a joke?

Just because Felix says he was joking doesn't mean it wasn't racist and disgusting.



PDP tried to make some guys hold up an offensive sign, and they did it. That's the joke. If you didn't find it funny that's perfectly okay mate, but the way you're painting it is ridiculous and stupid. I'm sure you've never made an edgy joke before, huh? Only clean jokes at SilentRob's house!
"Edgy." I think that is high praise for what essentially amounts to bottom feeder 4chan race-based humor, which is the mere utterance of slurs or hate rhetoric. It's not edgy. In fact, online it's all too common.
It's clear how "strong" the defense forces argument is when the can't bother to engage with animlboogy's excellent post. Rather they continue to recycle "is this nazi (insert actual satire) propaganda?" and crying about "outrage culture".

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Trying to build up PewDiePie as some razor sharp standup that people "just don't get" rather than the fraternity dumbshit he's always been and most likely always will be is an exercise in mental gymnastics.

Outrage culture is annoying sure, but what exacerbates it and helps it grow is never calling a spade a spade. PewDiePie has always been a synonym for Idiocracy's Ow My Balls really, and all that similar Youtube shit.


So is South Park and Family Guy nazi propaganda too?
In the case of South Park the anti-semitic statements are usually from Cartman who is portrayed as a bigoted piece of shit. If you are saying that pewdiepie is likewise a bigoted piece of shit then you have a point.

In Family Guy's case Mcfarlene has been accused of being anti-semitic. In one episode a line was changed from "Even though they killed my lord" to "I don't think they killed my lord". Mcfarlene defended the original line by pointing out that it is being said by Peter who is a racist idiot. If you are likewise saying that pewdiepie is a racist idiot, then you have a point.

I want to make this clear as well. I used "pewdiepie" instead of "Felix" in case you are trying to make the argument that pewdiepie is just a character he plays. If you are not, this conversation is meaningless because you are comparing fictional characters to a real person.


You can say whatever dumb unfunny jokes you want to Pewds, but don't act surprised that the giant family-friendly media conglomerate you inked a deal with pulls out when you do this shit. I don't care about whether it was or wasn't anti semitic, either way, it was unfunny. Be prepared for consequences when you're in a business tho bro.


So is South Park and Family Guy nazi propaganda too?

See, i feel like there's a difference between fictional characters on a satirical TV show doing something, and a person who - for all intents and purposes - acts 'naturally' doing so.

In the first case, it's blatantly obvious to the viewer that this part of an overall comedy program, because ... well ... it's a comedy show. Youtubers are always praised for their authenticity, their realness, being "approachable", very tightly connected to their community / audience - so far that their audience does consider them friend / role model. Noone considers Eric Cartman or Peter Griffin a role model, a friend, or a real person.

So just like we're holding fictional characters in entertainment media to different ethical standards when it comes to physical violence (like, i don't mind a fictional character solving their problems with violence, i do believe that real people shouldn't - for instance), i feel like similarly, we can have different standards with regards to where a certain line is crossed with regards to antisemitic humour.

(fictional) Apples and (authentic) Oranges imho.


In the case of South Park the anti-semitic statements are usually from Cartman who is portrayed as a bigoted piece of shit. If you are saying that pewdiepie is likewise a bigoted piece of shit then you have a point.

In Family Guy's case Mcfarlene has been accused of being anti-semitic. In one episode a line was changed from "Even though they killed my lord" to "I don't think they killed my lord". Mcfarlene defended the original line by pointing out that it is being said by Peter who is a racist idiot. If you are likewise saying that pewdiepie is a racist idiot, then you have a point.

See, i feel like there's a difference between fictional characters on a satirical TV show doing something, and a person who - for all intents and purposes - acts 'naturally' doing so.

In the first case, it's blatantly obvious to the viewer that this part of an overall comedy program, because ... well ... it's a comedy show. Youtubers are always praised for their authenticity, their realness, being "approachable", very tightly connected to their community / audience - so far that their audience does consider them friend / role model..

You 2 ignore the fact that one-as in, a real person- can act for a short moment like an idiot(yeah on purpose...) to make fun of a group or thoughtprocess. Dont you know someone who sometimes changes his voice to say something absurd?

Its like "eatchildrens" user name together with his profilepic. It is funny because he probably doesnt really consider eating children but the pure thought of it is so absurd that it results in a certain comedic effect.

Edit: also the accusation of macfarlane as an antisemit is like pure bullshit. Of course he gets accused of it because he has a large audience and that means the possibility of someone misuses his work against him grows and grows.


Is Louis CK a white supremacist because he says 'Nigger'?

This entire thing is stupid beyond belief, but I get it, outrage culture in the US and all.
Trying to downplay PDP's behaviour because other people, and/or blaming outrage culture is so incredibly tone-deaf that i'm seriously questioning your EQ. This is coming from a European btw.


You 2 ignore the fact that one-as in, a real person- can act for a short moment like an idiot(yeah on purpose...) to make fun of a group or thoughtprocess. Dont you know someone who sometimes changes his voice to say something absurd?

Its like "eatchildrens" user name together with his profilepic. It is funny because he probably doesnt really consider eating children but the pure thought of it is so absurd that it results in a certain comedic effect.

Edit: also the accusation of macfarlane as an antisemit is like pure bullshit. Of course he gets accused of it because he has a large audience and that means the possibility of someone misuses his work against him grows and grows.
i was specifically replying to "then would you call a fictional TV show antisemitic?", saying it's not an apt comparison whatsoever.
And yeah, while a person can 'for a short moment' act out some kind of persona, that doesn't mean that everyone understands what is and what isn't part of said persona. As opposed to a TV show - which is usually fictional 100% of the time.

Neither do i call/consider PewDiePie an anti-semite.


Yep, it's incredibly redundant to try and bring up stand up comedians and cartoon comedy shows.

Stand ups spend years of their life in front of real audiences, honing their craft, getting direct and sometimes confrontational feedback on their routines. Often times joke set ups are more about the structure than the words and they have to deal with the consequences of the words they choose.

Cartoon comedies have very specific characters and set up to enable the darker side of humour to be explored. It is also clear to anyone watching that these are caricatures and not the real opinions of the writers or actors. They are also scrutinised heavily in the media and are managed by producers, directors, writers, etc.

I don't believe PDP is an anti-semite or racist, but he's an idiot (or not depending on how this all settles in the public eye) and you can criticise what he has done. It's not rocket science


In the case of South Park the anti-semitic statements are usually from Cartman who is portrayed as a bigoted piece of shit. If you are saying that pewdiepie is likewise a bigoted piece of shit then you have a point.

Cartman cant be that bigotted, he thinks girls are funny too.



For you.
See, i feel like there's a difference between fictional characters on a satirical TV show doing something, and a person who - for all intents and purposes - acts 'naturally' doing so.

In the first case, it's blatantly obvious to the viewer that this part of an overall comedy program, because ... well ... it's a comedy show. Youtubers are always praised for their authenticity, their realness, being "approachable", very tightly connected to their community / audience - so far that their audience does consider them friend / role model. Noone considers Eric Cartman or Peter Griffin a role model, a friend, or a real person.

So just like we're holding fictional characters in entertainment media to different ethical standards when it comes to physical violence (like, i don't mind a fictional character solving their problems with violence, i do believe that real people shouldn't - for instance), i feel like similarly, we can have different standards with regards to where a certain line is crossed with regards to antisemitic humour.

(fictional) Apples and (authentic) Oranges imho.

So: people in real life makes offensive joke, with the joke being fucked up being the point.

Now that person makes the same joke, but puts their voice in a animated cartoon instead.

Is the fact that the person said it behind a cartoon the difference that makes it not anti-semitic/nazi propaganda? Because Seth MacFarlane has made such jokes himself without being behind a cartoon character.

Don't think some people get jokes aren't immune to be criticised.

I don't think anyone said that. They were shitty jokes. Disney rightfully dropped him from their network. You can rightfully criticize the jokes and how they were made. Starting to paint him as anti-semitic nazi character is well beyond that.


Exactly this sums it up quite well

But that's the whole issue.
A WWE wrestler can be a total heel in the ring, but a nice guy when not doing their show. Similarly, a comedian usually gets the benefit of the doubt for the jokes they crack on stage, yet what they say while not doing a routine can be held against them.

Again, Youtubers evoke the appearance of being a regular person who just shares / plays games in front of the camera. They interact with their audience, there is no kind of unspoken understanding that everything they say and do is part of a routine.
They vlog, they do draw-my-life stuff, they talk about current events. Clearly the idea is to evoke the impression "this is me, i am a geniune person", which has a big appeal to the young audience. The target is always to have the audience think you're their 'friend'. (or in this case, "bro"). They look up to them. "Regular guy, just like me, makes big bucks by playing video games." - did you miss the defense force for the guy who LITERALLY ADVERTISED HIS OWN CSGO CASINO TO MINORS.

In that setting, i simply don't feel it's appropriate to lightheartedly use these kinds of phrases and jokes.

So: people in real life makes offensive joke, with the joke being fucked up being the point.

Now that person makes the same joke, but puts their voice in a animated cartoon instead.

Is the fact that the person said it behind a cartoon the difference that makes it not anti-semitic/nazi propaganda? Because Seth MacFarlane has made such jokes himself without being behind a cartoon character.

haven't followed MacFarlane or any accusations about him so i can't comment on that. But yes, if Peter Griffin says "i need a jew" because he has money problems it's obvious satire because he's portrayed as an obvious asshole, dumbass.
When MacFarlane says "Whoa, where did all my money go, i better fetch me a jew", he deserves to be scrutinized.

I feel the 'contract' (of what constitutes satire, what's a joke) between the viewer and the joke-maker is much more clear in a show about fictional characters


If a comment (or attempted joke) isn't funny and doesn't have a greater message or anything, then it can only be judged based on it's content. If the content is racists/antisemetic, then that's what it is. You can't compare it to other comedians that were actually funny or had a bigger message, because that is not what happened here. He just did this for 'shock' value, and basically said 'it was just a joke bro'.

If I go into any thread on here and type 'death to all n-words', how many mods will believe I was 'just pranking'?
If a comment (or attempted joke) isn't funny and doesn't have a greater message or anything, then it can only be judged based on it's content. If the content is racists/antisemetic, then that's what it is. You can't compare it to other comedians that were actually funny or had a bigger message, because that is not what happened here. He just did this for 'shock' value, and basically said 'it was just a joke bro'.

If I go into any thread on here and type 'death to all n-words', how many mods will believe I was 'just pranking'?
But it obviously is funny to a lot of people.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
With people saying "the context" over and over again for these situations its turning into the implication from Dennis and It's Always Sunny for me.

"Don't worry you can say any horrible thing you want about anyone and no one can get angry or offended because of.... the context"
If a comment (or attempted joke) isn't funny and doesn't have a greater message or anything, then it can only be judged based on it's content. If the content is racists/antisemetic, then that's what it is. You can't compare it to other comedians that were actually funny or had a bigger message, because that is not what happened here. He just did this for 'shock' value, and basically said 'it was just a joke bro'.

If I go into any thread on here and type 'death to all n-words', how many mods will believe I was 'just pranking'?
Fun fact:

Here in Germany with have a comedian called Serdar Somuncu, who literally said the worst shit you can imagine (his motto: "Every minority deserves to be discriminated").

On the other hand, he is one of the best and most eloquent comedians in the country, often as a guest in public broadcasting and other discussions.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I think it depends.

Here in Germany with have a comedian called Serdar Somuncu, who literally said the worst shit you can imagine (his motto: "Every minority deserves to be discriminated").

On the other hand, he is one of the best and most eloquent comedians in the country, often as a guest in public broadcasting and other discussions.

It depends on the fact if you're actually funny. The bigger issue here is people think making a shocking offensive bigoted statement will get laughs and it will from certain sections of humanity. There has to be a lot more too it for that to really work and even then its doesn't mean you can't get shit for punching down. Jim Jeffries talks a lot about this and as a comedian who can be absolutely disgusting he's also talented and charismatic enough to pull off some pretty dark or fucked up jokes. Once again doesn't mean he should be free of criticism or outrage but I find only a small minority of comedians and artists can get away with really offensive and "edgy" humor well but that's often because of their sheer comedic talent. Lesser jokesters just can't pull this kind of stuff off, let alone on a consistent basis.


But that's the whole issue.
A WWE wrestler can be a total heel in the ring, but a nice guy when not doing their show. Similarly, a comedian usually gets the benefit of the doubt for the jokes they crack on stage, yet what they say while not doing a routine can be held against them.

Again, Youtubers evoke the appearance of being a regular person who just shares / plays games in front of the camera. They interact with their audience, there is no kind of unspoken understanding that everything they say and do is part of a routine.
They vlog, they do draw-my-life stuff, they talk about current events. Clearly the idea is to evoke the impression "this is me, i am a geniune person", which has a big appeal to the young audience. The target is always to have the audience think you're their 'friend'. (or in this case, "bro"). They look up to them. "Regular guy, just like me, makes big bucks by playing video games."

In that setting, i simply don't feel it's appropriate to lightheartedly use these kinds of phrases and jokes.

I agree wholly with what you said here. Its true.

When I watched the video I was suprised about the mature humor; mature in the sense of: he doesn´t spell his punchlines out for everybody e.g.

I think what he wants to produce is sometimes too mature/ironic for what a lot of his younger audience is probably capable of to understand.
Teachers here in germany for e.g.(no joke!) get educated that they shouldnt use irony in front of their classes because "they dont get it".
I think this is a terrible dumb solution.
Framing is what is importnant here.
I am "glad" PDP produces mature content so his young audience gets to see more than just flat boring talky talky entertainment. Trying to understand how somebody meant something helpsbuilding immensly needed social skills.
But yeah, more better framing wouldnt do any harm.


If I go into any thread on here and type 'death to all n-words', how many mods will believe I was 'just pranking'?

I think a more apt comparison would be if you ran a raffle on the forums for a Switch, but told a foreign member who couldn't be determined to have enough of a grasp of the language to be more discerning to say "kill all niggers" in a post to up their chances of winning, and then after the inevitable fallout against you, you come out and say, "No, guys you don't understand my biting satire about the immorality and stupidity of this poster who would obviously do anything for a Gabe console!"

Your account would totally be safe.
Fun fact:

Here in Germany with have a comedian called Serdar Somuncu, who literally said the worst shit you can imagine (his motto: "Every minority deserves to be discriminated").

On the other hand, he is one of the best and most eloquent comedians in the country, often as a guest in public broadcasting and other discussions.

Serdar Somuncus jokes are actually really clever compared to meme-culture "Hitler did nothing wrong".

I don't think anyone said that. They were shitty jokes. Disney rightfully dropped him from their network. You can rightfully criticize the jokes and how they were made. Starting to paint him as anti-semitic nazi character is well beyond that.

But thats not the problem here. I dont see any people here in the thread painting him as a neo-nazi.
The problem is that the "funny memes" about Hitler that are kinda popular since about 1-2 years are getting normalized by that and especially if his viewership is that young. Someone else said it. YouTubers act like your friends, thats their image. Kids look up to them.


I agree wholly with what you said here. Its true.

When I watched the video I was suprised about the mature humor; mature in the sense of: he doesn´t spell his punchlines out for everybody e.g.

I think what he wants to produce is sometimes too mature/ironic for what a lot of his audience is probably capable of to understand.
Teachers here in germany for e.g.(no joke!) get educated that they shouldnt use irony in front of their classes because "they dont get it".
I think this is a terrible dumb solution.
Framing is what is importnant here.
I am "glad" PDP produces mature content so his young audience gets to see more than just flat boring talky talky entertainment. Trying to understand how somebody meant something helpsbuilding immensly needed social skills.
But yeah, a bit more better framing wouldnt do any harm.

I do believe there's a big difference between "mature" content and "irony" and straightforward using hatespeech for the lulz.

There's plenty 'mature' content you can produce without crossing certain lines.
Like ... take Maddox for example. He makes rather mature / aggressive / sometimes borderline offensive videos. What constitues his 'persona' is clear to the audience. I don't mind that whatsoever. Those are clever, those are (often times, not always) funny.
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